import { ReactElement, Component, ComponentProps } from 'react'; import { NativeSyntheticEvent, ViewProps, StyleProp, ViewStyle, NativeMethodsMixin, UIManagerStatic, NativeScrollEvent } from 'react-native'; import type NativeWebViewComponent from './RNCWebViewNativeComponent'; type WebViewCommands = 'goForward' | 'goBack' | 'reload' | 'stopLoading' | 'postMessage' | 'injectJavaScript' | 'loadUrl' | 'requestFocus' | 'clearCache'; type AndroidWebViewCommands = 'clearHistory' | 'clearFormData'; interface RNCWebViewUIManager extends UIManagerStatic { getViewManagerConfig: (name: string) => { Commands: { [key in Commands]: number; }; }; } export type RNCWebViewUIManagerAndroid = RNCWebViewUIManager; export type RNCWebViewUIManagerIOS = RNCWebViewUIManager; export type RNCWebViewUIManagerMacOS = RNCWebViewUIManager; export type RNCWebViewUIManagerWindows = RNCWebViewUIManager; type WebViewState = 'IDLE' | 'LOADING' | 'ERROR'; interface BaseState { viewState: WebViewState; } interface NormalState extends BaseState { viewState: 'IDLE' | 'LOADING'; lastErrorEvent: WebViewError | null; } interface ErrorState extends BaseState { viewState: 'ERROR'; lastErrorEvent: WebViewError; } export type State = NormalState | ErrorState; type Constructor = new (...args: any[]) => T; declare class NativeWebViewMacOSComponent extends Component { } declare const NativeWebViewMacOSBase: Constructor & typeof NativeWebViewMacOSComponent; export declare class NativeWebViewMacOS extends NativeWebViewMacOSBase { } declare class NativeWebViewWindowsComponent extends Component { } declare const NativeWebViewWindowsBase: Constructor & typeof NativeWebViewWindowsComponent; export declare class NativeWebViewWindows extends NativeWebViewWindowsBase { } export interface ContentInsetProp { top?: number; left?: number; bottom?: number; right?: number; } export interface WebViewNativeEvent { url: string; loading: boolean; title: string; canGoBack: boolean; canGoForward: boolean; lockIdentifier: number; } export interface WebViewNativeProgressEvent extends WebViewNativeEvent { progress: number; } export interface WebViewNavigation extends WebViewNativeEvent { navigationType: 'click' | 'formsubmit' | 'backforward' | 'reload' | 'formresubmit' | 'other'; mainDocumentURL?: string; } export interface ShouldStartLoadRequest extends WebViewNavigation { isTopFrame: boolean; } export interface FileDownload { downloadUrl: string; } export type DecelerationRateConstant = 'normal' | 'fast'; export interface WebViewMessage extends WebViewNativeEvent { data: string; } export interface WebViewError extends WebViewNativeEvent { /** * `domain` is only used on iOS and macOS */ domain?: string; code: number; description: string; } export interface WebViewHttpError extends WebViewNativeEvent { description: string; statusCode: number; } export interface WebViewRenderProcessGoneDetail { didCrash: boolean; } export interface WebViewOpenWindow { targetUrl: string; } export type WebViewEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewProgressEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewNavigationEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type ShouldStartLoadRequestEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type FileDownloadEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewMessageEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewErrorEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewTerminatedEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewHttpErrorEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewRenderProcessGoneEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewOpenWindowEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type WebViewScrollEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent; export type DataDetectorTypes = 'phoneNumber' | 'link' | 'address' | 'calendarEvent' | 'trackingNumber' | 'flightNumber' | 'lookupSuggestion' | 'none' | 'all'; export type OverScrollModeType = 'always' | 'content' | 'never'; export type CacheMode = 'LOAD_DEFAULT' | 'LOAD_CACHE_ONLY' | 'LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK' | 'LOAD_NO_CACHE'; export type AndroidLayerType = 'none' | 'software' | 'hardware'; export interface WebViewSourceUri { /** * The URI to load in the `WebView`. Can be a local or remote file. */ uri: string; /** * The HTTP Method to use. Defaults to GET if not specified. * NOTE: On Android, only GET and POST are supported. */ method?: string; /** * Additional HTTP headers to send with the request. * NOTE: On Android, this can only be used with GET requests. */ headers?: Object; /** * The HTTP body to send with the request. This must be a valid * UTF-8 string, and will be sent exactly as specified, with no * additional encoding (e.g. URL-escaping or base64) applied. * NOTE: On Android, this can only be used with POST requests. */ body?: string; } export interface WebViewSourceHtml { /** * A static HTML page to display in the WebView. */ html: string; /** * The base URL to be used for any relative links in the HTML. */ baseUrl?: string; } export interface WebViewCustomMenuItems { /** * The unique key that will be added as a selector on the webview * Returned by the `onCustomMenuSelection` callback */ key: string; /** * The label to appear on the UI Menu when selecting text */ label: string; } export declare type SuppressMenuItem = 'cut' | 'copy' | 'paste' | 'replace' | 'bold' | 'italic' | 'underline' | 'select' | 'selectAll' | 'translate' | 'lookup' | 'share'; export type WebViewSource = WebViewSourceUri | WebViewSourceHtml; export interface ViewManager { shouldStartLoadWithLockIdentifier: Function; } export interface WebViewNativeConfig { /** * The native component used to render the WebView. */ component?: typeof NativeWebViewMacOS | typeof NativeWebViewComponent; /** * Set props directly on the native component WebView. Enables custom props which the * original WebView doesn't pass through. */ props?: Object; /** * Set the ViewManager to use for communication with the native side. * @platform ios, macos */ viewManager?: ViewManager; } export type OnShouldStartLoadWithRequest = (event: ShouldStartLoadRequest) => boolean; export interface BasicAuthCredential { /** * A username used for basic authentication. */ username: string; /** * A password used for basic authentication. */ password: string; } export interface CommonNativeWebViewProps extends ViewProps { cacheEnabled?: boolean; incognito?: boolean; injectedJavaScript?: string; injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded?: string; injectedJavaScriptForMainFrameOnly?: boolean; injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoadedForMainFrameOnly?: boolean; javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically?: boolean; mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction?: boolean; webviewDebuggingEnabled?: boolean; messagingEnabled: boolean; onScroll?: (event: WebViewScrollEvent) => void; onLoadingError: (event: WebViewErrorEvent) => void; onLoadingFinish: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void; onLoadingProgress: (event: WebViewProgressEvent) => void; onLoadingStart: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void; onHttpError: (event: WebViewHttpErrorEvent) => void; onMessage: (event: WebViewMessageEvent) => void; onShouldStartLoadWithRequest: (event: ShouldStartLoadRequestEvent) => void; showsHorizontalScrollIndicator?: boolean; showsVerticalScrollIndicator?: boolean; source: any; userAgent?: string; /** * Append to the existing user-agent. Overridden if `userAgent` is set. */ applicationNameForUserAgent?: string; basicAuthCredential?: BasicAuthCredential; } export declare type ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = 'automatic' | 'scrollableAxes' | 'never' | 'always'; export declare type MediaCapturePermissionGrantType = 'grantIfSameHostElsePrompt' | 'grantIfSameHostElseDeny' | 'deny' | 'grant' | 'prompt'; export declare type ContentMode = 'recommended' | 'mobile' | 'desktop'; export interface MacOSNativeWebViewProps extends CommonNativeWebViewProps { allowingReadAccessToURL?: string; allowFileAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures?: boolean; allowsInlineMediaPlayback?: boolean; allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback?: boolean; allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback?: boolean; allowsLinkPreview?: boolean; automaticallyAdjustContentInsets?: boolean; bounces?: boolean; contentInset?: ContentInsetProp; contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior?: ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior; directionalLockEnabled?: boolean; hideKeyboardAccessoryView?: boolean; javaScriptEnabled?: boolean; pagingEnabled?: boolean; scrollEnabled?: boolean; useSharedProcessPool?: boolean; onContentProcessDidTerminate?: (event: WebViewTerminatedEvent) => void; } export interface WindowsNativeWebViewProps extends CommonNativeWebViewProps { testID?: string; linkHandlingEnabled?: boolean; onOpenWindow?: (event: WebViewOpenWindowEvent) => void; onSourceChanged?: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void; } export interface WindowsWebViewProps extends WebViewSharedProps { /** * Boolean value that detenmines whether the web view should use the new chromium based edge webview. */ useWebView2?: boolean; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` should open a new window. * * This happens when the JS calls `'http://someurl', '_blank')` * or when the user clicks on a `` link. * * Only works with `useWebView2` set to `true`. * * @platform windows */ onOpenWindow?: (event: WebViewOpenWindowEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` responds to a request to load a new resource. * Works only on Windows. * * Only works with `useWebView2` set to `true`. * * @platform windows */ onSourceChanged?: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void; } export interface IOSWebViewProps extends WebViewSharedProps { /** * Does not store any data within the lifetime of the WebView. */ incognito?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that determines whether the web view bounces * when it reaches the edge of the content. The default value is `true`. * @platform ios */ bounces?: boolean; /** * A floating-point number that determines how quickly the scroll view * decelerates after the user lifts their finger. You may also use the * string shortcuts `"normal"` and `"fast"` which match the underlying iOS * settings for `UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal` and * `UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast` respectively: * * - normal: 0.998 * - fast: 0.99 (the default for iOS web view) * @platform ios */ decelerationRate?: DecelerationRateConstant | number; /** * Boolean value that determines whether scrolling is enabled in the * `WebView`. The default value is `true`. * @platform ios */ scrollEnabled?: boolean; /** * If the value of this property is true, the scroll view stops on multiples * of the scroll view’s bounds when the user scrolls. * The default value is false. * @platform ios */ pagingEnabled?: boolean; /** * Controls whether to adjust the content inset for web views that are * placed behind a navigation bar, tab bar, or toolbar. The default value * is `true`. * @platform ios */ automaticallyAdjustContentInsets?: boolean; /** * Controls whether to adjust the scroll indicator inset for web views that are * placed behind a navigation bar, tab bar, or toolbar. The default value * is `false`. (iOS 13+) * @platform ios */ automaticallyAdjustsScrollIndicatorInsets?: boolean; /** * This property specifies how the safe area insets are used to modify the * content area of the scroll view. The default value of this property is * "never". Available on iOS 11 and later. */ contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior?: ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior; /** * The amount by which the web view content is inset from the edges of * the scroll view. Defaults to {top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0}. * @platform ios */ contentInset?: ContentInsetProp; /** * Defaults to `recommended`, which loads mobile content on iPhone * and iPad Mini but desktop content on other iPads. * * Possible values are: * - `'recommended'` * - `'mobile'` * - `'desktop'` * @platform ios */ contentMode?: ContentMode; /** * Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in the web view's content. * By default only phone numbers are detected. * * You can provide one type or an array of many types. * * Possible values for `dataDetectorTypes` are: * * - `'phoneNumber'` * - `'link'` * - `'address'` * - `'calendarEvent'` * - `'none'` * - `'all'` * * With the new WebKit implementation, we have three new values: * - `'trackingNumber'`, * - `'flightNumber'`, * - `'lookupSuggestion'`, * * @platform ios */ readonly dataDetectorTypes?: DataDetectorTypes | DataDetectorTypes[]; /** * Boolean that determines whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the * native full-screen controller. The default value is `false`. * * **NOTE** : In order for video to play inline, not only does this * property need to be set to `true`, but the video element in the HTML * document must also include the `webkit-playsinline` attribute. * @platform ios */ allowsInlineMediaPlayback?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that indicates whether HTML5 videos can play Picture in Picture. * The default value is `true`. * * @platform macos */ allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether AirPlay is allowed. The default value is `false`. * @platform ios */ allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback?: boolean; /** * Hide the accessory view when the keyboard is open. Default is false to be * backward compatible. */ hideKeyboardAccessoryView?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether horizontal swipe gestures will trigger * back-forward list navigations. */ allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether WebKit WebView should be created using a shared * process pool, enabling WebViews to share cookies and localStorage between each other. * Default is true but can be set to false for backwards compatibility. * @platform ios */ useSharedProcessPool?: boolean; /** * The custom user agent string. * @platform ios */ userAgent?: string; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether pressing on a link * displays a preview of the destination for the link. * * This property is available on devices that support 3D Touch. * In iOS 10 and later, the default value is `true`; before that, the default value is `false`. * @platform ios */ allowsLinkPreview?: boolean; /** * Set true if shared cookies from HTTPCookieStorage should used for every load request. * The default value is `false`. * @platform ios */ sharedCookiesEnabled?: boolean; /** * When set to true the hardware silent switch is ignored. * The default value is `false`. * @platform ios */ ignoreSilentHardwareSwitch?: boolean; /** * Set true if StatusBar should be light when user watch video fullscreen. * The default value is `true`. * @platform ios */ autoManageStatusBarEnabled?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether scrolling is disabled in a particular direction. * The default value is `true`. * @platform ios */ directionalLockEnabled?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether web content can programmatically display the keyboard. * * When this property is set to true, the user must explicitly tap the elements in the * web view to display the keyboard (or other relevant input view) for that element. * When set to false, a focus event on an element causes the input view to be displayed * and associated with that element automatically. * * The default value is `true`. * @platform ios */ keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction?: boolean; /** * A String value that indicates which URLs the WebView's file can then * reference in scripts, AJAX requests, and CSS imports. This is only used * for WebViews that are loaded with a source.uri set to a `'file://'` URL. * * If not provided, the default is to only allow read access to the URL * provided in source.uri itself. * @platform ios */ allowingReadAccessToURL?: string; /** * Boolean that sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file * scheme URL should be allowed to access content from other file scheme URLs. * Including accessing content from other file scheme URLs * @platform ios */ allowFileAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; /** * Boolean that sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file * scheme URL should be allowed to access content from any origin. * Including accessing content from other file scheme URLs * @platform ios */ allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; /** * Function that is invoked when the WebKit WebView content process gets terminated. * @platform ios */ onContentProcessDidTerminate?: (event: WebViewTerminatedEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` should open a new window. * * This happens when the JS calls `'http://someurl', '_blank')` * or when the user clicks on a `` link. * * @platform ios */ onOpenWindow?: (event: WebViewOpenWindowEvent) => void; /** * If `true` (default), loads the `injectedJavaScript` only into the main frame. * If `false`, loads it into all frames (e.g. iframes). * @platform ios */ injectedJavaScriptForMainFrameOnly?: boolean; /** * If `true` (default), loads the `injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded` only into the main frame. * If `false`, loads it into all frames (e.g. iframes). * @platform ios */ injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoadedForMainFrameOnly?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that determines whether a pull to refresh gesture is * available in the `WebView`. The default value is `false`. * If `true`, sets `bounces` automatically to `true` * @platform ios * */ pullToRefreshEnabled?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that determines whether a pull to refresh gesture is * available in the `WebView`. The default value is `false`. * If `true`, sets `bounces` automatically to `true` * @platform ios * */ refreshControlLightMode?: boolean; /** * Function that is invoked when the client needs to download a file. * * iOS 13+ only: If the webview navigates to a URL that results in an HTTP * response with a Content-Disposition header 'attachment...', then * this will be called. * * iOS 8+: If the MIME type indicates that the content is not renderable by the * webview, that will also cause this to be called. On iOS versions before 13, * this is the only condition that will cause this function to be called. * * The application will need to provide its own code to actually download * the file. * * If not provided, the default is to let the webview try to render the file. */ onFileDownload?: (event: FileDownloadEvent) => void; /** * A Boolean value which, when set to `true`, indicates to WebKit that a WKWebView * will only navigate to app-bound domains. Once set, any attempt to navigate away * from an app-bound domain will fail with the error “App-bound domain failure.” * * Applications can specify up to 10 “app-bound” domains using a new * Info.plist key `WKAppBoundDomains`. * @platform ios */ limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains?: boolean; /** * If false indicates to WebKit that a WKWebView will not interact with text, thus * not showing a text selection loop. Only applicable for iOS 14.5 or greater. * * Defaults to true. * @platform ios */ textInteractionEnabled?: boolean; /** * This property specifies how to handle media capture permission requests. * Defaults to `prompt`, resulting in the user being prompted repeatedly. * Available on iOS 15 and later. */ mediaCapturePermissionGrantType?: MediaCapturePermissionGrantType; /** * A Boolean value which, when set to `true`, WebView will be rendered with Apple Pay support. * Once set, websites will be able to invoke apple pay from React Native Webview. * This comes with a cost features like `injectJavaScript`, html5 History,`sharedCookiesEnabled`, * `injectedJavaScript`, `injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded` will not work * {@link ApplePay Doc} * if you require to send message to App , webpage has to explicitly call webkit message handler * and receive it on `onMessage` handler on react native side * @example * window.webkit.messageHandlers.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage("hello apple pay") * @platform ios * The default value is false. */ enableApplePay?: boolean; /** * An array of objects which will be shown when selecting text. An empty array will suppress the menu. * These will appear after a long press to select text. * @platform ios, android */ menuItems?: WebViewCustomMenuItems[]; /** * An array of strings which will be suppressed from the menu. * @platform ios */ suppressMenuItems?: SuppressMenuItem[]; /** * The function fired when selecting a custom menu item created by `menuItems`. * It passes a WebViewEvent with a `nativeEvent`, where custom keys are passed: * `customMenuKey`: the string of the menu item * `selectedText`: the text selected on the document * @platform ios, android */ onCustomMenuSelection?: (event: { nativeEvent: { label: string; key: string; selectedText: string; }; }) => void; /** * A Boolean value that indicates whether the webview shows warnings for suspected * fraudulent content, such as malware or phishing attempts. * @platform ios */ fraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled?: boolean; } export interface MacOSWebViewProps extends WebViewSharedProps { /** * Does not store any data within the lifetime of the WebView. */ incognito?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that determines whether the web view bounces * when it reaches the edge of the content. The default value is `true`. * @platform macos */ bounces?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that determines whether scrolling is enabled in the * `WebView`. The default value is `true`. * @platform macos */ scrollEnabled?: boolean; /** * If the value of this property is true, the scroll view stops on multiples * of the scroll view’s bounds when the user scrolls. * The default value is false. * @platform macos */ pagingEnabled?: boolean; /** * Controls whether to adjust the content inset for web views that are * placed behind a navigation bar, tab bar, or toolbar. The default value * is `true`. * @platform macos */ automaticallyAdjustContentInsets?: boolean; /** * This property specifies how the safe area insets are used to modify the * content area of the scroll view. The default value of this property is * "never". Available on iOS 11 and later. */ contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior?: ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior; /** * The amount by which the web view content is inset from the edges of * the scroll view. Defaults to {top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0}. * @platform macos */ contentInset?: ContentInsetProp; /** * Boolean that determines whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the * native full-screen controller. The default value is `false`. * * **NOTE** : In order for video to play inline, not only does this * property need to be set to `true`, but the video element in the HTML * document must also include the `webkit-playsinline` attribute. * @platform macos */ allowsInlineMediaPlayback?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that indicates whether HTML5 videos can play Picture in Picture. * The default value is `true`. * * @platform ios */ allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether AirPlay is allowed. The default value is `false`. * @platform macos */ allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback?: boolean; /** * Hide the accessory view when the keyboard is open. Default is false to be * backward compatible. */ hideKeyboardAccessoryView?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether horizontal swipe gestures will trigger * back-forward list navigations. */ allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether WebKit WebView should be created using a shared * process pool, enabling WebViews to share cookies and localStorage between each other. * Default is true but can be set to false for backwards compatibility. * @platform macos */ useSharedProcessPool?: boolean; /** * The custom user agent string. */ userAgent?: string; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether pressing on a link * displays a preview of the destination for the link. * * This property is available on devices that support Force Touch trackpad. * @platform macos */ allowsLinkPreview?: boolean; /** * Set true if shared cookies from HTTPCookieStorage should used for every load request. * The default value is `false`. * @platform macos */ sharedCookiesEnabled?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value that determines whether scrolling is disabled in a particular direction. * The default value is `true`. * @platform macos */ directionalLockEnabled?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether web content can programmatically display the keyboard. * * When this property is set to true, the user must explicitly tap the elements in the * web view to display the keyboard (or other relevant input view) for that element. * When set to false, a focus event on an element causes the input view to be displayed * and associated with that element automatically. * * The default value is `true`. * @platform macos */ keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction?: boolean; /** * A String value that indicates which URLs the WebView's file can then * reference in scripts, AJAX requests, and CSS imports. This is only used * for WebViews that are loaded with a source.uri set to a `'file://'` URL. * * If not provided, the default is to only allow read access to the URL * provided in source.uri itself. * @platform macos */ allowingReadAccessToURL?: string; /** * Boolean that sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file * scheme URL should be allowed to access content from other file scheme URLs. * Including accessing content from other file scheme URLs * @platform macos */ allowFileAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; /** * Boolean that sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file * scheme URL should be allowed to access content from any origin. * Including accessing content from other file scheme URLs * @platform macos */ allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; /** * Function that is invoked when the WebKit WebView content process gets terminated. * @platform macos */ onContentProcessDidTerminate?: (event: WebViewTerminatedEvent) => void; } export interface AndroidWebViewProps extends WebViewSharedProps { onNavigationStateChange?: (event: WebViewNavigation) => void; onContentSizeChange?: (event: WebViewEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` process crashes or is killed by the OS. * Works only on Android (minimum API level 26). */ onRenderProcessGone?: (event: WebViewRenderProcessGoneEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` should open a new window. * * This happens when the JS calls `'http://someurl', '_blank')` * or when the user clicks on a `` link. * * @platform android */ onOpenWindow?: (event: WebViewOpenWindowEvent) => void; /** * * Set the cacheMode. Possible values are: * * - `'LOAD_DEFAULT'` (default) * - `'LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK'` * - `'LOAD_NO_CACHE'` * - `'LOAD_CACHE_ONLY'` * * @platform android */ cacheMode?: CacheMode; /** * * Sets the overScrollMode. Possible values are: * * - `'always'` (default) * - `'content'` * - `'never'` * * @platform android */ overScrollMode?: OverScrollModeType; /** * Boolean that controls whether the web content is scaled to fit * the view and enables the user to change the scale. The default value * is `true`. */ scalesPageToFit?: boolean; /** * Sets whether Geolocation is enabled. The default is false. * @platform android */ geolocationEnabled?: boolean; /** * Boolean that sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file * scheme URL should be allowed to access content from other file scheme URLs. * Including accessing content from other file scheme URLs * @platform android */ allowFileAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; /** * Boolean that sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file * scheme URL should be allowed to access content from any origin. * Including accessing content from other file scheme URLs * @platform android */ allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs?: boolean; /** * Sets whether the webview allow access to file system. * @platform android */ allowFileAccess?: boolean; /** * Used on Android only, controls whether form autocomplete data should be saved * @platform android */ saveFormDataDisabled?: boolean; /** * Boolean value to set whether the WebView supports multiple windows. Used on Android only * The default value is `true`. * @platform android */ setSupportMultipleWindows?: boolean; /** *, * Sets the layerType. Possible values are: * * - `'none'` (default) * - `'software'` * - `'hardware'` * * @platform android */ androidLayerType?: AndroidLayerType; /** * Boolean value to enable third party cookies in the `WebView`. Used on * Android Lollipop and above only as third party cookies are enabled by * default on Android Kitkat and below and on iOS. The default value is `true`. * @platform android */ thirdPartyCookiesEnabled?: boolean; /** * Boolean value to control whether DOM Storage is enabled. Used only in * Android. * @platform android */ domStorageEnabled?: boolean; /** * Sets the user-agent for the `WebView`. * @platform android */ userAgent?: string; /** * Sets number that controls text zoom of the page in percent. * @platform android */ textZoom?: number; /** * Specifies the mixed content mode. i.e WebView will allow a secure origin to load content from any other origin. * * Possible values for `mixedContentMode` are: * * - `'never'` (default) - WebView will not allow a secure origin to load content from an insecure origin. * - `'always'` - WebView will allow a secure origin to load content from any other origin, even if that origin is insecure. * - `'compatibility'` - WebView will attempt to be compatible with the approach of a modern web browser with regard to mixed content. * @platform android */ mixedContentMode?: 'never' | 'always' | 'compatibility'; /** * Sets ability to open fullscreen videos on Android devices. */ allowsFullscreenVideo?: boolean; /** * Configuring Dark Theme * * *NOTE* : The force dark setting is not persistent. You must call the static method every time your app process is started. * * *NOTE* : The change from day<->night mode is a configuration change so by default the activity will be restarted * and pickup the new values to apply the theme. * Take care when overriding this default behavior to ensure this method is still called when changes are made. * * @platform android */ forceDarkOn?: boolean; /** * Boolean value to control whether pinch zoom is enabled. Used only in Android. * Default to true * * @platform android */ setBuiltInZoomControls?: boolean; /** * Boolean value to control whether built-in zooms controls are displayed. Used only in Android. * Default to false * Controls will always be hidden if setBuiltInZoomControls is set to `false` * * @platform android */ setDisplayZoomControls?: boolean; /** * Allows to scroll inside the webview when used inside a scrollview. * Behaviour already existing on iOS. * Default to false * * @platform android */ nestedScrollEnabled?: boolean; /** * Sets the minimum font size. * A non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside the specified range will be pinned. * Default is 8. * @platform android */ minimumFontSize?: number; /** * Sets the message to be shown in the toast when downloading via the webview. * Default is 'Downloading'. * @platform android */ downloadingMessage?: string; /** * Sets the message to be shown in the toast when webview is unable to download due to permissions issue. * Default is 'Cannot download files as permission was denied. Please provide permission to write to storage, in order to download files.'. * @platform android */ lackPermissionToDownloadMessage?: string; /** * Boolean value to control whether webview can play media protected by DRM. * Default is false. * @platform android */ allowsProtectedMedia?: boolean; } export interface WebViewSharedProps extends ViewProps { /** * Loads static html or a uri (with optional headers) in the WebView. */ source?: WebViewSource; /** * Boolean value to enable JavaScript in the `WebView`. Used on Android only * as JavaScript is enabled by default on iOS. The default value is `true`. * @platform android */ javaScriptEnabled?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether JavaScript can open windows without user interaction. * The default value is `false`. */ javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically?: boolean; /** * Stylesheet object to set the style of the container view. */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Function that returns a view to show if there's an error. */ renderError?: (errorDomain: string | undefined, errorCode: number, errorDesc: string) => ReactElement; /** * Function that returns a loading indicator. */ renderLoading?: () => ReactElement; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` scrolls. */ onScroll?: ComponentProps['onScroll']; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` has finished loading. */ onLoad?: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` load succeeds or fails. */ onLoadEnd?: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent | WebViewErrorEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` starts loading. */ onLoadStart?: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` load fails. */ onError?: (event: WebViewErrorEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` receives an error status code. * Works on iOS and Android (minimum API level 23). */ onHttpError?: (event: WebViewHttpErrorEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` loading starts or ends. */ onNavigationStateChange?: (event: WebViewNavigation) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the webview calls `window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage`. * Setting this property will inject this global into your webview. * * `window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage` accepts one argument, `data`, which will be * available on the event object, ``. `data` must be a string. */ onMessage?: (event: WebViewMessageEvent) => void; /** * Function that is invoked when the `WebView` is loading. */ onLoadProgress?: (event: WebViewProgressEvent) => void; /** * Boolean value that forces the `WebView` to show the loading view * on the first load. */ startInLoadingState?: boolean; /** * Set this to provide JavaScript that will be injected into the web page * when the view loads. */ injectedJavaScript?: string; /** * Set this to provide JavaScript that will be injected into the web page * once the webview is initialized but before the view loads any content. */ injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded?: string; /** * If `true` (default; mandatory for Android), loads the `injectedJavaScript` only into the main frame. * If `false` (only supported on iOS and macOS), loads it into all frames (e.g. iframes). */ injectedJavaScriptForMainFrameOnly?: boolean; /** * If `true` (default; mandatory for Android), loads the `injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded` only into the main frame. * If `false` (only supported on iOS and macOS), loads it into all frames (e.g. iframes). */ injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoadedForMainFrameOnly?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that determines whether a horizontal scroll indicator is * shown in the `WebView`. The default value is `true`. */ showsHorizontalScrollIndicator?: boolean; /** * Boolean value that determines whether a vertical scroll indicator is * shown in the `WebView`. The default value is `true`. */ showsVerticalScrollIndicator?: boolean; /** * Boolean that determines whether HTML5 audio and video requires the user * to tap them before they start playing. The default value is `true`. */ mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction?: boolean; /** * List of origin strings to allow being navigated to. The strings allow * wildcards and get matched against *just* the origin (not the full URL). * If the user taps to navigate to a new page but the new page is not in * this whitelist, we will open the URL in Safari. * The default whitelisted origins are "http://*" and "https://*". */ readonly originWhitelist?: string[]; /** * Function that allows custom handling of any web view requests. Return * `true` from the function to continue loading the request and `false` * to stop loading. The `navigationType` is always `other` on android. */ onShouldStartLoadWithRequest?: OnShouldStartLoadWithRequest; /** * Override the native component used to render the WebView. Enables a custom native * WebView which uses the same JavaScript as the original WebView. */ nativeConfig?: WebViewNativeConfig; /** * Should caching be enabled. Default is true. */ cacheEnabled?: boolean; /** * Append to the existing user-agent. Overridden if `userAgent` is set. */ applicationNameForUserAgent?: string; /** * An object that specifies the credentials of a user to be used for basic authentication. */ basicAuthCredential?: BasicAuthCredential; /** * Inject a JavaScript object to be accessed as a JSON string via JavaScript in the WebView. */ injectedJavaScriptObject?: object; /** * Enables WebView remote debugging using Chrome (Android) or Safari (iOS). */ webviewDebuggingEnabled?: boolean; } export {};