import { createStore, Store, StoreEnhancer } from 'redux'; import { CombineReducersContext, Component, ComponentCreationContext, ComponentReducer } from './components'; import { ComponentId, Computed, Connect, IgnoreState } from './decorators'; import { ComponentInfo } from './info'; import { AppOptions, globalOptions, GlobalOptions } from './options'; import { IMap, Listener } from './types'; import { isPrimitive, log, toPlainObject } from './utils'; const getProp = require('lodash.get'); // tslint:disable:ban-types // // internal // export const ROOT_COMPONENT_PATH = 'root'; export const DEFAULT_APP_NAME = 'default'; export const appsRepository: IMap> = {}; export type AppWarehouse = Map>; var appsCount = 0; class UpdateContext { public visited = new Set(); public path = ROOT_COMPONENT_PATH; public forceRecursion = false; constructor(initial?: Partial) { Object.assign(this, initial); } } // // public // export class ReduxApp { // // static // /** * Global redux-app options */ public static options: GlobalOptions = globalOptions; public static createApp(appCreator: T, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer): ReduxApp; public static createApp(appCreator: T, options: AppOptions, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer): ReduxApp; public static createApp(appCreator: T, options: AppOptions, preloadedState: any, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer): ReduxApp; public static createApp(appCreator: T, ...params: any[]): ReduxApp { return new ReduxApp(appCreator, ...params); } /** * Get an existing ReduxApp instance. * * @param appId The name of the ReduxApp instance to retrieve. If not * specified will return the default app. */ public static getApp(appId?: string): ReduxApp { const applicationId = appId || DEFAULT_APP_NAME; const app = appsRepository[applicationId]; if (!app) log.debug(`[ReduxApp] Application '${applicationId}' does not exist.`); return app; } /** * @param type The type of the component. * @param componentId The ID of the component (assuming the ID was assigned * to the component by the 'withId' decorator). If not specified will get to * the first available component of that type. * @param appId The name of the ReduxApp instance to search in. If not * specified will search in default app. */ public static getComponent(type: T, componentId?: string, appId?: string): T { const app = ReduxApp.getApp(appId); if (!app) return undefined; // get the component to connect const warehouse = app.getTypeWarehouse(type); if (componentId) { // get by id return warehouse.get(componentId); } else { // get the first value return warehouse.values().next().value; } } /** * INTERNAL: Should not appear on the public d.ts file. */ public static registerComponent(comp: Component, creator: object, appName?: string): void { appName = appName || DEFAULT_APP_NAME; const app = appsRepository[appName]; if (app) { // this check exists for test reason only - in some unit tests we create orphan components that are not part of any app... const warehouse = app.getTypeWarehouse(creator.constructor); const key = ComponentInfo.getInfo(comp).id || ComponentId.nextAvailableId(); warehouse.set(key, comp); } } // // instance members // public readonly name: string; /** * The root component of the application. */ public readonly root: T; /** * The underlying redux store. */ public readonly store: Store; private readonly warehouse: AppWarehouse = new Map>(); private initialStateUpdated = false; private subscriptionDisposer: () => void; // // constructor // constructor(appCreator: T, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer); constructor(appCreator: T, options: AppOptions, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer); constructor(appCreator: T, options: AppOptions, preloadedState: any, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer); constructor(appCreator: T, ...params: any[]) { // handle different overloads var { options, preLoadedState, enhancer } = this.resolveParameters(appCreator, params); // assign name and register self = this.getAppName(; if (appsRepository[]) throw new Error(`An app with name '${}' already exists.`); appsRepository[] = this; // create the store const initialReducer = (state: any) => state; = createStore(initialReducer as any, preLoadedState, enhancer); // create the app const creationContext = new ComponentCreationContext({ appName: }); const rootComponent = Component.create(, appCreator, creationContext); this.root = (rootComponent as any); // create the root reducer const reducersContext = new CombineReducersContext({ componentPaths: Object.keys(creationContext.createdComponents) }); const rootReducer = ComponentReducer.combineReducersTree(this.root, reducersContext); // update the store if (options.updateState) { const stateListener = this.updateState(creationContext.createdComponents, reducersContext); this.subscriptionDisposer =; }; } // // public methods // public dispose(): void { if (this.subscriptionDisposer) { this.subscriptionDisposer(); this.subscriptionDisposer = null; } if (appsRepository[]) { delete appsRepository[]; } } /** * INTERNAL: Should not appear on the public d.ts file. */ public getTypeWarehouse(type: Function): Map { if (!this.warehouse.has(type)) this.warehouse.set(type, new Map()); return this.warehouse.get(type); } // // private utils // private resolveParameters(appCreator: any, params: any[]) { var result: { options?: AppOptions, preLoadedState?: T, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer } = {}; if (params.length === 0) { // no parameters result.options = new AppOptions(); result.preLoadedState = appCreator; } else if (params.length === 1) { if (typeof params[0] === 'function') { // only enhancer result.options = new AppOptions(); result.enhancer = params[0]; result.preLoadedState = appCreator; } else { // only options result.options = Object.assign(new AppOptions(), params[0]); result.preLoadedState = appCreator; } } else if (params.length === 2) { // options and pre-loaded state result.options = Object.assign(new AppOptions(), params[0]); result.preLoadedState = params[1]; } else { // options, pre-loaded state and enhancer result.options = Object.assign(new AppOptions(), params[0]); result.preLoadedState = params[1]; result.enhancer = params[2]; } return result; } private getAppName(name: string): string { if (name) return name; if (!Object.keys(appsRepository).length) { return DEFAULT_APP_NAME; } else { return DEFAULT_APP_NAME + '_' + (++appsCount); } } // // update state // private updateState(allComponents: IMap, reducersContext: CombineReducersContext): Listener { const withComputedProps = Computed.filterComponents(Object.values(allComponents)); return () => { // // Reducers are invoked with regular objects, therefor we use this // method which copies the resulted values back to the components. // const start =; // update the application tree const newState =; if (!this.initialStateUpdated || !reducersContext.invoked) { // initial state, state rehydration, time-travel debugging, etc. - update the entire tree this.initialStateUpdated = true; this.updateStateRecursion(this.root, newState, new UpdateContext({ forceRecursion: true })); } else { // standard update - update only changed components this.updateChangedComponents({ [ROOT_COMPONENT_PATH]: newState }, reducersContext.changedComponents); } // because computed props may be dependant on connected props their // calculation is postponed to after the entire app tree is up-to-date Computed.computeProps(withComputedProps); // reset reducers context reducersContext.reset(); const end =; log.debug(`[updateState] Component tree updated in ${end - start}ms.`); }; } private updateChangedComponents(newState: any, changedComponents: IMap): void { const changedPaths = Object.keys(changedComponents); const updateContext = new UpdateContext(); for (let path of changedPaths) { const curComponent = changedComponents[path]; var newSubState = getProp(newState, path); this.updateStateRecursion(curComponent, newSubState, { ...updateContext, path }); } } private updateStateRecursion(obj: any, newState: any, context: UpdateContext): any { // same object if (obj === newState) return newState; // primitive properties are updated by their owner objects if (isPrimitive(obj) || isPrimitive(newState)) return newState; // prevent endless loops on circular references if (context.visited.has(obj)) return obj; context.visited.add(obj); // update const newStateType = newState.constructor; // convert to plain object (see comment on the option itself) if (globalOptions.convertToPlainObject) newState = toPlainObject(newState); if (context.forceRecursion || (obj instanceof Component && newStateType === Object)) { // update if new state is a plain object (so to keep methods while updating props) var changeMessage: string; if (Array.isArray(obj) && Array.isArray(newState)) { changeMessage = this.updateArray(obj, newState, context); } else { changeMessage = this.updateObject(obj, newState, context); } } else { // overwrite obj = newState; changeMessage = 'Object overwritten.'; } // log changes if (changeMessage && changeMessage.length) { log.debug(`[updateState] Change in '${context.path}'. ${changeMessage}`); log.verbose(`[updateState] New state: `, obj); } return obj; } private updateObject(obj: any, newState: any, context: UpdateContext): string { // delete anything not in the new state var propsDeleted: string[] = []; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { if (IgnoreState.isIgnoredProperty(obj, key)) return; if (!newState.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (typeof obj[key] === 'function') log.warn(`[updateState] Function property removed in path: ${context.path}.${key}. Consider using a method instead.`); delete obj[key]; propsDeleted.push(key); } }); // assign new state recursively var propsAssigned: string[] = []; Object.keys(newState).forEach(key => { // state of connected components is update on their source if (Connect.isConnectedProperty(obj, key)) return; // see comment about computed properties in updateState if (Computed.isComputedProperty(obj, key)) return; if (IgnoreState.isIgnoredProperty(obj, key)) return; var subState = newState[key]; var subObj = obj[key]; // must update recursively, otherwise we may lose children types (and methods...) const newSubObj = this.updateStateRecursion(subObj, subState, { ...context, path: context.path + '.' + key }); // assign only if changed, in case anyone is monitoring assignments if (newSubObj !== subObj) { obj[key] = newSubObj; propsAssigned.push(key); } }); // report changes if (propsAssigned.length || propsDeleted.length) { const propsAssignedMessage = propsAssigned.length ? `Props assigned: ${propsAssigned.join(', ')}.` : ''; const propsDeleteMessage = propsDeleted.length ? `Props deleted: ${propsDeleted.join(', ')}.` : ''; const space = (propsAssigned.length && propsDeleted.length) ? ' ' : ''; return propsAssignedMessage + space + propsDeleteMessage; } else { return null; } } private updateArray(arr: any[], newState: any[], context: UpdateContext): string { var changeMessage: string[] = []; const prevLength = arr.length; const newLength = newState.length; // assign existing var itemsAssigned: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(prevLength, newLength); i++) { var subState = newState[i]; var subObj = arr[i]; const newSubObj = this.updateStateRecursion(subObj, subState, { ...context, path: context.path + '.' + i }); if (newSubObj !== subObj) { arr[i] = newSubObj; itemsAssigned.push(i); } } if (itemsAssigned.length) changeMessage.push(`Assigned item(s) at indexes ${itemsAssigned.join(', ')}.`); // add / remove if (newLength > prevLength) { // add new items const newItems = newState.slice(prevLength); Array.prototype.push.apply(arr, newItems); changeMessage.push(`Added ${newLength - prevLength} item(s) at index ${prevLength}.`); } else if (prevLength > newLength) { // remove old items arr.splice(newLength); changeMessage.push(`Removed ${prevLength - newLength} item(s) at index ${newLength}.`); } // report changes return changeMessage.join(' '); } }