import * as React from "react"; import { createComponent } from "reakit-system/createComponent"; import { createHook } from "reakit-system/createHook"; import { warning } from "reakit-warning"; import { useForkRef } from "reakit-utils/useForkRef"; import { hasFocusWithin } from "reakit-utils/hasFocusWithin"; import { getDocument } from "reakit-utils/getDocument"; import { isTextField } from "reakit-utils/isTextField"; import { useLiveRef } from "reakit-utils/useLiveRef"; import { isPortalEvent } from "reakit-utils/isPortalEvent"; import { isSelfTarget } from "reakit-utils/isSelfTarget"; import { ensureFocus } from "reakit-utils/ensureFocus"; import { ClickableOptions, ClickableHTMLProps, useClickable, } from "../Clickable/Clickable"; import { unstable_useId, unstable_IdOptions, unstable_IdHTMLProps, } from "../Id/Id"; import { CompositeStateReturn } from "./CompositeState"; import { setTextFieldValue } from "./__utils/setTextFieldValue"; import { getCurrentId } from "./__utils/getCurrentId"; import { Item } from "./__utils/types"; import { COMPOSITE_ITEM_KEYS } from "./__keys"; import { userFocus, setUserFocus, hasUserFocus } from "./__utils/userFocus"; export type CompositeItemOptions = ClickableOptions & unstable_IdOptions & Pick< Partial, | "unstable_virtual" | "baseId" | "orientation" | "unstable_moves" | "unstable_hasActiveWidget" > & Pick< CompositeStateReturn, | "items" | "currentId" | "registerItem" | "unregisterItem" | "setCurrentId" | "next" | "previous" | "up" | "down" | "first" | "last" >; export type CompositeItemHTMLProps = ClickableHTMLProps & unstable_IdHTMLProps; export type CompositeItemProps = CompositeItemOptions & CompositeItemHTMLProps; function getWidget(itemElement: Element) { return itemElement.querySelector("[data-composite-item-widget]"); } function useItem(options: CompositeItemOptions) { return React.useMemo( () => options.items?.find((item) => && ===, [options.items,] ); } function targetIsAnotherItem(event: React.SyntheticEvent, items: Item[]) { if (isSelfTarget(event)) return false; for (const item of items) { if (item.ref.current === { return true; } } return false; } export const useCompositeItem = createHook< CompositeItemOptions, CompositeItemHTMLProps >({ name: "CompositeItem", compose: [useClickable, unstable_useId], keys: COMPOSITE_ITEM_KEYS, propsAreEqual(prev, next) { if (! || !== { return useClickable.unstable_propsAreEqual(prev, next); } const { currentId: prevCurrentId, unstable_moves: prevMoves, ...prevProps } = prev; const { currentId: nextCurrentId, unstable_moves: nextMoves, ...nextProps } = next; if (nextCurrentId !== prevCurrentId) { if ( === nextCurrentId || === prevCurrentId) { return false; } } else if (prevMoves !== nextMoves) { return false; } return useClickable.unstable_propsAreEqual(prevProps, nextProps); }, useOptions(options) { return { ...options, id:, currentId: getCurrentId(options), unstable_clickOnSpace: options.unstable_hasActiveWidget ? false : options.unstable_clickOnSpace, }; }, useProps( options, { ref: htmlRef, tabIndex: htmlTabIndex = 0, onMouseDown: htmlOnMouseDown, onFocus: htmlOnFocus, onBlurCapture: htmlOnBlurCapture, onKeyDown: htmlOnKeyDown, onClick: htmlOnClick, ...htmlProps } ) { const ref = React.useRef(null); const { id } = options; const trulyDisabled = options.disabled && !options.focusable; const isCurrentItem = options.currentId === id; const isCurrentItemRef = useLiveRef(isCurrentItem); const hasFocusedComposite = React.useRef(false); const item = useItem(options); const onMouseDownRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnMouseDown); const onFocusRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnFocus); const onBlurCaptureRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnBlurCapture); const onKeyDownRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyDown); const onClickRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnClick); const shouldTabIndex = (!options.unstable_virtual && !options.unstable_hasActiveWidget && isCurrentItem) || // We don't want to set tabIndex="-1" when using CompositeItem as a // standalone component, without state props. !options.items?.length; React.useEffect(() => { if (!id) return undefined; options.registerItem?.({ id, ref, disabled: !!trulyDisabled }); return () => { options.unregisterItem?.(id); }; }, [id, trulyDisabled, options.registerItem, options.unregisterItem]); React.useEffect(() => { const element = ref.current; if (!element) { warning( true, "Can't focus composite item component because `ref` wasn't passed to component.", "See" ); return; } // `moves` will be incremented whenever next, previous, up, down, first, // last or move have been called. This means that the composite item will // be focused whenever some of these functions are called. We're using // isCurrentItemRef instead of isCurrentItem because we don't want to // focus the item if isCurrentItem changes (and options.moves doesn't). if (options.unstable_moves && isCurrentItemRef.current) { userFocus(element); } }, [options.unstable_moves]); const onMouseDown = React.useCallback( (event: React.MouseEvent) => { onMouseDownRef.current?.(event); setUserFocus(event.currentTarget, true); }, [] ); const onFocus = React.useCallback( (event: React.FocusEvent) => { const shouldFocusComposite = hasUserFocus(event.currentTarget); setUserFocus(event.currentTarget, false); onFocusRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (isPortalEvent(event)) return; if (!id) return; if (targetIsAnotherItem(event, options.items)) return; options.setCurrentId?.(id); // When using aria-activedescendant, we want to make sure that the // composite container receives focus, not the composite item. // But we don't want to do this if the target is another focusable // element inside the composite item, such as CompositeItemWidget. if ( shouldFocusComposite && options.unstable_virtual && options.baseId && isSelfTarget(event) ) { const { target } = event; const composite = getDocument(target).getElementById(options.baseId); if (composite) { hasFocusedComposite.current = true; ensureFocus(composite); } } }, [ id, options.items, options.setCurrentId, options.unstable_virtual, options.baseId, ] ); const onBlurCapture = React.useCallback( (event: React.FocusEvent) => { onBlurCaptureRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (options.unstable_virtual && hasFocusedComposite.current) { // When hasFocusedComposite is true, composite has been focused right // after focusing this item. This is an intermediate blur event, so // we ignore it. hasFocusedComposite.current = false; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, [options.unstable_virtual] ); const onKeyDown = React.useCallback( (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (!isSelfTarget(event)) return; const isVertical = options.orientation !== "horizontal"; const isHorizontal = options.orientation !== "vertical"; const isGrid = !!item?.groupId; const keyMap = { ArrowUp: (isGrid || isVertical) && options.up, ArrowRight: (isGrid || isHorizontal) &&, ArrowDown: (isGrid || isVertical) && options.down, ArrowLeft: (isGrid || isHorizontal) && options.previous, Home: () => { if (!isGrid || event.ctrlKey) { options.first?.(); } else { options.previous?.(true); } }, End: () => { if (!isGrid || event.ctrlKey) { options.last?.(); } else {; } }, PageUp: () => { if (isGrid) { options.up?.(true); } else { options.first?.(); } }, PageDown: () => { if (isGrid) { options.down?.(true); } else { options.last?.(); } }, }; const action = keyMap[event.key as keyof typeof keyMap]; if (action) { event.preventDefault(); action(); return; } onKeyDownRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (event.key.length === 1 && event.key !== " ") { const widget = getWidget(event.currentTarget); if (widget && isTextField(widget)) { widget.focus(); setTextFieldValue(widget, ""); } } else if (event.key === "Delete" || event.key === "Backspace") { const widget = getWidget(event.currentTarget); if (widget && isTextField(widget)) { event.preventDefault(); setTextFieldValue(widget, ""); } } }, [ options.orientation, item, options.up,, options.down, options.previous, options.first, options.last, ] ); const onClick = React.useCallback( (event: React.MouseEvent) => { onClickRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const element = event.currentTarget; const widget = getWidget(element); if (widget && !hasFocusWithin(widget)) { // If there's a widget inside the composite item, we make sure it's // focused when pressing enter, space or clicking on the composite item. widget.focus(); } }, [] ); return { ref: useForkRef(ref, htmlRef), id, tabIndex: shouldTabIndex ? htmlTabIndex : -1, "aria-selected": options.unstable_virtual && isCurrentItem ? true : undefined, onMouseDown, onFocus, onBlurCapture, onKeyDown, onClick, ...htmlProps, }; }, }); export const CompositeItem = createComponent({ as: "button", memo: true, useHook: useCompositeItem, });