import * as React from "react"; import { ArrayValue } from "reakit-utils/types"; import { useUpdateEffect } from "reakit-utils/useUpdateEffect"; import { isPromise } from "reakit-utils/isPromise"; import { SealedInitialState, useSealedState, } from "reakit-utils/useSealedState"; import { isEmpty } from "reakit-utils/isEmpty"; import { useLiveRef } from "reakit-utils/useLiveRef"; import { unstable_IdState, unstable_IdActions, unstable_IdInitialState, unstable_useIdState, } from "../Id/IdState"; import { DeepPartial, DeepMap, DeepPath, DeepPathValue } from "./__utils/types"; import { filterAllEmpty } from "./__utils/filterAllEmpty"; import { hasMessages } from "./__utils/hasMessages"; import { unstable_setAllIn } from "./utils/setAllIn"; import { unstable_getIn } from "./utils/getIn"; import { unstable_setIn } from "./utils/setIn"; type Messages = DeepPartial>; type ValidateOutput = Messages | null | void; type ValidateReturn = Promise> | ValidateOutput; interface Update {

>(name: P, value: DeepPathValue): void;

>( name: P, value: (value: DeepPathValue) => DeepPathValue ): void; } export type unstable_FormState = unstable_IdState & { /** * Form values. */ values: V; /** * An object with the same shape as `form.values` with `boolean` values. * This keeps the touched state of each field. That is, whether a field has * been blurred. */ touched: DeepPartial>; /** * An object with the same shape as `form.values` with string messages. * This stores the messages returned by `onValidate` and `onSubmit`. */ messages: Messages; /** * An object with the same shape as `form.values` with string error messages. * This stores the error messages throwed by `onValidate` and `onSubmit`. */ errors: Messages; /** * Whether form is validating or not. */ validating: boolean; /** * Whether `form.errors` is empty or not. */ valid: boolean; /** * Whether form is submitting or not. */ submitting: boolean; /** * Stores the number of times that the form has been successfully submitted. */ submitSucceed: number; /** * Stores the number of times that the form submission has failed. */ submitFailed: number; }; export type unstable_FormActions = unstable_IdActions & { /** * Resets the form state. */ reset: () => void; /** * Triggers form validation (calling `onValidate` underneath). * Optionally, new `values` can be passed in. */ validate: (values?: V) => ValidateReturn; /** * Triggers form submission (calling `onValidate` and `onSubmit` underneath). */ submit: () => void; /** * Updates a form value. */ update: Update; /** * Sets field's touched state to `true`. */ blur:

>(name: P) => void; /** * Pushes a new item into `form.values[name]`, which should be an array. */ push:

>( name: P, value?: ArrayValue> ) => void; /** * Removes `form.values[name][index]`. */ remove:

>(name: P, index: number) => void; }; export type unstable_FormInitialState = unstable_IdInitialState & Partial, "values">> & { /** * Whether the form should trigger `onValidate` on blur. */ validateOnBlur?: boolean; /** * Whether the form should trigger `onValidate` on change. */ validateOnChange?: boolean; /** * Whether the form should reset when it has been successfully submitted. */ resetOnSubmitSucceed?: boolean; /** * Whether the form should reset when the component (which called * `useFormState`) has been unmounted. */ resetOnUnmount?: boolean; /** * A function that receives `form.values` and return or throw messages. * If it returns, messages will be interpreted as successful messages. * If it throws, they will be interpreted as errors. * It can also return a promise for asynchronous validation. */ onValidate?: (values: V) => ValidateReturn; /** * A function that receives `form.values` and performs form submission. * If it's triggered by `form.submit()`, `onValidate` will be called before. * If `onValidate` throws, `onSubmit` will not be called. * `onSubmit` can also return promises, messages and throw error messages * just like `onValidate`. The only difference is that this validation will * only occur on submit. */ onSubmit?: (values: V) => ValidateReturn; }; export type unstable_FormStateReturn = unstable_FormState & unstable_FormActions; type ReducerState = Omit, keyof unstable_IdState> & { initialValues: V; }; type ReducerAction = | { type: "reset" } | { type: "startValidate" } | { type: "endValidate"; errors?: any; messages?: any } | { type: "startSubmit" } | { type: "endSubmit"; errors?: any; messages?: any } | { type: "update"; name: any; value: any } | { type: "blur"; name: any } | { type: "push"; name: any; value: any } | { type: "remove"; name: any; index: number }; function getMessages( stateMessages: Messages, actionMessages: Messages ) { return !isEmpty(actionMessages) ? actionMessages : isEmpty(stateMessages) ? stateMessages : {}; } function reducer( state: ReducerState, action: ReducerAction ): ReducerState { switch (action.type) { case "reset": { return { ...state, values: state.initialValues, touched: {}, errors: {}, messages: {}, valid: true, validating: false, submitting: false, submitFailed: 0, submitSucceed: 0, }; } case "startValidate": { return { ...state, validating: true, }; } case "endValidate": { return { ...state, validating: false, errors: getMessages(state.errors, action.errors), messages: getMessages(state.messages, action.messages), valid: !hasMessages(action.errors), }; } case "startSubmit": { return { ...state, // @ts-ignore TS bug touched: unstable_setAllIn(state.values, true), submitting: true, }; } case "endSubmit": { const valid = !hasMessages(action.errors); return { ...state, valid, submitting: false, errors: getMessages(state.errors, action.errors), messages: getMessages(state.messages, action.messages), submitSucceed: valid ? state.submitSucceed + 1 : state.submitSucceed, submitFailed: valid ? state.submitFailed : state.submitFailed + 1, }; } case "update": { const { name, value } = action; const nextValue = typeof value === "function" ? value(unstable_getIn(state.values, name)) : value; return { ...state, values: unstable_setIn( state.values, name, nextValue != null ? nextValue : "" ), }; } case "blur": { return { ...state, touched: unstable_setIn(state.touched,, true), }; } case "push": { const array = unstable_getIn(state.values,, []); return { ...state, values: unstable_setIn(state.values,, [ ...array, action.value, ]), }; } case "remove": { const array = unstable_getIn(state.values,, []).slice(); delete array[action.index]; return { ...state, values: unstable_setIn(state.values,, array), }; } default: { throw new Error(); } } } export function unstable_useFormState>( initialState: SealedInitialState> = {} ): unstable_FormStateReturn { const { values: initialValues = {} as V, validateOnBlur = true, validateOnChange = true, resetOnSubmitSucceed = false, resetOnUnmount = true, onValidate, onSubmit, ...sealed } = useSealedState(initialState); const onValidateRef = useLiveRef( typeof initialState !== "function" ? initialState.onValidate : onValidate ); const onSubmitRef = useLiveRef( typeof initialState !== "function" ? initialState.onSubmit : onSubmit ); const id = unstable_useIdState(sealed); const [{ initialValues: _, ...state }, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, { initialValues, values: initialValues, touched: {}, errors: {}, messages: {}, valid: true, validating: false, submitting: false, submitFailed: 0, submitSucceed: 0, }); const validate = React.useCallback( (vals = state.values) => new Promise((resolve) => { if (onValidateRef.current) { const response = onValidateRef.current(vals); if (isPromise(response)) { dispatch({ type: "startValidate" }); } resolve( Promise.resolve(response).then((messages) => { dispatch({ type: "endValidate", messages }); return messages; }) ); } else { resolve(undefined); } }).catch((errors) => { dispatch({ type: "endValidate", errors }); throw errors; }), [state.values] ); useUpdateEffect(() => { if (validateOnChange) { validate().catch(() => {}); } }, [validate, validateOnChange]); React.useEffect(() => { if (resetOnUnmount) { return () => { dispatch({ type: "reset" }); }; } return undefined; }, [resetOnUnmount]); return {, ...state, values: state.values as V, validate, reset: React.useCallback(() => dispatch({ type: "reset" }), []), submit: React.useCallback(() => { dispatch({ type: "startSubmit" }); return validate() .then((validateMessages) => { if (onSubmitRef.current) { return Promise.resolve( onSubmitRef.current(filterAllEmpty(state.values as V)) ).then((submitMessages) => { const messages = { ...validateMessages, ...submitMessages }; dispatch({ type: "endSubmit", messages }); }); } return dispatch({ type: "endSubmit", messages: validateMessages }); }) .then(() => { if (resetOnSubmitSucceed) { dispatch({ type: "reset" }); } }) .catch((errors) => { dispatch({ type: "endSubmit", errors }); }); }, [validate]), update: React.useCallback( (name: any, value: any) => dispatch({ type: "update", name, value }), [] ), blur: React.useCallback( (name) => { dispatch({ type: "blur", name }); if (validateOnBlur) { validate().catch(() => {}); } }, [validate] ), push: React.useCallback( (name, value) => dispatch({ type: "push", name, value }), [] ), remove: React.useCallback( (name, index) => dispatch({ type: "remove", name, index }), [] ), }; }