import * as React from 'react'; import { ReactFireOptions, ObservableStatus } from './'; import type { UploadTask, UploadTaskSnapshot, StorageReference, FirebaseStorage } from 'firebase/storage'; /** * Subscribe to the progress of a storage task * * @param task - the task you want to listen to * @param ref - reference to the blob the task is acting on * @param options */ export declare function useStorageTask(task: UploadTask, ref: StorageReference, options?: ReactFireOptions): ObservableStatus; /** * Subscribe to a storage ref's download URL * * @param ref - reference to the blob you want to download * @param options */ export declare function useStorageDownloadURL(ref: StorageReference, options?: ReactFireOptions): ObservableStatus; declare type StorageImageProps = { storagePath: string; storage?: FirebaseStorage; suspense?: boolean; placeHolder?: JSX.Element; }; export declare function StorageImage(props: StorageImageProps & React.DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLImageElement>): JSX.Element; export {};