import { expect } from 'chai'; import { component, ReduxApp, connect } from 'src'; import { Component } from 'src/components'; // tslint:disable:no-unused-expression describe("playground", () => { it("it is a place to run wild", () => { const testAppName = 'connect-test-2'; @component class MyComponent { public value = 0; public increment() { this.value = this.value + 1; } } @component class Page1 { @connect({ app: testAppName }) public comp1: MyComponent; } class Page2 { @connect({ app: testAppName }) public comp2: MyComponent; } @component class App { public page1 = new Page1(); public page2 = new Page2(); public warehouse = { components: { comp: new MyComponent() } }; } // create the app const plainApp = new App(); expect(plainApp.warehouse.components.comp.value).to.eql(0); expect(plainApp.page1.comp1); expect(plainApp.page2.comp2); // elevate the app const reduxApp = new ReduxApp(plainApp, { name: testAppName }); debugger; // assert connected expect(reduxApp.root.page1.comp1).to.equal(reduxApp.root.warehouse.components.comp); expect(reduxApp.root.page1.comp1); expect(reduxApp.root.page1.comp1).to.equal(reduxApp.root.page2.comp2); // validate values expect(reduxApp.root.page1.comp1.value).to.eql(0); // assert action works reduxApp.root.page1.comp1.increment(); expect(reduxApp.root.page1.comp1.value).to.eql(1); expect(reduxApp.root.page2.comp2.value).to.eql(1); expect(reduxApp.root.warehouse.components.comp.value).to.eql(1); reduxApp.dispose(); }); });