import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { rlFakeAsync, rlTick, flushMicrotasks, rlQueueRequest } from './fakeAsync'; describe('rlFakeAsync', () => { it('should schedule an rxjs action', rlFakeAsync(() => { const testStream = new Subject(); const testSpy = sinon.spy(); testStream.delay(1000).subscribe(() => testSpy());; sinon.assert.notCalled(testSpy); rlTick(1000); flushMicrotasks(); sinon.assert.calledOnce(testSpy); })); it('should throw an error if there are pending requests', () => { expect(rlFakeAsync(() => { rlQueueRequest({ pending: true }); })).to.throw('There are still pending requests. Please be sure to flush all of your requests'); }); it('should run successfully if all requests in the queue are resolved', () => { rlFakeAsync(() => { rlQueueRequest({ pending: false }); })(); }); });