/** * Represents the longest array within an array of arrays. * * @template ArrayOfTuples An array of arrays. * * @internal */ type LongestTuple = ArrayOfTuples extends [infer FirstArray extends unknown[]] ? FirstArray : ArrayOfTuples extends [ infer FirstArray, ...infer RestArrays extends unknown[][] ] ? LongerOfTwo> : never; /** * Determines the longer of two array types. * * @template ArrayOne First array type. * @template ArrayTwo Second array type. * * @internal */ type LongerOfTwo = keyof ArrayTwo extends keyof ArrayOne ? ArrayOne : ArrayTwo; /** * Extracts the element at a specific index in an array. * * @template ArrayType The array type. * @template Index The index type. * * @internal */ type ElementAt = Index extends keyof ArrayType ? ArrayType[Index] : unknown; /** * Maps each array in an array of arrays to its element at a given index. * * @template ArrayOfTuples An array of arrays. * @template Index The index to extract from each array. * * @internal */ type ElementsAtGivenIndex = { [ArrayIndex in keyof ArrayOfTuples]: ElementAt; }; /** * Computes the intersection of all types in a tuple. * * @template Tuple A tuple of types. * * @internal */ type Intersect = Tuple extends [] ? unknown : Tuple extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ? Head & Intersect : Tuple[number]; /** * Merges a tuple of arrays into a single tuple, intersecting types at each index. * * @template ArrayOfTuples An array of tuples. * @template LongestArray The longest array in ArrayOfTuples. * * @internal */ type MergeTuples> = { [Index in keyof LongestArray]: Intersect>; }; /** * Extracts the parameter types from a tuple of functions. * * @template FunctionsArray An array of function types. * * @internal */ type ExtractParameters = { [Index in keyof FunctionsArray]: Parameters; }; /** * Merges the parameters of a tuple of functions into a single tuple. * * @template FunctionsArray An array of function types. * * @internal */ type MergeParameters = '0' extends keyof FunctionsArray ? MergeTuples> : Parameters; /** * Configuration options for a memoization function utilizing `WeakMap` for * its caching mechanism. * * @template Result - The type of the return value of the memoized function. * * @since 5.0.0 * @public */ interface WeakMapMemoizeOptions { /** * If provided, used to compare a newly generated output value against previous values in the cache. * If a match is found, the old value is returned. This addresses the common * ```ts * todos.map(todo => todo.id) * ``` * use case, where an update to another field in the original data causes a recalculation * due to changed references, but the output is still effectively the same. * * @since 5.0.0 */ resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn; } /** * Creates a tree of `WeakMap`-based cache nodes based on the identity of the * arguments it's been called with (in this case, the extracted values from your input selectors). * This allows `weakMapMemoize` to have an effectively infinite cache size. * Cache results will be kept in memory as long as references to the arguments still exist, * and then cleared out as the arguments are garbage-collected. * * __Design Tradeoffs for `weakMapMemoize`:__ * - Pros: * - It has an effectively infinite cache size, but you have no control over * how long values are kept in cache as it's based on garbage collection and `WeakMap`s. * - Cons: * - There's currently no way to alter the argument comparisons. * They're based on strict reference equality. * - It's roughly the same speed as `lruMemoize`, although likely a fraction slower. * * __Use Cases for `weakMapMemoize`:__ * - This memoizer is likely best used for cases where you need to call the * same selector instance with many different arguments, such as a single * selector instance that is used in a list item component and called with * item IDs like: * ```ts * useSelector(state => selectSomeData(state, props.category)) * ``` * @param func - The function to be memoized. * @returns A memoized function with a `.clearCache()` method attached. * * @example * Using `createSelector` * ```ts * import { createSelector, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect' * * interface RootState { * items: { id: number; category: string; name: string }[] * } * * const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector( * [ * (state: RootState) => state.items, * (state: RootState, category: string) => category * ], * (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category), * { * memoize: weakMapMemoize, * argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize * } * ) * ``` * * @example * Using `createSelectorCreator` * ```ts * import { createSelectorCreator, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect' * * const createSelectorWeakMap = createSelectorCreator({ memoize: weakMapMemoize, argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize }) * * const selectItemsByCategory = createSelectorWeakMap( * [ * (state: RootState) => state.items, * (state: RootState, category: string) => category * ], * (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category) * ) * ``` * * @template Func - The type of the function that is memoized. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/weakMapMemoize `weakMapMemoize`} * * @since 5.0.0 * @public * @experimental */ declare function weakMapMemoize(func: Func, options?: WeakMapMemoizeOptions>): Func & { clearCache: () => void; resultsCount: () => number; resetResultsCount: () => void; }; /** * A standard selector function. * @template State - The first value, often a Redux root state object. * @template Result - The final result returned by the selector. * @template Params - All additional arguments passed into the selector. * * @public */ type Selector = Distribute< /** * A function that takes a state and returns data that is based on that state. * * @param state - The first argument, often a Redux root state object. * @param params - All additional arguments passed into the selector. * @returns A derived value from the state. */ (state: State, ...params: FallbackIfNever) => Result>; /** * An array of input selectors. * * @public */ type SelectorArray = readonly Selector[]; /** * Extracts an array of all return types from all input selectors. * * @public */ type SelectorResultArray = ExtractReturnType; /** * The options object used inside `createSelector` and `createSelectorCreator`. * * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used. * @template OverrideMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `memoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `memoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. If none was initially provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used. * * @public */ interface CreateSelectorOptions { /** * Reselect performs additional checks in development mode to help identify * and warn about potential issues in selector behavior. This option * allows you to customize the behavior of these checks per selector. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks Development-Only Stability Checks} * * @since 5.0.0 */ devModeChecks?: Partial; /** * The memoize function that is used to memoize the {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc} * inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * * When passed directly into `createSelector`, it overrides the `memoize` function initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * * @example * ```ts * import { createSelector, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect' * * const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector( * [ * (state: RootState) => state.items, * (state: RootState, category: string) => category * ], * (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category), * { memoize: weakMapMemoize } * ) * ``` * * @since 5.0.0 */ memoize?: FallbackIfNever; /** * The optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments * passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` * (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * * When passed directly into `createSelector`, it overrides the * `argsMemoize` function initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * If none was initially provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used. * * @example * ```ts * import { createSelector, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect' * * const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector( * [ * (state: RootState) => state.items, * (state: RootState, category: string) => category * ], * (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category), * { argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize } * ) * ``` * * @default weakMapMemoize * * @since 5.0.0 */ argsMemoize?: FallbackIfNever; /** * Optional configuration options for the {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.memoize memoize} function. * These options are passed to the {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.memoize memoize} function as the second argument. * * @since 5.0.0 */ memoizeOptions?: OverrideMemoizeOptions; /** * Optional configuration options for the {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.argsMemoize argsMemoize} function. * These options are passed to the {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.argsMemoize argsMemoize} function as the second argument. * * @since 5.0.0 */ argsMemoizeOptions?: OverrideMemoizeOptions; } /** * The additional fields attached to the output selector generated by `createSelector`. * * **Note**: Although {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.memoize memoize} * and {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.argsMemoize argsMemoize} are included in the attached fields, * the fields themselves are independent of the type of * {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.memoize memoize} and {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.argsMemoize argsMemoize} functions. * Meaning this type is not going to generate additional fields based on what functions we use to memoize our selectors. * * _This type is not to be confused with {@linkcode ExtractMemoizerFields ExtractMemoizerFields}._ * * @template InputSelectors - The type of the input selectors. * @template Result - The type of the result returned by the `resultFunc`. * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used. * * @public */ type OutputSelectorFields = { /** * The final function passed to `createSelector`. Otherwise known as the `combiner`. */ resultFunc: Combiner; /** * The memoized version of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc}. */ memoizedResultFunc: Combiner & ExtractMemoizerFields; /** * @Returns The last result calculated by {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc}. */ lastResult: () => Result; /** * The array of the input selectors used by `createSelector` to compose the * combiner ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc}). */ dependencies: InputSelectors; /** * Counts the number of times {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc} has been recalculated. */ recomputations: () => number; /** * Resets the count of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.recomputations recomputations} count to 0. */ resetRecomputations: () => void; /** * Counts the number of times the input selectors ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencies dependencies}) * have been recalculated. This is distinct from {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.recomputations recomputations}, * which tracks the recalculations of the result function. * * @since 5.0.0 */ dependencyRecomputations: () => number; /** * Resets the count {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencyRecomputations dependencyRecomputations} * for the input selectors ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencies dependencies}) * of a memoized selector. * * @since 5.0.0 */ resetDependencyRecomputations: () => void; } & Simplify, 'argsMemoize' | 'memoize'>>>; /** * Represents the actual selectors generated by `createSelector`. * * @template InputSelectors - The type of the input selectors. * @template Result - The type of the result returned by the `resultFunc`. * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used. * * @public */ type OutputSelector = Selector, Result, GetParamsFromSelectors> & ExtractMemoizerFields & OutputSelectorFields; /** * A function that takes input selectors' return values as arguments and returns a result. Otherwise known as `resultFunc`. * * @template InputSelectors - An array of input selectors. * @template Result - Result returned by `resultFunc`. * * @public */ type Combiner = Distribute< /** * A function that takes input selectors' return values as arguments and returns a result. Otherwise known as `resultFunc`. * * @param resultFuncArgs - Return values of input selectors. * @returns The return value of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc}. */ (...resultFuncArgs: SelectorResultArray) => Result>; /** * A standard function returning true if two values are considered equal. * * @public */ type EqualityFn = (a: T, b: T) => boolean; /** * The frequency of development mode checks. * * @since 5.0.0 * @public */ type DevModeCheckFrequency = 'always' | 'once' | 'never'; /** * Represents the configuration for development mode checks. * * @since 5.0.0 * @public */ interface DevModeChecks { /** * Overrides the global input stability check for the selector. * - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called. * - `always` - Run every time the selector is called. * - `never` - Never run the input stability check. * * @default 'once' * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks Development-Only Stability Checks} * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks#inputstabilitycheck `inputStabilityCheck`} * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks#2-per-selector-by-passing-an-inputstabilitycheck-option-directly-to- per-selector-configuration} * * @since 5.0.0 */ inputStabilityCheck: DevModeCheckFrequency; /** * Overrides the global identity function check for the selector. * - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called. * - `always` - Run every time the selector is called. * - `never` - Never run the identity function check. * * @default 'once' * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks Development-Only Stability Checks} * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks#identityfunctioncheck `identityFunctionCheck`} * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks#2-per-selector-by-passing-an-identityfunctioncheck-option-directly-to- per-selector-configuration} * * @since 5.0.0 */ identityFunctionCheck: DevModeCheckFrequency; } /** * Represents execution information for development mode checks. * * @public * @since 5.0.0 */ type DevModeChecksExecutionInfo = { [K in keyof DevModeChecks]: { /** * A boolean indicating whether the check should be executed. */ shouldRun: boolean; /** * The function to execute for the check. */ run: AnyFunction; }; }; /** * Determines the combined single "State" type (first arg) from all input selectors. * * @public */ type GetStateFromSelectors = MergeParameters[0]; /** * Determines the combined "Params" type (all remaining args) from all input selectors. * * @public */ type GetParamsFromSelectors = ArrayTail>; /** * Any Memoizer function. A memoizer is a function that accepts another function and returns it. * * @template FunctionType - The type of the function that is memoized. * * @public */ type UnknownMemoizer = (func: FunctionType, ...options: any[]) => FunctionType; /** * Extracts the options type for a memoization function based on its parameters. * The first parameter of the function is expected to be the function to be memoized, * followed by options for the memoization process. * * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked. * * @public */ type MemoizeOptionsFromParameters = (NonFunctionType[0]> | FunctionType[0]>) | (NonFunctionType[number]> | FunctionType[number]>)[]; /** * Derive the type of memoize options object based on whether the memoize function itself was overridden. * * _This type can be used for both `memoizeOptions` and `argsMemoizeOptions`._ * * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the `memoize` or `argsMemoize` function initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * @template OverrideMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `memoize` or `argsMemoize` function passed directly into `createSelector` which then overrides the original `memoize` or `argsMemoize` function passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * * @public */ type OverrideMemoizeOptions = IfNever>, Simplify>>; /** * Extracts the additional properties or methods that a memoize function attaches to * the function it memoizes (e.g., `clearCache`). * * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked. * * @public */ type ExtractMemoizerFields = Simplify>>; /** * Represents the additional properties attached to a function memoized by `reselect`. * * `lruMemoize`, `weakMapMemoize` and `autotrackMemoize` all return these properties. * * @see {@linkcode ExtractMemoizerFields ExtractMemoizerFields} * * @public */ type DefaultMemoizeFields = { /** * Clears the memoization cache associated with a memoized function. * This method is typically used to reset the state of the cache, allowing * for the garbage collection of previously memoized results and ensuring * that future calls to the function recompute the results. */ clearCache: () => void; resultsCount: () => number; resetResultsCount: () => void; }; /** * Any function with any arguments. * * @internal */ type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any; /** * Any function with unknown arguments. * * @internal */ type UnknownFunction = (...args: unknown[]) => unknown; /** * When a generic type parameter is using its default value of `never`, fallback to a different type. * * @template T - Type to be checked. * @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `never`. * * @internal */ type FallbackIfNever = IfNever; /** * Extracts the non-function part of a type. * * @template T - The input type to be refined by excluding function types and index signatures. * * @internal */ type NonFunctionType = Simplify>>; /** * Extracts the function part of a type. * * @template T - The input type to be refined by extracting function types. * * @internal */ type FunctionType = Extract; /** * Extracts the return type from all functions as a tuple. * * @internal */ type ExtractReturnType = { [Index in keyof FunctionsArray]: FunctionsArray[Index] extends FunctionsArray[number] ? FallbackIfUnknown, any> : never; }; /** * Utility type to infer the type of "all params of a function except the first", * so we can determine what arguments a memoize function accepts. * * @internal */ type DropFirstParameter = Func extends (firstArg: any, ...restArgs: infer Rest) => any ? Rest : never; /** * Distributes over a type. It is used mostly to expand a function type * in hover previews while preserving their original JSDoc information. * * If preserving JSDoc information is not a concern, you can use {@linkcode ExpandFunction ExpandFunction}. * * @template T The type to be distributed. * * @internal */ type Distribute = T extends T ? T : never; /** * Extracts the type of an array or tuple minus the first element. * * @internal */ type ArrayTail = ArrayType extends readonly [ unknown, ...infer Tail ] ? Tail : []; /** * An alias for type `{}`. Represents any value that is not `null` or `undefined`. * It is mostly used for semantic purposes to help distinguish between an * empty object type and `{}` as they are not the same. * * @internal */ type AnyNonNullishValue = NonNullable; /** * Same as {@linkcode AnyNonNullishValue AnyNonNullishValue} but aliased * for semantic purposes. It is intended to be used in scenarios where * a recursive type definition needs to be interrupted to ensure type safety * and to avoid excessively deep recursion that could lead to performance issues. * * @internal */ type InterruptRecursion = AnyNonNullishValue; /** * An if-else-like type that resolves depending on whether the given type is `never`. * This is mainly used to conditionally resolve the type of a `memoizeOptions` object based on whether `memoize` is provided or not. * @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/if-never.d.ts Source} * * @internal */ type IfNever = [T] extends [never] ? TypeIfNever : TypeIfNotNever; /** * Omit any index signatures from the given object type, leaving only explicitly defined properties. * This is mainly used to remove explicit `any`s from the return type of some memoizers (e.g, `microMemoize`). * * __Disclaimer:__ When used on an intersection of a function and an object, * the function is erased. * * @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/omit-index-signature.d.ts Source} * * @internal */ type OmitIndexSignature = { [KeyType in keyof ObjectType as {} extends Record ? never : KeyType]: ObjectType[KeyType]; }; /** * The infamous "convert a union type to an intersection type" hack * @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/union-to-intersection.d.ts Source} * @see {@link https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/29594 Reference} * * @internal */ type UnionToIntersection = (Union extends unknown ? (distributedUnion: Union) => void : never) extends (mergedIntersection: infer Intersection) => void ? // The `& Union` is to allow indexing by the resulting type Intersection & Union : never; /** * Code to convert a union of values into a tuple. * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/55128956/62937 Source} * * @internal */ type Push = [...T, V]; /** * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/55128956/62937 Source} * * @internal */ type LastOf = UnionToIntersection T : never> extends () => infer R ? R : never; /** * TS4.1+ * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/55128956/62937 Source} * * @internal */ type TuplifyUnion, N = [T] extends [never] ? true : false> = true extends N ? [] : Push>, L>; /** * Converts "the values of an object" into a tuple, like a type-level `Object.values()` * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/68695508/62937 Source} * * @internal */ type ObjectValuesToTuple, R extends any[] = []> = KS extends [infer K, ...infer KT] ? ObjectValuesToTuple : R; /** * Create a type that makes the given keys required. * The remaining keys are kept as is. * * @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/set-required.d.ts Source} * * @internal */ type SetRequired = Omit & Required>; /** * An if-else-like type that resolves depending on whether the given type is `unknown`. * @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/if-unknown.d.ts Source} * * @internal */ type IfUnknown = unknown extends T ? [T] extends [null] ? TypeIfNotUnknown : TypeIfUnknown : TypeIfNotUnknown; /** * When a type is resolves to `unknown`, fallback to a different type. * * @template T - Type to be checked. * @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `unknown`. * * @internal */ type FallbackIfUnknown = IfUnknown; /** * Useful to flatten the type output to improve type hints shown in editors. * And also to transform an interface into a type to aide with assignability. * @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/simplify.d.ts Source} * * @internal */ type Simplify = T extends AnyFunction ? T : { [KeyType in keyof T]: T[KeyType]; } & AnyNonNullishValue; /** * Uses an "auto-tracking" approach inspired by the work of the Ember Glimmer team. * It uses a Proxy to wrap arguments and track accesses to nested fields * in your selector on first read. Later, when the selector is called with * new arguments, it identifies which accessed fields have changed and * only recalculates the result if one or more of those accessed fields have changed. * This allows it to be more precise than the shallow equality checks in `lruMemoize`. * * __Design Tradeoffs for `autotrackMemoize`:__ * - Pros: * - It is likely to avoid excess calculations and recalculate fewer times than `lruMemoize` will, * which may also result in fewer component re-renders. * - Cons: * - It only has a cache size of 1. * - It is slower than `lruMemoize`, because it has to do more work. (How much slower is dependent on the number of accessed fields in a selector, number of calls, frequency of input changes, etc) * - It can have some unexpected behavior. Because it tracks nested field accesses, * cases where you don't access a field will not recalculate properly. * For example, a badly-written selector like: * ```ts * createSelector([state => state.todos], todos => todos) * ``` * that just immediately returns the extracted value will never update, because it doesn't see any field accesses to check. * * __Use Cases for `autotrackMemoize`:__ * - It is likely best used for cases where you need to access specific nested fields * in data, and avoid recalculating if other fields in the same data objects are immutably updated. * * @param func - The function to be memoized. * @returns A memoized function with a `.clearCache()` method attached. * * @example * Using `createSelector` * ```ts * import { unstable_autotrackMemoize as autotrackMemoize, createSelector } from 'reselect' * * const selectTodoIds = createSelector( * [(state: RootState) => state.todos], * (todos) => todos.map(todo => todo.id), * { memoize: autotrackMemoize } * ) * ``` * * @example * Using `createSelectorCreator` * ```ts * import { unstable_autotrackMemoize as autotrackMemoize, createSelectorCreator } from 'reselect' * * const createSelectorAutotrack = createSelectorCreator({ memoize: autotrackMemoize }) * * const selectTodoIds = createSelectorAutotrack( * [(state: RootState) => state.todos], * (todos) => todos.map(todo => todo.id) * ) * ``` * * @template Func - The type of the function that is memoized. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/unstable_autotrackMemoize autotrackMemoize} * * @since 5.0.0 * @public * @experimental */ declare function autotrackMemoize(func: Func): Func & { clearCache: () => void; resultsCount: () => number; resetResultsCount: () => void; }; /** * An instance of `createSelector`, customized with a given memoize implementation. * * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used. * @template StateType - The type of state that the selectors created with this selector creator will operate on. * * @public */ interface CreateSelectorFunction { /** * Creates a memoized selector function. * * @param createSelectorArgs - An arbitrary number of input selectors as separate inline arguments and a `combiner` function. * @returns A memoized output selector. * * @template InputSelectors - The type of the input selectors as an array. * @template Result - The return type of the `combiner` as well as the output selector. * @template OverrideMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `memoize` function that could be passed into the options object to override the original `memoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createselector `createSelector`} */ , Result>(...createSelectorArgs: [ ...inputSelectors: InputSelectors, combiner: Combiner ]): OutputSelector & InterruptRecursion; /** * Creates a memoized selector function. * * @param createSelectorArgs - An arbitrary number of input selectors as separate inline arguments, a `combiner` function and an `options` object. * @returns A memoized output selector. * * @template InputSelectors - The type of the input selectors as an array. * @template Result - The return type of the `combiner` as well as the output selector. * @template OverrideMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `memoize` function that could be passed into the options object to override the original `memoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createselector `createSelector`} */ , Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = MemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = ArgsMemoizeFunction>(...createSelectorArgs: [ ...inputSelectors: InputSelectors, combiner: Combiner, createSelectorOptions: Simplify> ]): OutputSelector & InterruptRecursion; /** * Creates a memoized selector function. * * @param inputSelectors - An array of input selectors. * @param combiner - A function that Combines the input selectors and returns an output selector. Otherwise known as the result function. * @param createSelectorOptions - An optional options object that allows for further customization per selector. * @returns A memoized output selector. * * @template InputSelectors - The type of the input selectors array. * @template Result - The return type of the `combiner` as well as the output selector. * @template OverrideMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `memoize` function that could be passed into the options object to override the original `memoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createselector `createSelector`} */ , Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = MemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = ArgsMemoizeFunction>(inputSelectors: [...InputSelectors], combiner: Combiner, createSelectorOptions?: Simplify>): OutputSelector & InterruptRecursion; /** * Creates a "pre-typed" version of {@linkcode createSelector createSelector} * where the `state` type is predefined. * * This allows you to set the `state` type once, eliminating the need to * specify it with every {@linkcode createSelector createSelector} call. * * @returns A pre-typed `createSelector` with the state type already defined. * * @example * ```ts * import { createSelector } from 'reselect' * * export interface RootState { * todos: { id: number; completed: boolean }[] * alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[] * } * * export const createAppSelector = createSelector.withTypes() * * const selectTodoIds = createAppSelector( * [ * // Type of `state` is set to `RootState`, no need to manually set the type * state => state.todos * ], * todos => todos.map(({ id }) => id) * ) * ``` * @template OverrideStateType - The specific type of state used by all selectors created with this selector creator. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createselector#defining-a-pre-typed-createselector `createSelector.withTypes`} * * @since 5.1.0 */ withTypes: () => CreateSelectorFunction; } /** * Creates a selector creator function with the specified memoization function * and options for customizing memoization behavior. * * @param options - An options object containing the `memoize` function responsible for memoizing the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). It also provides additional options for customizing memoization. While the `memoize` property is mandatory, the rest are optional. * @returns A customized `createSelector` function. * * @example * ```ts * const customCreateSelector = createSelectorCreator({ * memoize: customMemoize, // Function to be used to memoize `resultFunc` * memoizeOptions: [memoizeOption1, memoizeOption2], // Options passed to `customMemoize` as the second argument onwards * argsMemoize: customArgsMemoize, // Function to be used to memoize the selector's arguments * argsMemoizeOptions: [argsMemoizeOption1, argsMemoizeOption2] // Options passed to `customArgsMemoize` as the second argument onwards * }) * * const customSelector = customCreateSelector( * [inputSelector1, inputSelector2], * resultFunc // `resultFunc` will be passed as the first argument to `customMemoize` * ) * * customSelector( * ...selectorArgs // Will be memoized by `customArgsMemoize` * ) * ``` * * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createSelectorCreator#using-options-since-500 `createSelectorCreator`} * * @since 5.0.0 * @public */ declare function createSelectorCreator(options: Simplify, 'memoize'>>): CreateSelectorFunction; /** * Creates a selector creator function with the specified memoization function * and options for customizing memoization behavior. * * @param memoize - The `memoize` function responsible for memoizing the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * @param memoizeOptionsFromArgs - Optional configuration options for the memoization function. These options are then passed to the memoize function as the second argument onwards. * @returns A customized `createSelector` function. * * @example * ```ts * const customCreateSelector = createSelectorCreator(customMemoize, // Function to be used to memoize `resultFunc` * option1, // Will be passed as second argument to `customMemoize` * option2, // Will be passed as third argument to `customMemoize` * option3 // Will be passed as fourth argument to `customMemoize` * ) * * const customSelector = customCreateSelector( * [inputSelector1, inputSelector2], * resultFunc // `resultFunc` will be passed as the first argument to `customMemoize` * ) * ``` * * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `lruMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createSelectorCreator#using-memoize-and-memoizeoptions `createSelectorCreator`} * * @public */ declare function createSelectorCreator(memoize: MemoizeFunction, ...memoizeOptionsFromArgs: DropFirstParameter): CreateSelectorFunction; /** * Accepts one or more "input selectors" (either as separate arguments or a single array), * a single "result function" / "combiner", and an optional options object, and * generates a memoized selector function. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createSelector `createSelector`} * * @public */ declare const createSelector: CreateSelectorFunction; /** * Represents a mapping of selectors to their return types. * * @template TObject - An object type where each property is a selector function. * * @public */ type SelectorResultsMap = { [Key in keyof TObject]: ReturnType; }; /** * Represents a mapping of selectors for each key in a given root state. * * This type is a utility that takes a root state object type and * generates a corresponding set of selectors. Each selector is associated * with a key in the root state, allowing for the selection * of specific parts of the state. * * @template RootState - The type of the root state object. * * @since 5.0.0 * @public */ type RootStateSelectors = { [Key in keyof RootState]: Selector; }; /** * @deprecated Please use {@linkcode StructuredSelectorCreator.withTypes createStructuredSelector.withTypes()} instead. This type will be removed in the future. * @template RootState - The type of the root state object. * * @since 5.0.0 * @public */ type TypedStructuredSelectorCreator = /** * A convenience function that simplifies returning an object * made up of selector results. * * @param inputSelectorsObject - A key value pair consisting of input selectors. * @param selectorCreator - A custom selector creator function. It defaults to `createSelector`. * @returns A memoized structured selector. * * @example * Modern Use Case * ```ts * import { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect' * * interface RootState { * todos: { * id: number * completed: boolean * title: string * description: string * }[] * alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[] * } * * // This: * const structuredSelector = createStructuredSelector( * { * todos: (state: RootState) => state.todos, * alerts: (state: RootState) => state.alerts, * todoById: (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id] * }, * createSelector * ) * * // Is essentially the same as this: * const selector = createSelector( * [ * (state: RootState) => state.todos, * (state: RootState) => state.alerts, * (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id] * ], * (todos, alerts, todoById) => { * return { * todos, * alerts, * todoById * } * } * ) * ``` * * @example * In your component: * ```tsx * import type { RootState } from 'createStructuredSelector/modernUseCase' * import { structuredSelector } from 'createStructuredSelector/modernUseCase' * import type { FC } from 'react' * import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' * * interface Props { * id: number * } * * const MyComponent: FC = ({ id }) => { * const { todos, alerts, todoById } = useSelector((state: RootState) => * structuredSelector(state, id) * ) * * return ( *
* Next to do is: *



Description: {todoById.description}


    All other to dos:

    * {todos.map(todo => ( *
  • {todo.title}
  • * ))} *
* ) * } * ``` * * @example * Simple Use Case * ```ts * const selectA = state => state.a * const selectB = state => state.b * * // The result function in the following selector * // is simply building an object from the input selectors * const structuredSelector = createSelector(selectA, selectB, (a, b) => ({ * a, * b * })) * * const result = structuredSelector({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // will produce { x: 1, y: 2 } * ``` * * @template InputSelectorsObject - The shape of the input selectors object. * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to create the structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`. * @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the of the memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the generated structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createStructuredSelector `createStructuredSelector`} */ = RootStateSelectors, MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize>(inputSelectorsObject: InputSelectorsObject, selectorCreator?: CreateSelectorFunction) => OutputSelector, Simplify>, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction> & InterruptRecursion; /** * Represents an object where each property is a selector function. * * @template StateType - The type of state that all the selectors operate on. * * @public */ type SelectorsObject = Record>; /** * It provides a way to create structured selectors. * The structured selector can take multiple input selectors * and map their output to an object with specific keys. * * @template StateType - The type of state that the structured selectors created with this structured selector creator will operate on. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createStructuredSelector `createStructuredSelector`} * * @public */ interface StructuredSelectorCreator { /** * A convenience function that simplifies returning an object * made up of selector results. * * @param inputSelectorsObject - A key value pair consisting of input selectors. * @param selectorCreator - A custom selector creator function. It defaults to `createSelector`. * @returns A memoized structured selector. * * @example * Modern Use Case * ```ts * import { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect' * * interface RootState { * todos: { * id: number * completed: boolean * title: string * description: string * }[] * alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[] * } * * // This: * const structuredSelector = createStructuredSelector( * { * todos: (state: RootState) => state.todos, * alerts: (state: RootState) => state.alerts, * todoById: (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id] * }, * createSelector * ) * * // Is essentially the same as this: * const selector = createSelector( * [ * (state: RootState) => state.todos, * (state: RootState) => state.alerts, * (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id] * ], * (todos, alerts, todoById) => { * return { * todos, * alerts, * todoById * } * } * ) * ``` * * @example * In your component: * ```tsx * import type { RootState } from 'createStructuredSelector/modernUseCase' * import { structuredSelector } from 'createStructuredSelector/modernUseCase' * import type { FC } from 'react' * import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' * * interface Props { * id: number * } * * const MyComponent: FC = ({ id }) => { * const { todos, alerts, todoById } = useSelector((state: RootState) => * structuredSelector(state, id) * ) * * return ( *
* Next to do is: *



Description: {todoById.description}


    All other to dos:

    * {todos.map(todo => ( *
  • {todo.title}
  • * ))} *
* ) * } * ``` * * @example * Simple Use Case * ```ts * const selectA = state => state.a * const selectB = state => state.b * * // The result function in the following selector * // is simply building an object from the input selectors * const structuredSelector = createSelector(selectA, selectB, (a, b) => ({ * a, * b * })) * * const result = structuredSelector({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // will produce { x: 1, y: 2 } * ``` * * @template InputSelectorsObject - The shape of the input selectors object. * @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to create the structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`. * @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the of the memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the generated structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createStructuredSelector `createStructuredSelector`} */ , MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize>(inputSelectorsObject: InputSelectorsObject, selectorCreator?: CreateSelectorFunction): OutputSelector, Simplify>, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction> & InterruptRecursion; /** * Creates a "pre-typed" version of * {@linkcode createStructuredSelector createStructuredSelector} * where the `state` type is predefined. * * This allows you to set the `state` type once, eliminating the need to * specify it with every * {@linkcode createStructuredSelector createStructuredSelector} call. * * @returns A pre-typed `createStructuredSelector` with the state type already defined. * * @example * ```ts * import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect' * * export interface RootState { * todos: { id: number; completed: boolean }[] * alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[] * } * * export const createStructuredAppSelector = * createStructuredSelector.withTypes() * * const structuredAppSelector = createStructuredAppSelector({ * // Type of `state` is set to `RootState`, no need to manually set the type * todos: state => state.todos, * alerts: state => state.alerts, * todoById: (state, id: number) => state.todos[id] * }) * * ``` * @template OverrideStateType - The specific type of state used by all structured selectors created with this structured selector creator. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createstructuredselector#defining-a-pre-typed-createstructuredselector `createSelector.withTypes`} * * @since 5.1.0 */ withTypes: () => StructuredSelectorCreator; } /** * A convenience function that simplifies returning an object * made up of selector results. * * @param inputSelectorsObject - A key value pair consisting of input selectors. * @param selectorCreator - A custom selector creator function. It defaults to `createSelector`. * @returns A memoized structured selector. * * @example * Modern Use Case * ```ts * import { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect' * * interface RootState { * todos: { * id: number * completed: boolean * title: string * description: string * }[] * alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[] * } * * // This: * const structuredSelector = createStructuredSelector( * { * todos: (state: RootState) => state.todos, * alerts: (state: RootState) => state.alerts, * todoById: (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id] * }, * createSelector * ) * * // Is essentially the same as this: * const selector = createSelector( * [ * (state: RootState) => state.todos, * (state: RootState) => state.alerts, * (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id] * ], * (todos, alerts, todoById) => { * return { * todos, * alerts, * todoById * } * } * ) * ``` * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/createStructuredSelector `createStructuredSelector`} * * @public */ declare const createStructuredSelector: StructuredSelectorCreator; /** * Overrides the development mode checks settings for all selectors. * * Reselect performs additional checks in development mode to help identify and * warn about potential issues in selector behavior. This function allows you to * customize the behavior of these checks across all selectors in your application. * * **Note**: This setting can still be overridden per selector inside `createSelector`'s `options` object. * See {@link https://github.com/reduxjs/reselect#2-per-selector-by-passing-an-identityfunctioncheck-option-directly-to-createselector per-selector-configuration} * and {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.identityFunctionCheck identityFunctionCheck} for more details. * * _The development mode checks do not run in production builds._ * * @param devModeChecks - An object specifying the desired settings for development mode checks. You can provide partial overrides. Unspecified settings will retain their current values. * * @example * ```ts * import { setGlobalDevModeChecks } from 'reselect' * import { DevModeChecks } from '../types' * * // Run only the first time the selector is called. (default) * setGlobalDevModeChecks({ inputStabilityCheck: 'once' }) * * // Run every time the selector is called. * setGlobalDevModeChecks({ inputStabilityCheck: 'always' }) * * // Never run the input stability check. * setGlobalDevModeChecks({ inputStabilityCheck: 'never' }) * * // Run only the first time the selector is called. (default) * setGlobalDevModeChecks({ identityFunctionCheck: 'once' }) * * // Run every time the selector is called. * setGlobalDevModeChecks({ identityFunctionCheck: 'always' }) * * // Never run the identity function check. * setGlobalDevModeChecks({ identityFunctionCheck: 'never' }) * ``` * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks Development-Only Stability Checks} * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/development-only-stability-checks#1-globally-through-setglobaldevmodechecks global-configuration} * * @since 5.0.0 * @public */ declare const setGlobalDevModeChecks: (devModeChecks: Partial) => void; /** * Runs a simple reference equality check. * What {@linkcode lruMemoize lruMemoize} uses by default. * * **Note**: This function was previously known as `defaultEqualityCheck`. * * @public */ declare const referenceEqualityCheck: EqualityFn; /** * Options for configuring the behavior of a function memoized with * LRU (Least Recently Used) caching. * * @template Result - The type of the return value of the memoized function. * * @public */ interface LruMemoizeOptions { /** * Function used to compare the individual arguments of the * provided calculation function. * * @default referenceEqualityCheck */ equalityCheck?: EqualityFn; /** * If provided, used to compare a newly generated output value against * previous values in the cache. If a match is found, * the old value is returned. This addresses the common * ```ts * todos.map(todo => todo.id) * ``` * use case, where an update to another field in the original data causes * a recalculation due to changed references, but the output is still * effectively the same. * * @since 4.1.0 */ resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn; /** * The maximum size of the cache used by the selector. * A size greater than 1 means the selector will use an * LRU (Least Recently Used) cache, allowing for the caching of multiple * results based on different sets of arguments. * * @default 1 */ maxSize?: number; } /** * Creates a memoized version of a function with an optional * LRU (Least Recently Used) cache. The memoized function uses a cache to * store computed values. Depending on the `maxSize` option, it will use * either a singleton cache (for a single entry) or an * LRU cache (for multiple entries). * * **Note**: This function was previously known as `defaultMemoize`. * * @param func - The function to be memoized. * @param equalityCheckOrOptions - Either an equality check function or an options object. * @returns A memoized function with a `.clearCache()` method attached. * * @template Func - The type of the function that is memoized. * * @see {@link https://reselect.js.org/api/lruMemoize `lruMemoize`} * * @public */ declare function lruMemoize(func: Func, equalityCheckOrOptions?: EqualityFn | LruMemoizeOptions>): Func & { clearCache: () => void; resultsCount: () => number; resetResultsCount: () => void; }; export { Combiner, CreateSelectorFunction, CreateSelectorOptions, DefaultMemoizeFields, DevModeCheckFrequency, DevModeChecks, DevModeChecksExecutionInfo, EqualityFn, ExtractMemoizerFields, GetParamsFromSelectors, GetStateFromSelectors, LruMemoizeOptions, MemoizeOptionsFromParameters, OutputSelector, OutputSelectorFields, OverrideMemoizeOptions, RootStateSelectors, Selector, SelectorArray, SelectorResultArray, SelectorResultsMap, SelectorsObject, StructuredSelectorCreator, TypedStructuredSelectorCreator, UnknownMemoizer, WeakMapMemoizeOptions, createSelector, createSelectorCreator, createStructuredSelector, lruMemoize, referenceEqualityCheck, setGlobalDevModeChecks, autotrackMemoize as unstable_autotrackMemoize, weakMapMemoize };