import { R as RouteModules, a as Router, D as DataStrategyFunction, b as RouteManifest, S as ServerRouteModule, L as LoaderFunctionArgs, A as ActionFunctionArgs, T as To, c as RelativeRoutingType, d as Location, e as Action, P as ParamParseKey, f as Path, g as PathPattern, h as PathMatch, N as NavigateOptions, i as Params, j as RouteObject, k as Navigation, l as RevalidationState, U as UIMatch, m as SerializeFrom, B as BlockerFunction, n as Blocker, o as StaticHandlerContext, p as StaticHandler, F as FutureConfig$1, C as CreateStaticHandlerOptions$1, I as InitialEntry, H as HydrationState, q as IndexRouteObject, r as LoaderFunction, s as ActionFunction, M as MetaFunction, t as LinksFunction, u as NonIndexRouteObject, v as RouterState } from './route-data-Cq_b5feC.js'; export { ao as ClientActionFunction, ap as ClientActionFunctionArgs, aq as ClientLoaderFunction, ar as ClientLoaderFunctionArgs, ai as DataRouteMatch, aj as DataRouteObject, O as DataStrategyFunctionArgs, Q as DataStrategyMatch, V as DataStrategyResult, X as ErrorResponse, x as Fetcher, Y as FormEncType, Z as FormMethod, G as GetScrollPositionFunction, w as GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, _ as HTMLFormMethod, as as HeadersArgs, at as HeadersFunction, ax as HtmlLinkDescriptor, a8 as IDLE_BLOCKER, a7 as IDLE_FETCHER, a6 as IDLE_NAVIGATION, $ as LazyRouteFunction, ay as LinkDescriptor, au as MetaArgs, av as MetaDescriptor, y as NavigationStates, ak as Navigator, aw as PageLinkDescriptor, al as PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, am as PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunctionArgs, a0 as PathParam, a1 as RedirectFunction, an as RouteMatch, K as RouterFetchOptions, z as RouterInit, J as RouterNavigateOptions, E as RouterSubscriber, a2 as ShouldRevalidateFunction, a3 as ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, aD as UNSAFE_DataRouterContext, aE as UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext, W as UNSAFE_DataWithResponseInit, aC as UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl, aF as UNSAFE_FetchersContext, aG as UNSAFE_LocationContext, aH as UNSAFE_NavigationContext, aI as UNSAFE_RouteContext, aJ as UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext, az as UNSAFE_createBrowserHistory, aB as UNSAFE_createRouter, aA as UNSAFE_invariant, a4 as createPath, a9 as data, aa as generatePath, ab as isRouteErrorResponse, ac as matchPath, ad as matchRoutes, a5 as parsePath, ae as redirect, af as redirectDocument, ag as replace, ah as resolvePath } from './route-data-Cq_b5feC.js'; import { A as AssetsManifest, a as Route, F as FutureConfig, E as EntryContext } from './fog-of-war-CCAcUMgB.js'; export { f as Await, b as AwaitProps, J as BrowserRouter, B as BrowserRouterProps, v as FetcherFormProps, z as FetcherSubmitFunction, a4 as FetcherSubmitOptions, C as FetcherWithComponents, V as Form, w as FormProps, K as HashRouter, H as HashRouterProps, q as HistoryRouterProps, I as IndexRouteProps, L as LayoutRouteProps, Q as Link, s as LinkProps, ab as Links, g as MemoryRouter, M as MemoryRouterProps, aa as Meta, U as NavLink, t as NavLinkProps, u as NavLinkRenderProps, h as Navigate, N as NavigateProps, i as Outlet, O as OutletProps, a5 as ParamKeyValuePair, P as PathRouteProps, ad as PrefetchPageLinks, j as Route, c as RouteProps, k as Router, d as RouterProps, l as RouterProvider, R as RouterProviderProps, m as Routes, e as RoutesProps, ac as Scripts, ae as ScriptsProps, W as ScrollRestoration, S as ScrollRestorationProps, x as SetURLSearchParams, y as SubmitFunction, a6 as SubmitOptions, a8 as SubmitTarget, ag as UNSAFE_FrameworkContext, aj as UNSAFE_createClientRoutes, ak as UNSAFE_createClientRoutesWithHMRRevalidationOptOut, ah as UNSAFE_getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, af as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, al as UNSAFE_shouldHydrateRouteLoader, ai as UNSAFE_useFogOFWarDiscovery, am as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, a7 as URLSearchParamsInit, D as createBrowserRouter, G as createHashRouter, n as createMemoryRouter, o as createRoutesFromChildren, p as createRoutesFromElements, a9 as createSearchParams, r as renderMatches, T as unstable_HistoryRouter, a2 as unstable_usePrompt, a1 as useBeforeUnload, $ as useFetcher, a0 as useFetchers, _ as useFormAction, X as useLinkClickHandler, Y as useSearchParams, Z as useSubmit, a3 as useViewTransitionState } from './fog-of-war-CCAcUMgB.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import { ReactElement } from 'react'; import { ParseOptions, SerializeOptions } from 'cookie'; export { ParseOptions as CookieParseOptions, SerializeOptions as CookieSerializeOptions } from 'cookie'; import { A as AppLoadContext$1 } from './data-CQbyyGzl.js'; declare const SingleFetchRedirectSymbol: unique symbol; declare function getSingleFetchDataStrategy(manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, getRouter: () => Router): DataStrategyFunction; declare function decodeViaTurboStream(body: ReadableStream, global: Window | typeof globalThis): Promise<{ done: Promise; value: unknown; }>; /** * The mode to use when running the server. */ declare enum ServerMode { Development = "development", Production = "production", Test = "test" } type ServerRouteManifest = RouteManifest>; interface ServerRoute extends Route { children: ServerRoute[]; module: ServerRouteModule; } /** * The output of the compiler for the server build. */ interface ServerBuild { entry: { module: ServerEntryModule; }; routes: ServerRouteManifest; assets: AssetsManifest; basename?: string; publicPath: string; assetsBuildDirectory: string; future: FutureConfig; isSpaMode: boolean; } interface HandleDocumentRequestFunction { (request: Request, responseStatusCode: number, responseHeaders: Headers, context: EntryContext, loadContext: AppLoadContext$1): Promise | Response; } interface HandleDataRequestFunction { (response: Response, args: LoaderFunctionArgs | ActionFunctionArgs): Promise | Response; } interface HandleErrorFunction { (error: unknown, args: LoaderFunctionArgs | ActionFunctionArgs): void; } /** * A module that serves as the entry point for a Remix app during server * rendering. */ interface ServerEntryModule { default: HandleDocumentRequestFunction; handleDataRequest?: HandleDataRequestFunction; handleError?: HandleErrorFunction; streamTimeout?: number; } /** Resolves a URL against the current location. ```tsx import { useHref } from "react-router" function SomeComponent() { let href = useHref("some/where"); // "/resolved/some/where" } ``` @category Hooks */ declare function useHref(to: To, { relative }?: { relative?: RelativeRoutingType; }): string; /** * Returns true if this component is a descendant of a Router, useful to ensure * a component is used within a Router. * * @category Hooks */ declare function useInRouterContext(): boolean; /** Returns the current {@link Location}. This can be useful if you'd like to perform some side effect whenever it changes. ```tsx import * as React from 'react' import { useLocation } from 'react-router' function SomeComponent() { let location = useLocation() React.useEffect(() => { // Google Analytics ga('send', 'pageview') }, [location]); return ( // ... ); } ``` @category Hooks */ declare function useLocation(): Location; /** * Returns the current navigation action which describes how the router came to * the current location, either by a pop, push, or replace on the history stack. * * @category Hooks */ declare function useNavigationType(): Action; /** * Returns a PathMatch object if the given pattern matches the current URL. * This is useful for components that need to know "active" state, e.g. * ``. * * @category Hooks */ declare function useMatch, Path extends string>(pattern: PathPattern | Path): PathMatch | null; /** * The interface for the navigate() function returned from useNavigate(). */ interface NavigateFunction { (to: To, options?: NavigateOptions): void | Promise; (delta: number): void | Promise; } /** Returns a function that lets you navigate programmatically in the browser in response to user interactions or effects. ```tsx import { useNavigate } from "react-router"; function SomeComponent() { let navigate = useNavigate(); return (