require("./index.css"); var $8zHUo$tslib = require("tslib"); var $8zHUo$react = require("react"); function $parcel$defineInteropFlag(a) { Object.defineProperty(a, '__esModule', {value: true, configurable: true}); } function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true}); } function $parcel$interopDefault(a) { return a && a.__esModule ? a.default : a; } $parcel$defineInteropFlag(module.exports); $parcel$export(module.exports, "default", () => $fd046e7a82b9f872$export$2e2bcd8739ae039); var $8938343de1ba276a$var$crossChar = String.fromCharCode(215); function $8938343de1ba276a$var$Close(_a) { var value = _a.value, onClear = _a.onClear; return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("button", { onClick: function() { return onClear(value); }, className: "react-select-tag-close-btn", type: "button", "data-test": "react-select-tag-close-button", "aria-label": "close" }, $8938343de1ba276a$var$crossChar); } var $8938343de1ba276a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $8938343de1ba276a$var$Close; function $4b7acff32b47fda7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039(_a) { var label = _a.label, value = _a.value, tagColor = _a.tagColor, textColor = _a.textColor, readOnly = _a.readOnly, clearTagHandler = _a.clearTagHandler, style =; return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("div", { className: "react-select-tag ".concat(style), "data-test": "react-select-tag", key: value, style: { backgroundColor: tagColor, color: textColor } }, /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("span", { className: "react-select-tag-label" }, label), !readOnly && /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement((0, $8938343de1ba276a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039), { value: value, onClear: clearTagHandler })); } var $9898cd5c0ab69454$export$8c903c4191c6b9ec = function(_a) { var tags = _a.tags, onChange = _a.onChange, options = _a.options, _b = _a.creatable, creatable = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, style =, _c = _a.renderInput, renderInput = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = _a.clearOnBackSpace, clearOnBackSpace = _d === void 0 ? true : _d; var _e = (0, $8zHUo$react.useState)(""), inputValue = _e[0], setInputValue = _e[1]; var inputRef = (0, $8zHUo$react.useRef)(null); var _f = (0, $8zHUo$react.useState)(false), showOptions = _f[0], setShowOptions = _f[1]; var selectRef = (0, $8zHUo$react.useRef)(null); var optionContainerRef = (0, $8zHUo$react.useRef)(null); var uniqueOptions = options ? options.filter(function(option, index, self) { return self.findIndex(function(item) { return item.label === option.label; }) === index; }) : []; // function for handling any outside click (0, $8zHUo$react.useEffect)(function() { var handleOutsideClick = function(event) { if (selectRef.current && !selectRef.current.contains( setShowOptions(false); }; document.addEventListener("mousedown", handleOutsideClick); return function() { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", handleOutsideClick); }; }, []); // function for handling inside click on the component var handleClick = function() { toggleDropdown(); if (inputRef.current) { var selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.toString().length === 0) { inputRef.current.focus(); setShowOptions(true); } } }; // function for handling keyboard interaction (enter, backspace) var handleEnter = function(event) { var findIndex = tags.findIndex(function(ele) { return ele.value === inputValue; }); if (event.key === "Enter" && inputValue && findIndex === -1 && creatable) { var tag = { value: inputValue, label: inputValue }; var newTags = (0, $8zHUo$tslib.__spreadArray)((0, $8zHUo$tslib.__spreadArray)([], tags, true), [ tag ], false); onChange(newTags, tag); setInputValue(""); } if (clearOnBackSpace && event.key === "Backspace" && inputValue === "") { event.preventDefault(); var indexToRemove = -1; for(var i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)if (!tags[i].readOnly || tags[i].readOnly === false) { indexToRemove = i; break; } if (indexToRemove !== -1) { var tags_ = (0, $8zHUo$tslib.__spreadArray)([], tags, true); tags_.splice(indexToRemove, 1); onChange(tags_); } } }; var handleChange = function(event) { var value =; setInputValue(value); }; var clearTagHandler = function(value) { var newTags = tags.filter(function(ele) { return ele.value !== value; }); onChange(newTags); }; var toggleDropdown = function() { setShowOptions(true); }; // const handleSelectOption = ({ label, value }: TagOptions) => { // const findIndex = tags.findIndex((ele) => ele.value === value); // if (findIndex !== -1) return; // const tag = { value, label }; // const newTags = [...tags, tag]; // onChange(newTags, tag); // setInputValue(""); // }; var handleSelectOption = function(_a) { var label = _a.label, value = _a.value; var isSelected = tags.some(function(tag) { return tag.value === value; }); var newTags; var tag = { value: value, label: label }; if (isSelected) // If selected, remove it from tags newTags = tags.filter(function(tag) { return tag.value !== value; }); else // If not selected, add it to tags newTags = (0, $8zHUo$tslib.__spreadArray)((0, $8zHUo$tslib.__spreadArray)([], tags, true), [ tag ], false); onChange(newTags, tag); setInputValue(""); }; (0, $8zHUo$react.useEffect)(function() { if (inputRef.current) inputRef.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" }); }, [ tags ]); var _g = (0, $8zHUo$react.useState)(-1), highlightedIndex = _g[0], setHighlightedIndex = _g[1]; // function for handling keyboard interaction with options var handleKeyDown = function(e) { if (!filteredOptions || filteredOptions.length === 0) return; if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { e.preventDefault(); if (highlightedIndex < filteredOptions.length - 1) { setHighlightedIndex(highlightedIndex + 1); scrollOptionIntoView(highlightedIndex + 1); } } else if (e.key === "ArrowUp") { e.preventDefault(); if (highlightedIndex > 0) { setHighlightedIndex(highlightedIndex - 1); scrollOptionIntoView(highlightedIndex - 1); } } else if (e.key === "Enter") { if (showOptions && highlightedIndex !== -1 && highlightedIndex < filteredOptions.length) { handleSelectOption((0, $8zHUo$tslib.__assign)({}, filteredOptions[highlightedIndex])); setHighlightedIndex(-1); } } }; var scrollOptionIntoView = function(index) { if (optionContainerRef.current) { var optionElement = optionContainerRef.current.querySelector(".react-select-tags-select-container-option:nth-child(".concat(index + 1, ")")); if (optionElement) optionElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest" }); } }; var filteredOptions = options ? uniqueOptions.filter(function(_a) { var label = _a.label; if (typeof label === "string") return label.toLowerCase().includes(inputValue.toLowerCase()); else return label.toString().includes(inputValue); }) : []; return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("div", { className: "react-select-tags-main", ref: selectRef, onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, "data-test": "main-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("div", { className: "".concat(style === null || style === void 0 ? void 0 : style.mainContainer, " react-select-tags"), onClick: handleClick, "data-test": "react-select-tags" },, index) { var label = _a.label, value = _a.value, tagColor = _a.tagColor, textColor = _a.textColor, readOnly = _a.readOnly; return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement((0, $4b7acff32b47fda7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039), { key: index, style: style === null || style === void 0 ? void 0 : style.tag, label: label, value: value, tagColor: tagColor, textColor: textColor, readOnly: readOnly, clearTagHandler: clearTagHandler }); }), renderInput && /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("input", { value: inputValue, ref: inputRef, className: "".concat(style === null || style === void 0 ? void 0 : style.input, " react-select-tags-input"), "data-test": "react-select-tags-input", onChange: handleChange, onKeyDown: handleEnter })), showOptions && filteredOptions && (filteredOptions === null || filteredOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : filteredOptions.length) > 0 && /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("div", { className: "".concat(style === null || style === void 0 ? void 0 : style.optionContainer, " react-select-tags-select-container"), onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, ref: optionContainerRef, "data-test": "react-select-tags-select-container" }, filteredOptions === null || filteredOptions === void 0 ? void 0 :, index) { var label = _a.label, value = _a.value; // Check if this option is already selected var isSelected = tags.some(function(tag) { return tag.value === value; }); return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("div", { key: index, className: "".concat(style === null || style === void 0 ? void 0 : style.option, " \n ").concat(highlightedIndex === index ? "highlighted-option ".concat(style === null || style === void 0 ? void 0 : style.selectedOption) : "", " \n ").concat(isSelected ? "selected-option" : "", " \n react-select-tags-select-container-option"), onClick: function() { return handleSelectOption({ label: label, value: value }); }, onMouseOver: function() { return setHighlightedIndex(index); }, "data-test": "react-select-tags-select-container-option" }, /*#__PURE__*/ (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$react))).createElement("span", null, label)); }))); }; var $fd046e7a82b9f872$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = (0, $9898cd5c0ab69454$export$8c903c4191c6b9ec); //#