import async from 'async' import fs from './fileSystem' import { runTest } from './testRunner' import { TestResultInterface, ResultsInterface, compilationInterface, ASTInterface, Options, AstNode } from './types' import colors from 'colors' import Web3 from 'web3'; import { compileFileOrFiles } from './compiler' import { deployAll } from './deployer' /** * @dev run test contract files (used for CLI) * @param filepath Path of file * @param isDirectory True, if path is a directory * @param web3 Web3 * @param finalCallback optional callback to run finally * @param opts Options */ export function runTestFiles(filepath: string, isDirectory: boolean, web3: Web3, finalCallback: any = () => {}, opts?: Options) { opts = opts || {} const sourceASTs: any = {} const { Signale } = require('signale') // signale configuration const options = { types: { result: { badge: '\t✓', label: '', color: 'greenBright' }, name: { badge: '\n\t◼', label: '', color: 'white' }, error: { badge: '\t✘', label: '', color: 'redBright' } } } const signale = new Signale(options) let accounts = opts['accounts'] || null async.waterfall([ function getAccountList (next: Function) { if (accounts) return next(null) web3.eth.getAccounts((_err: Error | null | undefined, _accounts) => { accounts = _accounts next(null) }) }, function compile(next: Function) { compileFileOrFiles(filepath, isDirectory, { accounts }, next) }, function deployAllContracts (compilationResult: compilationInterface, asts: ASTInterface, next: Function) { // Extract AST of test contract file source for(const filename in asts) { if(filename.endsWith('_test.sol')) sourceASTs[filename] = asts[filename].ast } deployAll(compilationResult, web3, false, (err, contracts) => { if (err) { next(err) } next(null, compilationResult, contracts) }) }, function determineTestContractsToRun (compilationResult: compilationInterface, contracts: any, next: Function) { let contractsToTest: string[] = [] let contractsToTestDetails: any[] = [] const gatherContractsFrom = function(filename: string) { if (!filename.endsWith('_test.sol')) { return } try { Object.keys(compilationResult[filename]).forEach(contractName => { contractsToTest.push(contractName) contractsToTestDetails.push(compilationResult[filename][contractName]) }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } if (isDirectory) { fs.walkSync(filepath, (foundpath: string) => { gatherContractsFrom(foundpath) }) } else { gatherContractsFrom(filepath) } next(null, contractsToTest, contractsToTestDetails, contracts) }, function runTests(contractsToTest: string[], contractsToTestDetails: any[], contracts: any, next: Function) { let totalPassing: number = 0 let totalFailing: number = 0 let totalTime: number = 0 let errors: any[] = [] const _testCallback = function (err: Error | null | undefined, result: TestResultInterface) { if(err) throw err; if (result.type === 'contract') { } else if (result.type === 'testPass') { signale.result(result.value) } else if (result.type === 'testFailure') { signale.result( errors.push(result) } } const _resultsCallback = (_err: Error | null | undefined, result: ResultsInterface, cb) => { totalPassing += result.passingNum totalFailing += result.failureNum totalTime += result.timePassed cb() } async.eachOfLimit(contractsToTest, 1, (contractName: string, index, cb) => { try { const fileAST: AstNode = sourceASTs[contracts[contractName]['filename']] runTest(contractName, contracts[contractName], contractsToTestDetails[index], fileAST, { accounts }, _testCallback, (err, result) => { if (err) { console.log(err) return cb(err) } _resultsCallback(null, result, cb) }) } catch(e) { console.error(e) } }, function (err) { if (err) { return next(err) } console.log('\n') if (totalPassing > 0) { console.log( + ' passing ') + colors.grey('(' + totalTime + 's)')) } if (totalFailing > 0) { console.log( + ' failing')) } console.log('') errors.forEach((error, index) => { console.log(' ' + (index + 1) + ') ' + error.context + ' ' + error.value) console.log('') console.log('\t error: ' + error.errMsg)) }) console.log('') next() }) } ], finalCallback) }