import React, { forwardRef, useCallback, useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useState, } from "react"; import { Alert, Linking, Modal, Platform, Pressable, Text, View, } from "react-native"; import { WebView } from "react-native-webview"; import { NativeModules } from "react-native"; const RnUaepass = Platform.OS == "android" && NativeModules.RnUaepass ? NativeModules.RnUaepass : new Proxy( {}, { get() { throw new Error( "Error in the package 'rn-uaepass', please update or contact the developer :( " ); }, } ); type UAEPassProps = { state?: "staging" | "production"; clientId: string; redirectUri: string; children: React.ReactNode; showCloseBtn: boolean; onCode: (code: string) => void; onCancel: () => void; onError: (error: any) => void; }; const UAEPass = forwardRef( ( { state, clientId, redirectUri, children, showCloseBtn, onCode, onCancel, onError, }: UAEPassProps, ref ) => { let [uri, setUri] = useState(""); let [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ launchAuthentication, })); async function launchAuthentication() { if (!state || (state !== "staging" && state !== "production")) { return Alert.alert( "App State", "Please select your app state 'Staging or Production'" ); } if (!clientId) return Alert.alert("Client ID", "Please set your clientId"); if (!redirectUri) return Alert.alert("Redirect URI", "Please set your redirectUri"); const authLink = `client_id=${clientId}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}`; const formattedAuthLink = { staging: { ios: "uaepassstg://", android: "ae.uaepass.mainapp.stg", installedLink: `${authLink}&response_type=code&acr_values=urn%3Adigitalid%3Aauthentication%3Aflow%3Amobileondevice&scope=urn%3Auae%3Adigitalid%3Aprofile%3Ageneral&state=ShNP22hyl1jUU2RGjTRkpg%3D%3D`, notInstalledLink: `${authLink}&scope=urn:uae:digitalid:profile:general&state=HnlHOJTkTb66Y5H&acr_values=urn:safelayer:tws:policies:authentication:level:low`, }, production: { ios: "uaepass://", android: "ae.uaepass.mainapp", installedLink: `${authLink}&response_type=code&acr_values=urn%3Adigitalid%3Aauthentication%3Aflow%3Amobileondevice&scope=urn%3Auae%3Adigitalid%3Aprofile%3Ageneral&state=ShNP22hyl1jUU2RGjTRkpg%3D%3D`, notInstalledLink: `${authLink}&scope=urn:uae:digitalid:profile:general&state=HnlHOJTkTb66Y5H&acr_values=urn:safelayer:tws:policies:authentication:level:low`, }, }; try { let isInstalled; if (Platform.OS === "ios") { isInstalled = await Linking.canOpenURL(formattedAuthLink[state].ios); } else if (Platform.OS === "android") { isInstalled = await RnUaepass.isAppInstalled( formattedAuthLink[state].android ); } setUri( isInstalled ? formattedAuthLink[state].installedLink : formattedAuthLink[state].notInstalledLink ); } catch (error) { setUri(formattedAuthLink[state].notInstalledLink); } finally { setVisible(true); } } const onShouldStartLoadWithRequest = (nativeEvent: any): boolean => { let { url } = nativeEvent; if (url.startsWith("uaepass")) { if (state == "staging") { url = url.replace("uaepass://", "uaepassstg://"); } const uaepassUrl = url; const urlParts = uaepassUrl.split("?"); const baseUrl = urlParts[0]; const queryParameters = urlParts[1].split("&"); let successUrl, failureUrl; queryParameters.forEach((param: string) => { const [key, value] = param.split("="); if (key === "successurl") { successUrl = value; } else if (key === "failureurl") { failureUrl = value; } }); const modifiedSuccessUrl = `${redirectUri}?url=${successUrl}`; const modifiedFailureUrl = `${redirectUri}?url=${failureUrl}`; const modifiedUaepassUrl = `${baseUrl}?successurl=${modifiedSuccessUrl}&failureurl=${modifiedFailureUrl}`; Linking.openURL(modifiedUaepassUrl) .then(() => {}) .catch((error: any) => { onError && onError(error); }); return false; } if (url.startsWith(redirectUri)) { try { url .split("?")[1] .split("&") .forEach((param: string) => { const [key, value] = param.split("="); if (key == "code") { setVisible(false); return onCode && onCode(value); } if (value == "cancelledOnApp") { setVisible(false); return onCancel && onCancel(); } if (value == "CANCELLED_ON_MOBILE") { setVisible(false); return onCancel && onCancel(); } }); } catch (error: any) { onError && onError(error); } } else { return true; } return true; }; const handleDeepLink = (event: any) => { let { url } = event; let newLink = url?.split(`${redirectUri}?url=`)[1]; setUri(newLink); }; useEffect(() => { Linking.addEventListener("url", handleDeepLink); return () => { try { //@ts-ignore Linking.removeEventListener("url", handleDeepLink); } catch (error) {} }; }, []); return ( {children} {showCloseBtn && ( { setVisible(false); onCancel(); }} > )} ); } ); export default UAEPass;