import * as rollup from 'rollup';
import { Plugin } from 'rollup';
import * as postcss from 'postcss';
import cssnano from 'cssnano';
import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map-js';
/** File resolved by `@import` resolver */
interface ImportFile {
/** Absolute path to file */
from: string;
/** File source */
source: Uint8Array;
/** `@import` resolver */
declare type ImportResolve = (url: string, basedir: string, extensions: string[]) => Promise;
/** `@import` handler options */
interface ImportOptions {
* Provide custom resolver for imports
* in place of the default one
resolve?: ImportResolve;
* Aliases for import paths.
* Overrides the global `alias` option.
* - ex.: `{"foo":"bar"}`
alias?: Record;
* Import files ending with these extensions.
* Overrides the global `extensions` option.
* @default [".css", ".pcss", ".postcss", ".sss"]
extensions?: string[];
/** File resolved by URL resolver */
interface UrlFile {
/** Absolute path to file */
from: string;
/** File source */
source: Uint8Array;
/** Original query extracted from the input path */
urlQuery?: string;
/** URL resolver */
declare type UrlResolve = (inputUrl: string, basedir: string) => Promise;
/** URL handler options */
interface UrlOptions {
* Inline files instead of copying
* @default true for `inject` mode, otherwise false
inline?: boolean;
* Public Path for URLs in CSS files
* @default "./"
publicPath?: string;
* Directory path for outputted CSS assets,
* which is not included into resulting URL
* @default "."
assetDir?: string;
* Enable/disable name generation with hash for outputted CSS assets
* or provide your own placeholder with the following blocks:
* - `[extname]`: The file extension of the asset including a leading dot, e.g. `.png`.
* - `[ext]`: The file extension without a leading dot, e.g. `png`.
* - `[hash(:)]`: A hash based on the name and content of the asset (with optional length).
* - `[name]`: The file name of the asset excluding any extension.
* Forward slashes / can be used to place files in sub-directories.
* @default "assets/[name]-[hash][extname]" ("assets/[name][extname]" if false)
hash?: boolean | string;
* Provide custom resolver for URLs
* in place of the default one
resolve?: UrlResolve;
* Aliases for URL paths.
* Overrides the global `alias` option.
* - ex.: `{"foo":"bar"}`
alias?: Record;
/** Options for [CSS Modules](https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules) */
interface ModulesOptions {
* Default mode for classes
* @default "local"
mode?: "local" | "global" | "pure";
/** Fail on wrong order of composition */
failOnWrongOrder?: boolean;
/** Export global classes */
exportGlobals?: boolean;
* Placeholder or function for scoped name generation.
* Allowed blocks for placeholder:
* - `[dir]`: The directory name of the asset.
* - `[name]`: The file name of the asset excluding any extension.
* - `[local]`: The original value of the selector.
* - `[hash(:)]`: A hash based on the name and content of the asset (with optional length).
* @default "[name]_[local]__[hash:8]"
generateScopedName?: string | ((name: string, file: string, css: string) => string);
* Loader
* @param T type of loader's options
interface Loader> {
/** Name */
name: string;
* Test to control if file should be processed.
* Also used for plugin's supported files test.
test?: RegExp | ((file: string) => boolean);
/** Skip testing, always process the file */
alwaysProcess?: boolean;
/** Function for processing */
process: (this: LoaderContext, payload: Payload) => Promise | Payload;
* Loader's context
* @param T type of loader's options
interface LoaderContext> {
* Loader's options
* @default {}
readonly options: T;
/** @see {@link Options.sourceMap} */
readonly sourceMap: false | ({
inline: boolean;
} & SourceMapOptions);
/** Resource path */
readonly id: string;
/** Files to watch */
readonly deps: Set;
/** Assets to emit */
readonly assets: Map;
/** [Plugin's context](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en#plugin-context) */
readonly plugin: rollup.PluginContext;
/** [Function for emitting a warning](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#thiswarnwarning-string--rollupwarning-position-number---column-number-line-number---void) */
readonly warn: rollup.PluginContext["warn"];
/** Extracted data */
interface Extracted {
/** Source file path */
id: string;
/** CSS */
css: string;
/** Sourcemap */
map?: string;
/** Loader's payload */
interface Payload {
/** File content */
code: string;
/** Sourcemap */
map?: string;
/** Extracted data */
extracted?: Extracted;
/** Options for sourcemaps */
interface SourceMapOptions {
* Include sources content
* @default true
content?: boolean;
/** Function for transforming resulting sourcemap */
transform?: (map: RawSourceMap, name?: string) => void;
/** Options for Sass loader */
interface SASSLoaderOptions extends Record, sass.PublicOptions {
/** Force Sass implementation */
impl?: string;
/** Forcefully enable/disable sync mode */
sync?: boolean;
/** Options for Less loader */
interface LESSLoaderOptions extends Record, less.PublicOptions {
/** Options for Stylus loader */
interface StylusLoaderOptions extends Record, stylus.PublicOptions {
/** Options for PostCSS config loader */
interface PostCSSConfigLoaderOptions {
/** Path to PostCSS config file directory */
path?: string;
* Context object passed to PostCSS config file
* @default {}
ctx?: Record;
/** CSS data for extraction */
interface ExtractedData {
/** CSS */
css: string;
/** Sourcemap */
map?: string;
/** Output name for CSS */
name: string;
/** Options for CSS injection */
interface InjectOptions {
* Insert `