#!/usr/bin/env node const program = require('commander') const version = require('../package.json').version program .command('version') .description("outputs version number") .action(() => { console.log(version) process.exit(0) }) program .command('help') .description("outputs usage information") .action(() => { program.help() process.exit(0) }) program .option('-f, --file [filename]', 'solidity filename to debug') .option('--tx [txHash]', 'transaction hash to debug') .option('--node [url]', 'node to connect to') .parse(process.argv) const CmdLine = require('../src/cmdline/index.js') const solc = require('solc') const fs = require('fs') const filename = 'test/sol/simple_storage.sol' const shortFilename = 'simple_storage.sol' const inputJson = { language: 'Solidity', sources: { }, settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200 }, outputSelection: { '*': { '': [ 'legacyAST' ], '*': [ 'abi', 'metadata', 'devdoc', 'userdoc', 'evm.legacyAssembly', 'evm.bytecode', 'evm.deployedBytecode', 'evm.methodIdentifiers', 'evm.gasEstimates' ] } } } } inputJson.sources[shortFilename] = {content: fs.readFileSync(filename).toString()} console.log('compiling...') const compilationData = JSON.parse(solc.compileStandardWrapper(JSON.stringify(inputJson))) const compilation = {} compilation.data = compilationData compilation.source = { sources: inputJson.sources } const cmdLine = new CmdLine() cmdLine.connect('http', 'http://localhost:8545') cmdLine.loadCompilationResult(compilation) cmdLine.initDebugger() const tx = '0xf510c4f0b1d9ee262d7b9e9e87b4262f275fe029c2c733feef7dfa1e2b1e32aa' cmdLine.startDebug(tx, shortFilename) cmdLine.events.on('source', () => { cmdLine.getSource().forEach(console.dir) }) const repl = require('repl') repl.start({ prompt: '> ', eval: (cmd, context, filename, cb) => { let command = cmd.trim() if (command === 'next' || command === 'n') { cmdLine.stepOverForward(true) } if (command === 'previous' || command === 'p' || command === 'prev') { cmdLine.stepOverBack(true) } if (command === 'step' || command === 's') { cmdLine.stepIntoForward(true) } if (command === 'stepback' || command === 'sb') { cmdLine.stepIntoBack(true) } if (command === 'exit' || command === 'quit') { process.exit(0) } if (command === 'var local' || command === 'v l' || command === 'vl') { cmdLine.displayLocals() } if (command === 'var global' || command === 'v g' || command === 'vg') { cmdLine.displayGlobals() } if (command.split(' ')[0] === 'jump') { let stepIndex = parseInt(command.split(' ')[1], 10) cmdLine.jumpTo(stepIndex) } cb(null, '') } }) module.exports = cmdLine