/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * Returns an atom, the basic unit of state in Recoil. An atom is a reference to * value that can be read, written, and subscribed to. It has a `key` that is * stable across time so that it can be persisted. * * There are two required options for creating an atom: * * key. This is a string that uniquely identifies the atom. It should be * stable across time so that persisted states remain valid. * * default * If `default` is provided, the atom is initialized to that value. * Or, it may be set to another RecoilValue to use as a fallback. * In that case, the value of the atom will be equal to that of the * fallback, and will remain so until the first time the atom is written * to, at which point it will stop tracking the fallback RecoilValue. * * The `persistence` option specifies that the atom should be saved to storage. * It is an object with two properties: `type` specifies where the atom should * be persisted; its only allowed value is "url"; `backButton` specifies whether * changes to the atom should result in pushes to the browser history stack; if * true, changing the atom and then hitting the Back button will cause the atom's * previous value to be restored. Applications are responsible for implementing * persistence by using the `useTransactionObservation` hook. * * Scoped atoms (DEPRECATED): * =================================================================================== * * The scopeRules_APPEND_ONLY_READ_THE_DOCS option causes the atom be be "scoped". * A scoped atom's value depends on other parts of the application state. * A separate value of the atom is stored for every value of the state that it * depends on. The dependencies may be changed without breaking existing URLs -- * it uses whatever rule was current when the URL was written. Values written * under the newer rules are overlaid atop the previously-written values just for * those states in which the write occurred, with reads falling back to the older * values in other states, and eventually to the default or fallback. * * The scopedRules_APPEND_ONLY_READ_THE_DOCS parameter is a list of rules; * it should start with a single entry. This list must only be appended to: * existing entries must never be deleted or modified. Each rule is an atom * or selector whose value is some arbitrary key. A different value of the * scoped atom will be stored for each key. To change the scope rule, simply add * a new function to the list. Each rule is either an array of atoms of primitives, * or an atom of an array of primitives. * * Ordinary atoms may be upgraded to scoped atoms. To un-scope an atom, add a new * scope rule consisting of a constant. * * @emails oncall+recoil * @flow strict-local * @format */ 'use strict'; // @fb-only: import type {ScopeRules} from 'Recoil_ScopedAtom'; import type { Loadable, LoadablePromise, ResolvedLoadablePromiseInfo } from '../adt/Recoil_Loadable'; import type { PersistenceInfo, ReadWriteNodeOptions, Trigger } from '../core/Recoil_Node'; import type { RecoilState, RecoilValue } from '../core/Recoil_RecoilValue'; import type { RetainedBy } from '../core/Recoil_RetainedBy'; import type { AtomWrites, NodeKey, Store, TreeState } from '../core/Recoil_State'; // @fb-only: const {scopedAtom} = require('Recoil_ScopedAtom'); const { loadableWithError, loadableWithPromise, loadableWithValue } = require('../adt/Recoil_Loadable'); const { DEFAULT_VALUE, DefaultValue, getConfigDeletionHandler, registerNode, setConfigDeletionHandler } = require('../core/Recoil_Node'); const { isRecoilValue } = require('../core/Recoil_RecoilValue'); const { markRecoilValueModified, setRecoilValue, setRecoilValueLoadable } = require('../core/Recoil_RecoilValueInterface'); const { retainedByOptionWithDefault } = require('../core/Recoil_Retention'); const deepFreezeValue = require('../util/Recoil_deepFreezeValue'); const expectationViolation = require('../util/Recoil_expectationViolation'); const isPromise = require('../util/Recoil_isPromise'); const nullthrows = require('../util/Recoil_nullthrows'); const recoverableViolation = require('../util/Recoil_recoverableViolation'); const selector = require('./Recoil_selector'); export type PersistenceSettings = $ReadOnly<{ ...PersistenceInfo, validator: (mixed, DefaultValue) => Stored | DefaultValue, }>; type NewValue = T | DefaultValue | Promise; type NewValueOrUpdater = T | DefaultValue | Promise | ((T | DefaultValue) => T | DefaultValue); // Effect is called the first time a node is used with a export type AtomEffect = ({ node: RecoilState, trigger: Trigger, // Call synchronously to initialize value or async to change it later setSelf: (T | DefaultValue | Promise | ((T | DefaultValue) => T | DefaultValue)) => void, resetSelf: () => void, // Subscribe callbacks to events. // Atom effect observers are called before global transaction observers onSet: ((newValue: T, oldValue: T | DefaultValue) => void) => void, }) => void | (() => void); export type AtomOptions = $ReadOnly<{ key: NodeKey, default: RecoilValue | Promise | T, effects_UNSTABLE?: $ReadOnlyArray>, persistence_UNSTABLE?: PersistenceSettings, // @fb-only: scopeRules_APPEND_ONLY_READ_THE_DOCS?: ScopeRules, dangerouslyAllowMutability?: boolean, retainedBy_UNSTABLE?: RetainedBy, }>; type BaseAtomOptions = $ReadOnly<{ ...AtomOptions, default: T | Promise, }>; declare function baseAtom(options: BaseAtomOptions): RecoilState; // prettier-ignore declare function atom(options: AtomOptions): RecoilState; type AtomWithFallbackOptions = $ReadOnly<{ ...AtomOptions, default: RecoilValue | Promise, }>; declare function atomWithFallback(options: AtomWithFallbackOptions): RecoilState; module.exports = atom;