import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react'; import ReactDom from 'react-dom'; import cx from 'classnames'; import CloseIcon from './CloseIcon'; import { FocusTrap } from './FocusTrap'; import modalManager from './modalManager'; import { isBrowser, blockNoScroll, unblockNoScroll } from './utils'; const classes = { overlay: 'react-responsive-modal-overlay', modal: 'react-responsive-modal-modal', modalCenter: 'react-responsive-modal-modalCenter', closeButton: 'react-responsive-modal-closeButton', animationIn: 'react-responsive-modal-fadeIn', animationOut: 'react-responsive-modal-fadeOut', }; export interface ModalProps { /** * Control if the modal is open or not. */ open: boolean; /** * Should the dialog be centered. * * Default to false. */ center?: boolean; /** * Is the modal closable when user press esc key. * * Default to true. */ closeOnEsc?: boolean; /** * Is the modal closable when user click on overlay. * * Default to true. */ closeOnOverlayClick?: boolean; /** * Whether to block scrolling when dialog is open. * * Default to true. */ blockScroll?: boolean; /** * Show the close icon. */ showCloseIcon?: boolean; /** * id attribute for the close icon button. */ closeIconId?: string; /** * Custom icon to render (svg, img, etc...). */ closeIcon?: React.ReactNode; /** * When the modal is open, trap focus within it. * * Default to true. */ focusTrapped?: boolean; /** * You can specify a container prop which should be of type `Element`. * The portal will be rendered inside that element. * The default behavior will create a div node and render it at the at the end of document.body. */ container?: Element; /** * An object containing classNames to style the modal. */ classNames?: { overlay?: string; modal?: string; closeButton?: string; closeIcon?: string; animationIn?: string; animationOut?: string; }; /** * An object containing the styles objects to style the modal. */ styles?: { overlay?: React.CSSProperties; modal?: React.CSSProperties; closeButton?: React.CSSProperties; closeIcon?: React.CSSProperties; }; /** * Animation duration in milliseconds. * * Default to 500. */ animationDuration?: number; /** * ARIA role for modal * * Default to 'dialog'. */ role?: string; /** * ARIA label for modal */ ariaLabelledby?: string; /** * ARIA description for modal */ ariaDescribedby?: string; /** * id attribute for modal */ modalId?: string; /** * Callback fired when the Modal is requested to be closed by a click on the overlay or when user press esc key. */ onClose: () => void; /** * Callback fired when the escape key is pressed. */ onEscKeyDown?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; /** * Callback fired when the overlay is clicked. */ onOverlayClick?: ( event: React.MouseEvent ) => void; /** * Callback fired when the Modal has exited and the animation is finished. */ onAnimationEnd?: () => void; children?: React.ReactNode; } export const Modal = ({ open, center, blockScroll = true, closeOnEsc = true, closeOnOverlayClick = true, container, showCloseIcon = true, closeIconId, closeIcon, focusTrapped = true, animationDuration = 500, classNames, styles, role = 'dialog', ariaDescribedby, ariaLabelledby, modalId, onClose, onEscKeyDown, onOverlayClick, onAnimationEnd, children, }: ModalProps) => { const refModal = useRef(null); const refShouldClose = useRef(null); const refContainer = useRef(null); // Lazily create the ref instance // if (refContainer.current === null && isBrowser) { refContainer.current = document.createElement('div'); } // The value should be false for srr, that way when the component is hydrated client side, // it will match the server rendered content const [showPortal, setShowPortal] = useState(false); const handleOpen = () => { modalManager.add(refContainer.current!, blockScroll); if (blockScroll) { blockNoScroll(); } if ( refContainer.current && !container && !document.body.contains(refContainer.current) ) { document.body.appendChild(refContainer.current); } document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeydown); }; const handleClose = () => { modalManager.remove(refContainer.current!); if (blockScroll) { unblockNoScroll(); } if ( refContainer.current && !container && document.body.contains(refContainer.current) ) { document.body.removeChild(refContainer.current); } document.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeydown); }; const handleKeydown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { // Only the last modal need to be escaped when pressing the esc key if ( event.keyCode !== 27 || !modalManager.isTopModal(refContainer.current!) ) { return; } onEscKeyDown?.(event); if (closeOnEsc) { onClose(); } }; useEffect(() => { return () => { // When the component is unmounted directly we want to unblock the scroll if (showPortal) { handleClose(); } }; }, [showPortal]); useEffect(() => { // If the open prop is changing, we need to open the modal // This is also called on the first render if the open prop is true when the modal is created if (open && !showPortal) { setShowPortal(true); handleOpen(); } }, [open]); const handleClickOverlay = ( event: React.MouseEvent ) => { if (refShouldClose.current === null) { refShouldClose.current = true; } if (!refShouldClose.current) { refShouldClose.current = null; return; } onOverlayClick?.(event); if (closeOnOverlayClick) { onClose(); } refShouldClose.current = null; }; const handleModalEvent = () => { refShouldClose.current = false; }; const handleClickCloseIcon = () => { onClose(); }; const handleAnimationEnd = () => { if (!open) { setShowPortal(false); } onAnimationEnd?.(); }; const containerModal = container || refContainer.current; return showPortal && containerModal ? ReactDom.createPortal(
{focusTrapped && } {children} {showCloseIcon && ( )}
, containerModal ) : null; }; export default Modal;