import * as React from "react"; import { createComponent } from "reakit-system/createComponent"; import { createHook } from "reakit-system/createHook"; import { useForkRef } from "reakit-utils/useForkRef"; import { DisclosureContentOptions, DisclosureContentHTMLProps, useDisclosureContent, } from "../Disclosure/DisclosureContent"; import { unstable_useId, unstable_IdOptions, unstable_IdHTMLProps, } from "../Id/Id"; import { TabStateReturn } from "./TabState"; import { TAB_PANEL_KEYS } from "./__keys"; export type TabPanelOptions = DisclosureContentOptions & unstable_IdOptions & Pick< TabStateReturn, "selectedId" | "registerPanel" | "unregisterPanel" | "panels" | "items" > & { /** * Tab's id */ tabId?: string; }; export type TabPanelHTMLProps = DisclosureContentHTMLProps & unstable_IdHTMLProps; export type TabPanelProps = TabPanelOptions & TabPanelHTMLProps; function getTabsWithoutPanel( tabs: TabPanelOptions["items"], panels: TabPanelOptions["panels"] ) { const panelsTabIds = => panel.groupId).filter(Boolean); return tabs.filter( (item) => panelsTabIds.indexOf( || undefined) === -1 ); } function getPanelIndex( panels: TabPanelOptions["panels"], panel: typeof panels[number] ) { const panelsWithoutTabId = panels.filter((p) => !p.groupId); return panelsWithoutTabId.indexOf(panel); } /** * When is used without tabId: * * - First render: getTabId will return undefined because options.panels * doesn't contain the current panel yet (registerPanel wasn't called yet). * Thus registerPanel will be called without groupId (tabId). * * - Second render: options.panels already contains the current panel * (because registerPanel was called in the previous render). This means that * we'll be able to get the related tabId with the tab panel index. Basically, * we filter out all the tabs and panels that have already matched. In this * phase, registerPanel will be called again with the proper groupId (tabId). * * - In the third render, panel.groupId will be already defined, so we just * return it. registerPanel is not called. */ function getTabId(options: TabPanelOptions) { const panel = options.panels?.find((p) => ===; const tabId = options.tabId || panel?.groupId; if (tabId || !panel || !options.panels || !options.items) { return tabId; } const panelIndex = getPanelIndex(options.panels, panel); const tabsWithoutPanel = getTabsWithoutPanel(options.items, options.panels); return tabsWithoutPanel[panelIndex]?.id || undefined; } export const useTabPanel = createHook({ name: "TabPanel", compose: [unstable_useId, useDisclosureContent], keys: TAB_PANEL_KEYS, useProps(options, { ref: htmlRef, ...htmlProps }) { const ref = React.useRef(null); const tabId = getTabId(options); const { id, registerPanel, unregisterPanel } = options; React.useEffect(() => { if (!id) return undefined; registerPanel?.({ id, ref, groupId: tabId }); return () => { unregisterPanel?.(id); }; }, [tabId, id, registerPanel, unregisterPanel]); return { ref: useForkRef(ref, htmlRef), role: "tabpanel", tabIndex: 0, "aria-labelledby": tabId, ...htmlProps, }; }, useComposeOptions(options) { const tabId = getTabId(options); return { visible: tabId ? options.selectedId === tabId : false, ...options, }; }, }); export const TabPanel = createComponent({ as: "div", useHook: useTabPanel, });