// Type definitions for react-navigation 3.0.0 // Project: https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation // Definitions by: Huhuanming // mhcgrq // fangpenlin // petejkim // Kyle Roach // phanalpha // charlesfamu // Tim Wang // Qibang Sun // Sergei Butko: // Veit Lehmann: // Steven Miller // Armando Assuncao // Ciaran Liedeman // Edward Sammut Alessi // Jérémy Magrin // Luca Campana // Ullrich Schaefer // Linus Unnebäck // Yosuke Seki // Jake // Gustavo Brunoro // Denis Frezzato // Mickael Wegerich // Max Davidson // Lachlan Young // Jason Killian // Jan Hesters // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.8 declare module 'react-navigation' { import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, Text, TextInput, StatusBar, TextStyle, ViewProps, ViewStyle, StyleProp, } from 'react-native'; // re-export Scrollables // @todo: should we re-export from RNGH? not currently exposed through it export { FlatList, SectionList, ScrollView } from 'react-native'; // @todo - any.. export function getActiveChildNavigationOptions( navigation: NavigationProp, screenProps?: unknown, theme?: SupportedThemes ): NavigationParams; // @todo when we split types into common, native and web, // we can properly change Animated.Value to its real value export type AnimatedValue = any; /** * NavigationState is a tree of routes for a single navigator, where each child * route may either be a NavigationScreenRoute or a NavigationRouterRoute. * NavigationScreenRoute represents a leaf screen, while the * NavigationRouterRoute represents the state of a child navigator. * * NOTE: NavigationState is a state tree local to a single navigator and * its child navigators (via the routes field). * If we're in navigator nested deep inside the app, the state will only be the * state for that navigator. * The state for the root navigator of our app represents the whole navigation * state for the whole app. */ export interface NavigationState { /** * Index refers to the active child route in the routes array. */ index: number; routes: NavigationRoute[]; isTransitioning: boolean; key: string; params?: NavigationParams | undefined; } export interface DrawerNavigationState extends NavigationState { isDrawerOpen: boolean; isTransitioning: boolean; } export type NavigationRoute = | NavigationLeafRoute | NavigationStateRoute; export interface NavigationLeafRoute { /** * React's key used by some navigators. No need to specify these manually, * they will be defined by the router. */ key: string; /** * Index that represents the depth of the stack */ index: number; /** * For example 'Home'. * This is used as a key in a route config when creating a navigator. */ routeName: string; /** * Path is an advanced feature used for deep linking and on the web. */ path?: string; /** * Params passed to this route when navigating to it, * e.g. `{ car_id: 123 }` in a route that displays a car. */ params?: Params; /** * Array containing the navigator's routes */ routes: NavigationRoute[]; /** * Flag that indicates the transition state of the route */ isTransitioning: boolean; } export type NavigationStateRoute< NavigationLeafRouteParams > = NavigationLeafRoute & NavigationState; export type NavigationScreenOptionsGetter = ( navigation: NavigationScreenProp>, screenProps: unknown | null, theme: SupportedThemes ) => Options; export interface NavigationRouter { /** * The reducer that outputs the new navigation state for a given action, with * an optional previous state. When the action is considered handled but the * state is unchanged, the output state is null. */ getStateForAction: ( action: NavigationAction, lastState?: State ) => State | null; /** * Maps a URI-like string to an action. This can be mapped to a state * using `getStateForAction`. */ getActionForPathAndParams: ( path: string, params?: NavigationParams ) => NavigationAction | null; getPathAndParamsForState: ( state: State ) => { path: string; params?: NavigationParams; }; getComponentForRouteName: ( routeName: string ) => NavigationComponent<{}, NavigationScreenProp>; getComponentForState: ( state: State ) => NavigationComponent<{}, NavigationScreenProp>; getActionCreators: ( route: NavigationRoute, key: string ) => { [key: string]: () => NavigationAction; }; /** * Gets the screen navigation options for a given screen. * * For example, we could get the config for the 'Foo' screen when the * `navigation.state` is: * * {routeName: 'Foo', key: '123'} */ getScreenOptions: NavigationScreenOptionsGetter; } export type NavigationScreenComponent< Options, NavigationScreenPropType > = React.ComponentType & { navigationOptions?: NavigationScreenConfig< Options, NavigationScreenPropType >; }; export interface NavigationScreenConfigProps< NavigationScreenPropType, ScreenProps = unknown > { navigation: NavigationScreenPropType; screenProps: ScreenProps; theme: SupportedThemes; } export type NavigationScreenConfig< Options, NavigationScreenPropType, ScreenProps = unknown > = | Options | (( navigationOptionsContainer: NavigationScreenConfigProps< NavigationScreenPropType, ScreenProps > & { navigationOptions: Options; } ) => Options); export type NavigationComponent = | NavigationScreenComponent | NavigationNavigator; export type NavigationNavigator< Options, NavigationPropType > = React.ComponentType> & { router: NavigationRouter; navigationOptions?: NavigationScreenConfig; }; export interface NavigationParams { [key: string]: any; } export interface NavigationNavigateActionPayload { routeName: string; params?: NavigationParams; // The action to run inside the sub-router action?: NavigationNavigateAction; key?: string; } export interface NavigationNavigateAction extends NavigationNavigateActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE'; } export interface NavigationBackActionPayload { key?: string | null; immediate?: boolean; } export interface NavigationBackAction extends NavigationBackActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/BACK'; } export interface NavigationSetParamsActionPayload { // The key of the route where the params should be set key: string; // The new params to merge into the existing route params params?: NavigationParams; } export interface NavigationSetParamsAction extends NavigationSetParamsActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/SET_PARAMS'; } export interface NavigationInitActionPayload { params?: NavigationParams; } export interface NavigationInitAction extends NavigationInitActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/INIT'; key?: string; } export interface NavigationReplaceActionPayload { key?: string; newKey?: string; routeName: string; params?: NavigationParams; action?: NavigationNavigateAction; } export interface NavigationReplaceAction { type: 'Navigation/REPLACE'; key: string; routeName: string; params?: NavigationParams; action?: NavigationNavigateAction; } export interface NavigationCompleteTransitionActionPayload { key?: string; toChildKey?: string; } export interface NavigationCompleteTransitionAction { type: 'Navigation/COMPLETE_TRANSITION'; key: string; } export interface NavigationResetActionPayload { index: number; key?: string | null; actions: NavigationNavigateAction[]; } export interface NavigationResetAction extends NavigationResetActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/RESET'; } export interface NavigationUriActionPayload { uri: string; } export interface NavigationUriAction extends NavigationUriActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/URI'; } export interface NavigationPopActionPayload { // n: the number of routes to pop of the stack n?: number; immediate?: boolean; } export interface NavigationPopAction extends NavigationPopActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/POP'; key?: string; } export interface NavigationPopToTopActionPayload { key?: string; immediate?: boolean; } export interface NavigationPopToTopAction extends NavigationPopToTopActionPayload { type: 'Navigation/POP_TO_TOP'; } export interface NavigationPushActionPayload { routeName: string; params?: NavigationParams; action?: NavigationNavigateAction; key?: string; } export interface NavigationPushAction { type: 'Navigation/PUSH'; routeName: string; params?: NavigationParams; action?: NavigationNavigateAction; key?: string; } export interface NavigationJumpToActionPayload { routeName: string; key?: string; params?: NavigationParams; } export interface NavigationJumpToAction { type: 'Navigation/JUMP_TO'; preserveFocus: boolean; routeName: string; key: string; params?: NavigationParams; } export interface NavigationDrawerOpenedAction { key?: string; type: 'Navigation/DRAWER_OPENED'; } export interface NavigationDrawerClosedAction { key?: string; type: 'Navigation/DRAWER_CLOSED'; } export interface NavigationOpenDrawerAction { key?: string; type: 'Navigation/OPEN_DRAWER'; } export interface NavigationCloseDrawerAction { key?: string; type: 'Navigation/CLOSE_DRAWER'; } export interface NavigationToggleDrawerAction { key?: string; type: 'Navigation/TOGGLE_DRAWER'; } /** * Switch Navigator */ export interface NavigationSwitchRouterConfig { initialRouteName?: string; initialRouteParams?: NavigationParams; paths?: NavigationPathsConfig; order?: string[]; backBehavior?: 'none' | 'initialRoute' | 'history' | 'order'; // defaults to 'none' resetOnBlur?: boolean; // defaults to `true` } export function SwitchRouter( routeConfigs: NavigationRouteConfigMap, config?: NavigationSwitchRouterConfig ): NavigationRouter; export type NavigationSwitchProp< State = NavigationRoute, Params = NavigationParams > = NavigationScreenProp & { jumpTo(routeName: string, key?: string): void; }; export type NavigationSwitchScreenProps< Params = NavigationParams, ScreenProps = unknown > = { theme: SupportedThemes; navigation: NavigationSwitchProp; screenProps: ScreenProps; }; export type NavigationSwitchScreenComponent< Params = NavigationParams, ScreenProps = unknown > = React.ComponentType> & { navigationOptions?: NavigationScreenConfig< {}, NavigationSwitchProp, ScreenProps >; }; export type NavigationStackAction = | NavigationInitAction | NavigationNavigateAction | NavigationBackAction | NavigationSetParamsAction | NavigationResetAction | NavigationReplaceAction | NavigationPopAction | NavigationPushAction | NavigationPopToTopAction | NavigationCompleteTransitionAction; export type NavigationTabAction = | NavigationInitAction | NavigationNavigateAction | NavigationBackAction; export type NavigationDrawerAction = | NavigationDrawerOpenedAction | NavigationDrawerClosedAction | NavigationOpenDrawerAction | NavigationCloseDrawerAction | NavigationToggleDrawerAction; export type NavigationSwitchAction = NavigationJumpToAction; export type NavigationAction = | NavigationInitAction | NavigationStackAction | NavigationTabAction | NavigationDrawerAction | NavigationSwitchAction | { type: 'CHILD_ACTION'; key?: string }; export type NavigationRouteConfig = | NavigationComponent | ( | { screen: NavigationComponent } | { getScreen(): NavigationScreenComponent< Options, NavigationScreenPropType >; }) & { navigationOptions?: NavigationScreenConfig< Options, NavigationScreenPropType >; params?: { [key: string]: any }; path?: string; }; export interface NavigationPathsConfig { [routeName: string]: string; } // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-export-declare-modifiers export interface NavigationTabRouterConfig { initialRouteName?: string; initialRouteParams?: NavigationParams; paths?: NavigationPathsConfig; order?: string[]; // todo: type these as the real route names rather than 'string' backBehavior?: 'none' | 'initialRoute' | 'history' | 'order'; // defaults to 'initialRoute' resetOnBlur?: boolean; } export interface NavigationRouteConfigMap { [routeName: string]: NavigationRouteConfig< Options, NavigationScreenPropType >; } export type NavigationDispatch = (action: NavigationAction) => boolean; export interface NavigationProp { state: S; dispatch: NavigationDispatch; } export type EventType = | 'willFocus' | 'didFocus' | 'willBlur' | 'didBlur' | 'action'; export interface NavigationEventPayload { type: EventType; action: NavigationAction; state: NavigationState; lastState: NavigationState | null | undefined; } export type NavigationEventCallback = ( payload: NavigationEventPayload ) => void; export interface NavigationEventSubscription { remove: () => void; } export interface NavigationEventsProps extends ViewProps { onWillFocus?: NavigationEventCallback; onDidFocus?: NavigationEventCallback; onWillBlur?: NavigationEventCallback; onDidBlur?: NavigationEventCallback; } export const NavigationEvents: React.ComponentType; export interface NavigationScreenProp { state: S & { params?: P }; dispatch: NavigationDispatch; goBack: (routeKey?: string | null) => boolean; dismiss: () => boolean; navigate(options: { routeName: | string | { routeName: string; params?: NavigationParams; action?: NavigationNavigateAction; key?: string; }; params?: NavigationParams; action?: NavigationAction; key?: string; }): boolean; navigate( routeNameOrOptions: string, params?: NavigationParams, action?: NavigationAction ): boolean; openDrawer: () => any; closeDrawer: () => any; toggleDrawer: () => any; getParam( param: T, fallback: NonNullable ): NonNullable; getParam(param: T): P[T]; setParams: (newParams: Partial

) => boolean; emit: (eventName: 'refocus') => void; addListener: ( eventName: string, callback: NavigationEventCallback ) => NavigationEventSubscription; isFocused: () => boolean; isFirstRouteInParent: () => boolean; router?: NavigationRouter; dangerouslyGetParent: () => NavigationScreenProp | undefined; } export interface NavigationNavigatorProps< Options = {}, State = {}, ScreenProps = unknown > { theme?: SupportedThemes | 'no-preference'; detached?: boolean; navigation?: NavigationProp; screenProps?: ScreenProps; navigationOptions?: Options; } export type NavigatorType = | 'react-navigation/STACK' | 'react-navigation/TABS' | 'react-navigation/DRAWER'; export interface NavigationContainerProps< State = {}, Options = {}, ScreenProps = unknown > { uriPrefix?: string | RegExp; /** * Controls whether the navigation container handles URLs opened via 'Linking' * @see https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking * @see https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/deep-linking.html */ enableURLHandling?: boolean; // defaults to true onNavigationStateChange?: ( prevNavigationState: NavigationState, nextNavigationState: NavigationState, action: NavigationAction ) => void | null | undefined; navigation?: NavigationScreenProp; /* * This prop is no longer supported. Use `loadNavigationState` and * `persistNavigationState` instead. */ persistenceKey?: string | null; loadNavigationState?: () => Promise; persistNavigationState?: (state: NavigationState) => Promise; renderLoadingExperimental?: React.ComponentType; screenProps?: ScreenProps; navigationOptions?: Options; style?: StyleProp; } export interface NavigationContainerComponent extends React.Component< NavigationContainerProps & NavigationNavigatorProps > { dispatch: NavigationDispatch; } export interface NavigationContainer extends React.ComponentClass< NavigationContainerProps & NavigationNavigatorProps > { new ( props: NavigationContainerProps & NavigationNavigatorProps, context?: any ): NavigationContainerComponent; router: NavigationRouter; screenProps: unknown; navigationOptions: any; state: { nav: NavigationState | null }; } export function createSwitchNavigator( routeConfigMap: NavigationRouteConfigMap<{}, NavigationSwitchProp>, switchConfig?: CreateNavigatorConfig< {}, NavigationSwitchRouterConfig, {}, NavigationSwitchProp > ): NavigationNavigator<{}, NavigationProp>; /** * NavigationActions */ export namespace NavigationActions { const BACK: 'Navigation/BACK'; const INIT: 'Navigation/INIT'; const NAVIGATE: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE'; const SET_PARAMS: 'Navigation/SET_PARAMS'; function init(options?: NavigationInitActionPayload): NavigationInitAction; function navigate( options: NavigationNavigateActionPayload ): NavigationNavigateAction; function back(options?: NavigationBackActionPayload): NavigationBackAction; function setParams( options: NavigationSetParamsActionPayload ): NavigationSetParamsAction; } /** * DrawerActions */ export namespace DrawerActions { const OPEN_DRAWER: 'Navigation/OPEN_DRAWER'; const CLOSE_DRAWER: 'Navigation/CLOSE_DRAWER'; const TOGGLE_DRAWER: 'Navigation/TOGGLE_DRAWER'; function openDrawer(): NavigationOpenDrawerAction; function closeDrawer(): NavigationCloseDrawerAction; function toggleDrawer(): NavigationToggleDrawerAction; } /** * StackActions */ export namespace StackActions { const POP: 'Navigation/POP'; const POP_TO_TOP: 'Navigation/POP_TO_TOP'; const PUSH: 'Navigation/PUSH'; const RESET: 'Navigation/RESET'; const REPLACE: 'Navigation/REPLACE'; const COMPLETE_TRANSITION: 'Navigation/COMPLETE_TRANSITION'; function pop(options: NavigationPopActionPayload): NavigationPopAction; function popToTop( options?: NavigationPopToTopActionPayload ): NavigationPopToTopAction; function push(options: NavigationPushActionPayload): NavigationPushAction; function reset( options: NavigationResetActionPayload ): NavigationResetAction; function replace( options: NavigationReplaceActionPayload ): NavigationReplaceAction; function completeTransition( payload?: NavigationCompleteTransitionActionPayload ): NavigationCompleteTransitionAction; } /** * SwitchActions */ export namespace SwitchActions { const JUMP_TO: 'Navigation/JUMP_TO'; function jumpTo( options: NavigationJumpToActionPayload ): NavigationJumpToAction; } /** * Tab Router * * @desc from react-navigation/src/routers/TabRouter.js */ export function TabRouter( routeConfigs: NavigationRouteConfigMap, config: NavigationTabRouterConfig ): NavigationRouter; /** * Stack Router * * @desc from react-navigation/src/routers/StackRouter.js */ export function StackRouter( routeConfigs: NavigationRouteConfigMap, config?: NavigationTabRouterConfig ): NavigationRouter; export interface NavigationStackRouterConfig { initialRouteName?: string; initialRouteParams?: NavigationParams; paths?: NavigationPathsConfig; initialRouteKey?: string; } /** * Create Navigator * * @see https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/blob/master/src/navigators/createNavigator.js */ export interface NavigationDescriptor< Params = NavigationParams, Options = {}, NavigationScreenPropType = NavigationScreenProp > { key: string; state: NavigationLeafRoute | NavigationStateRoute; navigation: NavigationScreenPropType; options: Options; getComponent: () => React.ComponentType; } export type NavigationView< Options, State, ScreenProps = unknown > = React.ComponentType< { descriptors: { [key: string]: NavigationDescriptor }; navigationConfig: Options; screenProps?: ScreenProps; } & NavigationInjectedProps >; export type CreateNavigatorConfig< NavigatorConfig, RouterConfig, Options, NavigationScreenPropType > = NavigatorConfig & RouterConfig & { defaultNavigationOptions?: NavigationScreenConfig< Options, NavigationScreenPropType >; navigationOptions?: NavigationScreenConfig< { [key: string]: any }, NavigationScreenProp >; }; export function createNavigator( view: NavigationView, router: NavigationRouter, navigatorConfig?: {}, navigatorType?: NavigatorType ): NavigationNavigator>; /** * Create an HOC that injects the navigation and manages the navigation state * in case it's not passed from above. * This allows to use e.g. the StackNavigator and TabNavigator as root-level * components. * * @see https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/blob/master/src/createNavigationContainer.js */ export function createNavigationContainer( Component: NavigationNavigator ): NavigationContainer; /** * Create an app container to wrap the root navigator * * @see https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation-native/blob/098e2e52b349d37357109d5aee545fa74699d3d4/src/createAppContainer.js#L64 */ export function createAppContainer( Component: NavigationNavigator ): NavigationContainer; export type Omit = Pick>; export type InferProps< T extends React.ComponentType > = T extends React.ComponentType ? P : never; export interface NavigationOrientationInjectedProps { isLandscape: boolean; } export function createKeyboardAwareNavigator( Comp: React.ComponentType, stackConfig: object ): React.ComponentType; export function withOrientation

( Component: React.ComponentType

): React.ComponentType>; export interface NavigationInjectedProps

{ navigation: NavigationScreenProp, P>; } // If the wrapped component is a class, we can get a ref to it export function withNavigation< P extends NavigationInjectedProps, T extends React.ComponentClass

>( Component: T & React.ComponentClass

): React.ComponentType< Omit & { onRef?: React.Ref>; } >; export function withNavigation

( Component: React.ComponentType

): React.ComponentType>; // For backwards compatibility export function withNavigation( Component: React.ComponentType> ): React.ComponentType< T & { onRef?: React.Ref>> } >; export const NavigationProvider: React.ComponentType<{ value: NavigationProp; }>; export interface NavigationFocusInjectedProps

extends NavigationInjectedProps

{ isFocused: boolean; } // If the wrapped component is a class, we can get a ref to it export function withNavigationFocus< P extends NavigationFocusInjectedProps, T extends React.ComponentClass

>( Component: T & React.ComponentClass

): React.ComponentType< Omit & { onRef?: React.Ref>; } >; export function withNavigationFocus

( Component: React.ComponentType

): React.ComponentType>; // For backwards compatibility export function withNavigationFocus( Component: React.ComponentType> ): React.ComponentType< T & { onRef?: React.Ref>>; } >; /** * SafeAreaView Component */ export type SafeAreaViewForceInsetValue = 'always' | 'never'; export interface SafeAreaViewProps extends ViewProps { forceInset?: { top?: SafeAreaViewForceInsetValue; bottom?: SafeAreaViewForceInsetValue; left?: SafeAreaViewForceInsetValue; right?: SafeAreaViewForceInsetValue; horizontal?: SafeAreaViewForceInsetValue; vertical?: SafeAreaViewForceInsetValue; }; children?: React.ReactNode; } export const SafeAreaView: React.ComponentClass; export const NavigationContext: React.Context< NavigationScreenProp >; export function createKeyboardAwareNavigator( Comp: React.ComponentType, stackConfig: object ): React.ComponentType; /** * SceneView */ export interface SceneViewProps { component: React.ComponentType; screenProps: unknown; navigation: NavigationProp; } export const SceneView: React.ComponentType; /** * Themes */ // Context export type SupportedThemes = 'light' | 'dark'; export const ThemeContext: React.Context; // Hooks export function useTheme(): SupportedThemes; // Colors export interface Theme { header: string; headerBorder: string; body: string; bodyBorder: string; bodyContent: string; bodyContentBorder: string; label: string; } export const ThemeColors: { [k in SupportedThemes]: Theme }; // Themed components interface ThemedStatusBarProps extends React.ComponentProps {} interface ThemedTextProps extends React.ComponentProps {} interface ThemedTextInputProps extends React.ComponentProps {} export namespace Themed { export const StatusBar: React.ComponentType; export const Text: React.ComponentType; export const TextInput: React.ComponentType; } }