import * as React from "react"; import { createComponent } from "reakit-system/createComponent"; import { createHook } from "reakit-system/createHook"; import { useLiveRef } from "reakit-utils/useLiveRef"; import { BoxOptions, BoxHTMLProps, useBox } from "../Box/Box"; import { CompositeItemOptions, CompositeItemHTMLProps, useCompositeItem, } from "../Composite/CompositeItem"; import { unstable_ComboboxStateReturn } from "./ComboboxState"; import { COMBOBOX_ITEM_KEYS } from "./__keys"; import { getItemId } from "./__utils/getItemId"; import { Item } from "./__utils/types"; export const unstable_useComboboxItem = createHook< unstable_ComboboxItemOptions, unstable_ComboboxItemHTMLProps >({ name: "ComboboxItem", compose: useBox, keys: COMBOBOX_ITEM_KEYS, propsAreEqual(prev, next) { if (prev.value !== next.value) return false; if (!prev.value || !next.value || !prev.baseId || !next.baseId) { return useCompositeItem.unstable_propsAreEqual(prev, next); } const { currentValue: prevCurrentValue, inputValue: prevInputValue, // @ts-ignore matches: prevMatches, ...prevProps } = prev; const { currentValue: nextCurrentValue, inputValue: nextInputValue, // @ts-ignore matches: nextMatches, ...nextProps } = next; if (prevCurrentValue !== nextCurrentValue) { if (next.value === prevCurrentValue || next.value === nextCurrentValue) { return false; } } const prevId = getItemId(prev.baseId, prev.value,; const nextId = getItemId(next.baseId, next.value,; return useCompositeItem.unstable_propsAreEqual( { ...prevProps, id: prevId }, { ...nextProps, id: nextId } ); }, useOptions(options) { const trulyDisabled = options.disabled && !options.focusable; const value = trulyDisabled ? undefined : options.value; const registerItem = React.useCallback( (item: Item) => { if (options.visible) { options.registerItem?.({ ...item, value }); } }, [options.registerItem, options.visible, value] ); if ( || !options.baseId || !options.value) { return { ...options, registerItem }; } const id = getItemId(options.baseId, options.value,; return { ...options, registerItem, id }; }, useProps(options, { onClick: htmlOnClick, ...htmlProps }) { const onClickRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnClick); const onClick = React.useCallback( (event: React.MouseEvent) => { onClickRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!options.value) return; options.hide?.(); options.setInputValue?.(options.value); }, [options.hide, options.setInputValue, options.value] ); return { children: options.value, onClick, tabIndex: -1, ...htmlProps, }; }, }); export const unstable_ComboboxItem = createComponent({ as: "span", memo: true, useHook: unstable_useComboboxItem, }); export type unstable_ComboboxItemOptions = BoxOptions & CompositeItemOptions & Pick< Partial, "currentValue" | "inputValue" | "hide" | "visible" > & Pick & { /** * Item's value that will be used to fill input value and filter `matches` * based on the input value. You can omit this for items that perform * actions other than filling a form. For example, items may open a dialog. */ value?: string; }; export type unstable_ComboboxItemHTMLProps = BoxHTMLProps & CompositeItemHTMLProps; export type unstable_ComboboxItemProps = unstable_ComboboxItemOptions & unstable_ComboboxItemHTMLProps;