import * as React from "react"; import { createComponent } from "reakit-system/createComponent"; import { createHook } from "reakit-system/createHook"; import { useLiveRef } from "reakit-utils/useLiveRef"; import { useForkRef } from "reakit-utils/useForkRef"; import { warning } from "reakit-warning"; import { useUpdateEffect } from "reakit-utils/useUpdateEffect"; import { CompositeOptions, CompositeHTMLProps, useComposite, } from "../Composite/Composite"; import { COMBOBOX_KEYS } from "./__keys"; import { unstable_ComboboxStateReturn } from "./ComboboxState"; import { getMenuId } from "./__utils/getMenuId"; function getControls(baseId: string, ariaControls?: string) { const menuId = getMenuId(baseId); if (ariaControls) { return `${ariaControls} ${menuId}`; } return menuId; } function getAutocomplete(options: unstable_ComboboxOptions) { if (options.list && options.inline) return "both"; if (options.list) return "list"; if (options.inline) return "inline"; return "none"; } function isFirstItemAutoSelected( items: unstable_ComboboxOptions["items"], autoSelect: unstable_ComboboxOptions["autoSelect"], currentId: unstable_ComboboxOptions["currentId"] ) { if (!autoSelect) return false; const firstItem = items.find((item) => !item.disabled); return currentId && firstItem?.id === currentId; } function hasCompletionString(inputValue: string, currentValue?: string) { return ( !!currentValue && currentValue.length > inputValue.length && currentValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) === 0 ); } function getCompletionString(inputValue: string, currentValue?: string) { if (!currentValue) return ""; const index = currentValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()); return currentValue.slice(index + inputValue.length); } function useValue(options: unstable_ComboboxOptions) { return React.useMemo(() => { if (!options.inline) { return options.inputValue; } const firstItemAutoSelected = isFirstItemAutoSelected( options.items, options.autoSelect, options.currentId ); if (firstItemAutoSelected) { if (hasCompletionString(options.inputValue, options.currentValue)) { return ( options.inputValue + getCompletionString(options.inputValue, options.currentValue) ); } return options.inputValue; } return options.currentValue || options.inputValue; }, [ options.inline, options.inputValue, options.autoSelect, options.items, options.currentId, options.currentValue, ]); } function getFirstEnabledItemId(items: unstable_ComboboxOptions["items"]) { return items.find((item) => !item.disabled)?.id; } export const unstable_useCombobox = createHook< unstable_ComboboxOptions, unstable_ComboboxHTMLProps >({ name: "Combobox", compose: useComposite, keys: COMBOBOX_KEYS, useOptions({ menuRole = "listbox", hideOnEsc = true, ...options }) { return { menuRole, hideOnEsc, ...options }; }, useProps( options, { ref: htmlRef, onKeyDown: htmlOnKeyDown, onKeyPress: htmlOnKeyPress, onChange: htmlOnChange, onClick: htmlOnClick, onBlur: htmlOnBlur, "aria-controls": ariaControls, ...htmlProps } ) { const ref = React.useRef(null); const [updated, update] = React.useReducer(() => ({}), {}); const onKeyDownRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyDown); const onKeyPressRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyPress); const onChangeRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnChange); const onClickRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnClick); const onBlurRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnBlur); const value = useValue(options); const hasInsertedTextRef = React.useRef(false); // Completion string React.useEffect(() => { if (!options.inline) return; if (!options.autoSelect) return; if (!options.currentValue) return; if (options.currentId !== getFirstEnabledItemId(options.items)) return; if (!hasCompletionString(options.inputValue, options.currentValue)) { return; } const element = ref.current; warning( !element, "Can't auto select combobox because `ref` wasn't passed to the component", "See" ); element?.setSelectionRange( options.inputValue.length, options.currentValue.length ); }, [ updated, options.inline, options.autoSelect, options.currentValue, options.inputValue, options.currentId, options.items, ]); // Auto select on type useUpdateEffect(() => { if ( options.autoSelect && options.items.length && hasInsertedTextRef.current ) { // If autoSelect is set to true and the last change was a text // insertion, we want to automatically focus on the first suggestion. // This effect will run both when inputValue changes and when items // change so we can also catch async items. options.setCurrentId(undefined); } else { // Without autoSelect, we'll always blur the combobox option and move // focus onto the combobox input. options.setCurrentId(null); } }, [ options.items, options.inputValue, options.autoSelect, options.setCurrentId, ]); const onKeyDown = React.useCallback( (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { onKeyDownRef.current?.(event); // Resets the reference on key down so we can figure it out later on // key press. hasInsertedTextRef.current = false; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (event.key === "Escape" && options.hideOnEsc) { options.hide?.(); } }, [options.hideOnEsc, options.hide] ); const onKeyPress = React.useCallback( (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { onKeyPressRef.current?.(event); // onKeyPress will catch only printable character presses, so we skip // text removal and paste. hasInsertedTextRef.current = true; }, [] ); const onChange = React.useCallback( (event: React.ChangeEvent) => { onChangeRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return;; options.setInputValue?.(; update(); if (!options.autoSelect || !hasInsertedTextRef.current) { // If autoSelect is not set or it's not an insertion of text, focus // on the combobox input after changing the value. options.setCurrentId?.(null); } else { // Selects first item options.setCurrentId?.(undefined); } }, [, options.autoSelect, options.setCurrentId, options.setInputValue, ] ); const onClick = React.useCallback( (event: React.MouseEvent) => { onClickRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; // if (!options.minValueLength || value.length >= options.minValueLength) {; } options.setCurrentId?.(null); options.setInputValue(value); }, [, options.setCurrentId, options.setInputValue, options.minValueLength, value, ] ); const onBlur = React.useCallback( (event: React.FocusEvent) => { onBlurRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; options.setInputValue(value); }, [options.setInputValue, value] ); return { ref: useForkRef(ref, useForkRef(options.unstable_referenceRef, htmlRef)), role: "combobox", autoComplete: "off", "aria-controls": getControls(options.baseId, ariaControls), "aria-haspopup": options.menuRole, "aria-expanded": options.visible, "aria-autocomplete": getAutocomplete(options), value, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onChange, onClick, onBlur, ...htmlProps, }; }, useComposeProps( options, { onKeyUp, onKeyDownCapture: htmlOnKeyDownCapture, onKeyDown: htmlOnKeyDown, ...htmlProps } ) { const compositeHTMLProps = useComposite(options, htmlProps, true); const onKeyDownCaptureRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyDownCapture); const onKeyDownRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyDown); const onKeyDownCapture = React.useCallback( (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { onKeyDownCaptureRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (options.menuRole !== "grid") { // If menu is a one-dimensional list and there's an option with // focus, we don't want Home/End and printable characters to perform // actions on the option, only on the combobox input. if (event.key === "Home") return; if (event.key === "End") return; } if (event.key.length === 1) return; // Composite's onKeyDownCapture will proxy this event to the active // item. compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDownCapture?.(event); }, [options.menuRole, compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDownCapture] ); const onKeyDown = React.useCallback( (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { onKeyDownRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const onlyInputHasFocus = options.currentId === null; if (!onlyInputHasFocus) return; // Do not perform list actions when pressing horizontal arrow keys when // focusing the combobox input while no option has focus. if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") return; if (event.key === "ArrowRight") return; if (event.key === "Home") return; if (event.key === "End") return; if ( !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && (event.key === "ArrowUp" || event.key === "ArrowDown" || event.key.length === 1) ) { // Up/Down arrow keys and printable characters should open the // combobox popover.; } compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDown?.(event); }, [options.currentId,, compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDown] ); return { ...compositeHTMLProps, onKeyDownCapture, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, }; }, }); export const unstable_Combobox = createComponent({ as: "input", memo: true, useHook: unstable_useCombobox, }); export type unstable_ComboboxOptions = CompositeOptions & Pick< Partial, | "currentValue" | "menuRole" | "list" | "inline" | "autoSelect" | "visible" | "show" | "hide" | "unstable_referenceRef" | "minValueLength" > & Pick< unstable_ComboboxStateReturn, "baseId" | "inputValue" | "setInputValue" > & { /** * When enabled, user can hide the combobox popover by pressing * Esc while focusing on the combobox input. * @default true */ hideOnEsc?: boolean; }; export type unstable_ComboboxHTMLProps = CompositeHTMLProps & React.InputHTMLAttributes; export type unstable_ComboboxProps = unstable_ComboboxOptions & unstable_ComboboxHTMLProps;