import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform, Pressable, PressableProps } from 'react-native'; export type Props = PressableProps & { pressColor?: string; pressOpacity?: number; children: React.ReactNode; }; const ANDROID_VERSION_LOLLIPOP = 21; const ANDROID_SUPPORTS_RIPPLE = Platform.OS === 'android' && Platform.Version >= ANDROID_VERSION_LOLLIPOP; /** * PlatformPressable provides an abstraction on top of TouchableNativeFeedback and * TouchableOpacity to handle platform differences. * * On Android, you can pass the props of TouchableNativeFeedback. * On other platforms, you can pass the props of TouchableOpacity. */ export default function PlatformPressable({ android_ripple, pressColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .32)', pressOpacity, style, }: Props) { return ( [ { opacity: pressed && !ANDROID_SUPPORTS_RIPPLE ? pressOpacity : 1 }, typeof style === 'function' ? style({ pressed }) : style, ]} {} /> ); }