'use strict'; var esbuild = require('esbuild'); function minify({ logLevel = 'warning', logLimit = 10, legalComments = 'none', minify = true } = {}) { const warn = logLevel !== 'silent' && logLevel !== 'error'; async function printWarnings(warnings) { const messages = await esbuild.formatMessages(warnings, { kind: 'warning', color: true }); let l = warnings.length; /* c8 ignore next 3 */ if (logLimit > 0 && logLimit < l) { l = logLimit; } for (let i = 0; i < l; ++i) { const { location = {} } = warnings[i]; const message = messages[i]; this.warn(message, { column: location.column, line: location.line }); } } return { name: 'esbuild-minify', async renderChunk(contents, _, { format, sourcemap }) { const { code, map, warnings } = await esbuild.transform(contents, { // If the format `cjs` is not provided, module-local variables // will not be minified. Other formats are not affected. format: format === 'cjs' ? 'cjs' : undefined, loader: 'js', minify, legalComments, sourcemap: sourcemap ? 'external' : false, logLevel, logLimit }); if (warn && warnings.length > 0) { await printWarnings.call(this, warnings); } return { code, map: map || null } } } } exports.minify = minify; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map