/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format * @oncall relay */ 'use strict'; import type {ReactRelayQueryRendererContext as ReactRelayQueryRendererContextType} from './ReactRelayQueryRendererContext'; import type {GraphQLTaggedNode, IEnvironment, Variables} from 'relay-runtime'; import type {SelectorData} from 'relay-runtime/store/RelayStoreTypes'; const ReactRelayContext = require('./ReactRelayContext'); const ReactRelayQueryRendererContext = require('./ReactRelayQueryRendererContext'); const areEqual = require('areEqual'); const React = require('react'); const { createOperationDescriptor, deepFreeze, getRequest, } = require('relay-runtime'); const {useLayoutEffect, useState, useRef, useMemo} = React; type Props = { environment: IEnvironment, query: GraphQLTaggedNode, // $FlowFixMe[unclear-type] render: ({props: ?Object, ...}) => React.Node, variables: Variables, ... }; const queryRendererContext: ReactRelayQueryRendererContextType = { rootIsQueryRenderer: true, }; function useDeepCompare(value: T): T { const latestValue = React.useRef(value); if (!areEqual(latestValue.current, value)) { if (__DEV__) { deepFreeze(value); } latestValue.current = value; } return latestValue.current; } function ReactRelayLocalQueryRenderer(props: Props): React.Node { const {environment, query, variables, render} = props; const latestVariables = useDeepCompare(variables); const operation = useMemo(() => { const request = getRequest(query); return createOperationDescriptor(request, latestVariables); }, [query, latestVariables]); const relayContext = useMemo(() => ({environment}), [environment]); // Use a ref to prevent rendering twice when data changes // because of props change const dataRef = useRef(null); const [, forceUpdate] = useState(null); const cleanupFnRef = useRef void)>(null); const snapshot = useMemo(() => { environment.check(operation); const res = environment.lookup(operation.fragment); dataRef.current = res.data; // Run effects here so that the data can be retained // and subscribed before the component commits const retainDisposable = environment.retain(operation); const subscribeDisposable = environment.subscribe(res, newSnapshot => { dataRef.current = newSnapshot.data; forceUpdate(dataRef.current); }); let disposed = false; function nextCleanupFn() { if (!disposed) { disposed = true; cleanupFnRef.current = null; retainDisposable.dispose(); subscribeDisposable.dispose(); } } if (cleanupFnRef.current) { cleanupFnRef.current(); } cleanupFnRef.current = nextCleanupFn; return res; }, [environment, operation]); useLayoutEffect(() => { const cleanupFn = cleanupFnRef.current; return () => { cleanupFn && cleanupFn(); }; }, [snapshot]); return ( {render({props: dataRef.current})} ); } module.exports = ReactRelayLocalQueryRenderer;