"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { createSelector: () => createSelector, createSelectorCreator: () => createSelectorCreator, createStructuredSelector: () => createStructuredSelector, lruMemoize: () => lruMemoize, referenceEqualityCheck: () => referenceEqualityCheck, setGlobalDevModeChecks: () => setGlobalDevModeChecks, unstable_autotrackMemoize: () => autotrackMemoize, weakMapMemoize: () => weakMapMemoize }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/devModeChecks/identityFunctionCheck.ts var runIdentityFunctionCheck = (resultFunc) => { let isInputSameAsOutput = false; try { const emptyObject = {}; if (resultFunc(emptyObject) === emptyObject) isInputSameAsOutput = true; } catch { } if (isInputSameAsOutput) { let stack = void 0; try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { ; ({ stack } = e); } console.warn( "The result function returned its own inputs without modification. e.g\n`createSelector([state => state.todos], todos => todos)`\nThis could lead to inefficient memoization and unnecessary re-renders.\nEnsure transformation logic is in the result function, and extraction logic is in the input selectors.", { stack } ); } }; // src/devModeChecks/inputStabilityCheck.ts var runInputStabilityCheck = (inputSelectorResultsObject, options, inputSelectorArgs) => { const { memoize, memoizeOptions } = options; const { inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy } = inputSelectorResultsObject; const createAnEmptyObject = memoize(() => ({}), ...memoizeOptions); const areInputSelectorResultsEqual = createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResults) === createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResultsCopy); if (!areInputSelectorResultsEqual) { let stack = void 0; try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { ; ({ stack } = e); } console.warn( "An input selector returned a different result when passed same arguments.\nThis means your output selector will likely run more frequently than intended.\nAvoid returning a new reference inside your input selector, e.g.\n`createSelector([state => state.todos.map(todo => todo.id)], todoIds => todoIds.length)`", { arguments: inputSelectorArgs, firstInputs: inputSelectorResults, secondInputs: inputSelectorResultsCopy, stack } ); } }; // src/devModeChecks/setGlobalDevModeChecks.ts var globalDevModeChecks = { inputStabilityCheck: "once", identityFunctionCheck: "once" }; var setGlobalDevModeChecks = (devModeChecks) => { Object.assign(globalDevModeChecks, devModeChecks); }; // src/utils.ts var NOT_FOUND = "NOT_FOUND"; function assertIsFunction(func, errorMessage = `expected a function, instead received ${typeof func}`) { if (typeof func !== "function") { throw new TypeError(errorMessage); } } function assertIsObject(object, errorMessage = `expected an object, instead received ${typeof object}`) { if (typeof object !== "object") { throw new TypeError(errorMessage); } } function assertIsArrayOfFunctions(array, errorMessage = `expected all items to be functions, instead received the following types: `) { if (!array.every((item) => typeof item === "function")) { const itemTypes = array.map( (item) => typeof item === "function" ? `function ${item.name || "unnamed"}()` : typeof item ).join(", "); throw new TypeError(`${errorMessage}[${itemTypes}]`); } } var ensureIsArray = (item) => { return Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]; }; function getDependencies(createSelectorArgs) { const dependencies = Array.isArray(createSelectorArgs[0]) ? createSelectorArgs[0] : createSelectorArgs; assertIsArrayOfFunctions( dependencies, `createSelector expects all input-selectors to be functions, but received the following types: ` ); return dependencies; } function collectInputSelectorResults(dependencies, inputSelectorArgs) { const inputSelectorResults = []; const { length } = dependencies; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { inputSelectorResults.push(dependencies[i].apply(null, inputSelectorArgs)); } return inputSelectorResults; } var getDevModeChecksExecutionInfo = (firstRun, devModeChecks) => { const { identityFunctionCheck, inputStabilityCheck } = { ...globalDevModeChecks, ...devModeChecks }; return { identityFunctionCheck: { shouldRun: identityFunctionCheck === "always" || identityFunctionCheck === "once" && firstRun, run: runIdentityFunctionCheck }, inputStabilityCheck: { shouldRun: inputStabilityCheck === "always" || inputStabilityCheck === "once" && firstRun, run: runInputStabilityCheck } }; }; // src/autotrackMemoize/autotracking.ts var $REVISION = 0; var CURRENT_TRACKER = null; var Cell = class { revision = $REVISION; _value; _lastValue; _isEqual = tripleEq; constructor(initialValue, isEqual = tripleEq) { this._value = this._lastValue = initialValue; this._isEqual = isEqual; } // Whenever a storage value is read, it'll add itself to the current tracker if // one exists, entangling its state with that cache. get value() { CURRENT_TRACKER?.add(this); return this._value; } // Whenever a storage value is updated, we bump the global revision clock, // assign the revision for this storage to the new value, _and_ we schedule a // rerender. This is important, and it's what makes autotracking _pull_ // based. We don't actively tell the caches which depend on the storage that // anything has happened. Instead, we recompute the caches when needed. set value(newValue) { if (this.value === newValue) return; this._value = newValue; this.revision = ++$REVISION; } }; function tripleEq(a, b) { return a === b; } var TrackingCache = class { _cachedValue; _cachedRevision = -1; _deps = []; hits = 0; fn; constructor(fn) { this.fn = fn; } clear() { this._cachedValue = void 0; this._cachedRevision = -1; this._deps = []; this.hits = 0; } get value() { if (this.revision > this._cachedRevision) { const { fn } = this; const currentTracker = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const prevTracker = CURRENT_TRACKER; CURRENT_TRACKER = currentTracker; this._cachedValue = fn(); CURRENT_TRACKER = prevTracker; this.hits++; this._deps = Array.from(currentTracker); this._cachedRevision = this.revision; } CURRENT_TRACKER?.add(this); return this._cachedValue; } get revision() { return Math.max(...this._deps.map((d) => d.revision), 0); } }; function getValue(cell) { if (!(cell instanceof Cell)) { console.warn("Not a valid cell! ", cell); } return cell.value; } function setValue(storage, value) { if (!(storage instanceof Cell)) { throw new TypeError( "setValue must be passed a tracked store created with `createStorage`." ); } storage.value = storage._lastValue = value; } function createCell(initialValue, isEqual = tripleEq) { return new Cell(initialValue, isEqual); } function createCache(fn) { assertIsFunction( fn, "the first parameter to `createCache` must be a function" ); return new TrackingCache(fn); } // src/autotrackMemoize/tracking.ts var neverEq = (a, b) => false; function createTag() { return createCell(null, neverEq); } function dirtyTag(tag, value) { setValue(tag, value); } var consumeCollection = (node) => { let tag = node.collectionTag; if (tag === null) { tag = node.collectionTag = createTag(); } getValue(tag); }; var dirtyCollection = (node) => { const tag = node.collectionTag; if (tag !== null) { dirtyTag(tag, null); } }; // src/autotrackMemoize/proxy.ts var REDUX_PROXY_LABEL = Symbol(); var nextId = 0; var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf({}); var ObjectTreeNode = class { constructor(value) { this.value = value; this.value = value; this.tag.value = value; } proxy = new Proxy(this, objectProxyHandler); tag = createTag(); tags = {}; children = {}; collectionTag = null; id = nextId++; }; var objectProxyHandler = { get(node, key) { function calculateResult() { const { value } = node; const childValue = Reflect.get(value, key); if (typeof key === "symbol") { return childValue; } if (key in proto) { return childValue; } if (typeof childValue === "object" && childValue !== null) { let childNode = node.children[key]; if (childNode === void 0) { childNode = node.children[key] = createNode(childValue); } if (childNode.tag) { getValue(childNode.tag); } return childNode.proxy; } else { let tag = node.tags[key]; if (tag === void 0) { tag = node.tags[key] = createTag(); tag.value = childValue; } getValue(tag); return childValue; } } const res = calculateResult(); return res; }, ownKeys(node) { consumeCollection(node); return Reflect.ownKeys(node.value); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(node, prop) { return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(node.value, prop); }, has(node, prop) { return Reflect.has(node.value, prop); } }; var ArrayTreeNode = class { constructor(value) { this.value = value; this.value = value; this.tag.value = value; } proxy = new Proxy([this], arrayProxyHandler); tag = createTag(); tags = {}; children = {}; collectionTag = null; id = nextId++; }; var arrayProxyHandler = { get([node], key) { if (key === "length") { consumeCollection(node); } return objectProxyHandler.get(node, key); }, ownKeys([node]) { return objectProxyHandler.ownKeys(node); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor([node], prop) { return objectProxyHandler.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(node, prop); }, has([node], prop) { return objectProxyHandler.has(node, prop); } }; function createNode(value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return new ArrayTreeNode(value); } return new ObjectTreeNode(value); } function updateNode(node, newValue) { const { value, tags, children } = node; node.value = newValue; if (Array.isArray(value) && Array.isArray(newValue) && value.length !== newValue.length) { dirtyCollection(node); } else { if (value !== newValue) { let oldKeysSize = 0; let newKeysSize = 0; let anyKeysAdded = false; for (const _key in value) { oldKeysSize++; } for (const key in newValue) { newKeysSize++; if (!(key in value)) { anyKeysAdded = true; break; } } const isDifferent = anyKeysAdded || oldKeysSize !== newKeysSize; if (isDifferent) { dirtyCollection(node); } } } for (const key in tags) { const childValue = value[key]; const newChildValue = newValue[key]; if (childValue !== newChildValue) { dirtyCollection(node); dirtyTag(tags[key], newChildValue); } if (typeof newChildValue === "object" && newChildValue !== null) { delete tags[key]; } } for (const key in children) { const childNode = children[key]; const newChildValue = newValue[key]; const childValue = childNode.value; if (childValue === newChildValue) { continue; } else if (typeof newChildValue === "object" && newChildValue !== null) { updateNode(childNode, newChildValue); } else { deleteNode(childNode); delete children[key]; } } } function deleteNode(node) { if (node.tag) { dirtyTag(node.tag, null); } dirtyCollection(node); for (const key in node.tags) { dirtyTag(node.tags[key], null); } for (const key in node.children) { deleteNode(node.children[key]); } } // src/lruMemoize.ts function createSingletonCache(equals) { let entry; return { get(key) { if (entry && equals(entry.key, key)) { return entry.value; } return NOT_FOUND; }, put(key, value) { entry = { key, value }; }, getEntries() { return entry ? [entry] : []; }, clear() { entry = void 0; } }; } function createLruCache(maxSize, equals) { let entries = []; function get(key) { const cacheIndex = entries.findIndex((entry) => equals(key, entry.key)); if (cacheIndex > -1) { const entry = entries[cacheIndex]; if (cacheIndex > 0) { entries.splice(cacheIndex, 1); entries.unshift(entry); } return entry.value; } return NOT_FOUND; } function put(key, value) { if (get(key) === NOT_FOUND) { entries.unshift({ key, value }); if (entries.length > maxSize) { entries.pop(); } } } function getEntries() { return entries; } function clear() { entries = []; } return { get, put, getEntries, clear }; } var referenceEqualityCheck = (a, b) => a === b; function createCacheKeyComparator(equalityCheck) { return function areArgumentsShallowlyEqual(prev, next) { if (prev === null || next === null || prev.length !== next.length) { return false; } const { length } = prev; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!equalityCheck(prev[i], next[i])) { return false; } } return true; }; } function lruMemoize(func, equalityCheckOrOptions) { const providedOptions = typeof equalityCheckOrOptions === "object" ? equalityCheckOrOptions : { equalityCheck: equalityCheckOrOptions }; const { equalityCheck = referenceEqualityCheck, maxSize = 1, resultEqualityCheck } = providedOptions; const comparator = createCacheKeyComparator(equalityCheck); let resultsCount = 0; const cache = maxSize === 1 ? createSingletonCache(comparator) : createLruCache(maxSize, comparator); function memoized() { let value = cache.get(arguments); if (value === NOT_FOUND) { value = func.apply(null, arguments); resultsCount++; if (resultEqualityCheck) { const entries = cache.getEntries(); const matchingEntry = entries.find( (entry) => resultEqualityCheck(entry.value, value) ); if (matchingEntry) { value = matchingEntry.value; resultsCount !== 0 && resultsCount--; } } cache.put(arguments, value); } return value; } memoized.clearCache = () => { cache.clear(); memoized.resetResultsCount(); }; memoized.resultsCount = () => resultsCount; memoized.resetResultsCount = () => { resultsCount = 0; }; return memoized; } // src/autotrackMemoize/autotrackMemoize.ts function autotrackMemoize(func) { const node = createNode( [] ); let lastArgs = null; const shallowEqual = createCacheKeyComparator(referenceEqualityCheck); const cache = createCache(() => { const res = func.apply(null, node.proxy); return res; }); function memoized() { if (!shallowEqual(lastArgs, arguments)) { updateNode(node, arguments); lastArgs = arguments; } return cache.value; } memoized.clearCache = () => { return cache.clear(); }; return memoized; } // src/weakMapMemoize.ts var StrongRef = class { constructor(value) { this.value = value; } deref() { return this.value; } }; var Ref = typeof WeakRef !== "undefined" ? WeakRef : StrongRef; var UNTERMINATED = 0; var TERMINATED = 1; function createCacheNode() { return { s: UNTERMINATED, v: void 0, o: null, p: null }; } function weakMapMemoize(func, options = {}) { let fnNode = createCacheNode(); const { resultEqualityCheck } = options; let lastResult; let resultsCount = 0; function memoized() { let cacheNode = fnNode; const { length } = arguments; for (let i = 0, l = length; i < l; i++) { const arg = arguments[i]; if (typeof arg === "function" || typeof arg === "object" && arg !== null) { let objectCache = cacheNode.o; if (objectCache === null) { cacheNode.o = objectCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); } const objectNode = objectCache.get(arg); if (objectNode === void 0) { cacheNode = createCacheNode(); objectCache.set(arg, cacheNode); } else { cacheNode = objectNode; } } else { let primitiveCache = cacheNode.p; if (primitiveCache === null) { cacheNode.p = primitiveCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } const primitiveNode = primitiveCache.get(arg); if (primitiveNode === void 0) { cacheNode = createCacheNode(); primitiveCache.set(arg, cacheNode); } else { cacheNode = primitiveNode; } } } const terminatedNode = cacheNode; let result; if (cacheNode.s === TERMINATED) { result = cacheNode.v; } else { result = func.apply(null, arguments); resultsCount++; } terminatedNode.s = TERMINATED; if (resultEqualityCheck) { const lastResultValue = lastResult?.deref() ?? lastResult; if (lastResultValue != null && resultEqualityCheck(lastResultValue, result)) { result = lastResultValue; resultsCount !== 0 && resultsCount--; } const needsWeakRef = typeof result === "object" && result !== null || typeof result === "function"; lastResult = needsWeakRef ? new Ref(result) : result; } terminatedNode.v = result; return result; } memoized.clearCache = () => { fnNode = createCacheNode(); memoized.resetResultsCount(); }; memoized.resultsCount = () => resultsCount; memoized.resetResultsCount = () => { resultsCount = 0; }; return memoized; } // src/createSelectorCreator.ts function createSelectorCreator(memoizeOrOptions, ...memoizeOptionsFromArgs) { const createSelectorCreatorOptions = typeof memoizeOrOptions === "function" ? { memoize: memoizeOrOptions, memoizeOptions: memoizeOptionsFromArgs } : memoizeOrOptions; const createSelector2 = (...createSelectorArgs) => { let recomputations = 0; let dependencyRecomputations = 0; let lastResult; let directlyPassedOptions = {}; let resultFunc = createSelectorArgs.pop(); if (typeof resultFunc === "object") { directlyPassedOptions = resultFunc; resultFunc = createSelectorArgs.pop(); } assertIsFunction( resultFunc, `createSelector expects an output function after the inputs, but received: [${typeof resultFunc}]` ); const combinedOptions = { ...createSelectorCreatorOptions, ...directlyPassedOptions }; const { memoize, memoizeOptions = [], argsMemoize = weakMapMemoize, argsMemoizeOptions = [], devModeChecks = {} } = combinedOptions; const finalMemoizeOptions = ensureIsArray(memoizeOptions); const finalArgsMemoizeOptions = ensureIsArray(argsMemoizeOptions); const dependencies = getDependencies(createSelectorArgs); const memoizedResultFunc = memoize(function recomputationWrapper() { recomputations++; return resultFunc.apply( null, arguments ); }, ...finalMemoizeOptions); let firstRun = true; const selector = argsMemoize(function dependenciesChecker() { dependencyRecomputations++; const inputSelectorResults = collectInputSelectorResults( dependencies, arguments ); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { const { identityFunctionCheck, inputStabilityCheck } = getDevModeChecksExecutionInfo(firstRun, devModeChecks); if (identityFunctionCheck.shouldRun) { identityFunctionCheck.run( resultFunc ); } if (inputStabilityCheck.shouldRun) { const inputSelectorResultsCopy = collectInputSelectorResults( dependencies, arguments ); inputStabilityCheck.run( { inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy }, { memoize, memoizeOptions: finalMemoizeOptions }, arguments ); } if (firstRun) firstRun = false; } lastResult = memoizedResultFunc.apply(null, inputSelectorResults); return lastResult; }, ...finalArgsMemoizeOptions); return Object.assign(selector, { resultFunc, memoizedResultFunc, dependencies, dependencyRecomputations: () => dependencyRecomputations, resetDependencyRecomputations: () => { dependencyRecomputations = 0; }, lastResult: () => lastResult, recomputations: () => recomputations, resetRecomputations: () => { recomputations = 0; }, memoize, argsMemoize }); }; return createSelector2; } var createSelector = /* @__PURE__ */ createSelectorCreator(weakMapMemoize); // src/createStructuredSelector.ts var createStructuredSelector = (inputSelectorsObject, selectorCreator = createSelector) => { assertIsObject( inputSelectorsObject, `createStructuredSelector expects first argument to be an object where each property is a selector, instead received a ${typeof inputSelectorsObject}` ); const inputSelectorKeys = Object.keys(inputSelectorsObject); const dependencies = inputSelectorKeys.map((key) => inputSelectorsObject[key]); const structuredSelector = selectorCreator( dependencies, (...inputSelectorResults) => { return inputSelectorResults.reduce((composition, value, index) => { composition[inputSelectorKeys[index]] = value; return composition; }, {}); } ); return structuredSelector; }; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { createSelector, createSelectorCreator, createStructuredSelector, lruMemoize, referenceEqualityCheck, setGlobalDevModeChecks, unstable_autotrackMemoize, weakMapMemoize }); //# sourceMappingURL=reselect.cjs.map