import * as React from "react"; type TwitterLoginButtonTheme = "dark_short" | "light_short" | "dark" | "light"; interface TwitterLoginProps { /** * Consumer API key */ consumerKey: string; /** * Consumer API secret key */ consumerSecret: string; /** * Callback function which takes two arguments (error, authData) */ authCallback: (error?: any, result?: any) => void; /** * DEPRECATED * "callbackUrl" is not supported from version 1.2.0 and higher. It's hardcoded inside the package with "window.location.href". More details: * The redirect URI of the application, this should be same as the value in the application registration portal. */ callbackUrl?: string; /** * Name of theme for button style. */ buttonTheme?: TwitterLoginButtonTheme; /** * Additional class name string. */ className?: string; } interface TwitterLoginState { isCompleted: boolean; popup?: Window; } declare class TwitterLogin extends React.Component< TwitterLoginProps, TwitterLoginState > {} export { TwitterLogin, TwitterLoginProps, TwitterLoginState, TwitterLoginButtonTheme }; export default TwitterLogin;