import * as React from 'react'; declare type Nullable = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] | null; }; export declare type TypeOptions = 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'default'; export declare type Theme = 'light' | 'dark' | 'colored'; export declare type ToastPosition = 'top-right' | 'top-center' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-center' | 'bottom-left'; export interface ToastContentProps { closeToast?: () => void; toastProps: ToastProps; data?: Data; } export declare type ToastContent = React.ReactNode | ((props: ToastContentProps) => React.ReactNode); export declare type Id = number | string; export declare type ToastTransition = React.FC | React.ComponentClass; /** * ClassName for the elements - can take a function to build a classname or a raw string that is cx'ed to defaults */ export declare type ToastClassName = ((context?: { type?: TypeOptions; defaultClassName?: string; position?: ToastPosition; rtl?: boolean; }) => string) | string; export interface ClearWaitingQueueParams { containerId?: Id; } export declare type DraggableDirection = 'x' | 'y'; interface CommonOptions { /** * Pause the timer when the mouse hover the toast. * `Default: true` */ pauseOnHover?: boolean; /** * Pause the toast when the window loose focus. * `Default: true` */ pauseOnFocusLoss?: boolean; /** * Remove the toast when clicked. * `Default: true` */ closeOnClick?: boolean; /** * Set the delay in ms to close the toast automatically. * Use `false` to prevent the toast from closing. * `Default: 5000` */ autoClose?: number | false; /** * Set the default position to use. * `One of: 'top-right', 'top-center', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-left'` * `Default: 'top-right'` */ position?: ToastPosition; /** * Pass a custom close button. * To remove the close button pass `false` */ closeButton?: React.ReactElement | ((props: any) => React.ReactElement) | boolean; /** * An optional css class to set for the progress bar. */ progressClassName?: ToastClassName; /** * An optional style to set for the progress bar. */ progressStyle?: React.CSSProperties; /** * An optional css class to set for the toast content. */ bodyClassName?: ToastClassName; /** * An optional inline style to apply for the toast content. */ bodyStyle?: React.CSSProperties; /** * Hide or show the progress bar. * `Default: false` */ hideProgressBar?: boolean; /** * Pass a custom transition built with react-transition-group. */ transition?: ToastTransition; /** * Allow toast to be draggable * `Default: true` */ draggable?: boolean; /** * The percentage of the toast's width it takes for a drag to dismiss a toast * `Default: 80` */ draggablePercent?: number; /** * Specify in which direction should you swipe to dismiss the toast * `Default: "x"` */ draggableDirection?: DraggableDirection; /** * Define the ARIA role for the toast * `Default: alert` * */ role?: string; /** * Set id to handle multiple container */ containerId?: Id; /** * Fired when clicking inside toaster */ onClick?: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; /** * Support right to left display. * `Default: false` */ rtl?: boolean; /** * Used to display a custom icon. Set it to `false` to prevent * the icons from being displayed */ icon?: React.ReactNode | false; /** * Theme to use. * `One of: 'light', 'dark', 'colored'` * `Default: 'light'` */ theme?: Theme; } export interface ToastOptions extends CommonOptions { /** * An optional css class to set. */ className?: ToastClassName; /** * Called when toast is mounted. */ onOpen?: (props: T) => void; /** * Called when toast is unmounted. */ onClose?: (props: T) => void; /** * An optional inline style to apply. */ style?: React.CSSProperties; /** * Set the toast type. * `One of: 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error', 'default'` */ type?: TypeOptions; /** * Set a custom `toastId` */ toastId?: Id; /** * Used during update */ updateId?: Id; /** * Set the percentage for the controlled progress bar. `Value must be between 0 and 1.` */ progress?: number | string; /** * Add a delay in ms before the toast appear. */ delay?: number; isLoading?: boolean; data?: Data; } export interface UpdateOptions extends Nullable { /** * Used to update a toast. * Pass any valid ReactNode(string, number, component) */ render?: ToastContent; } export interface ToastContainerProps extends CommonOptions { /** * An optional css class to set. */ className?: ToastClassName; /** * Whether or not to display the newest toast on top. * `Default: false` */ newestOnTop?: boolean; /** * An optional inline style to apply. */ style?: React.CSSProperties; /** * An optional inline style to apply for the toast. */ toastStyle?: React.CSSProperties; /** * An optional css class for the toast. */ toastClassName?: ToastClassName; /** * Show the toast only if it includes containerId and it's the same as containerId * `Default: false` */ enableMultiContainer?: boolean; /** * Limit the number of toast displayed at the same time */ limit?: number; } export interface ToastTransitionProps { isIn: boolean; done: () => void; position: ToastPosition | string; preventExitTransition: boolean; nodeRef: React.RefObject; children?: React.ReactNode; } /** * @INTERNAL */ export interface ToastProps extends ToastOptions { isIn: boolean; staleId?: Id; toastId: Id; key: Id; transition: ToastTransition; closeToast: () => void; position: ToastPosition; children?: ToastContent; draggablePercent: number; draggableDirection?: DraggableDirection; progressClassName?: ToastClassName; className?: ToastClassName; bodyClassName?: ToastClassName; deleteToast: () => void; theme: Theme; type: TypeOptions; } /** * @INTERNAL */ export interface NotValidatedToastProps extends Partial { toastId: Id; } /** * @INTERAL */ export interface Toast { content: ToastContent; props: ToastProps; } export {};