/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow * @format */ // flowlint ambiguous-object-type:error 'use strict'; const React = require('react'); const ReactRelayContext = require('./ReactRelayContext'); const ReactRelayQueryFetcher = require('./ReactRelayQueryFetcher'); const areEqual = require('areEqual'); const buildReactRelayContainer = require('./buildReactRelayContainer'); const getRootVariablesForFragments = require('./getRootVariablesForFragments'); const warning = require('warning'); const {getContainerName} = require('./ReactRelayContainerUtils'); const {assertRelayContext} = require('./RelayContext'); const { Observable, createFragmentSpecResolver, createOperationDescriptor, getDataIDsFromObject, getRequest, getSelector, getVariablesFromObject, isScalarAndEqual, } = require('relay-runtime'); import type { $RelayProps, ObserverOrCallback, GeneratedNodeMap, RefetchOptions, RelayRefetchProp, } from './ReactRelayTypes'; import type { CacheConfig, Disposable, FragmentMap, GraphQLTaggedNode, RelayContext, Subscription, Variables, } from 'relay-runtime'; import type {FragmentSpecResolver} from 'relay-runtime'; type ContainerProps = $FlowFixMeProps; type ContainerState = { data: {[key: string]: mixed, ...}, prevProps: ContainerProps, localVariables: ?Variables, prevPropsContext: RelayContext, relayProp: RelayRefetchProp, resolver: FragmentSpecResolver, contextForChildren: RelayContext, ... }; /** * Composes a React component class, returning a new class that intercepts * props, resolving them with the provided fragments and subscribing for * updates. */ function createContainerWithFragments< Props: {...}, TComponent: React.ComponentType, >( Component: TComponent, fragments: FragmentMap, taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode, ): React.ComponentType< $RelayProps, RelayRefetchProp>, > { const containerName = getContainerName(Component); return class extends React.Component { static displayName = containerName; _refetchSubscription: ?Subscription; _queryFetcher: ?ReactRelayQueryFetcher; _isUnmounted: boolean; constructor(props) { super(props); const relayContext = assertRelayContext(props.__relayContext); this._refetchSubscription = null; // Do not provide a subscription/callback here. // It is possible for this render to be interrupted or aborted, // In which case the subscription would cause a leak. // We will add the subscription in componentDidMount(). const resolver = createFragmentSpecResolver( relayContext, containerName, fragments, props, ); this.state = { data: resolver.resolve(), localVariables: null, prevProps: props, prevPropsContext: relayContext, contextForChildren: relayContext, relayProp: getRelayProp(relayContext.environment, this._refetch), resolver, }; this._isUnmounted = false; } componentDidMount() { this._subscribeToNewResolver(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ContainerProps, prevState: ContainerState) { // If the environment has changed or props point to new records then // previously fetched data and any pending fetches no longer apply: // - Existing references are on the old environment. // - Existing references are based on old variables. // - Pending fetches are for the previous records. if (this.state.resolver !== prevState.resolver) { prevState.resolver.dispose(); this._queryFetcher && this._queryFetcher.dispose(); this._refetchSubscription && this._refetchSubscription.unsubscribe(); this._subscribeToNewResolver(); } } /** * When new props are received, read data for the new props and add it to * state. Props may be the same in which case previous data can be reused. */ static getDerivedStateFromProps( nextProps: ContainerProps, prevState: ContainerState, ): $Shape | null { // Any props change could impact the query, so we mirror props in state. // This is an unusual pattern, but necessary for this container usecase. const {prevProps} = prevState; const relayContext = assertRelayContext(nextProps.__relayContext); const prevIDs = getDataIDsFromObject(fragments, prevProps); const nextIDs = getDataIDsFromObject(fragments, nextProps); const prevRootVariables = getRootVariablesForFragments( fragments, prevProps, ); const nextRootVariables = getRootVariablesForFragments( fragments, nextProps, ); let resolver = prevState.resolver; // If the environment has changed or props point to new records then // previously fetched data and any pending fetches no longer apply: // - Existing references are on the old environment. // - Existing references are based on old variables. // - Pending fetches are for the previous records. if ( prevState.prevPropsContext.environment !== relayContext.environment || !areEqual(prevRootVariables, nextRootVariables) || !areEqual(prevIDs, nextIDs) ) { // Do not provide a subscription/callback here. // It is possible for this render to be interrupted or aborted, // In which case the subscription would cause a leak. // We will add the subscription in componentDidUpdate(). resolver = createFragmentSpecResolver( relayContext, containerName, fragments, nextProps, ); return { data: resolver.resolve(), localVariables: null, prevProps: nextProps, prevPropsContext: relayContext, contextForChildren: relayContext, relayProp: getRelayProp( relayContext.environment, prevState.relayProp.refetch, ), resolver, }; } else if (!prevState.localVariables) { resolver.setProps(nextProps); } const data = resolver.resolve(); if (data !== prevState.data) { return { data, prevProps: nextProps, }; } return null; } componentWillUnmount() { this._isUnmounted = true; this.state.resolver.dispose(); this._queryFetcher && this._queryFetcher.dispose(); this._refetchSubscription && this._refetchSubscription.unsubscribe(); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState): boolean { // Short-circuit if any Relay-related data has changed if ( nextState.data !== this.state.data || nextState.relayProp !== this.state.relayProp ) { return true; } // Otherwise, for convenience short-circuit if all non-Relay props // are scalar and equal const keys = Object.keys(nextProps); for (let ii = 0; ii < keys.length; ii++) { const key = keys[ii]; if (key === '__relayContext') { if ( this.state.prevPropsContext.environment !== nextState.prevPropsContext.environment ) { return true; } } else { if ( !fragments.hasOwnProperty(key) && !isScalarAndEqual(nextProps[key], this.props[key]) ) { return true; } } } return false; } _subscribeToNewResolver() { const {data, resolver} = this.state; // Event listeners are only safe to add during the commit phase, // So they won't leak if render is interrupted or errors. resolver.setCallback(this._handleFragmentDataUpdate); // External values could change between render and commit. // Check for this case, even though it requires an extra store read. const maybeNewData = resolver.resolve(); if (data !== maybeNewData) { this.setState({data: maybeNewData}); } } /** * Render new data for the existing props/context. */ _handleFragmentDataUpdate = () => { const resolverFromThisUpdate = this.state.resolver; this.setState(updatedState => // If this event belongs to the current data source, update. // Otherwise we should ignore it. resolverFromThisUpdate === updatedState.resolver ? { data: updatedState.resolver.resolve(), } : null, ); }; _getFragmentVariables(): Variables { return getVariablesFromObject(fragments, this.props); } _getQueryFetcher(): ReactRelayQueryFetcher { if (!this._queryFetcher) { this._queryFetcher = new ReactRelayQueryFetcher(); } return this._queryFetcher; } _refetch = ( refetchVariables: | Variables | ((fragmentVariables: Variables) => Variables), renderVariables: ?Variables, observerOrCallback: ?ObserverOrCallback, options: ?RefetchOptions, ): Disposable => { if (this._isUnmounted) { warning( false, 'ReactRelayRefetchContainer: Unexpected call of `refetch` ' + 'on unmounted container `%s`. It looks like some instances ' + 'of your container still trying to refetch the data but they already ' + 'unmounted. Please make sure you clear all timers, intervals, async ' + 'calls, etc that may trigger `refetch`.', containerName, ); return { dispose() {}, }; } const {environment} = assertRelayContext(this.props.__relayContext); const rootVariables = getRootVariablesForFragments(fragments, this.props); let fetchVariables = typeof refetchVariables === 'function' ? refetchVariables(this._getFragmentVariables()) : refetchVariables; fetchVariables = {...rootVariables, ...fetchVariables}; const fragmentVariables = renderVariables ? {...fetchVariables, ...renderVariables} : fetchVariables; const cacheConfig: ?CacheConfig = options ? {force: !!options.force} : undefined; if (cacheConfig != null && options?.metadata != null) { cacheConfig.metadata = options?.metadata; } const observer = typeof observerOrCallback === 'function' ? { // callback is not exectued on complete or unsubscribe // for backward compatibility next: observerOrCallback, error: observerOrCallback, } : observerOrCallback || ({}: any); const query = getRequest(taggedNode); const operation = createOperationDescriptor( query, fetchVariables, cacheConfig, ); // TODO: T26288752 find a better way /* eslint-disable lint/react-state-props-mutation */ this.state.localVariables = fetchVariables; /* eslint-enable lint/react-state-props-mutation */ // Cancel any previously running refetch. this._refetchSubscription && this._refetchSubscription.unsubscribe(); // Declare refetchSubscription before assigning it in .start(), since // synchronous completion may call callbacks .subscribe() returns. let refetchSubscription; const storeSnapshot = this._getQueryFetcher().lookupInStore( environment, operation, options?.fetchPolicy, ); if (storeSnapshot != null) { this.state.resolver.setVariables( fragmentVariables, operation.request.node, ); this.setState( latestState => ({ data: latestState.resolver.resolve(), contextForChildren: { environment: this.props.__relayContext.environment, }, }), () => { observer.next && observer.next(); observer.complete && observer.complete(); }, ); return { dispose() {}, }; } this._getQueryFetcher() .execute({ environment, operation, // TODO (T26430099): Cleanup old references preservePreviousReferences: true, }) .mergeMap(response => { this.state.resolver.setVariables( fragmentVariables, operation.request.node, ); return Observable.create(sink => this.setState( latestState => ({ data: latestState.resolver.resolve(), contextForChildren: { environment: this.props.__relayContext.environment, }, }), () => { sink.next(); sink.complete(); }, ), ); }) .finally(() => { // Finalizing a refetch should only clear this._refetchSubscription // if the finizing subscription is the most recent call. if (this._refetchSubscription === refetchSubscription) { this._refetchSubscription = null; } }) .subscribe({ ...observer, start: subscription => { this._refetchSubscription = refetchSubscription = subscription; observer.start && observer.start(subscription); }, }); return { dispose() { refetchSubscription && refetchSubscription.unsubscribe(); }, }; }; render() { const {componentRef, __relayContext, ...props} = this.props; const {relayProp, contextForChildren} = this.state; return ( ); } }; } function getRelayProp(environment, refetch): RelayRefetchProp { return { environment, refetch, }; } /** * Wrap the basic `createContainer()` function with logic to adapt to the * `context.relay.environment` in which it is rendered. Specifically, the * extraction of the environment-specific version of fragments in the * `fragmentSpec` is memoized once per environment, rather than once per * instance of the container constructed/rendered. */ function createContainer>( Component: TComponent, fragmentSpec: GeneratedNodeMap, taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode, ): React.ComponentType< $RelayProps, RelayRefetchProp>, > { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] return buildReactRelayContainer( Component, fragmentSpec, (ComponentClass, fragments) => createContainerWithFragments(ComponentClass, fragments, taggedNode), ); } module.exports = { createContainer, };