import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, ViewStyle, LayoutChangeEvent, I18nManager, Platform, Keyboard, StatusBar, } from 'react-native'; import { PanGestureHandler, TapGestureHandler, State, } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import Animated from 'react-native-reanimated'; import DrawerProgressContext from '../utils/DrawerProgressContext'; const { Clock, Value, onChange, clockRunning, startClock, stopClock, interpolate, spring, abs, add, and, block, call, cond, divide, eq, event, greaterThan, lessThan, max, min, multiply, neq, or, set, sub, } = Animated; const TRUE = 1; const FALSE = 0; const NOOP = 0; const UNSET = -1; const PROGRESS_EPSILON = 0.05; const DIRECTION_LEFT = 1; const DIRECTION_RIGHT = -1; const SWIPE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 60; const SWIPE_DISTANCE_MINIMUM = 5; const SPRING_CONFIG = { stiffness: 1000, damping: 500, mass: 3, overshootClamping: true, restDisplacementThreshold: 0.01, restSpeedThreshold: 0.01, }; type Binary = 0 | 1; type Renderer = (props: { progress: Animated.Node }) => React.ReactNode; type Props = { open: boolean; onOpen: () => void; onClose: () => void; onGestureRef?: (ref: PanGestureHandler | null) => void; gestureEnabled: boolean; drawerPosition: 'left' | 'right'; drawerType: 'front' | 'back' | 'slide'; keyboardDismissMode: 'none' | 'on-drag'; swipeEdgeWidth: number; swipeDistanceThreshold?: number; swipeVelocityThreshold: number; hideStatusBar: boolean; statusBarAnimation: 'slide' | 'none' | 'fade'; overlayStyle?: ViewStyle; drawerStyle?: ViewStyle; sceneContainerStyle?: ViewStyle; renderDrawerContent: Renderer; renderSceneContent: Renderer; gestureHandlerProps?: React.ComponentProps; }; export default class Drawer extends React.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { gestureEnabled: true, drawerPostion: I18nManager.isRTL ? 'left' : 'right', drawerType: 'front', swipeEdgeWidth: 32, swipeVelocityThreshold: 500, keyboardDismissMode: 'on-drag', hideStatusBar: false, statusBarAnimation: 'slide', }; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { open, drawerPosition, drawerType, swipeDistanceThreshold, swipeVelocityThreshold, hideStatusBar, } = this.props; if ( // If we're not in the middle of a transition, sync the drawer's open state typeof this.pendingOpenValue !== 'boolean' || open !== this.pendingOpenValue ) { this.toggleDrawer(open); } this.pendingOpenValue = undefined; if (open !== && hideStatusBar) { this.toggleStatusBar(open); } if (prevProps.drawerPosition !== drawerPosition) { this.drawerPosition.setValue( drawerPosition === 'right' ? DIRECTION_RIGHT : DIRECTION_LEFT ); } if (prevProps.drawerType !== drawerType) { this.isDrawerTypeFront.setValue(drawerType === 'front' ? TRUE : FALSE); } if (prevProps.swipeDistanceThreshold !== swipeDistanceThreshold) { this.swipeDistanceThreshold.setValue( swipeDistanceThreshold !== undefined ? swipeDistanceThreshold : SWIPE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT ); } if (prevProps.swipeVelocityThreshold !== swipeVelocityThreshold) { this.swipeVelocityThreshold.setValue(swipeVelocityThreshold); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.toggleStatusBar(false); } private clock = new Clock(); private isDrawerTypeFront = new Value( this.props.drawerType === 'front' ? TRUE : FALSE ); private isOpen = new Value( ? TRUE : FALSE); private nextIsOpen = new Value(UNSET); private isSwiping = new Value(FALSE); private gestureState = new Value(State.UNDETERMINED); private touchX = new Value(0); private velocityX = new Value(0); private gestureX = new Value(0); private offsetX = new Value(0); private position = new Value(0); private containerWidth = new Value(0); private drawerWidth = new Value(0); private drawerOpacity = new Value(0); private drawerPosition = new Value( this.props.drawerPosition === 'right' ? DIRECTION_RIGHT : DIRECTION_LEFT ); // Comment stolen from react-native-gesture-handler/DrawerLayout // // While closing the drawer when user starts gesture outside of its area (in greyed // out part of the window), we want the drawer to follow only once finger reaches the // edge of the drawer. // E.g. on the diagram below drawer is illustrate by X signs and the greyed out area by // dots. The touch gesture starts at '*' and moves left, touch path is indicated by // an arrow pointing left // 1) +---------------+ 2) +---------------+ 3) +---------------+ 4) +---------------+ // |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........| // |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........| // |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........| // |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|.<-*..| |XXXXXXXX|<--*..| |XXXXX|<-----*..| // |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........| // |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........| // |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........| // +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ // // For the above to work properly we define animated value that will keep start position // of the gesture. Then we use that value to calculate how much we need to subtract from // the dragX. If the gesture started on the greyed out area we take the distance from the // edge of the drawer to the start position. Otherwise we don't subtract at all and the // drawer be pulled back as soon as you start the pan. // // This is used only when drawerType is "front" private touchDistanceFromDrawer = cond( this.isDrawerTypeFront, cond( eq(this.drawerPosition, DIRECTION_LEFT), max( // Distance of touch start from left screen edge - Drawer width sub(sub(this.touchX, this.gestureX), this.drawerWidth), 0 ), min( multiply( // Distance of drawer from left screen edge - Touch start point sub( sub(this.containerWidth, this.drawerWidth), sub(this.touchX, this.gestureX) ), DIRECTION_RIGHT ), 0 ) ), 0 ); private swipeDistanceThreshold = new Value( this.props.swipeDistanceThreshold !== undefined ? this.props.swipeDistanceThreshold : SWIPE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT ); private swipeVelocityThreshold = new Value( this.props.swipeVelocityThreshold ); private currentOpenValue: boolean =; private pendingOpenValue: boolean | undefined; private isStatusBarHidden: boolean = false; private manuallyTriggerSpring = new Value(FALSE); private transitionTo = (isOpen: number | Animated.Node) => { const toValue = new Value(0); const frameTime = new Value(0); const state = { position: this.position, time: new Value(0), finished: new Value(FALSE), velocity: new Value(0), }; return block([ cond(clockRunning(this.clock), NOOP, [ // Animation wasn't running before // Set the initial values and start the clock set(toValue, multiply(isOpen, this.drawerWidth, this.drawerPosition)), set(frameTime, 0), set(state.time, 0), set(state.finished, FALSE), set(state.velocity, this.velocityX), set(this.isOpen, isOpen), startClock(this.clock), set(this.manuallyTriggerSpring, FALSE), ]), spring(this.clock, state, { ...SPRING_CONFIG, toValue }), cond(state.finished, [ // Reset gesture and velocity from previous gesture set(this.touchX, 0), set(this.gestureX, 0), set(this.velocityX, 0), set(this.offsetX, 0), // When the animation finishes, stop the clock stopClock(this.clock), call([this.isOpen], ([value]: readonly Binary[]) => { const open = Boolean(value); if (open !== { // Sync drawer's state after animation finished // This shouldn't be necessary, but there seems to be an issue on iOS this.toggleDrawer(; } }), ]), ]); }; private dragX = block([ onChange( this.isOpen, call([this.isOpen], ([value]: readonly Binary[]) => { const open = Boolean(value); this.currentOpenValue = open; // Without this check, the drawer can go to an infinite update <-> animate loop for sync updates if (open !== { // If the mode changed, update state if (open) { this.props.onOpen(); } else { this.props.onClose(); } this.pendingOpenValue = open; // Force componentDidUpdate to fire, whether user does a setState or not // This allows us to detect when the user drops the update and revert back // It's necessary to make sure that the state stays in sync this.forceUpdate(); } }) ), onChange( this.nextIsOpen, cond(neq(this.nextIsOpen, UNSET), [ // Stop any running animations cond(clockRunning(this.clock), stopClock(this.clock)), // Update the open value to trigger the transition set(this.isOpen, this.nextIsOpen), set(this.gestureX, 0), set(this.nextIsOpen, UNSET), ]) ), // This block must be after the this.isOpen listener since we check for current value onChange( this.isSwiping, // Listen to updates for this value only when it changes // Without `onChange`, this will fire even if the value didn't change // We don't want to call the listeners if the value didn't change call([this.isSwiping], ([value]: readonly Binary[]) => { const { keyboardDismissMode } = this.props; if (value === TRUE) { if (keyboardDismissMode === 'on-drag') { Keyboard.dismiss(); } this.toggleStatusBar(true); } else { this.toggleStatusBar(this.currentOpenValue); } }) ), cond( eq(this.gestureState, State.ACTIVE), [ cond(this.isSwiping, NOOP, [ // We weren't dragging before, set it to true set(this.isSwiping, TRUE), // Also update the drag offset to the last position set(this.offsetX, this.position), ]), // Update position with previous offset + gesture distance set( this.position, add(this.offsetX, this.gestureX, this.touchDistanceFromDrawer) ), // Stop animations while we're dragging stopClock(this.clock), ], [ set(this.isSwiping, FALSE), set(this.touchX, 0), this.transitionTo( cond( this.manuallyTriggerSpring, this.isOpen, cond( or( and( greaterThan(abs(this.gestureX), SWIPE_DISTANCE_MINIMUM), greaterThan(abs(this.velocityX), this.swipeVelocityThreshold) ), greaterThan(abs(this.gestureX), this.swipeDistanceThreshold) ), cond( eq(this.drawerPosition, DIRECTION_LEFT), // If swiped to right, open the drawer, otherwise close it greaterThan( cond(eq(this.velocityX, 0), this.gestureX, this.velocityX), 0 ), // If swiped to left, open the drawer, otherwise close it lessThan( cond(eq(this.velocityX, 0), this.gestureX, this.velocityX), 0 ) ), this.isOpen ) ) ), ] ), this.position, ]); private translateX = cond( eq(this.drawerPosition, DIRECTION_RIGHT), min(max(multiply(this.drawerWidth, -1), this.dragX), 0), max(min(this.drawerWidth, this.dragX), 0) ); private progress = cond( // Check if the drawer width is available to avoid division by zero eq(this.drawerWidth, 0), 0, abs(divide(this.translateX, this.drawerWidth)) ); private handleGestureEvent = event([ { nativeEvent: { x: this.touchX, translationX: this.gestureX, velocityX: this.velocityX, }, }, ]); private handleGestureStateChange = event([ { nativeEvent: { state: (s: Animated.Value) => set(this.gestureState, s), }, }, ]); private handleTapStateChange = event([ { nativeEvent: { oldState: (s: Animated.Value) => cond(eq(s, State.ACTIVE), set(this.manuallyTriggerSpring, TRUE)), }, }, ]); private handleContainerLayout = (e: LayoutChangeEvent) => this.containerWidth.setValue(e.nativeEvent.layout.width); private handleDrawerLayout = (e: LayoutChangeEvent) => { this.drawerWidth.setValue(e.nativeEvent.layout.width); this.toggleDrawer(; // Until layout is available, drawer is hidden with opacity: 0 by default // Show it in the next frame when layout is available // If we don't delay it until the next frame, there's a visible flicker requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => this.drawerOpacity.setValue(1)) ); }; private toggleDrawer = (open: boolean) => { if (this.currentOpenValue !== open) { this.nextIsOpen.setValue(open ? TRUE : FALSE); // This value will also be set shortly after as changing this.nextIsOpen changes this.isOpen // However, there's a race condition on Android, so we need to set a bit earlier this.currentOpenValue = open; } }; private toggleStatusBar = (hidden: boolean) => { const { hideStatusBar, statusBarAnimation } = this.props; if (hideStatusBar && this.isStatusBarHidden !== hidden) { this.isStatusBarHidden = hidden; StatusBar.setHidden(hidden, statusBarAnimation); } }; render() { const { open, gestureEnabled, drawerPosition, drawerType, swipeEdgeWidth, sceneContainerStyle, drawerStyle, overlayStyle, onGestureRef, renderDrawerContent, renderSceneContent, gestureHandlerProps, } = this.props; const right = drawerPosition === 'right'; const contentTranslateX = drawerType === 'front' ? 0 : this.translateX; const drawerTranslateX = drawerType === 'back' ? I18nManager.isRTL ? multiply(this.drawerWidth, DIRECTION_RIGHT) : this.drawerWidth : this.translateX; const offset = I18nManager.isRTL ? '100%' : multiply(this.drawerWidth, -1); // FIXME: Currently hitSlop is broken when on Android when drawer is on right // const hitSlop = right ? // Extend hitSlop to the side of the screen when drawer is closed // This lets the user drag the drawer from the side of the screen { right: 0, width: open ? undefined : swipeEdgeWidth } : { left: 0, width: open ? undefined : swipeEdgeWidth }; return ( {renderSceneContent({ progress: this.progress })} (this.currentOpenValue = false)), ]), ]), ])} /> {renderDrawerContent({ progress: this.progress })} ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor: 'white', position: 'absolute', top: 0, bottom: 0, width: '80%', maxWidth: '100%', }, overlay: { ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', }, content: { flex: 1, }, main: { flex: 1, overflow: 'hidden', }, });