require 'json' require 'pathname' require 'optparse' def use_unimodules!(custom_options = {}) options = { modules_paths: ['../node_modules'], target: 'react-native', exclude: [], flags: {}, }.deep_merge(custom_options) modules_paths = options.fetch(:modules_paths) modules_to_exclude = options.fetch(:exclude) target = options.fetch(:target) flags = options.fetch(:flags) unimodules = {} unimodules_duplicates = [] project_directory = Pod::Config.instance.project_root modules_paths.each { |module_path| canonical_module_path =, module_path)).cleanpath glob_pattern = File.join(canonical_module_path, '**/*/**', 'unimodule.json') Dir.glob(glob_pattern) { |module_config_path| unimodule_json = JSON.parse( directory = File.dirname(module_config_path) platforms = unimodule_json['platforms'] || ['ios'] targets = unimodule_json['targets'] || ['react-native'] if unimodule_supports_platform(platforms, 'ios') && unimodule_supports_target(targets, target) package_json_path = File.join(directory, 'package.json') package_json = JSON.parse( package_name = unimodule_json['name'] || package_json['name'] if !modules_to_exclude.include?(package_name) unimodule_config = { 'subdirectory' => 'ios' }.merge(unimodule_json.fetch('ios', {})) unimodule_version = package_json['version'] if unimodules[package_name] unimodules_duplicates.push(package_name) end if !unimodules[package_name] || >=[package_name][:version]) unimodules[package_name] = { name: package_name, directory: directory, version: unimodule_version, config: unimodule_config, warned: false, } end end end } } if unimodules.values.length > 0 puts brown 'Installing unimodules:' unimodules.values.sort! { |x,y| x[:name] <=> y[:name] }.each { |unimodule| directory = unimodule[:directory] config = unimodule[:config] subdirectory = config['subdirectory'] pod_name = config.fetch('podName', find_pod_name(directory, subdirectory)) podspec_directory ="#{directory}/#{subdirectory}").relative_path_from(project_directory) puts " #{green unimodule[:name]}#{cyan "@"}#{magenta unimodule[:version]} from #{blue podspec_directory}" pod_options = flags.merge({ path: podspec_directory.to_s }) pod "#{pod_name}", pod_options } if unimodules_duplicates.length > 0 puts puts brown "Found some duplicated unimodule packages. Installed the ones with the highest version number." puts brown "Make sure following dependencies of your project are resolving to one specific version:" puts ' ' + unimodules_duplicates .uniq .map { |package_name| green(package_name) } .join(', ') end else puts puts brown "No unimodules found. Are you sure you've installed JS dependencies before installing pods?" end puts end def find_pod_name(package_path, subdirectory) podspec_path = Dir.glob(File.join(package_path, subdirectory, '*.podspec')).first return podspec_path && File.basename(podspec_path).chomp('.podspec') end def unimodule_supports_platform(platforms, platform) return platforms.class == Array && platforms.include?(platform) end def unimodule_supports_target(targets, target) return targets.class == Array && targets.include?(target) end def green(message) return "\e[32m#{message}\e[0m" end def brown(message) return "\e[33m#{message}\e[0m" end def blue(message) return "\e[34m#{message}\e[0m" end def magenta(message) return "\e[35m#{message}\e[0m" end def cyan(message) return "\e[36m#{message}\e[0m" end