import { Plugin } from 'rollup'; interface RollupCommonJSOptions { /** * non-CommonJS modules will be ignored, but you can also * specifically include/exclude files * @default undefined */ include?: string | RegExp, /** * non-CommonJS modules will be ignored, but you can also * specifically include/exclude files * @default undefined */ exclude?: ReadonlyArray /** * search for files other than .js files (must already * be transpiled by a previous plugin!) * @default [ '.js' ] */ extensions: ReadonlyArray, /** * if true then uses of `global` won't be dealt with by this plugin * @default false */ ignoreGlobal?: boolean, /** * if false then skip sourceMap generation for CommonJS modules * @default true */ sourceMap?: boolean, /** * explicitly specify unresolvable named exports * ([see below for more details]( * @default undefined */ namedExports?: { [package: string]: ReadonlyArray }, /** * sometimes you have to leave require statements * unconverted. Pass an array containing the IDs * or a `id => boolean` function. Only use this * option if you know what you're doing! */ ignore?: ReadonlyArray boolean)>, } /** * Convert CommonJS modules to ES6, so they can be included in a Rollup bundle */ export default function commonjs(options?: RollupCommonJSOptions): Plugin;