import React from 'react'; export interface SunburstData { [key: string]: any; name: string; value?: number; fill?: string; children?: SunburstData[]; } interface TextOptions { fontFamily?: string; fontWeight?: string; paintOrder?: string; stroke?: string; fill?: string; fontSize?: string; pointerEvents?: string; } export interface SunburstChartProps { className?: string; data?: SunburstData; width?: number; height?: number; padding?: number; dataKey?: string; ringPadding?: number; innerRadius?: number; outerRadius?: number; /** The abscissa of pole in polar coordinate */ cx?: number; /** The ordinate of pole in polar coordinate */ cy?: number; /** Angle in degrees from which the chart should start. */ startAngle?: number; /** Angle, in degrees, at which the chart should end. Can be used to generate partial sunbursts. */ endAngle?: number; children?: React.ReactNode; fill?: string; stroke?: string; textOptions?: TextOptions; onMouseEnter?: (node: SunburstData, e: React.MouseEvent) => void; onMouseLeave?: (node: SunburstData, e: React.MouseEvent) => void; onClick?: (node: SunburstData) => void; } export declare const SunburstChart: ({ className, data, children, width, height, padding, dataKey, ringPadding, innerRadius, fill, stroke, textOptions, outerRadius, cx, cy, startAngle, endAngle, onClick, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, }: SunburstChartProps) => React.JSX.Element; export {};