function $parcel$exportWildcard(dest, source) { Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) { if (key === 'default' || key === '__esModule' ||, key)) { return; } Object.defineProperty(dest, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return source[key]; } }); }); return dest; } function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true}); } $parcel$export(module.exports, "EncodeStream", () => $1ed46182c1410e1d$export$9b4f661deaa36c3e); $parcel$export(module.exports, "DecodeStream", () => $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Array", () => $8ea28a08eae2a116$export$c4be6576ca6fe4aa); $parcel$export(module.exports, "LazyArray", () => $444f112d3cbc7e9f$export$5576c026028d4983); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Bitfield", () => $3def237a34a226b5$export$96b43b8a49f688ea); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Boolean", () => $8415e91bb83faf74$export$ff887cefee4d61ec); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Buffer", () => $08d28604119af47e$export$7d22a0eea6656474); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Enum", () => $070ce31ea947467f$export$deb82508dd66d288); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Optional", () => $80703542fcfb6ff0$export$7acb7b24c478f9c6); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Reserved", () => $f4fd49878232508a$export$da9b5fe187a9aa1); $parcel$export(module.exports, "String", () => $d8705cd4022e7dcf$export$89b8e0fa65f6a914); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Struct", () => $aa8b66bae6abe658$export$eabc71f011df675a); $parcel$export(module.exports, "VersionedStruct", () => $fcb208a95f6d048b$export$95a8b60f4da7dec8); // Node back-compat. const $8ae20583b93e4933$var$ENCODING_MAPPING = { utf16le: "utf-16le", ucs2: "utf-16le", utf16be: "utf-16be" }; class $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9 { constructor(buffer){ this.buffer = buffer; this.view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength); this.pos = 0; this.length = this.buffer.length; } readString(length, encoding = "ascii") { encoding = $8ae20583b93e4933$var$ENCODING_MAPPING[encoding] || encoding; let buf = this.readBuffer(length); try { let decoder = new TextDecoder(encoding); return decoder.decode(buf); } catch (err) { return buf; } } readBuffer(length) { return this.buffer.slice(this.pos, this.pos += length); } readUInt24BE() { return (this.readUInt16BE() << 8) + this.readUInt8(); } readUInt24LE() { return this.readUInt16LE() + (this.readUInt8() << 16); } readInt24BE() { return (this.readInt16BE() << 8) + this.readUInt8(); } readInt24LE() { return this.readUInt16LE() + (this.readInt8() << 16); } } $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9.TYPES = { UInt8: 1, UInt16: 2, UInt24: 3, UInt32: 4, Int8: 1, Int16: 2, Int24: 3, Int32: 4, Float: 4, Double: 8 }; for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(DataView.prototype))if (key.slice(0, 3) === "get") { let type = key.slice(3).replace("Ui", "UI"); if (type === "Float32") type = "Float"; else if (type === "Float64") type = "Double"; let bytes = $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9.TYPES[type]; $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9.prototype["read" + type + (bytes === 1 ? "" : "BE")] = function() { const ret = this.view[key](this.pos, false); this.pos += bytes; return ret; }; if (bytes !== 1) $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9.prototype["read" + type + "LE"] = function() { const ret = this.view[key](this.pos, true); this.pos += bytes; return ret; }; } const $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$isBigEndian = new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([ 0x1234 ]).buffer)[0] == 0x12; class $1ed46182c1410e1d$export$9b4f661deaa36c3e { constructor(buffer){ this.buffer = buffer; this.view = new DataView(this.buffer.buffer, this.buffer.byteOffset, this.buffer.byteLength); this.pos = 0; } writeBuffer(buffer) { this.buffer.set(buffer, this.pos); this.pos += buffer.length; } writeString(string, encoding = "ascii") { let buf; switch(encoding){ case "utf16le": case "utf16-le": case "ucs2": buf = $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$stringToUtf16(string, $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$isBigEndian); break; case "utf16be": case "utf16-be": buf = $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$stringToUtf16(string, !$1ed46182c1410e1d$var$isBigEndian); break; case "utf8": buf = $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$textEncoder.encode(string); break; case "ascii": buf = $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$stringToAscii(string); break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding: ${encoding}`); } this.writeBuffer(buf); } writeUInt24BE(val) { this.buffer[this.pos++] = val >>> 16 & 0xff; this.buffer[this.pos++] = val >>> 8 & 0xff; this.buffer[this.pos++] = val & 0xff; } writeUInt24LE(val) { this.buffer[this.pos++] = val & 0xff; this.buffer[this.pos++] = val >>> 8 & 0xff; this.buffer[this.pos++] = val >>> 16 & 0xff; } writeInt24BE(val) { if (val >= 0) this.writeUInt24BE(val); else this.writeUInt24BE(val + 0xffffff + 1); } writeInt24LE(val) { if (val >= 0) this.writeUInt24LE(val); else this.writeUInt24LE(val + 0xffffff + 1); } fill(val, length) { if (length < this.buffer.length) { this.buffer.fill(val, this.pos, this.pos + length); this.pos += length; } else { const buf = new Uint8Array(length); buf.fill(val); this.writeBuffer(buf); } } } function $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$stringToUtf16(string, swap) { let buf = new Uint16Array(string.length); for(let i = 0; i < string.length; i++){ let code = string.charCodeAt(i); if (swap) code = code >> 8 | (code & 0xff) << 8; buf[i] = code; } return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer); } function $1ed46182c1410e1d$var$stringToAscii(string) { let buf = new Uint8Array(string.length); for(let i = 0; i < string.length; i++)// Match node.js behavior - encoding allows 8-bit rather than 7-bit. buf[i] = string.charCodeAt(i); return buf; } for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(DataView.prototype))if (key.slice(0, 3) === "set") { let type = key.slice(3).replace("Ui", "UI"); if (type === "Float32") type = "Float"; else if (type === "Float64") type = "Double"; let bytes = (0, $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9).TYPES[type]; $1ed46182c1410e1d$export$9b4f661deaa36c3e.prototype["write" + type + (bytes === 1 ? "" : "BE")] = function(value) { this.view[key](this.pos, value, false); this.pos += bytes; }; if (bytes !== 1) $1ed46182c1410e1d$export$9b4f661deaa36c3e.prototype["write" + type + "LE"] = function(value) { this.view[key](this.pos, value, true); this.pos += bytes; }; } class $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520 { fromBuffer(buffer) { let stream = new (0, $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9)(buffer); return this.decode(stream); } toBuffer(value) { let size = this.size(value); let buffer = new Uint8Array(size); let stream = new (0, $1ed46182c1410e1d$export$9b4f661deaa36c3e)(buffer); this.encode(stream, value); return buffer; } } var $af65abf7bf65ac42$exports = {}; $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "Number", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint8", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$52e103c63c4e68cf); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint16be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$60dfe43c8297a8f8); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint16", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$56bd24b5a3ee8456); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint16le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$b92d76f0ca6d1789); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint24be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$255f45171f96b50c); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint24", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$1925298fbd719b21); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint24le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$758e1dafc8dc7271); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint32be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$74c16dba6c885532); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint32", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$de9ffb9418dd7d0d); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "uint32le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$5f744bb30a534bc9); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int8", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$5984f25eab09961f); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int16be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$198ae7d10d26a900); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int16", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$c35c15c7caeff2b6); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int16le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$399cc4b7169e5aed); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int24be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$3676d1f71eca2ec0); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int24", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$73f695d681ac61f9); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int24le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$671f8672dbd40a4); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int32be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$78a2ac3d09dd42d5); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int32", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$1d95835383bb05a); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "int32le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$5ec1f146e759329a); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "floatbe", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$92b5c14c6abb5c97); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "float", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$6b5cd3983e3ee5ab); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "floatle", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$6d20592bc4cb19d9); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "doublebe", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$e50b9e97e4d43631); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "double", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$7b3cbda67be88f5f); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "doublele", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$6f53315aa512b751); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "Fixed", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$13475bbd2a37a9b4); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "fixed16be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$f87b441e6bd90278); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "fixed16", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$a3abada75ef55921); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "fixed16le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$3752a2886837dc22); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "fixed32be", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$dd71d8d9bc792632); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "fixed32", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$e913265d48471f2d); $parcel$export($af65abf7bf65ac42$exports, "fixed32le", () => $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$7fc47db6a5fc8223); class $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022 extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(type, endian = "BE"){ super(); this.type = type; this.endian = endian; this.fn = this.type; if (this.type[this.type.length - 1] !== "8") this.fn += this.endian; } size() { return (0, $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9).TYPES[this.type]; } decode(stream) { return stream[`read${this.fn}`](); } encode(stream, val) { return stream[`write${this.fn}`](val); } } const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$52e103c63c4e68cf = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("UInt8"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$60dfe43c8297a8f8 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("UInt16", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$56bd24b5a3ee8456 = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$60dfe43c8297a8f8; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$b92d76f0ca6d1789 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("UInt16", "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$255f45171f96b50c = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("UInt24", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$1925298fbd719b21 = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$255f45171f96b50c; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$758e1dafc8dc7271 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("UInt24", "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$74c16dba6c885532 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("UInt32", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$de9ffb9418dd7d0d = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$74c16dba6c885532; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$5f744bb30a534bc9 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("UInt32", "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$5984f25eab09961f = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Int8"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$198ae7d10d26a900 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Int16", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$c35c15c7caeff2b6 = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$198ae7d10d26a900; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$399cc4b7169e5aed = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Int16", "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$3676d1f71eca2ec0 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Int24", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$73f695d681ac61f9 = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$3676d1f71eca2ec0; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$671f8672dbd40a4 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Int24", "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$78a2ac3d09dd42d5 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Int32", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$1d95835383bb05a = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$78a2ac3d09dd42d5; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$5ec1f146e759329a = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Int32", "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$92b5c14c6abb5c97 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Float", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$6b5cd3983e3ee5ab = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$92b5c14c6abb5c97; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$6d20592bc4cb19d9 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Float", "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$e50b9e97e4d43631 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Double", "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$7b3cbda67be88f5f = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$e50b9e97e4d43631; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$6f53315aa512b751 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022("Double", "LE"); class $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$13475bbd2a37a9b4 extends $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022 { constructor(size, endian, fracBits = size >> 1){ super(`Int${size}`, endian); this._point = 1 << fracBits; } decode(stream) { return super.decode(stream) / this._point; } encode(stream, val) { return super.encode(stream, val * this._point | 0); } } const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$f87b441e6bd90278 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$13475bbd2a37a9b4(16, "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$a3abada75ef55921 = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$f87b441e6bd90278; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$3752a2886837dc22 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$13475bbd2a37a9b4(16, "LE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$dd71d8d9bc792632 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$13475bbd2a37a9b4(32, "BE"); const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$e913265d48471f2d = $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$dd71d8d9bc792632; const $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$7fc47db6a5fc8223 = new $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$13475bbd2a37a9b4(32, "LE"); var $4559ecf940edc78d$exports = {}; $parcel$export($4559ecf940edc78d$exports, "resolveLength", () => $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6); $parcel$export($4559ecf940edc78d$exports, "PropertyDescriptor", () => $4559ecf940edc78d$export$41705b1d644e0f14); function $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(length, stream, parent) { let res; if (typeof length === "number") res = length; else if (typeof length === "function") res =, parent); else if (parent && typeof length === "string") res = parent[length]; else if (stream && length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) res = length.decode(stream); if (isNaN(res)) throw new Error("Not a fixed size"); return res; } class $4559ecf940edc78d$export$41705b1d644e0f14 { constructor(opts = {}){ this.enumerable = true; this.configurable = true; for(let key in opts){ const val = opts[key]; this[key] = val; } } } class $8ea28a08eae2a116$export$c4be6576ca6fe4aa extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(type, length, lengthType = "count"){ super(); this.type = type; this.length = length; this.lengthType = lengthType; } decode(stream, parent) { let length; const { pos: pos } = stream; const res = []; let ctx = parent; if (this.length != null) length = $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.length, stream, parent); if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) { // define hidden properties Object.defineProperties(res, { parent: { value: parent }, _startOffset: { value: pos }, _currentOffset: { value: 0, writable: true }, _length: { value: length } }); ctx = res; } if (length == null || this.lengthType === "bytes") { const target = length != null ? stream.pos + length : (parent != null ? parent._length : undefined) ? parent._startOffset + parent._length : stream.length; while(stream.pos < target)res.push(this.type.decode(stream, ctx)); } else for(let i = 0, end = length; i < end; i++)res.push(this.type.decode(stream, ctx)); return res; } size(array, ctx, includePointers = true) { if (!array) return this.type.size(null, ctx) * $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.length, null, ctx); let size = 0; if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) { size += this.length.size(); ctx = { parent: ctx, pointerSize: 0 }; } for (let item of array)size += this.type.size(item, ctx); if (ctx && includePointers && this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) size += ctx.pointerSize; return size; } encode(stream, array, parent) { let ctx = parent; if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) { ctx = { pointers: [], startOffset: stream.pos, parent: parent }; ctx.pointerOffset = stream.pos + this.size(array, ctx, false); this.length.encode(stream, array.length); } for (let item of array)this.type.encode(stream, item, ctx); if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) { let i = 0; while(i < ctx.pointers.length){ const ptr = ctx.pointers[i++]; ptr.type.encode(stream, ptr.val, ptr.parent); } } } } class $444f112d3cbc7e9f$export$5576c026028d4983 extends (0, $8ea28a08eae2a116$export$c4be6576ca6fe4aa) { decode(stream, parent) { const { pos: pos } = stream; const length = $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.length, stream, parent); if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) parent = { parent: parent, _startOffset: pos, _currentOffset: 0, _length: length }; const res = new $444f112d3cbc7e9f$var$LazyArrayValue(this.type, length, stream, parent); stream.pos += length * this.type.size(null, parent); return res; } size(val, ctx) { if (val instanceof $444f112d3cbc7e9f$var$LazyArrayValue) val = val.toArray(); return super.size(val, ctx); } encode(stream, val, ctx) { if (val instanceof $444f112d3cbc7e9f$var$LazyArrayValue) val = val.toArray(); return super.encode(stream, val, ctx); } } class $444f112d3cbc7e9f$var$LazyArrayValue { constructor(type, length, stream, ctx){ this.type = type; this.length = length; = stream; this.ctx = ctx; this.base =; this.items = []; } get(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) return undefined; if (this.items[index] == null) { const { pos: pos } =; = this.base + this.type.size(null, this.ctx) * index; this.items[index] = this.type.decode(, this.ctx); = pos; } return this.items[index]; } toArray() { const result = []; for(let i = 0, end = this.length; i < end; i++)result.push(this.get(i)); return result; } } class $3def237a34a226b5$export$96b43b8a49f688ea extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(type, flags = []){ super(); this.type = type; this.flags = flags; } decode(stream) { const val = this.type.decode(stream); const res = {}; for(let i = 0; i < this.flags.length; i++){ const flag = this.flags[i]; if (flag != null) res[flag] = !!(val & 1 << i); } return res; } size() { return this.type.size(); } encode(stream, keys) { let val = 0; for(let i = 0; i < this.flags.length; i++){ const flag = this.flags[i]; if (flag != null) { if (keys[flag]) val |= 1 << i; } } return this.type.encode(stream, val); } } class $8415e91bb83faf74$export$ff887cefee4d61ec extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(type){ super(); this.type = type; } decode(stream, parent) { return !!this.type.decode(stream, parent); } size(val, parent) { return this.type.size(val, parent); } encode(stream, val, parent) { return this.type.encode(stream, +val, parent); } } class $08d28604119af47e$export$7d22a0eea6656474 extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(length){ super(); this.length = length; } decode(stream, parent) { const length = $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.length, stream, parent); return stream.readBuffer(length); } size(val, parent) { if (!val) return $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.length, null, parent); let len = val.length; if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) len += this.length.size(); return len; } encode(stream, buf, parent) { if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) this.length.encode(stream, buf.length); return stream.writeBuffer(buf); } } class $070ce31ea947467f$export$deb82508dd66d288 extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(type, options = []){ super(); this.type = type; this.options = options; } decode(stream) { const index = this.type.decode(stream); return this.options[index] || index; } size() { return this.type.size(); } encode(stream, val) { const index = this.options.indexOf(val); if (index === -1) throw new Error(`Unknown option in enum: ${val}`); return this.type.encode(stream, index); } } class $80703542fcfb6ff0$export$7acb7b24c478f9c6 extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(type, condition = true){ super(); this.type = type; this.condition = condition; } decode(stream, parent) { let { condition: condition } = this; if (typeof condition === "function") condition =, parent); if (condition) return this.type.decode(stream, parent); } size(val, parent) { let { condition: condition } = this; if (typeof condition === "function") condition =, parent); if (condition) return this.type.size(val, parent); else return 0; } encode(stream, val, parent) { let { condition: condition } = this; if (typeof condition === "function") condition =, parent); if (condition) return this.type.encode(stream, val, parent); } } class $f4fd49878232508a$export$da9b5fe187a9aa1 extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(type, count = 1){ super(); this.type = type; this.count = count; } decode(stream, parent) { stream.pos += this.size(null, parent); return undefined; } size(data, parent) { const count = $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.count, null, parent); return this.type.size() * count; } encode(stream, val, parent) { return stream.fill(0, this.size(val, parent)); } } class $d8705cd4022e7dcf$export$89b8e0fa65f6a914 extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(length, encoding = "ascii"){ super(); this.length = length; this.encoding = encoding; } decode(stream, parent) { let length, pos; let { encoding: encoding } = this; if (typeof encoding === "function") encoding =, parent) || "ascii"; let width = $d8705cd4022e7dcf$var$encodingWidth(encoding); if (this.length != null) length = $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.length, stream, parent); else { let buffer; ({ buffer: buffer, length: length, pos: pos } = stream); while(pos < length - width + 1 && (buffer[pos] !== 0x00 || width === 2 && buffer[pos + 1] !== 0x00))pos += width; length = pos - stream.pos; } const string = stream.readString(length, encoding); if (this.length == null && stream.pos < stream.length) stream.pos += width; return string; } size(val, parent) { // Use the defined value if no value was given if (val === undefined || val === null) return $4559ecf940edc78d$export$83b6dc3503c1fda6(this.length, null, parent); let { encoding: encoding } = this; if (typeof encoding === "function") encoding = != null ? parent.val : undefined, parent != null ? parent.val : undefined) || "ascii"; if (encoding === "utf16be") encoding = "utf16le"; let size = $d8705cd4022e7dcf$var$byteLength(val, encoding); if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) size += this.length.size(); if (this.length == null) size += $d8705cd4022e7dcf$var$encodingWidth(encoding); return size; } encode(stream, val, parent) { let { encoding: encoding } = this; if (typeof encoding === "function") encoding = != null ? parent.val : undefined, parent != null ? parent.val : undefined) || "ascii"; if (this.length instanceof (0, $af65abf7bf65ac42$export$fffa67e515d04022)) this.length.encode(stream, $d8705cd4022e7dcf$var$byteLength(val, encoding)); stream.writeString(val, encoding); if (this.length == null) return $d8705cd4022e7dcf$var$encodingWidth(encoding) == 2 ? stream.writeUInt16LE(0x0000) : stream.writeUInt8(0x00); } } function $d8705cd4022e7dcf$var$encodingWidth(encoding) { switch(encoding){ case "ascii": case "utf8": return 1; case "utf16le": case "utf16-le": case "utf-16be": case "utf-16le": case "utf16be": case "utf16-be": case "ucs2": return 2; default: //TODO: assume all other encodings are 1-byters //throw new Error('Unknown encoding ' + encoding); return 1; } } function $d8705cd4022e7dcf$var$byteLength(string, encoding) { switch(encoding){ case "ascii": return string.length; case "utf8": let len = 0; for(let i = 0; i < string.length; i++){ let c = string.charCodeAt(i); if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff && i < string.length - 1) { let c2 = string.charCodeAt(++i); if ((c2 & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) c = ((c & 0x3ff) << 10) + (c2 & 0x3ff) + 0x10000; else // unmatched surrogate. i--; } if ((c & 0xffffff80) === 0) len++; else if ((c & 0xfffff800) === 0) len += 2; else if ((c & 0xffff0000) === 0) len += 3; else if ((c & 0xffe00000) === 0) len += 4; } return len; case "utf16le": case "utf16-le": case "utf16be": case "utf16-be": case "ucs2": return string.length * 2; default: throw new Error("Unknown encoding " + encoding); } } class $aa8b66bae6abe658$export$eabc71f011df675a extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(fields = {}){ super(); this.fields = fields; } decode(stream, parent, length = 0) { const res = this._setup(stream, parent, length); this._parseFields(stream, res, this.fields); if (this.process != null), stream); return res; } _setup(stream, parent, length) { const res = {}; // define hidden properties Object.defineProperties(res, { parent: { value: parent }, _startOffset: { value: stream.pos }, _currentOffset: { value: 0, writable: true }, _length: { value: length } }); return res; } _parseFields(stream, res, fields) { for(let key in fields){ var val; const type = fields[key]; if (typeof type === "function") val =, res); else val = type.decode(stream, res); if (val !== undefined) { if (val instanceof $4559ecf940edc78d$export$41705b1d644e0f14) Object.defineProperty(res, key, val); else res[key] = val; } res._currentOffset = stream.pos - res._startOffset; } } size(val, parent, includePointers = true) { if (val == null) val = {}; const ctx = { parent: parent, val: val, pointerSize: 0 }; if (this.preEncode != null); let size = 0; for(let key in this.fields){ const type = this.fields[key]; if (type.size != null) size += type.size(val[key], ctx); } if (includePointers) size += ctx.pointerSize; return size; } encode(stream, val, parent) { let type; if (this.preEncode != null), stream); const ctx = { pointers: [], startOffset: stream.pos, parent: parent, val: val, pointerSize: 0 }; ctx.pointerOffset = stream.pos + this.size(val, ctx, false); for(let key in this.fields){ type = this.fields[key]; if (type.encode != null) type.encode(stream, val[key], ctx); } let i = 0; while(i < ctx.pointers.length){ const ptr = ctx.pointers[i++]; ptr.type.encode(stream, ptr.val, ptr.parent); } } } const $fcb208a95f6d048b$var$getPath = (object, pathArray)=>{ return pathArray.reduce((prevObj, key)=>prevObj && prevObj[key], object); }; class $fcb208a95f6d048b$export$95a8b60f4da7dec8 extends (0, $aa8b66bae6abe658$export$eabc71f011df675a) { constructor(type, versions = {}){ super(); this.type = type; this.versions = versions; if (typeof type === "string") this.versionPath = type.split("."); } decode(stream, parent, length = 0) { const res = this._setup(stream, parent, length); if (typeof this.type === "string") res.version = $fcb208a95f6d048b$var$getPath(parent, this.versionPath); else res.version = this.type.decode(stream); if (this.versions.header) this._parseFields(stream, res, this.versions.header); const fields = this.versions[res.version]; if (fields == null) throw new Error(`Unknown version ${res.version}`); if (fields instanceof $fcb208a95f6d048b$export$95a8b60f4da7dec8) return fields.decode(stream, parent); this._parseFields(stream, res, fields); if (this.process != null), stream); return res; } size(val, parent, includePointers = true) { let key, type; if (!val) throw new Error("Not a fixed size"); if (this.preEncode != null); const ctx = { parent: parent, val: val, pointerSize: 0 }; let size = 0; if (typeof this.type !== "string") size += this.type.size(val.version, ctx); if (this.versions.header) for(key in this.versions.header){ type = this.versions.header[key]; if (type.size != null) size += type.size(val[key], ctx); } const fields = this.versions[val.version]; if (fields == null) throw new Error(`Unknown version ${val.version}`); for(key in fields){ type = fields[key]; if (type.size != null) size += type.size(val[key], ctx); } if (includePointers) size += ctx.pointerSize; return size; } encode(stream, val, parent) { let key, type; if (this.preEncode != null), stream); const ctx = { pointers: [], startOffset: stream.pos, parent: parent, val: val, pointerSize: 0 }; ctx.pointerOffset = stream.pos + this.size(val, ctx, false); if (typeof this.type !== "string") this.type.encode(stream, val.version); if (this.versions.header) for(key in this.versions.header){ type = this.versions.header[key]; if (type.encode != null) type.encode(stream, val[key], ctx); } const fields = this.versions[val.version]; for(key in fields){ type = fields[key]; if (type.encode != null) type.encode(stream, val[key], ctx); } let i = 0; while(i < ctx.pointers.length){ const ptr = ctx.pointers[i++]; ptr.type.encode(stream, ptr.val, ptr.parent); } } } var $92184962f8f0d5e2$exports = {}; $parcel$export($92184962f8f0d5e2$exports, "Pointer", () => $92184962f8f0d5e2$export$b56007f12edf0c17); $parcel$export($92184962f8f0d5e2$exports, "VoidPointer", () => $92184962f8f0d5e2$export$df5cb1f3d04f5a0f); class $92184962f8f0d5e2$export$b56007f12edf0c17 extends (0, $8d21f7fa58802901$export$ef88aa0d34c34520) { constructor(offsetType, type, options = {}){ super(); this.offsetType = offsetType; this.type = type; this.options = options; if (this.type === "void") this.type = null; if (this.options.type == null) this.options.type = "local"; if (this.options.allowNull == null) this.options.allowNull = true; if (this.options.nullValue == null) this.options.nullValue = 0; if (this.options.lazy == null) this.options.lazy = false; if (this.options.relativeTo) { if (typeof this.options.relativeTo !== "function") throw new Error("relativeTo option must be a function"); this.relativeToGetter = options.relativeTo; } } decode(stream, ctx) { const offset = this.offsetType.decode(stream, ctx); // handle NULL pointers if (offset === this.options.nullValue && this.options.allowNull) return null; let relative; switch(this.options.type){ case "local": relative = ctx._startOffset; break; case "immediate": relative = stream.pos - this.offsetType.size(); break; case "parent": relative = ctx.parent._startOffset; break; default: var c = ctx; while(c.parent)c = c.parent; relative = c._startOffset || 0; } if (this.options.relativeTo) relative += this.relativeToGetter(ctx); const ptr = offset + relative; if (this.type != null) { let val = null; const decodeValue = ()=>{ if (val != null) return val; const { pos: pos } = stream; stream.pos = ptr; val = this.type.decode(stream, ctx); stream.pos = pos; return val; }; // If this is a lazy pointer, define a getter to decode only when needed. // This obviously only works when the pointer is contained by a Struct. if (this.options.lazy) return new $4559ecf940edc78d$export$41705b1d644e0f14({ get: decodeValue }); return decodeValue(); } else return ptr; } size(val, ctx) { const parent = ctx; switch(this.options.type){ case "local": case "immediate": break; case "parent": ctx = ctx.parent; break; default: while(ctx.parent)ctx = ctx.parent; } let { type: type } = this; if (type == null) { if (!(val instanceof $92184962f8f0d5e2$export$df5cb1f3d04f5a0f)) throw new Error("Must be a VoidPointer"); ({ type: type } = val); val = val.value; } if (val && ctx) { // Must be written as two separate lines rather than += in case `type.size` mutates ctx.pointerSize. let size = type.size(val, parent); ctx.pointerSize += size; } return this.offsetType.size(); } encode(stream, val, ctx) { let relative; const parent = ctx; if (val == null) { this.offsetType.encode(stream, this.options.nullValue); return; } switch(this.options.type){ case "local": relative = ctx.startOffset; break; case "immediate": relative = stream.pos + this.offsetType.size(val, parent); break; case "parent": ctx = ctx.parent; relative = ctx.startOffset; break; default: relative = 0; while(ctx.parent)ctx = ctx.parent; } if (this.options.relativeTo) relative += this.relativeToGetter(parent.val); this.offsetType.encode(stream, ctx.pointerOffset - relative); let { type: type } = this; if (type == null) { if (!(val instanceof $92184962f8f0d5e2$export$df5cb1f3d04f5a0f)) throw new Error("Must be a VoidPointer"); ({ type: type } = val); val = val.value; } ctx.pointers.push({ type: type, val: val, parent: parent }); return ctx.pointerOffset += type.size(val, parent); } } class $92184962f8f0d5e2$export$df5cb1f3d04f5a0f { constructor(type, value){ this.type = type; this.value = value; } } $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $4559ecf940edc78d$exports); $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $af65abf7bf65ac42$exports); $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $92184962f8f0d5e2$exports); //#