import { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import { FC } from 'react'; import { ForwardRefExoticComponent } from 'react'; import { HTMLAttributes } from 'react'; import { JSX as JSX_2 } from 'react'; import { default as React_2 } from 'react'; import { ReactNode } from 'react'; import { Ref } from 'react'; import { RefAttributes } from 'react'; import { SVGProps } from 'react'; declare interface CustomProps { /** * Takes a function that returns a Promise to be fulfilled before calling * `onClick`. If you do not return promise, `onClick` is called immediately. */ beforeOnClick?: () => Promise | void; children: React_2.ReactNode; className?: string; /** Disables click action and adds `disabled` class */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Style when button is disabled * @default { opacity: 0.6 } */ disabledStyle?: React_2.CSSProperties; forwardedRef?: Ref; /** * Passes as the native `title` atribute for the `button` element. */ htmlTitle?: HTMLButtonElement['title']; networkName: string; networkLink: NetworkLink; onClick?: (event: React_2.MouseEvent, link: string) => void; /** * Takes a function to be called after closing share dialog. */ onShareWindowClose?: () => void; openShareDialogOnClick?: boolean; opts: LinkOptions; resetButtonStyle?: boolean; /** * URL of the shared page */ url: string; style?: React_2.CSSProperties; windowWidth?: number; windowHeight?: number; windowPosition?: WindowPosition; } export declare const EmailIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const EmailShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & Options & RefAttributes>; export declare const FacebookIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const FacebookMessengerIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const FacebookMessengerShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & Options_2 & RefAttributes>; export declare const FacebookShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { hashtag?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const FacebookShareCount: { (props: Omit, "children"> & { children?: ((shareCount: number) => ReactNode) | undefined; getCount: (url: string, callback: (shareCount?: number | undefined) => void) => void; url: string; }, "getCount">): JSX_2.Element; displayName: string; }; export declare const GabIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const GabShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const HatenaIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const HatenaShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const HatenaShareCount: { (props: Omit, "children"> & { children?: ((shareCount: number) => ReactNode) | undefined; getCount: (url: string, callback: (shareCount?: number | undefined) => void) => void; url: string; }, "getCount">): JSX_2.Element; displayName: string; }; export declare const InstapaperIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const InstapaperShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const LineIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const LineShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const LinkedinIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const LinkedinShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & Options_3 & RefAttributes>; export declare const LivejournalIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const LivejournalShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const MailruIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const MailruShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; imageUrl?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; declare type NetworkLink = (url: string, options: LinkOptions) => string; export declare const OKIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const OKShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; image?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const OKShareCount: { (props: Omit, "children"> & { children?: ((shareCount: number) => ReactNode) | undefined; getCount: (url: string, callback: (shareCount?: number | undefined) => void) => void; url: string; }, "getCount">): JSX_2.Element; displayName: string; }; declare type Options = { body?: string; separator?: string; subject?: string; }; declare type Options_2 = { /** Your app's unique identifier. */ appId: string; /** The URL to redirect to after a person clicks a button on the dialog. * Required when using URL redirection. */ redirectUri?: string; /** A user ID of a recipient. Once the dialog comes up, the sender can * specify additional people as recipients. */ to?: string; }; declare type Options_3 = { /** The url-encoded title value that you wish you use. */ title?: string; /** The url-encoded description that you wish you use. */ summary?: string; /** The url-encoded source of the content (e.g. your website or application name) */ source?: string; }; declare type Options_4 = { title?: string; caption?: string; posttype?: 'link' | string; }; declare type Options_5 = { title?: string; image?: string; noParse?: boolean; noVkLinks?: boolean; }; export declare const PinterestIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const PinterestShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & PinterestShareProps & RefAttributes>; export declare const PinterestShareCount: { (props: Omit, "children"> & { children?: ((shareCount: number) => ReactNode) | undefined; getCount: (url: string, callback: (shareCount?: number | undefined) => void) => void; url: string; }, "getCount">): JSX_2.Element; displayName: string; }; declare interface PinterestShareProps { media: string; description?: string; pinId?: string; } export declare const PocketIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const PocketShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; declare type Props> = Omit, keyof CustomProps> & CustomProps; export declare const RedditIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const RedditShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const RedditShareCount: { (props: Omit, "children"> & { children?: ((shareCount: number) => ReactNode) | undefined; getCount: (url: string, callback: (shareCount?: number | undefined) => void) => void; url: string; }, "getCount">): JSX_2.Element; displayName: string; }; export declare const TelegramIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const TelegramShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const TumblrIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const TumblrShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & Options_4 & { tags?: string[] | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const TumblrShareCount: { (props: Omit, "children"> & { children?: ((shareCount: number) => ReactNode) | undefined; getCount: (url: string, callback: (shareCount?: number | undefined) => void) => void; url: string; }, "getCount">): JSX_2.Element; displayName: string; }; export declare const TwitterIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const TwitterShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; via?: string | undefined; hashtags?: string[] | undefined; related?: string[] | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const ViberIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const ViberShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; separator?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const VKIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const VKShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & Options_5 & RefAttributes>; export declare const VKShareCount: { (props: Omit, "children"> & { children?: ((shareCount: number) => ReactNode) | undefined; getCount: (url: string, callback: (shareCount?: number | undefined) => void) => void; url: string; }, "getCount">): JSX_2.Element; displayName: string; }; export declare const WeiboIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const WeiboShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; image?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const WhatsappIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const WhatsappShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { title?: string | undefined; separator?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; declare type WindowPosition = 'windowCenter' | 'screenCenter'; export declare const WorkplaceIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export declare const WorkplaceShareButton: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "forwardedRef" | "networkName" | "networkLink" | "opts"> & { quote?: string | undefined; hashtag?: string | undefined; } & RefAttributes>; export declare const XIcon: FC, "width" | "height"> & { bgStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; borderRadius?: number | undefined; iconFillColor?: string | undefined; round?: boolean | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; }>; export { }