import React from 'react'; import Thumbs from '../Thumbs'; import { CarouselProps, CarouselState } from './types'; export default class Carousel extends React.Component { private thumbsRef?; private carouselWrapperRef?; private listRef?; private itemsRef?; private timer?; private animationHandler; static displayName: string; static defaultProps: CarouselProps; constructor(props: CarouselProps); componentDidMount(): void; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: CarouselProps, prevState: CarouselState): void; componentWillUnmount(): void; setThumbsRef: (node: Thumbs) => void; setCarouselWrapperRef: (node: HTMLDivElement) => void; setListRef: (node: HTMLElement | HTMLUListElement) => void; setItemsRef: (node: HTMLElement, index: number) => void; setupCarousel(): void; destroyCarousel(): void; setupAutoPlay(): void; destroyAutoPlay(): void; bindEvents(): void; unbindEvents(): void; autoPlay: () => void; clearAutoPlay: () => void; resetAutoPlay: () => void; stopOnHover: () => void; startOnLeave: () => void; forceFocus(): void; isFocusWithinTheCarousel: () => boolean; navigateWithKeyboard: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void; updateSizes: () => void; setMountState: () => void; handleClickItem: (index: number, item: React.ReactNode) => void; /** * On Change handler, Passes the index and React node to the supplied onChange prop * @param index of the carousel item * @param item React node of the item being changed */ handleOnChange: (index: number, item: React.ReactNode) => void; handleClickThumb: (index: number, item: React.ReactNode) => void; onSwipeStart: (event: React.TouchEvent) => void; onSwipeEnd: (event: React.TouchEvent) => void; onSwipeMove: (delta: { x: number; y: number; }, event: React.TouchEvent) => boolean; /** * Decrements the selectedItem index a number of positions through the children list * @param positions * @param fromSwipe */ decrement: (positions?: number) => void; /** * Increments the selectedItem index a number of positions through the children list * @param positions * @param fromSwipe */ increment: (positions?: number) => void; /** * Moves the selected item to the position provided * @param position * @param fromSwipe */ moveTo: (position?: number | undefined) => void; onClickNext: () => void; onClickPrev: () => void; onSwipeForward: () => void; onSwipeBackwards: () => void; changeItem: (newIndex: number) => (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void; /** * This function is called when you want to 'select' a new item, or rather move to a 'selected' item * It also handles the onChange callback wrapper * @param state state object with updated selected item, and swiping bool if relevant */ selectItem: (state: Pick) => void; getInitialImage: () => HTMLImageElement; getVariableItemHeight: (position: number) => number | null; renderItems(isClone?: boolean): JSX.Element[]; renderControls(): JSX.Element | null; renderStatus(): JSX.Element | null; renderThumbs(): JSX.Element | null; render(): JSX.Element | null; } //#