/** * @fileOverview Curve */ import React from 'react'; import { CurveFactory } from 'victory-vendor/d3-shape'; import { LayoutType, PresentationAttributesWithProps } from '../util/types'; export type CurveType = 'basis' | 'basisClosed' | 'basisOpen' | 'bumpX' | 'bumpY' | 'bump' | 'linear' | 'linearClosed' | 'natural' | 'monotoneX' | 'monotoneY' | 'monotone' | 'step' | 'stepBefore' | 'stepAfter' | CurveFactory; export interface Point { x: number; y: number; } interface CurveProps { className?: string; type?: CurveType; layout?: LayoutType; baseLine?: number | Array; points?: Array; connectNulls?: boolean; path?: string; pathRef?: (ref: SVGPathElement) => void; } export type Props = Omit, 'type' | 'points'> & CurveProps; type GetPathProps = Pick; /** * Calculate the path of curve. Returns null if points is an empty array. * @return path or null */ export declare const getPath: ({ type, points, baseLine, layout, connectNulls, }: GetPathProps) => string | null; export declare const Curve: React.FC; export {};