'use strict'; const path = require('crosspath'); const module$1 = require('module'); const color = require('ansi-colors'); const util = require('util'); const browserslistGenerator = require('browserslist-generator'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const TSModule = require('typescript'); const browserslistModule = require('browserslist'); const pluginutils = require('@rollup/pluginutils'); const stringutil = require('@wessberg/stringutil'); const compatfactory = require('compatfactory'); const tsCloneNode = require('ts-clone-node'); const MagicString = require('magic-string'); function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) { const n = Object.create(null, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: 'Module' } }); if (e) { for (const k in e) { if (k !== 'default') { const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: () => e[k] }); } } } n.default = e; return Object.freeze(n); } const SOURCE_MAP_EXTENSION = ".map"; const TS_EXTENSION = ".ts"; const TSX_EXTENSION = ".tsx"; const MTS_EXTENSION = ".mts"; const MTSX_EXTENSION = ".mtsx"; const CTS_EXTENSION = ".cts"; const CTSX_EXTENSION = ".ctsx"; const JS_EXTENSION = ".js"; const JS_MAP_EXTENSION = `.js.map`; const JSX_EXTENSION = ".jsx"; const JSON_EXTENSION = ".json"; const MJS_EXTENSION = ".mjs"; const MJS_MAP_EXTENSION = ".mjs.map"; const MJSX_EXTENSION = ".mjsx"; const MJSX_MAP_EXTENSION = ".mjsx.map"; const CJS_EXTENSION = ".cjs"; const CJS_MAP_EXTENSION = ".cjs.map"; const CJSX_EXTENSION = ".cjsx"; const CJSX_MAP_EXTENSION = ".cjsx.map"; const D_TS_EXTENSION = `.d.ts`; const D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION = `.d.ts.map`; const D_CTS_EXTENSION = `.d.cts`; const D_CTS_MAP_EXTENSION = `.d.cts.map`; const D_MTS_EXTENSION = `.d.mts`; const D_MTS_MAP_EXTENSION = `.d.mts.map`; const TSBUILDINFO_EXTENSION = `.tsbuildinfo`; const ROLLUP_PLUGIN_MULTI_ENTRY_LEGACY = "\0rollup-plugin-multi-entry:entry-point"; const ROLLUP_PLUGIN_VIRTUAL_PREFIX = `\0virtual:`; const AMBIENT_EXTENSIONS = new Set([D_TS_EXTENSION, D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION, D_MTS_EXTENSION, D_MTS_MAP_EXTENSION, D_CTS_EXTENSION, D_CTS_MAP_EXTENSION]); const KNOWN_EXTENSIONS = new Set([ ...AMBIENT_EXTENSIONS, JS_MAP_EXTENSION, TS_EXTENSION, MTS_EXTENSION, MTSX_EXTENSION, CTS_EXTENSION, CTSX_EXTENSION, TSX_EXTENSION, JS_EXTENSION, JSX_EXTENSION, JSON_EXTENSION, MJS_EXTENSION, MJS_MAP_EXTENSION, MJSX_EXTENSION, MJSX_MAP_EXTENSION, CJS_EXTENSION, CJS_MAP_EXTENSION, CJSX_EXTENSION, CJSX_MAP_EXTENSION, TSBUILDINFO_EXTENSION ]); const DEFAULT_TSCONFIG_FILE_NAME = "tsconfig.json"; const NODE_MODULES = "node_modules"; const NODE_MODULES_MATCH_PATH = `/${NODE_MODULES}/`; const SOURCE_MAP_COMMENT = "//# sourceMappingURL"; const SOURCE_MAP_COMMENT_REGEXP = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(\S*)/; const TSLIB_NAME = `tslib${D_TS_EXTENSION}`; const BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_1 = "@babel/runtime/"; const BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_2 = "babel-runtime/"; const SWC_HELPERS_PREFIX = "@swc/helpers"; const REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_NAME_1 = `${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_1}regenerator/index.js`; const REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_NAME_2 = `${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_2}regenerator/index.js`; const REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_NAME_3 = `regenerator-runtime/runtime.js`; const REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_VIRTUAL_SRC = `${ROLLUP_PLUGIN_VIRTUAL_PREFIX}regenerator-runtime`; const BABEL_REQUIRE_RUNTIME_HELPER_ESM_REGEXP_1 = new RegExp(`(require\\(["'\`])(${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_1}helpers/esm/[^"'\`]*)["'\`]\\)`); const BABEL_REQUIRE_RUNTIME_HELPER_ESM_REGEXP_2 = new RegExp(`(require\\(["'\`])(${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_2}helpers/esm/[^"'\`]*)["'\`]\\)`); const BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_1 = new RegExp(`(import\\s+\\w+\\s+from\\s+["'\`])(${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_1}helpers/[^"'/\`]*)["'\`]`); const BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_2 = new RegExp(`(import\\s+\\w+\\s+from\\s+["'\`])(${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_2}helpers/[^"'/\`]*)["'\`]`); const BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_3 = new RegExp(`(import\\s+["'\`])(${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_1}helpers/[^"'/\`]*)["'\`]`); const BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_4 = new RegExp(`(import\\s+["'\`])(${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_2}helpers/[^"'/\`]*)["'\`]`); const BABEL_MINIFICATION_BLACKLIST_PRESET_NAMES = []; const BABEL_MINIFICATION_BLACKLIST_PLUGIN_NAMES = ["@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", "babel-plugin-transform-runtime"]; const BABEL_MINIFY_PRESET_NAMES = ["babel-preset-minify"]; const BABEL_MINIFY_PLUGIN_NAMES = [ "babel-plugin-transform-minify-booleans", "babel-plugin-minify-builtins", "babel-plugin-transform-inline-consecutive-adds", "babel-plugin-minify-dead-code-elimination", "babel-plugin-minify-constant-folding", "babel-plugin-minify-flip-comparisons", "babel-plugin-minify-guarded-expressions", "babel-plugin-minify-infinity", "babel-plugin-minify-mangle-names", "babel-plugin-transform-member-expression-literals", "babel-plugin-transform-merge-sibling-variables", "babel-plugin-minify-numeric-literals", "babel-plugin-transform-property-literals", "babel-plugin-transform-regexp-constructors", "babel-plugin-transform-remove-console", "babel-plugin-transform-remove-debugger", "babel-plugin-transform-remove-undefined", "babel-plugin-minify-replace", "babel-plugin-minify-simplify", "babel-plugin-transform-simplify-comparison-operators", "babel-plugin-minify-type-constructors", "babel-plugin-transform-undefined-to-void" ]; const FORCED_SWC_MODULE_OPTIONS = { type: "es6" }; const FORCED_SWC_JSC_OPTIONS = { externalHelpers: true }; const FORCED_BABEL_PRESET_ENV_OPTIONS = { modules: false }; const FORCED_BABEL_YEARLY_PRESET_OPTIONS = { ...FORCED_BABEL_PRESET_ENV_OPTIONS }; const FORCED_BABEL_PLUGIN_TRANSFORM_RUNTIME_OPTIONS = { helpers: true, regenerator: true, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention useESModules: true }; /** * Ensures that the given item is in fact an array */ function ensureArray(item) { return Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]; } // Until import.meta.resolve becomes stable, we'll have to do this instead const resolveModule = (id, from = (typeof document === 'undefined' ? require('u' + 'rl').pathToFileURL(__filename).href : (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src || new URL('index.cjs', document.baseURI).href))) => module$1.createRequire(from).resolve(id); function isTypeScriptLib(p) { return p.startsWith(`lib.`) && p.endsWith(D_TS_EXTENSION); } function removeSearchPathFromFilename(p) { if (p.includes(`?`)) { return p.slice(0, p.indexOf(`?`)); } return p; } /** * Gets the extension of the given file */ function getExtension(file) { if (file.endsWith(D_TS_EXTENSION)) return D_TS_EXTENSION; else if (file.endsWith(D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION)) return D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION; return path.extname(file); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents an external library */ function isExternalLibrary(p) { return (!p.startsWith(".") && !p.startsWith("/")) || p.includes(NODE_MODULES_MATCH_PATH); } /** * Returns true if the given id represents tslib */ function isTslib(p) { return p === "tslib" || path.normalize(p).endsWith(`/tslib/${TSLIB_NAME}`) || path.normalize(p).endsWith("/tslib/tslib.es6.js") || path.normalize(p).endsWith("/tslib/tslib.js"); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents a Babel helper */ function isBabelHelper(p) { return includesBabelEsmHelper(p) || isBabelCjsHelper(p); } function isRegeneratorRuntime(p) { return p.endsWith(REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_NAME_1) || p.endsWith(REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_NAME_2) || p.endsWith(REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_NAME_3) || p === REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_VIRTUAL_SRC; } /** * Returns true if the given path represents a swc helper */ function isSwcHelper(p) { return path.normalize(p).includes(`${SWC_HELPERS_PREFIX}`); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents a Babel ESM helper */ function includesBabelEsmHelper(p) { return path.normalize(p).includes(`${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_1}helpers/esm`) || path.normalize(p).includes(`${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_2}helpers/esm`); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents a Babel CJS helper */ function isBabelCjsHelper(p) { return !includesBabelEsmHelper(p) && (path.normalize(p).includes(`${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_1}helpers`) || path.normalize(p).includes(`${BABEL_RUNTIME_PREFIX_2}helpers`)); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents @babel/preset-env */ function isBabelPresetEnv(p) { return path.normalize(p).includes("@babel/preset-env") || path.normalize(p).includes("babel-preset-env"); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents @babel/preset-typescript */ function isBabelPresetTypescript(p) { return path.normalize(p).includes("@babel/preset-typescript"); } /** * Returns true if the given path is the name of the entry module or @rollup/plugin-multi-entry */ function isMultiEntryModule(p, multiEntryModuleName) { const normalized = path.normalize(p); return normalized === ROLLUP_PLUGIN_MULTI_ENTRY_LEGACY || (multiEntryModuleName != null && normalized === multiEntryModuleName); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents @babel/preset-es[2015|2016|2017] */ function isYearlyBabelPreset(p) { return path.normalize(p).includes("@babel/preset-es") || path.normalize(p).includes("babel-preset-es"); } /** * Returns true if the given path represents @babel/plugin-transform-runtime */ function isBabelPluginTransformRuntime(p) { return path.normalize(p).includes("@babel/plugin-transform-runtime") || path.normalize(p).includes("babel-plugin-transform-runtime"); } function somePathsAreRelated(paths, matchPath) { for (const p of paths) { if (pathsAreRelated(p, matchPath)) return true; } return false; } function pathsAreRelated(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; // A node_modules folder may contain one or more nested node_modules if (a.includes(NODE_MODULES) || b.includes(NODE_MODULES)) { const firstPathFromNodeModules = a.includes(NODE_MODULES) ? a.slice(a.indexOf(NODE_MODULES)) : a; const secondPathFromNodeModules = b.includes(NODE_MODULES) ? b.slice(b.indexOf(NODE_MODULES)) : b; if (firstPathFromNodeModules.includes(secondPathFromNodeModules)) return true; if (secondPathFromNodeModules.includes(firstPathFromNodeModules)) return true; } return false; } /** * Strips the extension from a file */ function stripKnownExtension(file) { let currentExtname; for (const extName of KNOWN_EXTENSIONS) { if (file.endsWith(extName)) { currentExtname = extName; break; } } if (currentExtname == null) return file; return file.slice(0, file.lastIndexOf(currentExtname)); } /** * Sets the given extension for the given file */ function setExtension(file, extension) { return path.normalize(`${stripKnownExtension(file)}${extension}`); } /** * Ensure that the given path has a leading "." */ function ensureHasLeadingDotAndPosix(p, externalGuard = true) { if (externalGuard && isExternalLibrary(p)) return p; const posixPath = path.normalize(p); if (posixPath.startsWith(".")) return posixPath; if (posixPath.startsWith("/")) return `.${posixPath}`; return `./${posixPath}`; } /** * Ensures that the given path is relative */ function ensureRelative(root, p) { // If the path is already relative, simply return it if (!path.isAbsolute(p)) { return path.normalize(p); } // Otherwise, construct a relative path from the root return path.relative(root, p); } /** * Ensures that the given path is absolute */ function ensureAbsolute(root, p) { // If the path is already absolute, simply return it if (path.isAbsolute(p)) { return path.normalize(p); } // Otherwise, construct an absolute path from the root return path.join(root, p); } /** * Checks the id from the given importer with respect to the given externalOption provided to Rollup */ function isExternal(id, importer, externalOption) { var _a; if (externalOption == null) return false; if (externalOption === true) return true; if (externalOption === false) return false; if (typeof externalOption === "function") return (_a = externalOption(id, importer, true)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false; const ids = new Set(); const matchers = []; for (const value of ensureArray(externalOption)) { if (value instanceof RegExp) { matchers.push(value); } else { ids.add(value); } } return ids.has(id) || matchers.some(matcher => matcher.test(id)); } /** * On TypeScript versions 4.5 and 4.6, nodenext is available as a Compiler Option, but selecting it * will throw. */ function allowsNodeNextModuleResolution(typescript) { // If 'Node16' module resolution is available, NodeNext is allowed to be selected as a ModuleResolutionKind. // This happened in v4.7 return typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.Node16 != null; } function finalizeParsedCommandLine({ cwd, typescript, parsedCommandLineResult: { originalCompilerOptions, parsedCommandLine, tsconfigPath } }) { var _a, _b; // Typescript should always be able to emit - otherwise we cannot transform source files. // That is, unless 'allowImportingTsExtensions' is true, in which case noEmit *must* be truthy. parsedCommandLine.options.noEmit = Boolean(parsedCommandLine.options.allowImportingTsExtensions); /** * If 'Classic' Module resolution is requested, replace that one with 'NodeNext' instead. * If anything else is requested, leave it as it is */ if (parsedCommandLine.options.moduleResolution === typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic) { parsedCommandLine.options.moduleResolution = typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeNext != null && allowsNodeNextModuleResolution(typescript) ? typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeNext : // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation (_b = (_a = typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.Node16) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.Node10) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs; } // Declarations may be generated, but not as part of the Builder/Incremental program which is used during the transform, renderChunk, and generateBundle phases, so a nice optimization can be to instruct TypeScript not to generate them. // The raw CompilerOptions will be preserved and used in the last compilation phase to generate declarations if needed. // However, when 'composite' is true or when incremental compilation is active, declarations must be emitted for buildInfo to work, so under such circumstances this optimization must be skipped. const canApplySkipDeclarationsOptimization = !Boolean(parsedCommandLine.options.incremental) && !Boolean(parsedCommandLine.options.composite) && parsedCommandLine.options.tsBuildInfoFile == null && (parsedCommandLine.projectReferences == null || parsedCommandLine.projectReferences.length < 1); if (canApplySkipDeclarationsOptimization) { parsedCommandLine.options.declaration = false; parsedCommandLine.options.declarationMap = false; parsedCommandLine.options.declarationDir = undefined; } // Ensure that at tsBuildInfoFile exists if 'composite' or 'incremental' is true if (parsedCommandLine.options.incremental === true || parsedCommandLine.options.composite === true) { if (parsedCommandLine.options.tsBuildInfoFile != null) { parsedCommandLine.options.tsBuildInfoFile = ensureAbsolute(cwd, parsedCommandLine.options.tsBuildInfoFile); } // Otherwise, use the _actual_ outDir/outFile from the resolved tsconfig to build the path to the .tsbuildinfo file since TypeScript should be able to actually // resolve the file from the path pointed to by the user else { let tsBuildInfoAbsolutePath; // Use outDir as the base directory if (originalCompilerOptions.outDir != null) { tsBuildInfoAbsolutePath = path.join(ensureAbsolute(cwd, originalCompilerOptions.outDir), `${path.parse(tsconfigPath).name}${TSBUILDINFO_EXTENSION}`); } // Otherwise, use outFile but replace the extension else if (originalCompilerOptions.outFile != null) { tsBuildInfoAbsolutePath = ensureAbsolute(cwd, setExtension(originalCompilerOptions.outFile, TSBUILDINFO_EXTENSION)); } // Otherwise, use 'cwd' as the directory for the .tsbuildinfo file else { tsBuildInfoAbsolutePath = path.join(ensureAbsolute(cwd, `${path.parse(tsconfigPath).name}${TSBUILDINFO_EXTENSION}`)); } parsedCommandLine.options.tsBuildInfoFile = tsBuildInfoAbsolutePath; } } return parsedCommandLine; } function shouldDebugSourceFile(debug, { fileName, text }) { if (typeof debug === "boolean") return debug; return Boolean(debug({ kind: "transformer", fileName, text })); } function shouldDebugMetrics(debug, sourceFile) { if (typeof debug === "boolean") return debug; return Boolean(debug({ kind: "metrics", ...(sourceFile == null ? {} : { fileName: sourceFile.fileName }) })); } function shouldDebugEmit(debug, fileName, text, outputPathKind) { if (typeof debug === "boolean") return debug; return Boolean(debug({ kind: "emit", fileKind: outputPathKind, fileName, text })); } function shouldDebugTsconfig(debug) { if (typeof debug === "boolean") return debug; return Boolean(debug({ kind: "tsconfig" })); } function getFormattedDateTimePrefix() { const currentDate = new Date(); const currentDateTime = `(${currentDate.getHours().toString().padStart(2, "0")}:${currentDate.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0")}:${currentDate .getSeconds() .toString() .padStart(2, "0")})`; return `${color.gray(currentDateTime)} `; } function inspect(item, depth = 4) { console.log(util.inspect(item, { colors: true, depth, maxArrayLength: 1000 })); } function logTsconfig(config) { console.log(`${getFormattedDateTimePrefix()}${color.red(`tsconfig`)}`); inspect(config); } /** * Returns true if the given tsconfig is a ParsedCommandLine */ function isParsedCommandLine(tsconfig) { return tsconfig != null && typeof tsconfig !== "string" && typeof tsconfig !== "function" && "options" in tsconfig && !("hook" in tsconfig); } /** * Returns true if the given tsconfig are raw, JSON-serializable CompilerOptions */ function isRawCompilerOptions(tsconfig) { return tsconfig != null && typeof tsconfig !== "string" && typeof tsconfig !== "function" && !("options" in tsconfig) && !("hook" in tsconfig); } /** * Returns true if the given tsconfig is in fact a function that receives resolved CompilerOptions that can be extended */ function isTsConfigResolver(tsconfig) { return tsconfig != null && typeof tsconfig === "function"; } /** * Returns true if the given tsconfig is in fact an object that provides a filename for a tsconfig, * as well as a 'hook' function that receives resolved CompilerOptions that can be extended */ function isTsConfigResolverWithFileName(tsconfig) { return tsconfig != null && typeof tsconfig !== "string" && typeof tsconfig !== "function" && !("options" in tsconfig) && "hook" in tsconfig; } /** * Returns true if the given tsconfig are CompilerOptions */ function isCompilerOptions(tsconfig) { return (tsconfig != null && typeof tsconfig !== "string" && typeof tsconfig !== "function" && !("options" in tsconfig) && !("hook" in tsconfig) && (("module" in tsconfig && typeof tsconfig.module === "number") || ("target" in tsconfig && typeof tsconfig.target === "number") || ("jsx" in tsconfig && typeof tsconfig.jsx === "number") || ("moduleResolution" in tsconfig && typeof tsconfig.moduleResolution === "number") || ("newLine" in tsconfig && typeof tsconfig.newLine === "number"))); } /** * Gets a ParsedCommandLine based on the given options */ function getParsedCommandLine(options) { const { cwd, tsconfig, fileSystem, forcedCompilerOptions = {}, typescript } = options; const hasProvidedTsconfig = tsconfig != null; let originalCompilerOptions; let parsedCommandLine; let tsconfigPath = ensureAbsolute(cwd, DEFAULT_TSCONFIG_FILE_NAME); // If the given tsconfig is already a ParsedCommandLine, use that one, but apply the forced CompilerOptions if (isParsedCommandLine(tsconfig)) { originalCompilerOptions = tsconfig.options; tsconfig.options = { ...tsconfig.options, ...forcedCompilerOptions }; parsedCommandLine = tsconfig; } // If the user provided CompilerOptions directly, use those to build a ParsedCommandLine else if (isCompilerOptions(tsconfig)) { originalCompilerOptions = typescript.parseJsonConfigFileContent({}, fileSystem, cwd, tsconfig).options; parsedCommandLine = typescript.parseJsonConfigFileContent({}, fileSystem, cwd, { ...tsconfig, ...forcedCompilerOptions }); } // If the user provided JSON-serializable ("raw") CompilerOptions directly, use those to build a ParsedCommandLine else if (isRawCompilerOptions(tsconfig)) { originalCompilerOptions = typescript.parseJsonConfigFileContent({ compilerOptions: tsconfig }, fileSystem, cwd).options; parsedCommandLine = typescript.parseJsonConfigFileContent({ compilerOptions: tsconfig }, fileSystem, cwd, forcedCompilerOptions); } // Otherwise, attempt to resolve it and parse it else { tsconfigPath = ensureAbsolute(cwd, isTsConfigResolverWithFileName(tsconfig) ? tsconfig.fileName : tsconfig != null && !isTsConfigResolver(tsconfig) ? tsconfig : DEFAULT_TSCONFIG_FILE_NAME); // If the file exists, read the tsconfig on that location let tsconfigContent = fileSystem.readFile(tsconfigPath); // Otherwise, if the user hasn't provided any tsconfig at all, start from an empty one (and only use the forced options) if (tsconfigContent == null && !hasProvidedTsconfig) { tsconfigContent = ""; } // Finally, if the user has provided a file that doesn't exist, throw else if (tsconfigContent == null) { throw new ReferenceError(`The given tsconfig: '${tsconfigPath}' doesn't exist!`); } const tsconfigJson = typescript.parseConfigFileTextToJson(tsconfigPath, tsconfigContent).config; const basePath = path.native.dirname(tsconfigPath); originalCompilerOptions = typescript.parseJsonConfigFileContent(tsconfigJson, fileSystem, basePath, {}, tsconfigPath).options; parsedCommandLine = typescript.parseJsonConfigFileContent(tsconfigJson, fileSystem, basePath, forcedCompilerOptions, tsconfigPath); // If an extension hook has been provided. Make sure to still apply the forced CompilerOptions if (isTsConfigResolver(tsconfig)) { originalCompilerOptions = { ...tsconfig(originalCompilerOptions) }; parsedCommandLine.options = { ...tsconfig(parsedCommandLine.options), ...forcedCompilerOptions }; } else if (isTsConfigResolverWithFileName(tsconfig)) { // If an extension hook has been provided through the 'hook' property. Make sure to still apply the forced CompilerOptions originalCompilerOptions = { ...tsconfig.hook(originalCompilerOptions) }; parsedCommandLine.options = { ...tsconfig.hook(parsedCommandLine.options), ...forcedCompilerOptions }; } } // Ensure that the parsed command line, as well as the original CompilerOptions has a base URL if (parsedCommandLine.options.baseUrl == null) { parsedCommandLine.options.baseUrl = "."; } if (originalCompilerOptions.baseUrl == null) { originalCompilerOptions.baseUrl = "."; } // Remove all non-declaration files from the default file names since these will be handled separately by Rollup. // Also filter out all files that is matched by the include/exclude globs provided as plugin options parsedCommandLine.fileNames = parsedCommandLine.fileNames.filter(file => file.endsWith(D_TS_EXTENSION) && options.filter(file)); const parsedCommandLineResult = { parsedCommandLine, originalCompilerOptions, tsconfigPath }; // On some TypeScript versions such as 3.0.0, the 'composite' feature // require that a specific configFilePath exists on the CompilerOptions, // so make sure a path is always set. if (parsedCommandLine.options.configFilePath == null) { parsedCommandLine.options.configFilePath = tsconfigPath; } // Finalize the parsed command line finalizeParsedCommandLine({ ...options, parsedCommandLineResult }); if (shouldDebugTsconfig(options.pluginOptions.debug)) { logTsconfig(parsedCommandLine); } return parsedCommandLineResult; } /** * Gets the ScriptTarget to use from the given Browserslist */ function getScriptTargetFromBrowserslist(browserslist, typescript) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x, _y, _z, _0, _1, _2, _3; switch (browserslistGenerator.getAppropriateEcmaVersionForBrowserslist(browserslist)) { case "es3": return typescript.ScriptTarget.ES3; case "es5": return typescript.ScriptTarget.ES5; case "es2015": return typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015; // Support older TypeScript versions that may not supported ES2016 as a ScriptTarget with nullish coalescing case "es2016": return (_a = typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015; // Support older TypeScript versions that may not supported ES2017 as a ScriptTarget with nullish coalescing case "es2017": return (_c = (_b = typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2017) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015; // Support older TypeScript versions that may not supported ES2018 as a ScriptTarget with nullish coalescing case "es2018": return (_f = (_e = (_d = typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2018) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2017) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015; // Support older TypeScript versions that may not supported ES2019 as a ScriptTarget with nullish coalescing case "es2019": return (_k = (_j = (_h = (_g = typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2019) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2018) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2017) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015; // Support older TypeScript versions that may not supported ES2020 as a ScriptTarget with nullish coalescing case "es2020": return ((_q = (_p = (_o = (_m = (_l = typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2020) !== null && _l !== void 0 ? _l : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2019) !== null && _m !== void 0 ? _m : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2018) !== null && _o !== void 0 ? _o : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2017) !== null && _p !== void 0 ? _p : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016) !== null && _q !== void 0 ? _q : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015); // Support older TypeScript versions that may not supported ES2021 as a ScriptTarget with nullish coalescing case "es2021": return ((_w = (_v = (_u = (_t = (_s = (_r = typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2021) !== null && _r !== void 0 ? _r : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2020) !== null && _s !== void 0 ? _s : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2019) !== null && _t !== void 0 ? _t : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2018) !== null && _u !== void 0 ? _u : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2017) !== null && _v !== void 0 ? _v : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016) !== null && _w !== void 0 ? _w : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015); case "es2022": case "es2023": return ((_3 = (_2 = (_1 = (_0 = (_z = (_y = (_x = typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2022) !== null && _x !== void 0 ? _x : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2021) !== null && _y !== void 0 ? _y : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2020) !== null && _z !== void 0 ? _z : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2019) !== null && _0 !== void 0 ? _0 : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2018) !== null && _1 !== void 0 ? _1 : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2017) !== null && _2 !== void 0 ? _2 : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016) !== null && _3 !== void 0 ? _3 : typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015); } } /** * Gets the EcmaVersion that represents the given ScriptTarget */ function getEcmaVersionForScriptTarget(scriptTarget, typescript) { switch (scriptTarget) { case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES3: return "es3"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES5: return "es5"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015: return "es2015"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2016: return "es2016"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2017: return "es2017"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2018: return "es2018"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2019: return "es2019"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2020: return "es2020"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2021: return "es2021"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2022: return "es2022"; case typescript.ScriptTarget.ESNext: case typescript.ScriptTarget.Latest: case typescript.ScriptTarget.JSON: return "es2023"; } } /** * Generates a random hash */ function generateRandomHash({ length = 8, key } = {}) { return key == null ? crypto.randomBytes(length / 2).toString("hex") : crypto.createHmac("sha1", key).digest("hex").slice(0, length); } function generateRandomIntegerHash(options, offset = 1000000) { const str = generateRandomHash(options); let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { result = result + str.charCodeAt(i); } return result + offset; } /** * Gets the destination directory to use based on the given Rollup output options */ function getOutDir(cwd, options) { let outDir; if (options == null) { // Generate a random output directory. The idea is that this will never match any existing files on disk. // The reason being that Typescript may erroneously think that input files may be overwritten if 'allowJs' is true // and 'outDir' is '.' outDir = path.join(cwd, generateRandomHash()); } else if (options.dir != null) { outDir = options.dir; } else if (options.file != null) { outDir = path.dirname(options.file); } else { outDir = cwd; } // Return the relative output directory. Default to "." if it should be equal to cwd const relativeToCwd = ensureRelative(cwd, outDir); return relativeToCwd === "" ? "." : relativeToCwd; } /** * Gets normalized PluginOptions based on the given ones */ function getPluginOptions(options) { // Destructure the options and provide default const { browserslist, transpiler = "typescript", typescript = TSModule, cwd = path.normalize(process.cwd()), tsconfig, transformers, include = [], exclude = [], transpileOnly = false, debug = false, fileSystem = typescript.sys, babelConfig = {}, swcConfig = {}, hook = {} } = options; return { typescript: typescript, transpiler, browserslist, cwd: ensureAbsolute(process.cwd(), cwd), exclude, include, transformers, tsconfig, babelConfig, swcConfig, transpileOnly, debug, fileSystem, hook }; } function getTranspilerOptions(transpiler) { if (typeof transpiler === "string") { return { typescriptSyntax: transpiler, otherSyntax: transpiler }; } return transpiler; } function isUsingTranspiler(transpiler, options) { return options.typescriptSyntax === transpiler || options.otherSyntax === transpiler; } /** * Gets the ModuleKind to force */ function getForcedModuleKindOption({ pluginOptions }) { // Under these circumstances, TypeScript is a client of Rollup, and Rollup only understands ESM. // Rollup, not TypeScript, is the decider of which module system(s) to target based on the Rollup configuration. // Because of this, TypeScript will always be instructed to emit ESM. return { module: pluginOptions.typescript.ModuleKind.ESNext }; } /** * Gets the ScriptTarget to force */ function getForcedScriptTargetOption({ pluginOptions, browserslist }) { // If anything else than TypeScript should perform the rest of the transpilation after stripping TypeScript syntax, always target the latest ECMAScript version and let the other transpiler take care of the rest if (getTranspilerOptions(pluginOptions.transpiler).otherSyntax !== "typescript") { return { target: pluginOptions.typescript.ScriptTarget.ESNext }; } // If a Browserslist is provided, and if Typescript should perform the transpilation, decide the appropriate ECMAScript version based on the Browserslist. else if (browserslist != null && browserslist !== false) { return { target: getScriptTargetFromBrowserslist(browserslist, pluginOptions.typescript) }; } // Otherwise, don't force the 'target' option return {}; } /** * Decide whether or not to force import helpers */ function getForcedImportHelpersOption({ pluginOptions }) { // If TypeScript is being used, which uses tslib, helpers should *always* be imported. // We don't want them to be duplicated multiple times within generated chunks. // When other transpilers are being used in some shape of form, they'll have similar enforced options if (isUsingTranspiler("typescript", getTranspilerOptions(pluginOptions.transpiler))) { return { importHelpers: true }; } // Otherwise, don't force the 'importHelpers' option return {}; } /** * Retrieves the CompilerOptions that will be forced */ function getForcedCompilerOptions(options) { return { ...getForcedModuleKindOption(options), ...getForcedScriptTargetOption(options), ...getForcedImportHelpersOption(options), outDir: getOutDir(options.pluginOptions.cwd), // Rollup, not Typescript, is the decider of where to put files outFile: undefined, // Always generate SourceMaps. Rollup will then decide if it wants to use them or not sourceMap: true, // Never use inline source maps. Let Rollup inline the returned SourceMap if it can and if sourcemaps should be emitted in the OutputOptions, inlineSourceMap: false, // Since we never use inline source maps, inline sources aren't supported inlineSources: false, // Typescript should always be able to emit - otherwise we cannot transform source files noEmitOnError: false, // Typescript should always be able to emit other things than declarations - otherwise we cannot transform source files emitDeclarationOnly: false, // Typescript should always be able to emit helpers - since we force 'importHelpers' noEmitHelpers: false, // Typescript should always be able to resolve things - otherwise compilation will break noResolve: false, // Typescript should never watch files. That is the job of Rollup watch: false, // Typescript should never watch files. That is the job of Rollup preserveWatchOutput: false, skipLibCheck: true }; } /** * Returns true if the given OutputFile represents code */ function isCodeOutputFile({ name }) { const extension = getExtension(name); return [SOURCE_MAP_EXTENSION, D_TS_EXTENSION, D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION].every(otherExtension => extension !== otherExtension); } /** * Returns true if the given OutputFile represents a SourceMap */ function isMapOutputFile({ name }) { const extension = getExtension(name); return [SOURCE_MAP_EXTENSION, D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION].some(otherExtension => extension === otherExtension); } /** * Gets a SourceDescription from the given EmitOutput */ function getSourceDescriptionFromEmitOutput(output) { const code = output.outputFiles.find(isCodeOutputFile); if (code == null) return undefined; const map = output.outputFiles.find(isMapOutputFile); // Remove the SourceMap comment from the code if it is given. Rollup is the decider of whether or not to emit SourceMaps and if they should be inlined const inlinedSourcemapIndex = code.text.indexOf(`\n${SOURCE_MAP_COMMENT}`); if (inlinedSourcemapIndex >= 0) { code.text = code.text.slice(0, inlinedSourcemapIndex); } return { code: code.text, ...(map == null ? {} : { map: map.text }) }; } /** * Gets diagnostics for the given fileName */ function emitDiagnostics({ host, context, pluginOptions }) { const typescript = host.getTypescript(); let diagnostics = host.getDiagnostics(); // If there is a hook for diagnostics, call it assign the result of calling it to the local variable 'diagnostics' if (pluginOptions.hook.diagnostics != null) { diagnostics = pluginOptions.hook.diagnostics(diagnostics); } // Don't proceed if the hook returned null or undefined if (diagnostics == null) return; diagnostics.forEach((diagnostic) => { const message = typescript.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n"); const position = diagnostic.start == null || diagnostic.file == null ? undefined : diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start); // Color-format the diagnostics const colorFormatted = typescript.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext([diagnostic], host); // Provide a normalized error code const code = `${diagnostic.scope == null ? "TS" : diagnostic.scope}${diagnostic.code}`; // Provide an empty Stack. There's nothing useful in seeing the internals of this Plugin in the reported error const stack = ""; // Isolate the frame const newLine = host.getNewLine(); let frame = colorFormatted.slice(colorFormatted.indexOf(message) + message.length); // Remove the trailing newline from the frame if it has one if (frame.startsWith(newLine)) { frame = frame.slice(frame.indexOf(newLine) + newLine.length); } switch (diagnostic.category) { case typescript.DiagnosticCategory.Error: context.error({ frame, code, name: code, stack, ...(diagnostic.length == null ? {} : { length: diagnostic.length }), ...(diagnostic.file == null && position == null ? {} : { loc: { ...(diagnostic.file == null ? {} : { file: diagnostic.file.fileName }), ...(position == null ? {} : { line: position.line + 1 }), ...(position == null ? {} : { column: position.character + 1 }) } }), ...(diagnostic.file == null ? {} : { pos: diagnostic.file.pos }), message }); break; case typescript.DiagnosticCategory.Warning: case typescript.DiagnosticCategory.Message: case typescript.DiagnosticCategory.Suggestion: context.warn({ frame, code, name: code, ...(diagnostic.length == null ? {} : { length: diagnostic.length }), loc: { ...(diagnostic.file == null ? {} : { file: diagnostic.file.fileName }), ...(position == null ? {} : { line: position.line + 1 }), ...(position == null ? {} : { column: position.character + 1 }) }, ...(diagnostic.file == null ? {} : { pos: diagnostic.file.pos }), message }); break; } }); } /** * Gets the extensions that are supported by Typescript, depending on whether or not to allow JS and JSON */ function getSupportedExtensions(allowJs, allowJson, typescript) { // If the TypeScript version supports Node16 as a module resolution target, // it also supports some additional formats such as .mts, .cts, .cjs, .d.cts, .mjs, .d.mts, .cjsx, and .mjsx if (typescript.ModuleResolutionKind.Node16 != null) { return new Set([ TS_EXTENSION, MTS_EXTENSION, MTSX_EXTENSION, CTS_EXTENSION, CTSX_EXTENSION, TSX_EXTENSION, D_TS_EXTENSION, D_CTS_EXTENSION, D_MTS_EXTENSION, ...(allowJs ? [JS_EXTENSION, JSX_EXTENSION, MJS_EXTENSION, MJSX_EXTENSION, CJS_EXTENSION, CJSX_EXTENSION] : []), ...(allowJson ? [JSON_EXTENSION] : []) ]); } return new Set([ TS_EXTENSION, TSX_EXTENSION, D_TS_EXTENSION, ...(allowJs ? [JS_EXTENSION, JSX_EXTENSION] : []), ...(allowJson ? [JSON_EXTENSION] : []) ]); } /** * Returns true if the given asset is an OutputChunk */ function isOutputChunk(thing) { return thing.type === "chunk"; } /** * Takes all filenames that has been included in the given bundle */ function takeBundledFilesNames(bundle) { const bundledFilenames = new Set(); Object.values(bundle).forEach(value => { if (isOutputChunk(value)) { Object.keys(value.modules).forEach(fileName => bundledFilenames.add(path.normalize(fileName))); } else if ("fileName" in value) { bundledFilenames.add(path.normalize(value.fileName)); } }); return bundledFilenames; } /** * Returns true if the given browserslist is raw input for a Browserslist */ function isBrowserslistInput(browserslist) { return typeof browserslist === "string" || Array.isArray(browserslist); } /** * Returns true if the given browserslist is an IBrowserslistQueryConfig */ function isBrowserslistQueryConfig(browserslist) { return browserslist != null && !isBrowserslistInput(browserslist) && browserslist !== false && "query" in browserslist && browserslist.query != null; } /** * Returns true if the given browserslist is an IBrowserslistPathConfig */ function isBrowserslistPathConfig(browserslist) { return browserslist != null && !isBrowserslistInput(browserslist) && browserslist !== false && "path" in browserslist && browserslist.path != null; } /** * Gets a Browserslist based on the given options */ function getBrowserslist({ browserslist, cwd, fileSystem }) { // If a Browserslist is provided directly from the options, use that if (browserslist != null) { // If the Browserslist is equal to false, it should never be used. Return undefined if (browserslist === false) { return false; } // If the Browserslist is some raw input queries, use them directly else if (isBrowserslistInput(browserslist)) { return browserslistGenerator.normalizeBrowserslist(ensureArray(browserslist)); } // If the Browserslist is a config with raw query options, use them directly else if (isBrowserslistQueryConfig(browserslist)) { return browserslistGenerator.normalizeBrowserslist(ensureArray(browserslist.query)); } // If the Browserslist is a config with a path, attempt to resolve the Browserslist from that property else if (isBrowserslistPathConfig(browserslist)) { const browserslistPath = ensureAbsolute(cwd, browserslist.path); const errorMessage = `The given path for a Browserslist: '${browserslistPath}' could not be resolved from '${cwd}'`; if (!fileSystem.fileExists(path.native.normalize(browserslistPath))) { throw new ReferenceError(errorMessage); } else { // Read the config const match = browserslistModule.readConfig(browserslistPath); if (match == null) { throw new ReferenceError(errorMessage); } else { return match.defaults; } } } // The config object could not be validated. Return undefined else { return undefined; } } // Otherwise, try to locate a Browserslist else { const config = browserslistModule.findConfig(cwd); return config == null ? undefined : config.defaults; } } /** * A Cache over resolved modules */ class ResolveCache { constructor(options) { this.options = options; /** * A memory-persistent cache of resolved modules for files over time */ this.RESOLVE_CACHE = new Map(); } /** * Gets the resolved path for an id from a parent */ getFromCache(id, parent) { const parentMap = this.RESOLVE_CACHE.get(parent); if (parentMap == null) return undefined; return parentMap.get(id); } /** * Deletes the entry matching the given parent */ delete(parent) { return this.RESOLVE_CACHE.delete(parent); } clear() { this.RESOLVE_CACHE.clear(); } /** * Sets the given resolved module in the resolve cache */ setInCache(result, id, parent) { let parentMap = this.RESOLVE_CACHE.get(parent); if (parentMap == null) { parentMap = new Map(); this.RESOLVE_CACHE.set(parent, parentMap); } parentMap.set(id, result); return result; } /** * Resolves a module name, including internal helpers such as tslib, even if they aren't included in the language service */ resolveModuleName(typescript, moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host, cache, redirectedReference) { // Default to using Typescript's resolver directly return typescript.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host, cache, redirectedReference); } /** * Gets a cached module result for the given file from the given parent and returns it if it exists already. * If not, it will compute it, update the cache, and then return it */ get(options) { const { id, parent, moduleResolutionHost } = options; let cacheResult = this.getFromCache(id, parent); const typescript = moduleResolutionHost.getTypescript(); const compilerOptions = moduleResolutionHost.getCompilationSettings(); const cwd = moduleResolutionHost.getCwd(); const nonAmbientSupportedExtensions = moduleResolutionHost.getSupportedNonAmbientExtensions(); if (cacheResult != null) { return cacheResult; } // Resolve the file via Typescript, either through classic or node module resolution const { resolvedModule } = this.resolveModuleName(typescript, id, path.normalize(parent), compilerOptions, moduleResolutionHost); // If it could not be resolved, the cache result will be equal to null if (resolvedModule == null) { cacheResult = null; } // Otherwise, proceed else { // Make sure that the path is absolute from the cwd resolvedModule.resolvedFileName = path.includeDriveLetter(path.normalize(ensureAbsolute(cwd, resolvedModule.resolvedFileName))); if (resolvedModule.resolvedFileName.endsWith(D_TS_EXTENSION)) { resolvedModule.resolvedAmbientFileName = resolvedModule.resolvedFileName; resolvedModule.resolvedFileName = undefined; resolvedModule.extension = D_TS_EXTENSION; if (isTslib(id)) { // Sometimes the drive letter is omitted by TypeScript on Windows here, which can lead to problems const candidate = path.includeDriveLetter(path.normalize(setExtension(resolvedModule.resolvedAmbientFileName, `.es6${JS_EXTENSION}`))); if (this.options.fileSystem.fileExists(path.native.normalize(candidate))) { resolvedModule.resolvedFileName = candidate; } } // Don't go and attempt to resolve sources for external libraries else if (resolvedModule.isExternalLibraryImport == null || !resolvedModule.isExternalLibraryImport) { // Try to determine the resolved file name. for (const extension of nonAmbientSupportedExtensions) { const candidate = path.normalize(setExtension(resolvedModule.resolvedAmbientFileName, extension)); if (this.options.fileSystem.fileExists(path.native.normalize(candidate))) { resolvedModule.resolvedFileName = candidate; break; } } } } else { resolvedModule.resolvedAmbientFileName = undefined; const candidate = path.normalize(setExtension(resolvedModule.resolvedFileName, D_TS_EXTENSION)); if (this.options.fileSystem.fileExists(path.native.normalize(candidate))) { resolvedModule.resolvedAmbientFileName = candidate; } } cacheResult = resolvedModule; } // Store the new result in the cache return this.setInCache(cacheResult, id, parent); } } const REGENERATOR_SOURCE = `\ /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ "use strict"; var Op = Object.prototype; var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty; var undefined; // More compressible than void 0. var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol : {}; var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator"; var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator"; var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag"; function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator. var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator; var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype); var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next, // .throw, and .return methods. generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context); return generator; } // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate. function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: "normal", arg: fn.call(obj, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: "throw", arg: err }; } } var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart"; var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield"; var GenStateExecuting = "executing"; var GenStateCompleted = "completed"; // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement. var ContinueSentinel = {}; // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions. function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that // don't natively support it. var IteratorPrototype = {}; IteratorPrototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () { return this; }; var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf; var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); if (NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op && hasOwn.call(NativeIteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol)) { // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead // of the polyfill. IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype; } var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); GeneratorFunction.prototype = Gp.constructor = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction; GeneratorFunctionPrototype[toStringTagSymbol] = GeneratorFunction.displayName = "GeneratorFunction"; // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method. function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method) { prototype[method] = function(arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }; }); } function isGeneratorFunction (genFun) { var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor; return ctor ? ctor === GeneratorFunction || // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can // do is to check its .name property. (ctor.displayName || ctor.name) === "GeneratorFunction" : false; }; function mark (genFun) { if (Object.setPrototypeOf) { Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype); } else { genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; if (!(toStringTagSymbol in genFun)) { genFun[toStringTagSymbol] = "GeneratorFunction"; } } genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp); return genFun; }; // Within the body of any async function, \`await x\` is transformed to // \`yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)\`, so that the runtime can test // \`hasOwn.call(value, "__await")\` to determine if the yielded value is // meant to be awaited. function awrap (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }; function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (record.type === "throw") { reject(record.arg); } else { var result = record.arg; var value = result.value; if (value && typeof value === "object" && hasOwn.call(value, "__await")) { return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value) { invoke("next", value, resolve, reject); }, function(err) { invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject); }); } return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) { // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the // current iteration. result.value = unwrapped; resolve(result); }, function(error) { // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back // into the async generator function so it can be handled there. return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject); }); } } var previousPromise; function enqueue(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function(resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke, // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire, // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially // important to get this right, even though it requires care. previousPromise ? previousPromise.then( callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later // invocations of the iterator. callInvokeWithMethodAndArg ) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next, // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods). this._invoke = enqueue; } defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype); AsyncIterator.prototype[asyncIteratorSymbol] = function () { return this; }; // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of // the final result produced by the iterator. function async (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { if (PromiseImpl === void 0) PromiseImpl = Promise; var iter = new AsyncIterator( wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl ); return isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator. : iter.next().then(function(result) { return result.done ? result.value : iter.next(); }); }; function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = GenStateSuspendedStart; return function invoke(method, arg) { if (state === GenStateExecuting) { throw new Error("Generator is already running"); } if (state === GenStateCompleted) { if (method === "throw") { throw arg; } // Be forgiving, per of the spec: // https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-generatorresume return doneResult(); } context.method = method; context.arg = arg; while (true) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (context.method === "next") { // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's // function.sent implementation. context.sent = context._sent = context.arg; } else if (context.method === "throw") { if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) { state = GenStateCompleted; throw context.arg; } context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else if (context.method === "return") { context.abrupt("return", context.arg); } state = GenStateExecuting; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (record.type === "normal") { // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state === // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation. state = context.done ? GenStateCompleted : GenStateSuspendedYield; if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) { continue; } return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } else if (record.type === "throw") { state = GenStateCompleted; // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above. context.method = "throw"; context.arg = record.arg; } } }; } // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg, // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel. function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var method = delegate.iterator[context.method]; if (method === undefined) { // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw // method always terminates the yield* loop. context.delegate = null; if (context.method === "throw") { // Note: ["return"] must be used for ES3 parsing compatibility. if (delegate.iterator["return"]) { // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a // chance to clean up. context.method = "return"; context.arg = undefined; maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (context.method === "throw") { // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from // "return" to "throw", let that override the TypeError below. return ContinueSentinel; } } context.method = "throw"; context.arg = new TypeError( "The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method"); } return ContinueSentinel; } var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (record.type === "throw") { context.method = "throw"; context.arg = record.arg; context.delegate = null; return ContinueSentinel; } var info = record.arg; if (! info) { context.method = "throw"; context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"); context.delegate = null; return ContinueSentinel; } if (info.done) { // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield). context[delegate.resultName] = info.value; // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield). context.next = delegate.nextLoc; // If context.method was "throw" but the delegate handled the // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If // context.method was "next", forget context.arg since it has been // "consumed" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was // "return", allow the original .return call to continue in the // outer generator. if (context.method !== "return") { context.method = "next"; context.arg = undefined; } } else { // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method. return info; } // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with // the outer generator. context.delegate = null; return ContinueSentinel; } // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the // unified ._invoke helper method. defineIteratorMethods(Gp); Gp[toStringTagSymbol] = "Generator"; // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers' implementations of the // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn't happen. // See https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/issues/274 for more details. Gp[iteratorSymbol] = function() { return this; }; Gp.toString = function() { return "[object Generator]"; }; function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; if (1 in locs) { entry.catchLoc = locs[1]; } if (2 in locs) { entry.finallyLoc = locs[2]; entry.afterLoc = locs[3]; } this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = "normal"; delete record.arg; entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from // locations where there is no enclosing try statement. this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }]; tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this); this.reset(true); } function keys (object) { var keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } keys.reverse(); // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep // things simple and return the next function itself. return function next() { while (keys.length) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) { next.value = key; next.done = false; return next; } } // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function. next.done = true; return next; }; }; function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) { return iteratorMethod.call(iterable); } if (typeof iterable.next === "function") { return iterable; } if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { while (++i < iterable.length) { if (hasOwn.call(iterable, i)) { next.value = iterable[i]; next.done = false; return next; } } next.value = undefined; next.done = true; return next; }; return next.next = next; } } // Return an iterator with no values. return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function(skipTempReset) { this.prev = 0; this.next = 0; // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's // function.sent implementation. this.sent = this._sent = undefined; this.done = false; this.delegate = null; this.method = "next"; this.arg = undefined; this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry); if (!skipTempReset) { for (var name in this) { // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions: if (name.charAt(0) === "t" && hasOwn.call(this, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) { this[name] = undefined; } } } }, stop: function() { this.done = true; var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0]; var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion; if (rootRecord.type === "throw") { throw rootRecord.arg; } return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function(exception) { if (this.done) { throw exception; } var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { record.type = "throw"; record.arg = exception; context.next = loc; if (caught) { // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block, // then let that catch block handle the exception normally. context.method = "next"; context.arg = undefined; } return !! caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; var record = entry.completion; if (entry.tryLoc === "root") { // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to // throw the exception. return handle("end"); } if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch = hasOwn.call(entry, "catchLoc"); var hasFinally = hasOwn.call(entry, "finallyLoc"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) { return handle(entry.catchLoc, true); } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) { return handle(entry.catchLoc, true); } } else if (hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } else { throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally"); } } } }, abrupt: function(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev && hasOwn.call(entry, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } if (finallyEntry && (type === "break" || type === "continue") && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) { // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a // location outside the try/catch block. finallyEntry = null; } var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; record.type = type; record.arg = arg; if (finallyEntry) { this.method = "next"; this.next = finallyEntry.finallyLoc; return ContinueSentinel; } return this.complete(record); }, complete: function(record, afterLoc) { if (record.type === "throw") { throw record.arg; } if (record.type === "break" || record.type === "continue") { this.next = record.arg; } else if (record.type === "return") { this.rval = this.arg = record.arg; this.method = "return"; this.next = "end"; } else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) { this.next = afterLoc; } return ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) { this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc); resetTryEntry(entry); return ContinueSentinel; } } }, "catch": function(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (record.type === "throw") { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } // The context.catch method must only be called with a location // argument that corresponds to a known catch block. throw new Error("illegal catch attempt"); }, delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }; if (this.method === "next") { // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't // accidentally pass it on to the delegate. this.arg = undefined; } return ContinueSentinel; } }; // Export a default namespace that plays well with Rollup export default { wrap, isGeneratorFunction, AsyncIterator, mark, awrap, async, keys, values }; `; function isDefined(item) { return item != null; } /** * Merges all of the given transformers */ function mergeTransformers(...transformers) { return options => { const instantiatedTransformers = transformers .filter(isDefined) .map((transformer) => (typeof transformer === "function" ? transformer(options) : transformer)); const beforeTransformers = [].concat.apply([], instantiatedTransformers.map(transformer => transformer.before).filter(beforeTransformer => beforeTransformer != null)); const afterTransformers = [].concat.apply([], instantiatedTransformers.map(transformer => transformer.after).filter(afterTransformer => afterTransformer != null)); const afterDeclarationsTransformers = [].concat.apply([], instantiatedTransformers.map(transformer => transformer.afterDeclarations).filter(afterDeclarationTransformer => afterDeclarationTransformer != null)); return { before: beforeTransformers.length === 0 ? undefined : beforeTransformers, after: afterTransformers.length === 0 ? undefined : afterTransformers, afterDeclarations: afterDeclarationsTransformers.length === 0 ? undefined : afterDeclarationsTransformers }; }; } /** * If a browserslist is given, that one will be used. Otherwise, if the given CompilerOptions has a 'target' property, a Browserslist * will be computed based on the targeted Ecma version */ function takeBrowserslistOrComputeBasedOnCompilerOptions(browserslist, compilerOptions, typescript) { if (browserslist != null && browserslist !== false) { // If a browserslist is given, use it return browserslist; } else if (browserslist === false) { return undefined; } else { // Otherwise, generate a browserslist based on the tsconfig target if given return compilerOptions.target == null ? undefined : browserslistGenerator.browsersWithSupportForEcmaVersion(getEcmaVersionForScriptTarget(compilerOptions.target, typescript)); } } /** * Gets the destination directory to use for declarations based on the given CompilerOptions and Rollup output options */ function getDeclarationOutDir(cwd, compilerOptions, options) { const outDir = compilerOptions.declarationDir != null ? ensureRelative(cwd, compilerOptions.declarationDir) : getOutDir(cwd, options); // Default to "." if it should be equal to cwd return outDir === "" ? "." : outDir; } function selectDeclarationExtensionBasedOnFilename(filename, supportedExtensions, sourcemap = false) { switch (path.extname(filename)) { case CTS_EXTENSION: case CTSX_EXTENSION: case CJS_EXTENSION: case CJSX_EXTENSION: if (supportedExtensions.has(D_CTS_EXTENSION)) { return sourcemap ? D_CTS_MAP_EXTENSION : D_CTS_EXTENSION; } else { return sourcemap ? D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION : D_TS_EXTENSION; } case MTS_EXTENSION: case MTSX_EXTENSION: case MJS_EXTENSION: case MJSX_EXTENSION: if (supportedExtensions.has(D_MTS_EXTENSION)) { return sourcemap ? D_MTS_MAP_EXTENSION : D_MTS_EXTENSION; } else { return sourcemap ? D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION : D_TS_EXTENSION; } default: return sourcemap ? D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION : D_TS_EXTENSION; } } /** * Gets the destination directory to use for declarations based on the given CompilerOptions and Rollup output options */ function getDeclarationOutExtension(outputOptions, supportedExtensions, chunk, sourcemap = false) { if (outputOptions.file != null) { return selectDeclarationExtensionBasedOnFilename(outputOptions.file, supportedExtensions, sourcemap); } else if (chunk != null) { return selectDeclarationExtensionBasedOnFilename(chunk.paths.fileName, supportedExtensions, sourcemap); } else { if (typeof outputOptions.entryFileNames === "string") { return selectDeclarationExtensionBasedOnFilename(outputOptions.entryFileNames, supportedExtensions, sourcemap); } else if (typeof outputOptions.chunkFileNames === "string") { return selectDeclarationExtensionBasedOnFilename(outputOptions.chunkFileNames, supportedExtensions, sourcemap); } else { return selectDeclarationExtensionBasedOnFilename(`index.js`, supportedExtensions, sourcemap); } } } function applyTransformers({ transformers, visitorOptions }) { for (const transformer of transformers) { visitorOptions.sourceFile = transformer(visitorOptions); } return visitorOptions.sourceFile; } /** * Gets the chunk filename that matches the given filename. It may be the same. */ function getChunkFilename(module, chunks) { var _a; return (_a = getChunkForModule(module, chunks)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.paths.absolute; } function getChunkForModule(module, chunks) { for (const chunk of chunks) { if ("has" in chunk.modules && chunk.modules.has(module)) { return chunk; } else if ("includes" in chunk.modules && chunk.modules.includes(module)) { return chunk; } } return undefined; } function formatLibReferenceDirective(libName) { return `/// `; } function formatTypeReferenceDirective(fileName) { return `/// `; } function pickResolvedModule(resolvedModule, preferAmbient) { var _a; if (preferAmbient) { return (_a = resolvedModule.resolvedAmbientFileName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : resolvedModule.resolvedFileName; } else { return resolvedModule.resolvedFileName; } } function getOriginalNode(node, typescript) { var _a; if (node._original != null) { return getOriginalNode(node._original, typescript); } return (_a = typescript.getOriginalNode(node)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node; } function markAsInternalAlias(node, typescript) { getOriginalNode(node, typescript)._internalAlias = true; } function isNodeInternalAlias(node, typescript) { return getOriginalNode(node, typescript)._internalAlias === true; } function getModifierLikes(node) { const modifiers = "modifiers" in node && Array.isArray(node.modifiers) ? node.modifiers : []; if ("decorators" in node && Array.isArray(node.decorators)) { return [...node.decorators, ...modifiers]; } else { return modifiers; } } function canHaveModifiers(node, typescript) { if ("canHaveModifiers" in typescript) { return typescript.canHaveModifiers(node); } else { return true; } } function getModifiers(node, typescript) { var _a; if ("getModifiers" in typescript) { return typescript.getModifiers(node); } else { return (_a = node.modifiers) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter(modifier => !("expression" in modifier)); } } /** * Returns true if the given node has an Export keyword in front of it */ function hasExportModifier(node, typescript) { var _a, _b; return canHaveModifiers(node, typescript) ? (_b = (_a = getModifiers(node, typescript)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some(modifier => isExportModifier(modifier, typescript))) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false : false; } /** * Returns true if the given node has an Declare keyword in front of it */ function hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript) { var _a, _b; return canHaveModifiers(node, typescript) ? (_b = (_a = getModifiers(node, typescript)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some(modifier => isDeclareModifier(modifier, typescript))) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false : false; } /** * Returns true if the given modifier has an Export keyword in front of it */ function isExportModifier(node, typescript) { return node.kind === typescript.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword; } /** * Returns true if the given modifier has an Default keyword in front of it */ function isDefaultModifier(node, typescript) { return node.kind === typescript.SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword; } /** * Returns true if the given modifier has an declare keyword in front of it */ function isDeclareModifier(node, typescript) { return node.kind === typescript.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword; } /** * Removes an export modifier from the given ModifiersArray */ function removeExportModifier(modifiers, typescript) { if (modifiers == null) return modifiers; return modifiers.filter(modifier => !isExportModifier(modifier, typescript) && !isDefaultModifier(modifier, typescript)); } /** * Removes a declare modifier from the given ModifiersArray */ function removeDeclareModifier(modifiers, typescript) { if (modifiers == null) return modifiers; return modifiers.filter(modifier => !isDeclareModifier(modifier, typescript)); } function ensureHasDeclareModifier(modifiers, factory, typescript) { if (modifiers == null) return [factory.createModifier(typescript.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword)]; if (modifiers.some(m => m.kind === typescript.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword)) return modifiers; return [factory.createModifier(typescript.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword), ...modifiers]; } /** * Returns true if the given modifiers contain the keywords 'export' and 'default' */ function hasDefaultExportModifier(modifiers, typescript) { if (modifiers == null) return false; return modifiers.some(modifier => isExportModifier(modifier, typescript)) && modifiers.some(modifier => isDefaultModifier(modifier, typescript)); } function getImportedSymbolFromImportSpecifier(specifier, moduleSpecifier) { var _a; return { moduleSpecifier, isDefaultImport: specifier.name.text === "default", propertyName: (_a = specifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : specifier.name, name: specifier.name }; } function getImportedSymbolFromImportClauseName(clauseName, moduleSpecifier) { return { moduleSpecifier, isDefaultImport: true, propertyName: clauseName, name: clauseName }; } function getImportedSymbolFromNamespaceImport(namespaceImport, moduleSpecifier) { return { moduleSpecifier, isNamespaceImport: true, propertyName: namespaceImport.name, name: namespaceImport.name }; } function getExportedSymbolFromExportSpecifier(specifier, parentIsTypeOnly, moduleSpecifier) { var _a; return { moduleSpecifier, isTypeOnly: specifier.isTypeOnly || Boolean(parentIsTypeOnly), isDefaultExport: specifier.name.text === "default", propertyName: (_a = specifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : specifier.name, name: specifier.name }; } function createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ name, modifiers, typescript, factory, isTypeOnly = false }) { if (hasDefaultExportModifier(modifiers, typescript)) { const propertyNameText = name; const nameText = "default"; const exportSpecifier = factory.createExportSpecifier(isTypeOnly, propertyNameText === nameText ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(propertyNameText), factory.createIdentifier(nameText)); return { exportSpecifier, exportedSymbol: getExportedSymbolFromExportSpecifier(exportSpecifier) }; } else { const propertyNameText = name; const nameText = propertyNameText; const exportSpecifier = factory.createExportSpecifier(isTypeOnly, propertyNameText === nameText ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(propertyNameText), factory.createIdentifier(nameText)); return { exportSpecifier, exportedSymbol: getExportedSymbolFromExportSpecifier(exportSpecifier) }; } } function visitImportDeclaration$5({ node, typescript, markAsImported }) { if (!typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) return; if (node.importClause != null) { if (node.importClause.name != null) { markAsImported(getImportedSymbolFromImportClauseName(node.importClause.name, node.moduleSpecifier.text)); } if (node.importClause.namedBindings != null) { if (typescript.isNamespaceImport(node.importClause.namedBindings)) { markAsImported(getImportedSymbolFromNamespaceImport(node.importClause.namedBindings, node.moduleSpecifier.text)); } else { // Otherwise, check all ExportSpecifiers for (const importSpecifier of node.importClause.namedBindings.elements) { markAsImported(getImportedSymbolFromImportSpecifier(importSpecifier, node.moduleSpecifier.text)); } } } } else { markAsImported({ moduleSpecifier: node.moduleSpecifier.text, isClauseLessImport: true }); } } function visitImportTypeNode$2({ node, typescript, markAsImported, continuation }) { if (!typescript.isLiteralTypeNode(node.argument) || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.argument.literal)) return; const moduleSpecifier = node.argument.literal.text; const name = node.qualifier == null ? undefined : typescript.isIdentifier(node.qualifier) ? node.qualifier : typescript.isIdentifier(node.qualifier.left) ? node.qualifier.left : undefined; if (name != null) { markAsImported({ name, moduleSpecifier, isDefaultImport: false, propertyName: name }); } else { markAsImported({ moduleSpecifier, isClauseLessImport: true }); } if (node.typeArguments != null) { for (const typeArgument of node.typeArguments) { continuation(typeArgument); } } } function visitModuleDeclaration$9({ node, ...options }) { if (node.body == null) return; return options.childContinuation(node.body); } function visitNode$d({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isImportDeclaration(node)) { return visitImportDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportTypeNode(node)) { return visitImportTypeNode$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$9({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.shouldDeepTraverse) { return options.childContinuation(node); } } function trackImportsTransformer(options) { const { typescript } = options; const importedSymbolSet = new Set(); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, // Optimization: We only need to traverse nested nodes inside of the SourceFile if it contains at least one ImportTypeNode (or at least what appears to be one) shouldDeepTraverse: options.sourceFile.text.includes("import("), markAsImported(symbol) { importedSymbolSet.add(symbol); }, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.forEachChild(node, nextNode => { visitNode$d({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }); }), continuation: (node) => { visitNode$d({ ...visitorOptions, node }); } }; typescript.forEachChild(options.sourceFile, nextNode => { visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode); }); return importedSymbolSet; } function visitClassDeclaration$5({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript) || node.name == null) return; const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: getModifiers(node, typescript), typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } function visitClassExpression$5({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript) || node.name == null) return; const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: getModifiers(node, typescript), typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } function visitFunctionDeclaration$5({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript) || node.name == null) return; const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers, typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } function visitFunctionExpression$5({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript) || node.name == null) return; const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers, typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } function visitEnumDeclaration$5({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return; const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers, typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } /** * Deconflicts the given BindingElement. */ function traceIdentifiersForBindingElement({ node, continuation }) { return continuation(node.name); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given ClassDeclaration. */ function traceIdentifiersForClassDeclaration({ node, addIdentifier }) { if (node.name == null) return; addIdentifier(node.name.text); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given EnumDeclaration. */ function traceIdentifiersForEnumDeclaration({ node, addIdentifier }) { addIdentifier(node.name.text); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given FunctionDeclaration. */ function traceIdentifiersForFunctionDeclaration({ node, addIdentifier }) { if (node.name == null) return; addIdentifier(node.name.text); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given ImportClause. */ function traceIdentifiersForImportClause({ node, addIdentifier, continuation }) { if (node.name != null) { addIdentifier(node.name.text); } if (node.namedBindings != null) { return continuation(node.namedBindings); } } /** * Traces identifiers for the given NamespaceImport. */ function traceIdentifiersForNamespaceImport({ node, addIdentifier }) { if (node.name != null) { addIdentifier(node.name.text); } } /** * Traces identifiers for the given ImportSpecifier. */ function traceIdentifiersForImportSpecifier({ node, addIdentifier }) { addIdentifier(node.name.text); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given ExportSpecifier. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function traceIdentifiersForExportSpecifier(_options) { // An ExportSpecifier doesn't produce any local module bindings } /** * Deconflicts the given Identifier. */ function traceIdentifiersForIdentifier({ node, addIdentifier }) { addIdentifier(node.text); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given InterfaceDeclaration. */ function traceIdentifiersForInterfaceDeclaration({ node, addIdentifier }) { addIdentifier(node.name.text); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given TypeAliasDeclaration. */ function traceIdentifiersForTypeAliasDeclaration({ node, addIdentifier }) { if (node.name == null) return; addIdentifier(node.name.text); } /** * Deconflicts the given VariableDeclaration. */ function traceIdentifiersForVariableDeclaration({ node, continuation }) { continuation(node.name); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given ExportAssignment. */ function traceIdentifiersForExportAssignment({ node, continuation }) { continuation(node.expression); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given CallExpression. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function traceIdentifiersForCallExpression(_options) { // Do nothing } /** * Traces identifiers for the given NewExpression. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function traceIdentifiersForNewExpression(_options) { // Do nothing } /** * Traces identifiers for the given ImportEqualsDeclaration. */ function traceIdentifiersForImportEqualsDeclaration({ node, addIdentifier }) { addIdentifier(node.name.text); } /** * Traces identifiers for the given Node, potentially generating new unique variable names for them */ function traceIdentifiersForNode({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isBindingElement(node)) traceIdentifiersForBindingElement({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) traceIdentifiersForClassDeclaration({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) traceIdentifiersForEnumDeclaration({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) traceIdentifiersForFunctionDeclaration({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isImportClause(node)) traceIdentifiersForImportClause({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isNamespaceImport(node)) traceIdentifiersForNamespaceImport({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isImportSpecifier(node)) traceIdentifiersForImportSpecifier({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isExportSpecifier(node)) traceIdentifiersForExportSpecifier({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) traceIdentifiersForImportEqualsDeclaration({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isIdentifier(node)) traceIdentifiersForIdentifier({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) traceIdentifiersForInterfaceDeclaration({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) traceIdentifiersForTypeAliasDeclaration({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isVariableDeclaration(node)) traceIdentifiersForVariableDeclaration({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isExportAssignment(node)) traceIdentifiersForExportAssignment({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isCallExpression(node)) traceIdentifiersForCallExpression({ ...options, node }); else if (options.typescript.isNewExpression(node)) traceIdentifiersForNewExpression({ ...options, node }); else options.childContinuation(node); } function traceIdentifiers({ node, ...rest }, identifiers = new Set()) { return getIdentifiers({ ...rest, node }, identifiers); } function getIdentifiers({ node, ...rest }, identifiers) { traceIdentifiersForNode({ ...rest, node, continuation: nextNode => getIdentifiers({ ...rest, node: nextNode }, identifiers), childContinuation: nextNode => rest.typescript.forEachChild(nextNode, nextNextNode => { getIdentifiers({ ...rest, node: nextNextNode }, identifiers); }), addIdentifier(name) { identifiers.add(name); } }); return identifiers; } function visitVariableStatement$5({ node, typescript, sourceFile, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return; const identifiers = traceIdentifiers({ node, sourceFile, typescript }); for (const identifier of identifiers) { const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: identifier, modifiers: node.modifiers, typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } } function visitInterfaceDeclaration$5({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return; const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers, typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } function visitModuleDeclaration$8({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) { if (node.body != null) return options.childContinuation(node.body); else return; } const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers, typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } function visitTypeAliasDeclaration$5({ node, typescript, markAsExported, ...options }) { // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return; const { exportedSymbol } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers, typescript }); // Also mark the node as exported so that we can track it later markAsExported(exportedSymbol); } function visitExportDeclaration$6({ node, typescript, markAsExported }) { var _a, _b; if (node.moduleSpecifier != null && !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) return; // If there is no ExportClause, it is a NamespaceExport such as 'export * from "..."'. // If there is, and it is a NamespaceExport, it will be something like 'export * as Foo from "..."' if (node.exportClause == null || ((_a = typescript.isNamespaceExport) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(typescript, node.exportClause))) { // It will never make sense to have a NamespaceExport with no ModuleSpecifier, but nevertheless do the check if (node.moduleSpecifier != null) { markAsExported({ isNamespaceExport: true, name: node.exportClause == null ? undefined : node.exportClause.name, moduleSpecifier: node.moduleSpecifier.text }); } return; } // Otherwise, check all ExportSpecifiers for (const exportSpecifier of node.exportClause.elements) { markAsExported(getExportedSymbolFromExportSpecifier(exportSpecifier, node.isTypeOnly, (_b = node.moduleSpecifier) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.text)); } } function visitExportAssignment$3(options) { const { node, typescript, markAsExported } = options; const identifier = typescript.isIdentifier(node.expression) ? node.expression : undefined; if (identifier != null) { markAsExported({ isDefaultExport: true, isTypeOnly: false, moduleSpecifier: undefined, name: identifier, propertyName: identifier }); } } function visitNode$c({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return visitClassDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return visitClassExpression$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return visitFunctionDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return visitFunctionExpression$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return visitEnumDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return visitInterfaceDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return visitTypeAliasDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$8({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableStatement(node)) { return visitVariableStatement$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return visitExportDeclaration$6({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportAssignment(node)) { return visitExportAssignment$3({ ...options, node }); } } function trackExportsTransformer(options) { const { typescript } = options; const exportedSymbolSet = new Set(); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, markAsExported(symbol) { exportedSymbolSet.add(symbol); }, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.forEachChild(node, nextNode => { visitNode$c({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }); }), continuation: (node) => { visitNode$c({ ...visitorOptions, node }); } }; typescript.forEachChild(options.sourceFile, nextNode => { visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode); }); return exportedSymbolSet; } function statsCollector(options) { var _a; const { typescript, sourceFile, declarationPaths, host, sourceFileToTypeReferencesSet } = options; const stats = { externalTypes: [] }; // Track all imports const importedSymbols = trackImportsTransformer({ sourceFile, typescript }); const resolveResults = []; // For each of the Imported Symbols, resolve them using the provided ModuleResolutionHost for (const importedSymbol of importedSymbols) { const resolved = host.resolve(importedSymbol.moduleSpecifier, declarationPaths.absolute); if (resolved == null) continue; resolveResults.push({ ...resolved, moduleSpecifier: importedSymbol.moduleSpecifier }); } for (const typeReference of (_a = sourceFileToTypeReferencesSet.get(sourceFile.fileName)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : new Set()) { const resolved = host.resolve(typeReference.moduleSpecifier, declarationPaths.absolute); if (resolved == null) continue; resolveResults.push({ ...resolved, moduleSpecifier: typeReference.moduleSpecifier }); } // For each resolveResult, check if they represent external dependencies, and if so, add them to the 'externalTypes' stats for (const resolveResult of resolveResults) { if (resolveResult.isExternalLibraryImport === true && resolveResult.packageId != null) { // If the external types already include this library, skip it if (stats.externalTypes.some(({ library }) => { var _a; return library === ((_a = resolveResult.packageId) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name); })) continue; stats.externalTypes.push({ library: resolveResult.packageId.name, version: resolveResult.packageId.version }); } } return stats; } function needsInitialize(options) { return options.sourceFileToExportedSymbolSet.size === 0 || options.sourceFileToImportedSymbolSet.size === 0 || options.moduleSpecifierToSourceFileMap.size === 0; } function sourceFileBundler(options, ...transformers) { return context => bundle => { var _a, _b; const { typescript, host } = options; const factory = compatfactory.ensureNodeFactory((_a = context.factory) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : typescript); // A Bundle of SourceFiles is expected. In case the SourceFileBundler is invoked with something other than that, do an early return if (typescript.isSourceFile(bundle)) { return bundle; } const updatedSourceFiles = []; const entryModulesArr = [...options.chunk.entryModules]; const sourceFileMap = new Map(bundle.sourceFiles.map(sourceFile => [sourceFile.fileName, sourceFile])); // Take file names for all SourceFiles const sourceFileNames = new Set(sourceFileMap.keys()); const sourceFiles = [...sourceFileMap.values()]; if (needsInitialize(options)) { sourceFiles.forEach(sourceFile => { for (const statement of sourceFile.statements) { if (typescript.isModuleDeclaration(statement)) { options.moduleSpecifierToSourceFileMap.set(statement.name.text, sourceFile); } } options.sourceFileToImportedSymbolSet.set(sourceFile.fileName, trackImportsTransformer({ typescript: typescript, sourceFile })); options.sourceFileToExportedSymbolSet.set(sourceFile.fileName, trackExportsTransformer({ typescript: typescript, factory, sourceFile })); }); } // Only consider those SourceFiles that are part of the current chunk to be emitted const sourceFilesForChunk = sourceFiles.filter(sourceFile => getChunkFilename(sourceFile.fileName, options.chunks) === options.chunk.paths.absolute); // Visit only the entry SourceFile(s) const entrySourceFiles = sourceFilesForChunk .filter(sourceFile => options.chunk.entryModules.has(sourceFile.fileName)) .sort((a, b) => (entryModulesArr.indexOf(a.fileName) < entryModulesArr.indexOf(b.fileName) ? -1 : 1)); const nonEntrySourceFiles = sourceFilesForChunk.filter(sourceFile => !entrySourceFiles.includes(sourceFile)); const firstEntrySourceFile = entrySourceFiles[0]; const otherEntrySourceFilesForChunk = entrySourceFiles.filter(entrySourceFile => entrySourceFile !== firstEntrySourceFile); if (firstEntrySourceFile != null) { // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, context, factory, extensions: host.getAllKnownTypescriptExtensions(), entrySourceFilesForChunk: entrySourceFiles, otherEntrySourceFilesForChunk, sourceFile: firstEntrySourceFile, lexicalEnvironment: { parent: undefined, bindings: new Map() }, includedSourceFiles: new Set([firstEntrySourceFile.fileName]), declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap: new Map(), preservedImports: new Map(), inlinedModules: new Map(), resolveSourceFile: (fileName, from) => { for (const file of [fileName, `${fileName}/index`]) { if (options.moduleSpecifierToSourceFileMap.has(file)) { return options.moduleSpecifierToSourceFileMap.get(file); } } const resolved = options.host.resolve(fileName, from); if (resolved == null) return undefined; const pickedResolvedModule = pickResolvedModule(resolved, true); const resolvedSourceFile = pickedResolvedModule == null ? undefined : sourceFileMap.get(pickedResolvedModule); // Never allow resolving SourceFiles representing content not part of the compilation unit, // since that would lead to module merging assuming that modules will be part of the emitted declarations // even though they want, leading to undefined symbols if (resolvedSourceFile == null || !sourceFileNames.has(resolvedSourceFile.fileName)) return undefined; return resolvedSourceFile; } }; // Run all transformers on the SourceFile let transformedSourceFile = applyTransformers({ visitorOptions, transformers }); // There may be additional transformers that are wrapped by this one. Run them on the transformed SourceFile rather than the entire bundle. if (options.wrappedTransformers != null && options.wrappedTransformers.afterDeclarations != null) { for (const transformerFactory of options.wrappedTransformers.afterDeclarations) { const transformer = transformerFactory(context); if ("transformSourceFile" in transformer) { transformedSourceFile = transformer.transformSourceFile(transformedSourceFile); } else { transformedSourceFile = transformer(transformedSourceFile); } } } // If a declarationStats hook has been provided to the plugin, collect stats and invoke the hook with the information if (options.declarationStats != null) { Object.assign(options.declarationStats, { [options.declarationPaths.fileName]: statsCollector({ ...visitorOptions, sourceFile: transformedSourceFile }) }); } updatedSourceFiles.push(transformedSourceFile); } for (const sourceFile of [...otherEntrySourceFilesForChunk, ...nonEntrySourceFiles]) { updatedSourceFiles.push(factory.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, [], true)); } // Merge lib- and type reference directives. const libReferenceDirectiveFileNames = new Set(); const typeReferenceDirectiveFileNames = new Set(); const prepends = []; const bundleWithSyntheticLibReferences = bundle; if (bundleWithSyntheticLibReferences.syntheticLibReferences != null) { for (const { fileName } of bundleWithSyntheticLibReferences.syntheticLibReferences) { libReferenceDirectiveFileNames.add(fileName); } } for (const updatedSourceFile of updatedSourceFiles) { for (const { fileName } of updatedSourceFile.libReferenceDirectives) { libReferenceDirectiveFileNames.add(fileName); } for (const { fileName } of updatedSourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives) { typeReferenceDirectiveFileNames.add(fileName); } for (const typeReferenceModule of (_b = options.sourceFileToTypeReferencesSet.get(updatedSourceFile.fileName)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : new Set()) { typeReferenceDirectiveFileNames.add(typeReferenceModule.moduleSpecifier); } } for (const fileName of libReferenceDirectiveFileNames) { prepends.push(typescript.createUnparsedSourceFile(formatLibReferenceDirective(fileName))); } for (const fileName of typeReferenceDirectiveFileNames) { prepends.push(typescript.createUnparsedSourceFile(formatTypeReferenceDirective(fileName))); } return factory.updateBundle(bundle, updatedSourceFiles, prepends); }; } /** * Calculates Levenshtein distance */ function similarity(a, b) { let tmp; if (a.length === 0) { return b.length; } if (b.length === 0) { return a.length; } if (a.length > b.length) { tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } let i = 0; let j = 0; let res = 0; const alen = a.length; const blen = b.length; const row = Array(alen); for (i = 0; i <= alen; i++) { row[i] = i; } for (i = 1; i <= blen; i++) { res = i; for (j = 1; j <= alen; j++) { tmp = row[j - 1]; row[j - 1] = res; res = b[i - 1] === a[j - 1] ? tmp : Math.min(tmp + 1, Math.min(res + 1, row[j] + 1)); } } return res; } function isSameChunk(options) { return generateModuleSpecifier(options) == null; } function generateModuleSpecifier(options) { const { chunk, moduleSpecifier, resolveSourceFile, chunks, from, host } = options; const sourceFile = resolveSourceFile(moduleSpecifier, from); if (sourceFile == null) { return moduleSpecifier; } const chunkForModuleSpecifier = getChunkFilename(sourceFile.fileName, chunks); // If no chunk could be located for the module specifier, it most likely marked as external. // Leave it exactly as it is to mimic the behavior of Rollup. Unfortunately, this is not as // easy as it could be, given that all module specifiers are rewritten to bare module specifiers // when leveraging TypeScript's 'outFile' feature, so we'll have to get a hold of the original SourceFile // to see what the original module specifier might have been. if (chunkForModuleSpecifier == null) { const fromSourceFile = host.getSourceFile(from); if (fromSourceFile == null) { return moduleSpecifier; } const dependencies = host.getDependenciesForFile(fromSourceFile.fileName); if (dependencies == null) { return moduleSpecifier; } // Take the most similar-looking module specifier by Levenshtein distance return [...dependencies] .filter(dependency => path.normalize(pickResolvedModule(dependency, true)) === path.normalize(sourceFile.fileName)) .map(dependency => [dependency.moduleSpecifier, similarity(moduleSpecifier, dependency.moduleSpecifier)]) .sort(([, a], [, b]) => (a > b ? 1 : -1)) .map(([specifier]) => specifier)[0]; } // Never allow self-referencing chunks if (chunkForModuleSpecifier === chunk.paths.absolute) { return undefined; } const relativePath = path.relative(path.dirname(chunk.paths.absolute), chunkForModuleSpecifier); return `${ensureHasLeadingDotAndPosix(stripKnownExtension(relativePath), false)}.js`; } function getSymbolFlagsForNode(node, typescript) { if (typescript.isClassLike(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Class; } else if (typescript.isVariableDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Variable; } else if (typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Enum; } else if (typescript.isEnumMember(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.EnumMember; } else if (typescript.isPropertyDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Property; } else if (typescript.isGetAccessor(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.GetAccessor; } else if (typescript.isSetAccessor(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.SetAccessor; } else if (typescript.isFunctionLike(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Function; } else if (typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Interface; } else if (typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Module; } else if (typescript.isTypeLiteralNode(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.TypeLiteral; } else if (typescript.isObjectLiteralExpression(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.ObjectLiteral; } else if (typescript.isMethodDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Method; } else if (typescript.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Constructor; } else if (typescript.isMethodSignature(node) || typescript.isCallSignatureDeclaration(node) || typescript.isPropertySignature(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.Signature; } else if (typescript.isTypeParameterDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.TypeParameter; } else if (typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return typescript.SymbolFlags.TypeAlias; } return typescript.SymbolFlags.None; } function getSymbolAtLocation({ node, typescript, typeChecker }) { var _a, _b, _c; const originalNode = getOriginalNode(node, typescript); return ((_c = (_b = (_a = originalNode._symbol) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : originalNode.symbol) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(originalNode)) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : typeChecker.getSymbolsInScope(originalNode, getSymbolFlagsForNode(originalNode, typescript))[0]); } function preserveSymbols(node, otherNode, options) { if (node === otherNode) return node; node._symbol = getSymbolAtLocation({ ...options, node: otherNode }); return node; } function preserveMeta(newNode, oldNode, options) { return tsCloneNode.preserveNode(newNode, oldNode, options); } function preserveParents(node, options) { return tsCloneNode.setParentNodes(node, { typescript: options.typescript, propertyName: "_parent", deep: true }); } function cloneNodeWithMeta(node, options) { return tsCloneNode.cloneNode(node, options); } function cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, ...entries) { return { parent: lexicalEnvironment, bindings: new Map(entries) }; } function visitClassDeclaration$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = removeDeclareModifier(getModifierLikes(node), typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitClassExpression$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = removeDeclareModifier(getModifierLikes(node), typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassExpression(node, modifierLikes, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitFunctionDeclaration$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = removeDeclareModifier(getModifierLikes(node), typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.asteriskToken, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } function visitFunctionExpression$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionExpression(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.asteriskToken, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } function visitEnumDeclaration$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateEnumDeclaration(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.members), node, options); } function visitVariableStatement$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateVariableStatement(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.declarationList), node, options); } function visitInterfaceDeclaration$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitModuleDeclaration$7(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateModuleDeclaration(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.body), node, options); } function visitTypeAliasDeclaration$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateTypeAliasDeclaration(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.typeParameters, node.type), node, options); } function visitNode$b({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return visitClassDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return visitClassExpression$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return visitFunctionDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return visitFunctionExpression$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return visitEnumDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return visitInterfaceDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return visitTypeAliasDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$7({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableStatement(node)) { return visitVariableStatement$4({ ...options, node }); } else { // Only consider root-level statements here return node; } } function logMetrics(message, fileName) { const uniqueMessage = `${getFormattedDateTimePrefix()}${color.green(`metrics: ${message}`)}${fileName == null ? "" : ` ${color.gray(`(${fileName})`)}`}`; console.time(uniqueMessage); return { finish: () => console.timeEnd(uniqueMessage) }; } function logTransformationStep(leadingText, name, sourceFile, printer) { const sourceFileWithoutRoot = sourceFile.fileName.replace(process.cwd(), ""); console.log(`${getFormattedDateTimePrefix()}${color.magenta(`transformer: ${leadingText} ${name}`)} ${color.gray(`(${sourceFileWithoutRoot})`)}`); console.log(color.white(printer.printFile(sourceFile))); } function logTransformer(name, sourceFile, printer) { logTransformationStep("Before", name, sourceFile, printer); return { finish: nextSourceFile => logTransformationStep("After", name, nextSourceFile, printer) }; } function ensureNoDeclareModifierTransformer(options) { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Ensuring no declare modifiers`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Ensuring no declare modifiers", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => visitNode$b({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }), context), continuation: (node) => visitNode$b({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; const result = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; } function visitImportDeclaration$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; // If the ModuleSpecifier is given and it isn't a string literal, leave it as it is if (!typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) { return node; } // Don't include binding-less imports. This doesn't make sense inside ambient modules if (node.importClause == null) { return undefined; } // Otherwise, replace this ImportDeclaration with merged imports from the module const replacements = options.preserveImportedModuleIfNeeded(node.moduleSpecifier.text); if (replacements == null || replacements.length === 0) return undefined; const [first, ...other] = replacements; // Again, don't include binding-less imports. This doesn't make sense inside ambient modules if (first == null || first.importClause == null) { return undefined; } // If there is neither a default name or a single named binding, don't preserve the import if (first.importClause.name == null && (first.importClause.namedBindings == null || (!typescript.isNamespaceImport(first.importClause.namedBindings) && first.importClause.namedBindings.elements.length < 1))) { return other; } return [ factory.updateImportDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, factory.updateImportClause(node.importClause, first.importClause.isTypeOnly, first.importClause.name, first.importClause.namedBindings), node.moduleSpecifier, node.assertClause), ...other ]; } function visitExportDeclaration$5(options) { var _a, _b, _c; const { node, factory, typescript } = options; // If the ModuleSpecifier is given and it isn't a string literal, leave it as it is if (node.moduleSpecifier != null && !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) { return node; } // Otherwise, replace this ExportDeclaration with merged exports from the module const replacements = options.preserveExportedModuleIfNeeded((_a = node.moduleSpecifier) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text, node.isTypeOnly); if (replacements == null || replacements.length === 0) return undefined; const [first, ...other] = replacements; let exportClause; if (first.exportClause != null && typescript.isNamedExports(first.exportClause)) { exportClause = node.exportClause != null && typescript.isNamedExports(node.exportClause) ? factory.updateNamedExports(node.exportClause, first.exportClause.elements) : factory.createNamedExports(first.exportClause.elements); } else if (first.exportClause != null && ((_b = typescript.isNamespaceExport) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(typescript, first.exportClause))) { exportClause = node.exportClause != null && ((_c = typescript.isNamespaceExport) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(typescript, node.exportClause)) ? factory.updateNamespaceExport(node.exportClause, factory.createIdentifier(first.exportClause.name.text)) : factory.createNamespaceExport(factory.createIdentifier(first.exportClause.name.text)); } return [preserveMeta(factory.updateExportDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, node.isTypeOnly, exportClause, node.moduleSpecifier, node.assertClause), node, options), ...other]; } function visitExportAssignment$2(options) { const { node, typescript } = options; // If the Expression isn't an identifier, leave the node as it is if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.expression)) { return node; } // Otherwise, replace this ExportDeclaration with merged exports from the module return options.preserveExportedModuleIfNeeded(undefined, false); } function visitNode$a({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isImportDeclaration(node)) { return visitImportDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return visitExportDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportAssignment(node)) { return visitExportAssignment$2({ ...options, node }); } else { // Only consider root-level statements here return node; } } function getMergedImportDeclarationsForModules(options) { const { sourceFile, typescript, factory } = options; const imports = sourceFile.statements.filter(typescript.isImportDeclaration); const moduleToImportDeclarations = new Map(); const namedImportsFromModulesMap = new Map(); const defaultImportsFromModulesMap = new Map(); const namespaceImportsFromModulesMap = new Map(); for (const importDeclaration of imports) { // If the ModuleSpecifier is given and it isn't a string literal, skip it if (!typescript.isStringLiteralLike(importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier)) { continue; } const specifierText = importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier.text; let namedImportsFromModules = namedImportsFromModulesMap.get(specifierText); if (namedImportsFromModules == null) { namedImportsFromModules = [[]]; namedImportsFromModulesMap.set(specifierText, namedImportsFromModules); } const addAliasForNamedImport = (propertyName, alias) => { let collectionWithProperty = namedImportsFromModules.find(records => records.some(record => propertyName === record.propertyName && alias === record.alias)); if (collectionWithProperty != null) return; if (propertyName === alias) { // append the pair to the 0-indexed collection const [firstCollection] = namedImportsFromModules; firstCollection.push({ propertyName, alias }); } else { // Create a new collection collectionWithProperty = [{ propertyName, alias }]; namedImportsFromModules.push(collectionWithProperty); } }; let defaultImportsFromModules = defaultImportsFromModulesMap.get(specifierText); if (defaultImportsFromModules == null) { defaultImportsFromModules = new Set(); defaultImportsFromModulesMap.set(specifierText, defaultImportsFromModules); } let namespaceImportsFromModules = namespaceImportsFromModulesMap.get(specifierText); if (namespaceImportsFromModules == null) { namespaceImportsFromModules = new Set(); namespaceImportsFromModulesMap.set(specifierText, namespaceImportsFromModules); } if (importDeclaration.importClause != null) { if (importDeclaration.importClause.name != null) { defaultImportsFromModules.add(importDeclaration.importClause.name.text); } if (importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings != null) { if (typescript.isNamespaceImport(importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings)) { namespaceImportsFromModules.add(importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings.name.text); } else { for (const element of importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings.elements) { if (element.propertyName == null) { addAliasForNamedImport(element.name.text, element.name.text); } else { addAliasForNamedImport(element.propertyName.text, element.name.text); } } } } } } // Add all default imports from the module (They may have different local names) for (const [module, names] of defaultImportsFromModulesMap) { let importDeclarationsForModule = moduleToImportDeclarations.get(module); if (importDeclarationsForModule == null) { importDeclarationsForModule = []; moduleToImportDeclarations.set(module, importDeclarationsForModule); } for (const name of names) { importDeclarationsForModule.push(preserveParents(factory.createImportDeclaration(undefined, factory.createImportClause(false, factory.createIdentifier(name), undefined), factory.createStringLiteral(ensureHasLeadingDotAndPosix(module))), { typescript })); } } // Add all namespace imports from the module (They may have different local names) for (const [module, names] of namespaceImportsFromModulesMap) { let importDeclarationsForModule = moduleToImportDeclarations.get(module); if (importDeclarationsForModule == null) { importDeclarationsForModule = []; moduleToImportDeclarations.set(module, importDeclarationsForModule); } for (const name of names) { importDeclarationsForModule.push(preserveParents(factory.createImportDeclaration(undefined, factory.createImportClause(false, undefined, factory.createNamespaceImport(factory.createIdentifier(name))), factory.createStringLiteral(ensureHasLeadingDotAndPosix(module))), { typescript })); } } // Add all named imports from the module (They may have different local names) for (const [module, collections] of namedImportsFromModulesMap) { let importDeclarationsForModule = moduleToImportDeclarations.get(module); if (importDeclarationsForModule == null) { importDeclarationsForModule = []; moduleToImportDeclarations.set(module, importDeclarationsForModule); } for (const collection of collections) { // Don't add empty collections if (collection.length < 1) continue; importDeclarationsForModule.push(preserveParents(factory.createImportDeclaration(undefined, factory.createImportClause(false, undefined, factory.createNamedImports(collection.map(record => record.propertyName !== record.alias ? factory.createImportSpecifier(false, factory.createIdentifier(record.propertyName), factory.createIdentifier(record.alias)) : factory.createImportSpecifier(false, undefined, factory.createIdentifier(record.alias))))), factory.createStringLiteral(ensureHasLeadingDotAndPosix(module))), { typescript })); } } return moduleToImportDeclarations; } /** * Merges the exports based on the given Statements */ function getMergedExportDeclarationsForModules(options) { var _a; const { sourceFile, factory, typescript, isTypeOnly, inputBindings } = options; const exports = sourceFile.statements.filter(typescript.isExportDeclaration); const exportAssignments = sourceFile.statements.filter(typescript.isExportAssignment); const moduleToExportDeclarations = new Map(); const moduleSpecifierToAliasedExportedBindings = new Map(); const moduleSpecifierToExportedBindings = new Map(); const namedNamespaceExportsFromModulesMap = new Map(); const reExportedSpecifiers = new Set(); for (const exportAssignment of exportAssignments) { let aliasedExportedBindings = moduleSpecifierToAliasedExportedBindings.get(undefined); let exportedBindings = moduleSpecifierToExportedBindings.get(undefined); if (aliasedExportedBindings == null) { aliasedExportedBindings = new Map(); moduleSpecifierToAliasedExportedBindings.set(undefined, aliasedExportedBindings); } if (exportedBindings == null) { exportedBindings = new Set(); moduleSpecifierToExportedBindings.set(undefined, exportedBindings); } // If the Expression isn't an identifier, skip this ExportAssignment if (!typescript.isIdentifier(exportAssignment.expression)) { continue; } const propertyName = exportAssignment.expression.text; const alias = "default"; let setForExportedBinding = aliasedExportedBindings.get(propertyName); if (setForExportedBinding == null) { setForExportedBinding = new Set(); aliasedExportedBindings.set(propertyName, setForExportedBinding); } setForExportedBinding.add(alias); exportedBindings.add(alias); } for (const exportDeclaration of exports) { if (Boolean(exportDeclaration.isTypeOnly) !== Boolean(isTypeOnly)) continue; // If the ModuleSpecifier is given and it isn't a string literal, leave it as it is if (exportDeclaration.moduleSpecifier != null && !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(exportDeclaration.moduleSpecifier)) { continue; } const specifierText = (_a = exportDeclaration.moduleSpecifier) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text; let aliasedExportedBindings = moduleSpecifierToAliasedExportedBindings.get(specifierText); let exportedBindings = moduleSpecifierToExportedBindings.get(specifierText); let namedNamespaceExports = specifierText == null ? undefined : namedNamespaceExportsFromModulesMap.get(specifierText); if (aliasedExportedBindings == null) { aliasedExportedBindings = new Map(); moduleSpecifierToAliasedExportedBindings.set(specifierText, aliasedExportedBindings); } if (exportedBindings == null) { exportedBindings = new Set(); moduleSpecifierToExportedBindings.set(specifierText, exportedBindings); } if (namedNamespaceExports == null && specifierText != null) { namedNamespaceExports = new Set(); namedNamespaceExportsFromModulesMap.set(specifierText, namedNamespaceExports); } if (exportDeclaration.exportClause != null) { if (typescript.isNamedExports(exportDeclaration.exportClause)) { // Take all aliased exports for (const element of exportDeclaration.exportClause.elements) { const propertyName = element.propertyName != null ? element.propertyName.text : element.name.text; const alias = element.name.text; let setForExportedBinding = aliasedExportedBindings.get(propertyName); if (setForExportedBinding == null) { setForExportedBinding = new Set(); aliasedExportedBindings.set(propertyName, setForExportedBinding); } setForExportedBinding.add(alias); exportedBindings.add(alias); } } // Otherwise, it must be a named NamespaceExport (such as 'export * as Foo from "..."') else if (namedNamespaceExports != null) { namedNamespaceExports.add(exportDeclaration.exportClause.name.text); } } // If it has no exportClause, it's a reexport (such as export * from "./.js"). else { // Don't include the same clause twice if (reExportedSpecifiers.has(specifierText)) continue; reExportedSpecifiers.add(specifierText); let exportDeclarationsForModule = moduleToExportDeclarations.get(specifierText); if (exportDeclarationsForModule == null) { exportDeclarationsForModule = []; moduleToExportDeclarations.set(specifierText, exportDeclarationsForModule); } exportDeclarationsForModule.push(exportDeclaration); } } for (const [specifier, exportedBindings] of moduleSpecifierToAliasedExportedBindings) { if (exportedBindings.size === 0) continue; const exportSpecifiers = []; const inputBindingsForSpecifier = inputBindings === null || inputBindings === void 0 ? void 0 : inputBindings.get(specifier); const bindings = new Set(); for (const [propertyName, aliases] of exportedBindings) { for (const alias of aliases) { // If a binding, A, is exported already, it cannot be exported again. if (bindings.has(alias) || Boolean(inputBindingsForSpecifier === null || inputBindingsForSpecifier === void 0 ? void 0 : inputBindingsForSpecifier.has(alias))) continue; bindings.add(alias); if (propertyName === alias) { exportSpecifiers.push(factory.createExportSpecifier(false, undefined, alias)); } else { exportSpecifiers.push(factory.createExportSpecifier(false, propertyName, alias)); } } } // If no export specifiers were constucted, don't create a new ExportDeclaration if (exportSpecifiers.length < 1) continue; let exportDeclarationsForModule = moduleToExportDeclarations.get(specifier); if (exportDeclarationsForModule == null) { exportDeclarationsForModule = []; moduleToExportDeclarations.set(specifier, exportDeclarationsForModule); } exportDeclarationsForModule.push(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, isTypeOnly, factory.createNamedExports(exportSpecifiers), specifier == null ? undefined : factory.createStringLiteral(ensureHasLeadingDotAndPosix(specifier))), { typescript })); } // Add all named namespace exports from the module (They may have different local names) for (const [specifier, names] of namedNamespaceExportsFromModulesMap) { let exportDeclarationsForModule = moduleToExportDeclarations.get(specifier); if (exportDeclarationsForModule == null) { exportDeclarationsForModule = []; moduleToExportDeclarations.set(specifier, exportDeclarationsForModule); } for (const name of names) { exportDeclarationsForModule.push(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, isTypeOnly, factory.createNamespaceExport(factory.createIdentifier(name)), factory.createStringLiteral(ensureHasLeadingDotAndPosix(specifier))), { typescript })); } } return { mergedExports: moduleToExportDeclarations, exportedBindings: moduleSpecifierToExportedBindings }; } function nodeHasSupportedExtension(node, typescript, extensions) { // Allow nodes for which there are no module specifiers or in case they aren't string literals for some reason. if (!("moduleSpecifier" in node)) return true; if (node.moduleSpecifier == null || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) return true; return path.extname(node.moduleSpecifier.text) === "" || extensions.has(path.extname(node.moduleSpecifier.text)); } function statementMerger({ markAsModuleIfNeeded }) { return options => { const { factory, typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer, extensions } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Statement merging`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Statement merging", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Merge all of the imports const mergedImports = getMergedImportDeclarationsForModules(options); const { mergedExports, exportedBindings } = getMergedExportDeclarationsForModules({ ...options, isTypeOnly: false }); const { mergedExports: mergedTypeOnlyExports } = getMergedExportDeclarationsForModules({ ...options, inputBindings: exportedBindings, isTypeOnly: true }); const includedImportedModules = new Set(); const includedExportedModules = new Set(); const includedTypeOnlyExportedModules = new Set(); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, preserveImportedModuleIfNeeded(module) { if (includedImportedModules.has(module)) return undefined; includedImportedModules.add(module); return mergedImports.get(module); }, preserveExportedModuleIfNeeded(module, typeOnly) { const selectedIncludedExportedModules = typeOnly ? includedTypeOnlyExportedModules : includedExportedModules; const selectedMergedExports = typeOnly ? mergedTypeOnlyExports : mergedExports; if (selectedIncludedExportedModules.has(module)) return undefined; selectedIncludedExportedModules.add(module); return selectedMergedExports.get(module); }, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => visitNode$a({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }), context), continuation: (node) => visitNode$a({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; let result = typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context); const importDeclarations = result.statements.filter(typescript.isImportDeclaration); const exportDeclarations = result.statements.filter(statement => typescript.isExportDeclaration(statement) || typescript.isExportAssignment(statement)); const statementsWithExportModifier = result.statements.filter(statement => hasExportModifier(statement, typescript)); const otherStatements = result.statements.filter(statement => !typescript.isImportDeclaration(statement) && !typescript.isExportDeclaration(statement) && !typescript.isExportAssignment(statement)); const importDeclarationsWithSupportedExtensions = importDeclarations.filter(importDeclaration => nodeHasSupportedExtension(importDeclaration, typescript, extensions)); const exportDeclarationsWithSupportedExtensions = exportDeclarations.filter(exportDeclaration => nodeHasSupportedExtension(exportDeclaration, typescript, extensions)); const importExportWithSupportedExtensionsCount = importDeclarationsWithSupportedExtensions.length + exportDeclarationsWithSupportedExtensions.length + statementsWithExportModifier.length; result = preserveMeta(factory.updateSourceFile(result, [ ...importDeclarations, ...otherStatements, ...exportDeclarations, ...(importExportWithSupportedExtensionsCount === 0 && markAsModuleIfNeeded ? // Create an 'export {}' declaration to mark the declaration file as module-based if it has no imports or exports [factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([]))] : []) ], result.isDeclarationFile, result.referencedFiles, result.typeReferenceDirectives, result.hasNoDefaultLib, result.libReferenceDirectives), result, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; }; } function visitImportDeclaration$3(options) { const { node, intentToAddImportDeclaration } = options; intentToAddImportDeclaration(cloneNodeWithMeta(node, options)); return undefined; } function generateHintSuffix(hint) { switch (hint) { case "class": return "Class"; case "function": return "Func"; case "namespace": return "NS"; } } /** * Generates an identifier based on the given module name */ function generateIdentifierName(module, hint) { return `${stringutil.camelCase(stripKnownExtension(path.basename(module)))}${generateHintSuffix(hint)}`; } function addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFileName, value, oldValue = value) { lexicalEnvironment.bindings.set(oldValue, { originalSourceFileName, value }); } const DECONFLICT_SUFFIX = "$"; const RESERVED_WORDS = new Set(["default"]); function ensureNonreservedWord(word) { if (RESERVED_WORDS.has(word)) { return `__${word}`; } return word; } function generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, candidate) { let counter = -1; if (lexicalEnvironment.bindings.has(candidate)) { const { value } = lexicalEnvironment.bindings.get(candidate); // If the bound value isn't identical to the candidate, it has been deconflicted previously. // Start from this value instead if (value !== candidate) { counter = parseInt(value.slice(candidate.length + DECONFLICT_SUFFIX.length)); } return `${candidate}${DECONFLICT_SUFFIX}${counter + 1}`; } if (lexicalEnvironment.parent == null) { return candidate; } return generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment.parent, candidate); } function isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, identifier, originalSourceFileName, isInternalAlias = false) { // So long as the current lexical environment doesn't already define the provided identifier, // it can be declared, even if it may shadow an existing identifier from the parent chain of Lexical environments const binding = lexicalEnvironment.bindings.get(identifier); // if there is no binding, the identifier is free if (binding == null) return true; // Otherwise, the identifier is free if and only if it was originally declared in the same SourceFile (in which case it follows the // declaration merging rules outlined here: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-merging.html return !isInternalAlias && binding.originalSourceFileName === originalSourceFileName; } function getOriginalSourceFile(node, currentSourceFile, typescript) { var _a; const originalNode = getOriginalNode(node, typescript); let sourceFile = originalNode.getSourceFile(); if (sourceFile != null) return sourceFile; if (originalNode._parent != null) { if (originalNode._parent.kind === typescript.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) { return originalNode._parent; } sourceFile = (_a = originalNode._parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getSourceFile(); } return sourceFile !== null && sourceFile !== void 0 ? sourceFile : currentSourceFile; } function visitExportDeclaration$4(options) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; const { node, typescript, factory, host, lexicalEnvironment, sourceFile, intentToAddImportDeclaration } = options; if (node.moduleSpecifier == null || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) { return node; } // Otherwise, we'll have to generate an ImportDeclaration outside the ModuleBlock and reference it here if (node.exportClause == null || ((_a = typescript.isNamespaceExport) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(typescript, node.exportClause))) { const bindingName = generateIdentifierName(node.moduleSpecifier.text, "namespace"); addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, sourceFile.fileName, bindingName); const resolveResult = host.resolve(node.moduleSpecifier.text, sourceFile.fileName); const resolvedFileName = (_b = resolveResult === null || resolveResult === void 0 ? void 0 : resolveResult.resolvedAmbientFileName) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : resolveResult === null || resolveResult === void 0 ? void 0 : resolveResult.resolvedFileName; if (resolvedFileName == null) { return undefined; } const resolvedSourceFile = options.host.getSourceFile(resolvedFileName); if (resolvedSourceFile == null) { return undefined; } const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); const exportedBindings = [...((_e = (_d = (_c = resolvedSourceFile.symbol) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.exports) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.keys()) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : [])].map(binding => binding !== "default" && isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, binding, originalSourceFile.fileName) ? [binding, binding] : [binding, generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, binding === "default" ? "_default" : binding)]); const namedImports = factory.createNamedImports(exportedBindings.map(([name, deconflictedName]) => factory.createImportSpecifier(false, name === deconflictedName ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(name), factory.createIdentifier(deconflictedName)))); intentToAddImportDeclaration(factory.createImportDeclaration(undefined, factory.createImportClause(false, undefined, namedImports), factory.createStringLiteral(node.moduleSpecifier.text))); const namedExports = factory.createNamedExports(exportedBindings.map(([name, deconflictedName]) => factory.createExportSpecifier(false, name === deconflictedName ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(deconflictedName), factory.createIdentifier(name)))); return preserveParents(factory.updateExportDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, node.isTypeOnly, namedExports, undefined, node.assertClause), options); } return node; } function visitModuleDeclaration$6(options) { const { node, intentToAddModuleDeclaration } = options; intentToAddModuleDeclaration(cloneNodeWithMeta(node, options)); return undefined; } function visitNode$9({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isImportDeclaration(node)) { return visitImportDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return visitExportDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$6({ ...options, node }); } else { // Only consider root-level statements here return node; } } function inlineNamespaceModuleBlockTransformer({ intentToAddImportDeclaration, intentToAddModuleDeclaration }) { return options => { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Inlining ModuleBlock to be wrapped in a Namespace`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Inlining ModuleBlock to be wrapped in a Namespace", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, intentToAddImportDeclaration, intentToAddModuleDeclaration, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => visitNode$9({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }), context), continuation: (node) => visitNode$9({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; const result = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; }; } function generateExportDeclarations(options, exportDeclarations = []) { var _a, _b, _c; const { sourceFile, sourceFileToExportedSymbolSet, factory, typescript } = options; const exportedSymbols = (_a = sourceFileToExportedSymbolSet.get(sourceFile.fileName)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []; for (const symbol of exportedSymbols) { const matchingSourceFile = symbol.moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : options.getMatchingSourceFile(symbol.moduleSpecifier, sourceFile); const generatedModuleSpecifier = symbol.moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : generateModuleSpecifier({ ...options, from: sourceFile.fileName, moduleSpecifier: symbol.moduleSpecifier }); // If it is a NamespaceExport, we may need to recursively add all exports for the referenced SourceFiles if ("isNamespaceExport" in symbol) { // If no SourceFile was matched, add the Namespace Export directly. // If the generated moduleSpecifier is null, that's because it is a self-reference, in which case the 'export *' declaration must be skipped // in favor of all other named export bindings that will included anyway if (matchingSourceFile == null && generatedModuleSpecifier != null) { exportDeclarations.push(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, undefined, factory.createStringLiteral(generatedModuleSpecifier)), { typescript })); } // Otherwise, recursively add all exports for the reexported module else if (matchingSourceFile != null) { generateExportDeclarations({ ...options, sourceFile: matchingSourceFile }, exportDeclarations); } } // Otherwise, we can just add an ExportDeclaration with an ExportSpecifier else { const exportSpecifier = factory.createExportSpecifier(false, symbol.propertyName.text === symbol.name.text ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(symbol.propertyName.text), factory.createIdentifier(symbol.name.text)); exportDeclarations.push(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, symbol.isTypeOnly, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier]), symbol.moduleSpecifier == null || generatedModuleSpecifier == null || matchingSourceFile != null ? undefined : factory.createStringLiteral(generatedModuleSpecifier)), { typescript })); const propertyName = (_b = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, (_c = symbol.propertyName) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : symbol.name, options); } } return exportDeclarations; } function visitExportDeclaration$3(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript } = options; const moduleSpecifier = node.moduleSpecifier == null || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier) ? undefined : node.moduleSpecifier.text; const updatedModuleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : generateModuleSpecifier({ ...options, from: options.sourceFile.fileName, moduleSpecifier }); const matchingSourceFile = moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : options.getMatchingSourceFile(moduleSpecifier, options.sourceFile); const payload = { moduleSpecifier, updatedModuleSpecifier, matchingSourceFile, isTypeOnly: node.isTypeOnly }; const contResult = options.childContinuation(node, payload); // If no SourceFile was resolved if (matchingSourceFile == null) { // If the module specifier didn't change, preserve the export as it is. if (moduleSpecifier === updatedModuleSpecifier || updatedModuleSpecifier == null) { return contResult; } // Otherwise, update the module specifier return preserveMeta(factory.updateExportDeclaration(contResult, contResult.modifiers, contResult.isTypeOnly, contResult.exportClause, factory.createStringLiteral(updatedModuleSpecifier), contResult.assertClause), contResult, options); } // If it is a binding-less NamespaceExport (such as 'export * from "..."), we'll need to add explicit named ExportSpecifiers for all of the re-exported bindings instead if (contResult.exportClause == null) { options.prependNodes(...options.includeSourceFile(matchingSourceFile)); return generateExportDeclarations({ ...options, typescript, sourceFile: matchingSourceFile }); } // Otherwise, it if is a named NamespaceExport (such as 'export * as Foo from ".."), we can't just lose the module specifier since 'export * as Foo' isn't valid. // Instead, we must declare the namespace inline and add an ExportDeclaration with a named export for it. The namespace might already *be* inlined however, // so we can potentially avoid inlining the same namespace multiple times else if ((_a = typescript.isNamespaceExport) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(typescript, contResult.exportClause)) { const importDeclarations = []; const moduleDeclarations = []; const existingInlinedModuleDeclarationName = (updatedModuleSpecifier !== null && updatedModuleSpecifier !== void 0 ? updatedModuleSpecifier : moduleSpecifier) == null ? undefined : options.getNameForInlinedModuleDeclaration(updatedModuleSpecifier !== null && updatedModuleSpecifier !== void 0 ? updatedModuleSpecifier : moduleSpecifier); if (existingInlinedModuleDeclarationName == null) { // Otherwise, prepend the nodes for the SourceFile in a namespace declaration const moduleBlock = factory.createModuleBlock([ ...options.includeSourceFile(matchingSourceFile, { allowDuplicate: true, allowExports: "skip-optional", lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(), transformers: [ ensureNoDeclareModifierTransformer, statementMerger({ markAsModuleIfNeeded: false }), inlineNamespaceModuleBlockTransformer({ intentToAddImportDeclaration: importDeclaration => { importDeclarations.push(importDeclaration); }, intentToAddModuleDeclaration: moduleDeclaration => { moduleDeclarations.push(moduleDeclaration); } }) ] }) ]); options.prependNodes(...importDeclarations.map(importDeclaration => preserveParents(importDeclaration, options)), ...moduleDeclarations.map(moduleDeclaration => preserveParents(moduleDeclaration, options)), preserveParents(factory.createModuleDeclaration(ensureHasDeclareModifier(undefined, factory, typescript), factory.createIdentifier(contResult.exportClause.name.text), moduleBlock, typescript.NodeFlags.Namespace), options), preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([factory.createExportSpecifier(false, undefined, factory.createIdentifier(contResult.exportClause.name.text))]), undefined), options)); options.markModuleDeclarationAsInlined(updatedModuleSpecifier !== null && updatedModuleSpecifier !== void 0 ? updatedModuleSpecifier : moduleSpecifier, contResult.exportClause.name.text); } else { options.prependNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([ contResult.exportClause.name.text === existingInlinedModuleDeclarationName ? factory.createExportSpecifier(false, undefined, factory.createIdentifier(contResult.exportClause.name.text)) : factory.createExportSpecifier(false, factory.createIdentifier(existingInlinedModuleDeclarationName), factory.createIdentifier(contResult.exportClause.name.text)) ]), undefined), options)); } } // Otherwise, preserve the continuation result, but without the ModuleSpecifier return preserveMeta(factory.updateExportDeclaration(contResult, contResult.modifiers, contResult.isTypeOnly, contResult.exportClause, undefined, contResult.assertClause), contResult, options); } function getParentNode(node) { if (node._parent != null) { return node._parent; } return node.parent; } function setParentNode(node, parentNode) { node._parent = parentNode; return node; } function visitImportTypeNode$1(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript } = options; const moduleSpecifier = !typescript.isLiteralTypeNode(node.argument) || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.argument.literal) ? undefined : node.argument.literal.text; const matchingSourceFile = moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : options.getMatchingSourceFile(moduleSpecifier, options.sourceFile); const payload = { moduleSpecifier, matchingSourceFile }; if (payload.moduleSpecifier == null) return options.childContinuation(node, payload); const contResult = options.childContinuation(node, payload); // If no SourceFile was resolved, preserve the export as it is. if (matchingSourceFile == null) { const generatedModuleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : generateModuleSpecifier({ ...options, from: options.sourceFile.fileName, moduleSpecifier }); return generatedModuleSpecifier == null ? contResult : preserveMeta(factory.updateImportTypeNode(contResult, factory.createLiteralTypeNode(factory.createStringLiteral(generatedModuleSpecifier)), contResult.assertions, contResult.qualifier, contResult.typeArguments, contResult.isTypeOf), node, options); } let returnNode; // If the node has no qualifier, it imports the entire module as a namespace. if (contResult.qualifier == null) { // Generate a name for it const namespaceName = generateIdentifierName(matchingSourceFile.fileName, "namespace"); const innerContent = factory.createIdentifier(namespaceName); const importDeclarations = []; const moduleDeclarations = []; const moduleBlock = factory.createModuleBlock([ ...options.includeSourceFile(matchingSourceFile, { allowDuplicate: true, allowExports: "skip-optional", lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(), transformers: [ ensureNoDeclareModifierTransformer, statementMerger({ markAsModuleIfNeeded: false }), inlineNamespaceModuleBlockTransformer({ intentToAddImportDeclaration: importDeclaration => { importDeclarations.push(importDeclaration); }, intentToAddModuleDeclaration: moduleDeclaration => { moduleDeclarations.push(moduleDeclaration); } }) ] }) ]); options.prependNodes(...importDeclarations.map(importDeclaration => preserveParents(importDeclaration, options)), ...moduleDeclarations.map(moduleDeclaration => preserveParents(moduleDeclaration, options)), preserveParents(factory.createModuleDeclaration(ensureHasDeclareModifier(undefined, factory, typescript), factory.createIdentifier(namespaceName), moduleBlock, typescript.NodeFlags.Namespace), options)); returnNode = contResult.isTypeOf != null && contResult.isTypeOf ? factory.createTypeQueryNode(innerContent) : innerContent; } else { options.prependNodes(...options.includeSourceFile(matchingSourceFile)); returnNode = contResult.isTypeOf != null && contResult.isTypeOf ? factory.createTypeQueryNode(contResult.qualifier) : factory.createTypeReferenceNode(contResult.qualifier, contResult.typeArguments); } preserveSymbols(returnNode, (_a = contResult.qualifier) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : contResult, options); setParentNode(returnNode, getParentNode(node)); return returnNode; } function visitImportDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; const moduleSpecifier = node.moduleSpecifier == null || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier) ? undefined : node.moduleSpecifier.text; const updatedModuleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : generateModuleSpecifier({ ...options, from: options.sourceFile.fileName, moduleSpecifier }); const matchingSourceFile = moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : options.getMatchingSourceFile(moduleSpecifier, options.sourceFile); const payload = { moduleSpecifier, matchingSourceFile }; const contResult = options.childContinuation(node, payload); if (contResult.importClause == null) { // Don't allow moduleSpecifier-only imports inside ambient modules return undefined; } // If the module specifier is to be preserved as it is, just return the continuation result if (moduleSpecifier === updatedModuleSpecifier || updatedModuleSpecifier == null) { return contResult; } // Otherwise, update the ModuleSpecifier return preserveMeta(factory.updateImportDeclaration(contResult, contResult.modifiers, contResult.importClause, factory.createStringLiteral(updatedModuleSpecifier), contResult.assertClause), contResult, options); } function getDeclarationFromSymbol(symbol) { const valueDeclaration = symbol.valueDeclaration != null ? symbol.valueDeclaration : symbol.declarations != null ? symbol.declarations[0] : undefined; return valueDeclaration; } function getAliasedDeclarationFromSymbol(symbol, typeChecker) { var _a; let valueDeclaration = getDeclarationFromSymbol(symbol); try { const aliasedDeclaration = typeChecker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol); if (aliasedDeclaration != null && (aliasedDeclaration.valueDeclaration != null || (aliasedDeclaration.declarations != null && aliasedDeclaration.declarations.length > 0))) { valueDeclaration = (aliasedDeclaration.valueDeclaration != null ? aliasedDeclaration.valueDeclaration : symbol.declarations != null ? (_a = aliasedDeclaration.declarations) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0] : undefined); } } catch { } return valueDeclaration; } function isSymbol(node) { return "valueDeclaration" in node || "declarations" in node; } /** * Gets the Declaration for the given Expression */ function getAliasedDeclaration(options) { const { node, typeChecker } = options; let symbol; try { symbol = node == null ? undefined : isSymbol(node) ? node : getSymbolAtLocation({ ...options, node }); } catch { // Typescript couldn't produce a symbol for the Node } if (symbol == null) return undefined; return getAliasedDeclarationFromSymbol(symbol, typeChecker); } /** * Gets the Declaration for the given Expression */ function getDeclaration(options) { const { node } = options; let symbol; try { symbol = node == null ? undefined : isSymbol(node) ? node : getSymbolAtLocation({ ...options, node }); } catch { // Typescript couldn't produce a symbol for the Node } if (symbol == null) return undefined; return getDeclarationFromSymbol(symbol); } /** * In general, the "best" declaration is the non-aliased one, with the exception of import bindings that have been inlined in the chunk, in which case the actual declaration should be resolved and used. * This is where getAliasedDeclaration comes in handy. */ function getBestDeclaration(options) { const declaration = getDeclaration(options); if (declaration == null) return declaration; let moduleSpecifier; if (options.typescript.isImportSpecifier(declaration)) { moduleSpecifier = getParentNode(getParentNode(getParentNode(declaration))).moduleSpecifier; } else if (options.typescript.isNamespaceImport(declaration)) { moduleSpecifier = getParentNode(getParentNode(declaration)).moduleSpecifier; } else if (options.typescript.isImportClause(declaration)) { moduleSpecifier = getParentNode(declaration).moduleSpecifier; } else if (options.typescript.isIdentifier(declaration) && getParentNode(declaration) != null && options.typescript.isImportClause(getParentNode(declaration))) { moduleSpecifier = getParentNode(getParentNode(declaration)).moduleSpecifier; } if (moduleSpecifier == null || !options.typescript.isStringLiteralLike(moduleSpecifier)) { return declaration; } if (options.typescript.isStringLiteralLike(moduleSpecifier)) { if (isSameChunk({ ...options, moduleSpecifier: moduleSpecifier.text, from: options.sourceFile.fileName })) { return getAliasedDeclaration(options); } } return declaration; } function createAliasedBinding({ factory, typescript, lexicalEnvironment, name, node, propertyName, typeChecker }) { const declaration = node != null && isSymbol(node) ? getAliasedDeclarationFromSymbol(node, typeChecker) : node; const moduleBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, `${propertyName}Wrapper`); switch (declaration === null || declaration === void 0 ? void 0 : declaration.kind) { case typescript.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case typescript.SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: { const moduleDeclaration = factory.createModuleDeclaration(undefined, factory.createIdentifier(moduleBinding), factory.createModuleBlock([ factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([factory.createExportSpecifier(false, undefined, factory.createIdentifier(propertyName))])) ])); const importEqualsDeclaration = factory.createImportEqualsDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createIdentifier(name), factory.createQualifiedName(factory.createIdentifier(moduleBinding), factory.createIdentifier(propertyName))); // Typically module declarations are left in. // However, these should be treeshakeable. markAsInternalAlias(moduleDeclaration, typescript); markAsInternalAlias(importEqualsDeclaration, typescript); return [preserveParents(moduleDeclaration, { typescript }), preserveParents(importEqualsDeclaration, { typescript })]; } case typescript.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case typescript.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case typescript.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case typescript.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: case typescript.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: case typescript.SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: { const variableStatement = factory.createVariableStatement(ensureHasDeclareModifier(undefined, factory, typescript), factory.createVariableDeclarationList([factory.createVariableDeclaration(factory.createIdentifier(name), undefined, factory.createTypeQueryNode(factory.createIdentifier(propertyName)))], typescript.NodeFlags.Const)); markAsInternalAlias(variableStatement, typescript); return [preserveParents(variableStatement, { typescript })]; } default: { const alias = propertyName === "_default" ? factory.createVariableStatement(ensureHasDeclareModifier(undefined, factory, typescript), factory.createVariableDeclarationList([factory.createVariableDeclaration(factory.createIdentifier(name), undefined, factory.createTypeQueryNode(factory.createIdentifier(propertyName)))], typescript.NodeFlags.Const)) : factory.createTypeAliasDeclaration(undefined, factory.createIdentifier(name), undefined, factory.createTypeReferenceNode(factory.createIdentifier(propertyName), undefined)); markAsInternalAlias(alias, typescript); return [preserveParents(alias, { typescript })]; } } } function locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile(options, context, seenSourceFiles = new Set()) { seenSourceFiles.add(context.sourceFile); const exportedSymbols = context.sourceFileToExportedSymbolSet.get(context.sourceFile); if (exportedSymbols == null) return undefined; const exportedSymbolsArr = [...exportedSymbols]; if ("defaultExport" in options && options.defaultExport) { return exportedSymbolsArr.find(exportedSymbol => "isDefaultExport" in exportedSymbol && exportedSymbol.isDefaultExport && (!("moduleSpecifier" in options) || exportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier === options.moduleSpecifier)); } if ("namespaceExport" in options) { return exportedSymbolsArr.find(exportedSymbol => "isNamespaceExport" in exportedSymbol && (!("moduleSpecifier" in options) || exportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier === options.moduleSpecifier)); } else { const matchedNamedExport = exportedSymbolsArr.find(exportedSymbol => "isDefaultExport" in exportedSymbol && !exportedSymbol.isDefaultExport && (!("name" in options) || exportedSymbol.name.text === options.name) && (!("propertyName" in options) || exportedSymbol.propertyName.text === options.propertyName) && (!("moduleSpecifier" in options) || exportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier === options.moduleSpecifier)); if (matchedNamedExport != null) { return matchedNamedExport; } else { for (const namespaceExport of exportedSymbolsArr.filter((exportedSymbol) => "isNamespaceExport" in exportedSymbol)) { const sourceFile = context.resolveSourceFile(namespaceExport.moduleSpecifier, context.sourceFile); if (sourceFile != null && !seenSourceFiles.has(sourceFile.fileName)) { const recursiveResult = locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile(options, { ...context, sourceFile: sourceFile.fileName }, seenSourceFiles); if (recursiveResult != null) return recursiveResult; } } } } return undefined; } function visitImportSpecifier$1(options) { var _a; const { node, payload, factory } = options; if (payload.moduleSpecifier == null) return options.childContinuation(node, undefined); const contResult = options.childContinuation(node, undefined); // If no SourceFile was resolved, preserve the ImportSpecifier as-is, unless it is already included in the chunk if (payload.matchingSourceFile == null) { return options.shouldPreserveImportedSymbol(getImportedSymbolFromImportSpecifier(contResult, payload.moduleSpecifier)) ? contResult : undefined; } // Otherwise, prepend the nodes for the SourceFile options.prependNodes(...options.includeSourceFile(payload.matchingSourceFile)); const propertyName = (_a = contResult.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : contResult.name; const exportedSymbol = propertyName.text === "default" ? locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile({ defaultExport: true }, { ...options, sourceFile: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName }) : locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile({ defaultExport: false, name: propertyName.text }, { ...options, sourceFile: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName }); if (exportedSymbol != null) { // If the export exports a binding from another module *that points to a file that isn't part of the current chunk*, // Create a new ImportDeclaration that refers to that chunk or external module const generatedModuleSpecifier = exportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : generateModuleSpecifier({ ...options, from: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName, moduleSpecifier: exportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier }); if (exportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier != null && generatedModuleSpecifier != null && options.getMatchingSourceFile(exportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier, payload.matchingSourceFile) == null) { options.prependNodes(preserveParents(factory.createImportDeclaration(undefined, factory.createImportClause(false, undefined, factory.createNamedImports([ factory.createImportSpecifier(false, propertyName.text === "default" ? factory.createIdentifier("default") : exportedSymbol.propertyName.text === contResult.name.text ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(exportedSymbol.propertyName.text), factory.createIdentifier(contResult.name.text)) ])), factory.createStringLiteral(generatedModuleSpecifier)), options)); } else if (contResult.propertyName != null) { const declaration = getAliasedDeclaration({ ...options, node: contResult.propertyName }); const safePropertyName = ensureNonreservedWord(exportedSymbol.propertyName.text); options.prependNodes(...createAliasedBinding({ ...options, node: declaration, propertyName: safePropertyName, name: contResult.name.text })); } } // Don't include the ImportSpecifier return undefined; } function visitExportSpecifier(options) { var _a, _b, _c; const { node, payload, factory } = options; const contResult = options.childContinuation(node, undefined); // Now, we might be referencing the default export from the original module, in which case this should be rewritten to point to the exact identifier const propertyName = (_a = contResult.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : contResult.name; // If no SourceFile was resolved, preserve the export as it is. if (payload.moduleSpecifier == null || payload.matchingSourceFile == null) { return contResult; } options.prependNodes(...options.includeSourceFile(payload.matchingSourceFile)); const useLocalBinding = options.allowExports === false; const namedExportedSymbol = propertyName.text === "default" ? locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile({ defaultExport: true }, { ...options, sourceFile: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName }) : (_b = locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile({ defaultExport: false, name: propertyName.text }, { ...options, sourceFile: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName })) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile({ namespaceExport: true }, { ...options, sourceFile: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName }); if (namedExportedSymbol != null) { // If the export exports a binding from another module *that points to a file that isn't part of the current chunk*, // Create a new ExportDeclaration that refers to that chunk or external module const generatedModuleSpecifier = namedExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : generateModuleSpecifier({ ...options, from: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName, moduleSpecifier: namedExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier }); if (namedExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier != null && generatedModuleSpecifier != null && options.getMatchingSourceFile(namedExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier, payload.matchingSourceFile) == null) { options.prependNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, payload.isTypeOnly, factory.createNamedExports([ factory.createExportSpecifier(false, propertyName.text === "default" ? "default" : !("propertyName" in namedExportedSymbol) || namedExportedSymbol.propertyName == null || namedExportedSymbol.propertyName.text === contResult.name.text ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(namedExportedSymbol.propertyName.text), factory.createIdentifier(contResult.name.text)) ]), factory.createStringLiteral(generatedModuleSpecifier)), options)); return undefined; } else if (useLocalBinding) { const safeName = generateUniqueBinding(options.lexicalEnvironment, ensureNonreservedWord(contResult.name.text)); const declaration = getAliasedDeclaration({ ...options, node: contResult.name }); if ("propertyName" in namedExportedSymbol && namedExportedSymbol.propertyName != null) { const safeNamedExportedSymbolPropertyName = ensureNonreservedWord(namedExportedSymbol.propertyName.text); if (safeNamedExportedSymbolPropertyName !== safeName) { options.prependNodes(...createAliasedBinding({ ...options, node: declaration, propertyName: safeNamedExportedSymbolPropertyName, name: safeName })); } } if (contResult.propertyName != null && contResult.propertyName.text !== contResult.name.text) { const safePropertyName = generateUniqueBinding(options.lexicalEnvironment, ensureNonreservedWord(contResult.propertyName.text)); if (safePropertyName !== safeName) { options.prependNodes(...createAliasedBinding({ ...options, node: declaration, propertyName: safeName, name: safePropertyName })); } } return undefined; } else if (!useLocalBinding) { const newPropertyName = !("propertyName" in namedExportedSymbol) || namedExportedSymbol.propertyName == null || namedExportedSymbol.propertyName.text === contResult.name.text ? undefined : ensureNonreservedWord(namedExportedSymbol.propertyName.text); if (newPropertyName !== ((_c = contResult.propertyName) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.text)) { return preserveMeta(factory.updateExportSpecifier(contResult, false, newPropertyName == null ? undefined : factory.createIdentifier(newPropertyName), factory.createIdentifier(contResult.name.text)), contResult, options); } } } // Fall back to preserving the node return node; } function visitImportClause$1(options) { const { node, payload, factory, typescript } = options; // If there is no moduleSpecifier, proceed from the children. if (payload.moduleSpecifier == null) return options.childContinuation(node, payload); const contResult = options.childContinuation(node, payload); if (node.name == null || contResult.name == null) { // If there is no name, just return the continuation result. We only concern ourselves with default imports here return contResult; } // If no SourceFile was resolved, preserve the ImportClause, but potentially remove the default import if (payload.matchingSourceFile == null) { // If the default import should be preserved, return the continuation result if (options.shouldPreserveImportedSymbol(getImportedSymbolFromImportClauseName(contResult.name, payload.moduleSpecifier))) { return contResult; } // Otherwise, remove the default import and remove the named bindings that was retrieved from the continuation. return preserveMeta(factory.updateImportClause(contResult, contResult.isTypeOnly, undefined, contResult.namedBindings), contResult, options); } // Otherwise, prepend the nodes for the SourceFile options.prependNodes(...options.includeSourceFile(payload.matchingSourceFile)); // Now, take the default export for the referenced module const defaultExportedSymbol = locateExportedSymbolForSourceFile({ defaultExport: true }, { ...options, sourceFile: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName }); if (defaultExportedSymbol != null) { // If the default export exports a binding from another module *that points to a file that isn't part of the current chunk*, // Create a new ImportDeclaration that refers to that chunk or external module const generatedModuleSpecifier = defaultExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier == null ? undefined : generateModuleSpecifier({ ...options, from: payload.matchingSourceFile.fileName, moduleSpecifier: defaultExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier }); if (defaultExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier != null && generatedModuleSpecifier != null && options.getMatchingSourceFile(defaultExportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier, payload.matchingSourceFile) == null) { options.prependNodes(preserveParents(factory.createImportDeclaration(undefined, factory.createImportClause(false, factory.createIdentifier(contResult.name.text), undefined), factory.createStringLiteral(generatedModuleSpecifier)), { typescript })); } // Otherwise, if the names of the ImportClause and the default export exactly matches, we don't need to do anything. // If they don't, we'll need to alias it else if (defaultExportedSymbol.propertyName.text !== contResult.name.text) { const declaration = getAliasedDeclaration({ ...options, node: contResult.name }); const safePropertyName = ensureNonreservedWord(defaultExportedSymbol.propertyName.text); options.prependNodes(...createAliasedBinding({ ...options, node: declaration, propertyName: safePropertyName, name: contResult.name.text })); } } // Don't include the ImportClause return undefined; } function visitNamespaceImport$1(options) { const { node, factory, typescript, payload } = options; if (payload.moduleSpecifier == null) return options.childContinuation(node, undefined); const contResult = options.childContinuation(node, undefined); const importedSymbol = getImportedSymbolFromNamespaceImport(contResult, payload.moduleSpecifier); // If no SourceFile was resolved, preserve the ImportSpecifier as-is, unless it is already included in the chunk if (payload.matchingSourceFile == null) { return options.shouldPreserveImportedSymbol(importedSymbol) ? contResult : undefined; } else if (options.shouldPreserveImportedSymbol(importedSymbol)) { const existingInlinedModuleDeclarationName = options.getNameForInlinedModuleDeclaration(payload.moduleSpecifier); if (existingInlinedModuleDeclarationName == null) { const importDeclarations = []; const moduleDeclarations = []; const moduleBlock = factory.createModuleBlock([ ...options.includeSourceFile(payload.matchingSourceFile, { allowDuplicate: true, allowExports: "skip-optional", lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(), transformers: [ ensureNoDeclareModifierTransformer, statementMerger({ markAsModuleIfNeeded: false }), inlineNamespaceModuleBlockTransformer({ intentToAddImportDeclaration: importDeclaration => { importDeclarations.push(importDeclaration); }, intentToAddModuleDeclaration: moduleDeclaration => { moduleDeclarations.push(moduleDeclaration); } }) ] }) ]); // Otherwise, prepend the nodes for the SourceFile in a namespace declaration options.prependNodes(...importDeclarations.map(importDeclaration => preserveParents(importDeclaration, options)), ...moduleDeclarations.map(moduleDeclaration => preserveParents(moduleDeclaration, options)), preserveParents(factory.createModuleDeclaration(ensureHasDeclareModifier(undefined, factory, typescript), factory.createIdentifier(contResult.name.text), moduleBlock, typescript.NodeFlags.Namespace), options)); options.markModuleDeclarationAsInlined(payload.moduleSpecifier, contResult.name.text); } else { options.prependNodes(preserveParents(factory.createImportEqualsDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createIdentifier(contResult.name.text), factory.createIdentifier(existingInlinedModuleDeclarationName)), { typescript })); } } // Don't include the NamespaceImport return undefined; } function visitSourceFile(options) { for (const otherEntrySourceFileForChunk of options.otherEntrySourceFilesForChunk) { options.prependNodes(...options.includeSourceFile(otherEntrySourceFileForChunk, { allowExports: true })); } return options.childContinuation(options.node, undefined); } function visitNode$8({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isSourceFile(node)) { return visitSourceFile({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return visitExportDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportDeclaration(node)) { return visitImportDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportTypeNode(node)) { return visitImportTypeNode$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportClause(node)) { return visitImportClause$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isNamespaceImport(node)) { return visitNamespaceImport$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportSpecifier(node)) { return visitImportSpecifier$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportSpecifier(node)) { return visitExportSpecifier({ ...options, node }); } else { return options.childContinuation(node, options.payload); } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types function isRecord(value) { return (!Array.isArray(value) && typeof value === "object" && value != null && !(value instanceof Date) && !(value instanceof Set) && !(value instanceof WeakSet) && !(value instanceof Map) && !(value instanceof WeakMap)); } function isPromise(value) { return typeof value === "object" && value != null && "then" in value; } function isArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value); } /** * Returns true if the given Node is a Statement * Uses an internal non-exposed Typescript helper to decide whether or not the Node is a Statement */ function isStatement(node, typescript) { return typescript.isStatementButNotDeclaration(node); } function isRootLevelNode(node, typescript) { return (node != null && !isArray(node) && (typescript.isClassDeclaration(node) || typescript.isClassExpression(node) || typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node) || typescript.isExportDeclaration(node) || typescript.isExportAssignment(node) || typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node) || typescript.isFunctionExpression(node) || typescript.isExpressionStatement(node) || typescript.isImportDeclaration(node) || typescript.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node) || typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node) || typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node) || typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node) || typescript.isVariableStatement(node) || isStatement(node, typescript))); } function getNodePlacementQueue({ typescript }) { const prependNodeQueue = new Set(); const appendNodeQueue = new Set(); const flush = () => { const returnValue = [[...prependNodeQueue], [...appendNodeQueue]]; prependNodeQueue.clear(); appendNodeQueue.clear(); return returnValue; }; return { flush, prependNodes(...nodes) { for (const node of nodes) prependNodeQueue.add(node); }, appendNodes(...nodes) { for (const node of nodes) appendNodeQueue.add(node); }, wrapVisitResult(node) { if (node == null) return node; if (isRootLevelNode(node, typescript) || (Array.isArray(node) && node.some(n => isRootLevelNode(n, typescript)))) { const [prependNodes, appendNodes] = flush(); return [...prependNodes, ...(Array.isArray(node) ? node : [node]), ...appendNodes]; } else { return node; } } }; } function findMatchingImportedSymbol(importedSymbol, importedSymbols, { loose = false } = {}) { for (const otherImportedSymbol of importedSymbols) { // They both need to point to the same moduleSpecifier if (importedSymbol.moduleSpecifier !== otherImportedSymbol.moduleSpecifier) continue; // If it is a NamespaceImport, a matching ImportedSymbol must have the same name if ("isNamespaceImport" in importedSymbol) { if ("isNamespaceImport" in otherImportedSymbol && (loose || importedSymbol.name.text === otherImportedSymbol.name.text)) { return otherImportedSymbol; } } else if ("isClauseLessImport" in importedSymbol) { if ("isClauseLessImport" in otherImportedSymbol) { return otherImportedSymbol; } } // Otherwise, their names, property names, and default import values must be equal else { if ("isDefaultImport" in otherImportedSymbol && importedSymbol.isDefaultImport === otherImportedSymbol.isDefaultImport && (loose || (importedSymbol.name.text === otherImportedSymbol.name.text && importedSymbol.propertyName.text === otherImportedSymbol.propertyName.text))) { return otherImportedSymbol; } } } return undefined; } function visitClassDeclaration$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = removeExportModifier(getModifierLikes(node), typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitClassExpression$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = removeExportModifier(getModifierLikes(node), typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassExpression(node, modifierLikes, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitFunctionDeclaration$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = removeExportModifier(getModifierLikes(node), typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.asteriskToken, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } function visitFunctionExpression$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionExpression(node, removeExportModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.asteriskToken, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } function visitEnumDeclaration$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateEnumDeclaration(node, removeExportModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.members), node, options); } function visitVariableStatement$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateVariableStatement(node, removeExportModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.declarationList), node, options); } function visitInterfaceDeclaration$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration(node, removeExportModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitModuleDeclaration$5(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateModuleDeclaration(node, removeExportModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.body), node, options); } function visitTypeAliasDeclaration$3(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateTypeAliasDeclaration(node, removeExportModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.typeParameters, node.type), node, options); } function visitNode$7({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return visitClassDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return visitClassExpression$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return visitFunctionDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return visitFunctionExpression$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return visitEnumDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return visitInterfaceDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return visitTypeAliasDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$5({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableStatement(node)) { return visitVariableStatement$3({ ...options, node }); } else { // Only consider root-level statements here return node; } } function ensureNoExportModifierTransformer(options) { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Ensuring no export modifiers`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Ensuring no export modifiers", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => visitNode$7({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }), context), continuation: (node) => visitNode$7({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; const result = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; } function visitExportDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, typescript, preserveExportsWithModuleSpecifiers, preserveAliasedExports } = options; if (preserveExportsWithModuleSpecifiers && node.moduleSpecifier != null) { return node; } const isNamespaceExport = typescript.isNamespaceExport == null ? (_) => false : typescript.isNamespaceExport; if (preserveAliasedExports && node.exportClause != null && (isNamespaceExport(node.exportClause) || node.exportClause.elements.some(element => element.propertyName != null))) { return node; } return undefined; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function visitExportAssignment$1(_options) { return undefined; } function visitNode$6({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return visitExportDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportAssignment(node)) { return visitExportAssignment$1({ ...options, node }); } else { // Preserve the node return node; } } function noExportDeclarationTransformer({ preserveAliasedExports = false, preserveExportsWithModuleSpecifiers = false } = {}) { return options => { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Removing ExportDeclarations`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Removing ExportDeclarations", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; const nodePlacementQueue = getNodePlacementQueue({ typescript }); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, ...nodePlacementQueue, preserveAliasedExports, preserveExportsWithModuleSpecifiers, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => nodePlacementQueue.wrapVisitResult(visitNode$6({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode })), context), continuation: (node) => nodePlacementQueue.wrapVisitResult(visitNode$6({ ...visitorOptions, node })) }; const result = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; }; } function getBindingFromLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, key) { if (lexicalEnvironment.bindings.has(key)) { return lexicalEnvironment.bindings.get(key).value; } else if (lexicalEnvironment.parent != null) { return getBindingFromLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment.parent, key); } else { return undefined; } } function moduleMerger(...transformers) { return options => { const { typescript, context, factory, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer, preservedImports, inlinedModules } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Merging modules`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Merging modules", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; const nodePlacementQueue = getNodePlacementQueue({ typescript }); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, ...nodePlacementQueue, transformers, payload: undefined, childContinuation: (node, payload) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => nodePlacementQueue.wrapVisitResult(visitNode$8({ ...visitorOptions, payload, node: nextNode })), context), continuation: (node, payload) => nodePlacementQueue.wrapVisitResult(visitNode$8({ ...visitorOptions, payload, node })), getNameForInlinedModuleDeclaration(moduleSpecifier) { var _a; const name = inlinedModules.get(moduleSpecifier); if (name == null) return undefined; return (_a = getBindingFromLexicalEnvironment(options.lexicalEnvironment, name)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : name; }, markModuleDeclarationAsInlined(moduleSpecifier, name) { inlinedModules.set(moduleSpecifier, name); }, shouldPreserveImportedSymbol(importedSymbol) { let importedSymbols = preservedImports.get(importedSymbol.moduleSpecifier); if (importedSymbols == null) { importedSymbols = new Set(); preservedImports.set(importedSymbol.moduleSpecifier, importedSymbols); } // Preserve the import of there is no matching imported symbol already if (findMatchingImportedSymbol(importedSymbol, importedSymbols) != null) { return false; } // Otherwise, the import should be preserved! importedSymbols.add(importedSymbol); return true; }, getMatchingSourceFile(moduleSpecifier, from) { const resolvedSourceFile = options.resolveSourceFile(moduleSpecifier, from.fileName); const chunkForSourceFile = resolvedSourceFile == null ? undefined : getChunkFilename(resolvedSourceFile.fileName, options.chunks); const isSameChunk = resolvedSourceFile != null && chunkForSourceFile != null && chunkForSourceFile === options.chunk.paths.absolute; return resolvedSourceFile === from || !isSameChunk ? undefined : resolvedSourceFile; }, includeSourceFile(sourceFileToInclude, { allowDuplicate = false, allowExports = options.otherEntrySourceFilesForChunk.some(otherEntrySourceFileForChunk => otherEntrySourceFileForChunk.fileName === sourceFileToInclude.fileName), transformers: extraTransformers = [], ...otherOptions } = {}) { // Never include the same SourceFile twice if (options.includedSourceFiles.has(sourceFileToInclude.fileName) && !allowDuplicate) return []; options.includedSourceFiles.add(sourceFileToInclude.fileName); const allTransformers = allowExports === true ? [...transformers, ...extraTransformers] : [ ...transformers, // Removes 'export' modifiers from Nodes ...(allowExports === false || allowExports === "skip-optional" ? [ensureNoExportModifierTransformer] : []), // Removes ExportDeclarations and ExportAssignments noExportDeclarationTransformer({ preserveAliasedExports: allowExports === "skip-optional", preserveExportsWithModuleSpecifiers: allowExports === "skip-optional" }), ...extraTransformers ]; const transformedSourceFile = applyTransformers({ visitorOptions: { ...visitorOptions, ...otherOptions, allowExports, // If duplicates should be allowed, treat this context as empty includedSourceFiles: allowDuplicate ? new Set() : options.includedSourceFiles, sourceFile: sourceFileToInclude, otherEntrySourceFilesForChunk: [] }, transformers: [moduleMerger(...allTransformers), ...allTransformers] }); // Keep track of the original symbols which will be lost when the nodes are cloned return transformedSourceFile.statements.map(node => cloneNodeWithMeta(node, options)); } }; let result = visitorOptions.continuation(sourceFile, undefined); // There may be prepended or appended nodes that hasn't been added yet. Do so! const [missingPrependNodes, missingAppendNodes] = nodePlacementQueue.flush(); if (missingPrependNodes.length > 0 || missingAppendNodes.length > 0) { result = preserveMeta(factory.updateSourceFile(result, [...missingPrependNodes, ...result.statements, ...missingAppendNodes], result.isDeclarationFile, result.referencedFiles, result.typeReferenceDirectives, result.hasNoDefaultLib, result.libReferenceDirectives), result, options); } transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); // Otherwise, return the result as it is return result; }; } /** * Deconflicts the given BindingElement. */ function deconflictBindingElement(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, factory, sourceFile } = options; let nameContResult; const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it nameContResult = continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); } const propertyNameContResult = node.propertyName == null ? undefined : typescript.isIdentifier(node.propertyName) ? node.propertyName : continuation(node.propertyName, { lexicalEnvironment }); const initializerContResult = node.initializer == null ? undefined : continuation(node.initializer, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && propertyNameContResult === node.propertyName && initializerContResult === node.initializer; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateBindingElement(node, node.dotDotDotToken, propertyNameContResult, nameContResult, initializerContResult), node, options); } function nodeArraysAreEqual(a, b) { if (a == null && b == null) return true; return a != null && b != null && a.length === b.length && a.every((element, index) => element === b[index]); } /** * According to TypeScript, multiple namespace imports, identically named, from the same module may have different IDs, because they are all local bindings in their respective modules. * For example, in files a.ts and b.ts, both may include 'import * as Foo from "foo"', but the ids of 'Foo' will be unique for each SourceFile, given that it is indeed separate local bindings of Foo, * and they aren't equal to each other. However, we're merging ImportDeclarations here, and so, structurally identical imported bindings should share ids. This function makes sure to generate an id * that is shared for structurally identical NamespaceImports */ function getIdForNamespaceImportName(options) { const { node } = options; const originalNode = getOriginalNode(node, options.typescript); const moduleSpecifier = getParentNode(getParentNode(getParentNode(originalNode))).moduleSpecifier; return generateRandomIntegerHash({ key: `NamespaceImport:${node.text}:${moduleSpecifier == null || !options.typescript.isStringLiteralLike(moduleSpecifier) ? generateRandomHash() : moduleSpecifier.text}`, length: 100 }); } /** * According to TypeScript, multiple import specifiers, identically named, from the same module may have different IDs, because they are all local bindings in their respective modules. * For example, in files a.ts and b.ts, both may include 'import {foo} from "foo"', but the ids of 'foo' will be unique for each SourceFile, given that it is indeed separate local bindings of foo, * and they aren't equal to each other. However, we're merging ImportDeclarations here, and so, structurally identical imported bindings should share ids. This function makes sure to generate an id * that is shared for structurally identical ImportSpecifiers */ function getIdForImportSpecifier(options) { const { node } = options; const originalNode = getOriginalNode(node, options.typescript); const moduleSpecifier = getParentNode(getParentNode(getParentNode(getParentNode(originalNode)))).moduleSpecifier; return generateRandomIntegerHash({ key: `${node.text === "default" ? "name" : "ImportSpecifier"}:${node.text}:${moduleSpecifier == null || !options.typescript.isStringLiteralLike(moduleSpecifier) ? generateRandomHash() : moduleSpecifier.text}`, length: 100 }); } /** * According to TypeScript, multiple default imports, identically named, from the same module may have different IDs, because they are all local bindings in their respective modules. * For example, in files a.ts and b.ts, both may include 'import Foo from "foo"', but the ids of 'Foo' will be unique for each SourceFile, given that it is indeed separate local bindings of Foo, * and they aren't equal to each other. However, we're merging ImportDeclarations here, and so, structurally identical imported bindings should share ids. This function makes sure to generate an id * that is shared for structurally identical imported names */ function getIdForImportedName(options) { const { node } = options; const originalNode = getOriginalNode(node, options.typescript); const moduleSpecifier = getParentNode(getParentNode(originalNode)).moduleSpecifier; return generateRandomIntegerHash({ key: `name:${node.text}:${moduleSpecifier == null || !options.typescript.isStringLiteralLike(moduleSpecifier) ? generateRandomHash() : moduleSpecifier.text}`, length: 100 }); } function getIdForStructurallyEqualNode(options) { if (options.typescript.isImportSpecifier(options.node)) { return getIdForImportSpecifier({ ...options, node: options.node.name }); } else if (options.typescript.isNamespaceImport(options.node)) { return getIdForNamespaceImportName({ ...options, node: options.node.name }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportClause(options.node) && options.node.name != null) { return getIdForImportedName({ ...options, node: options.node.name }); } else { return undefined; } } function getIdForNode(options) { var _a; if (options.typescript.isExportSpecifier(options.node)) { const aliasedDeclaration = getAliasedDeclaration(options); if (aliasedDeclaration != null && aliasedDeclaration !== options.node) { return getIdForNode({ ...options, node: aliasedDeclaration }); } } const importRelatedId = getIdForStructurallyEqualNode(options); if (importRelatedId != null) { return importRelatedId; } else if (options.typescript.isIdentifier(options.node)) { const parent = (_a = getParentNode(options.node)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : getParentNode(getOriginalNode(options.node, options.typescript)); if (parent != null) { const parentImportRelatedId = getIdForStructurallyEqualNode({ ...options, node: parent }); if (parentImportRelatedId != null) return parentImportRelatedId; } } const symbol = getSymbolAtLocation(options); if (symbol == null) return undefined; let declaration; if (symbol.declarations != null) { declaration = symbol.declarations[0]; } else if (symbol.valueDeclaration != null) { declaration = symbol.valueDeclaration; } else if ("type" in symbol) { declaration = symbol.type; } if (declaration == null) return undefined; return declaration.id; } /** * Deconflicts the given ClassDeclaration. */ function deconflictClassDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, factory, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; if (node.name != null) { const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } } // The Type parameters, as well as the heritage clauses share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const heritageClausesContResult = node.heritageClauses == null ? undefined : node.heritageClauses.map(heritageClause => continuation(heritageClause, nextContinuationOptions)); const membersContResult = node.members.map(member => continuation(member, { lexicalEnvironment })); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(heritageClausesContResult, node.heritageClauses) && nodeArraysAreEqual(membersContResult, node.members); if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, nameContResult, typeParametersContResult, heritageClausesContResult, membersContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ClassExpression. */ function deconflictClassExpression(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, factory, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; if (node.name != null) { const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } } // The Type parameters, as well as the heritage clauses share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const heritageClausesContResult = node.heritageClauses == null ? undefined : node.heritageClauses.map(heritageClause => continuation(heritageClause, nextContinuationOptions)); const membersContResult = node.members.map(member => continuation(member, { lexicalEnvironment })); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(heritageClausesContResult, node.heritageClauses) && nodeArraysAreEqual(membersContResult, node.members); if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassExpression(node, modifierLikes, nameContResult, typeParametersContResult, heritageClausesContResult, membersContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given EnumDeclaration. */ function deconflictEnumDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, sourceFile, factory, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } const membersContResult = node.members.map(member => continuation(member, { lexicalEnvironment })); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(membersContResult, node.members); if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateEnumDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContResult, membersContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given EnumMember. */ function deconflictEnumMember(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, factory } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); const initializerContResult = node.initializer == null ? undefined : continuation(node.initializer, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && initializerContResult === node.initializer; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateEnumMember(node, nameContResult, initializerContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ExportSpecifier. */ function deconflictExportSpecifier(options) { var _a; const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory } = options; const propertyName = (_a = node.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node.name; const propertyNameContResult = continuation(propertyName, { lexicalEnvironment }); // If the ExportSpecifier is something like '{Foo}' but 'Foo' has been deconflicted in this SourceFile to something else, // we should re-write it to something like '{Foo$0 as Foo}' if (propertyNameContResult !== propertyName) { return preserveMeta(factory.updateExportSpecifier(node, false, propertyNameContResult.text === node.name.text ? undefined : propertyNameContResult, node.name), node, options); } return node; } /** * Deconflicts the given FunctionDeclaration. */ function deconflictFunctionDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, factory, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; if (node.name != null) { const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } } // The body, type, type parameters, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const parametersContResult = node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const bodyContResult = node.body == null ? undefined : continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.asteriskToken, nameContResult, typeParametersContResult, parametersContResult, typeContResult, bodyContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given FunctionExpression. */ function deconflictFunctionExpression(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, factory, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; if (node.name != null) { const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } } // The body, type, type parameters, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const parametersContResult = node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const bodyContResult = continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionExpression(node, node.modifiers, node.asteriskToken, nameContResult, typeParametersContResult, parametersContResult, typeContResult, bodyContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given GetAccessorDeclaration. */ function deconflictGetAccessorDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); // The body, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const parametersContResult = node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const bodyContResult = node.body == null ? undefined : continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updateGetAccessorDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, nameContResult, parametersContResult, typeContResult, bodyContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given Identifier. */ function deconflictIdentifier(options) { var _a; const { node, lexicalEnvironment, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap, factory } = options; const id = getIdForNode({ ...options, node: (_a = getBestDeclaration(options)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node }); const envLookupResult = getBindingFromLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, node.text); const deconflictedBindingMapLookupResult = id == null ? undefined : declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.get(id); const textResult = deconflictedBindingMapLookupResult != null && deconflictedBindingMapLookupResult.startsWith(node.text) ? deconflictedBindingMapLookupResult : envLookupResult; const isIdentical = textResult === node.text; if (isIdentical || textResult == null) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.createIdentifier(textResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ImportClause. */ function deconflictImportClause(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, sourceFile, typescript, factory, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); const id = getIdForNode({ ...options }); if (node.name != null) { if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } } const namedBindingsContResult = node.namedBindings == null ? undefined : continuation(node.namedBindings, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && namedBindingsContResult === node.namedBindings; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateImportClause(node, node.isTypeOnly, nameContResult, namedBindingsContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ImportSpecifier. */ function deconflictImportSpecifier(options) { var _a; const { node, lexicalEnvironment, typescript, factory, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); const id = getIdForNode(options); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); return node; } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); // If the ImportSpecifier is something like '{Foo}' but 'Foo' is already bound in this SourceFile, // we should re-write it to something like '{Foo as Foo$0}' const propertyName = (_a = node.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node.name; return preserveMeta(factory.updateImportSpecifier(node, false, factory.createIdentifier(propertyName.text), factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding)), node, options); } } /** * Deconflicts the given InterfaceDeclaration. */ function deconflictInterfaceDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } // The Type parameters, as well as the heritage clauses share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const heritageClausesContResult = node.heritageClauses == null ? undefined : node.heritageClauses.map(heritageClause => continuation(heritageClause, nextContinuationOptions)); const membersContResult = node.members.map(member => continuation(member, { lexicalEnvironment })); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(heritageClausesContResult, node.heritageClauses) && nodeArraysAreEqual(membersContResult, node.members); if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContResult, typeParametersContResult, heritageClausesContResult, membersContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given MappedTypeNode. */ function deconflictMappedTypeNode(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory } = options; // The TypeParameter has its own lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParameterContResult = continuation(node.typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const nameTypeContResult = node.nameType == null ? undefined : continuation(node.nameType, nextContinuationOptions); const membersContResult = node.members == null ? undefined : factory.createNodeArray(node.members.map(member => continuation(member, nextContinuationOptions))); const isIdentical = typeParameterContResult === node.typeParameter && typeContResult === node.type && nameTypeContResult === node.nameType; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateMappedTypeNode(node, node.readonlyToken, typeParameterContResult, nameTypeContResult, node.questionToken, typeContResult, membersContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given MethodDeclaration. */ function deconflictMethodDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); // The body, type, type parameters, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const parametersContResult = node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const bodyContResult = node.body == null ? undefined : continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updateMethodDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.asteriskToken, nameContResult, node.questionToken, typeParametersContResult, parametersContResult, typeContResult, bodyContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given IndexSignatureDeclaration. */ function deconflictIndexSignatureDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; // The whole thing has its own lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const nameContResult = node.name == null ? undefined : typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, nextContinuationOptions); const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const parametersContResult = node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateIndexSignature(node, node.modifiers, parametersContResult, typeContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given MethodSignature. */ function deconflictMethodSignature(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); // The type, type parameters, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : factory.createNodeArray(node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions))); const parametersContResult = factory.createNodeArray(node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions))); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateMethodSignature(node, node.modifiers, nameContResult, node.questionToken, typeParametersContResult, parametersContResult, typeContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ModuleDeclaration. */ function deconflictModuleDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node.name, sourceFile, typescript); // Check if it is a namespace ModuleDeclaration. If it is, its name can be deconflicted. If it isn't, it should augment and merge with any existing declarations for it const isNamespace = (node.flags & typescript.NodeFlags.Namespace) !== 0; if (!isNamespace) { const binding = (_a = getBindingFromLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node.name.text; // The body has its own lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const bodyContResult = node.body == null ? undefined : continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = binding === node.name.text && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } else { return preserveMeta(factory.updateModuleDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, factory.createIdentifier(binding), bodyContResult), node, options); } } if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName, isNodeInternalAlias(node, typescript))) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } // The body has its own lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const bodyContResult = node.body == null ? undefined : continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateModuleDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContResult, bodyContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given NamespaceImport. */ function deconflictNamespaceImport(options) { const { node, lexicalEnvironment, sourceFile, factory, typescript, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); const id = getIdForNode(options); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateNamespaceImport(node, nameContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ParameterDeclaration. */ function deconflictParameterDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, { lexicalEnvironment }); const initializerContResult = node.initializer == null ? undefined : continuation(node.initializer, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && typeContResult === node.type && initializerContResult === node.initializer; if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updateParameterDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.dotDotDotToken, nameContResult, node.questionToken, typeContResult, initializerContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given PropertyAssignment. */ function deconflictPropertyAssignment(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); const initializerContResult = node.initializer == null ? undefined : continuation(node.initializer, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && initializerContResult === node.initializer; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updatePropertyAssignment(node, nameContResult, initializerContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given PropertyDeclaration. */ function deconflictPropertyDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, { lexicalEnvironment }); const initializerContResult = node.initializer == null ? undefined : continuation(node.initializer, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && typeContResult === node.type && initializerContResult === node.initializer; if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updatePropertyDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, nameContResult, (_a = node.questionToken) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node.exclamationToken, typeContResult, initializerContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given PropertySignature. */ function deconflictPropertySignature(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && typeContResult === node.type; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updatePropertySignature(node, node.modifiers, nameContResult, node.questionToken, typeContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given SetAccessorDeclaration. */ function deconflictSetAccessorDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript } = options; const nameContResult = typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) ? node.name : continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); // The body, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const parametersContResult = node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const bodyContResult = node.body == null ? undefined : continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return preserveMeta(factory.updateSetAccessorDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, nameContResult, parametersContResult, bodyContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given TypeAliasDeclaration. */ function deconflictTypeAliasDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName, isNodeInternalAlias(node, typescript))) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } // The Type parameters, as well as the initializer, share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions)); const typeContResult = continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && typeContResult === node.type; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateTypeAliasDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContResult, typeParametersContResult, typeContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given TypeParameterDeclaration. */ function deconflictTypeParameterDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName)) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } const constraintContResult = node.constraint == null ? undefined : continuation(node.constraint, { lexicalEnvironment }); const defaultContResult = node.default == null ? undefined : continuation(node.default, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = constraintContResult === node.constraint && defaultContResult === node.default; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateTypeParameterDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContResult, constraintContResult, defaultContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given VariableDeclaration. */ function deconflictVariableDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory, typescript, sourceFile, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const variableDeclarationList = getParentNode(node); const upperNode = variableDeclarationList == null ? node : (_a = getParentNode(variableDeclarationList)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : variableDeclarationList; if (typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { const id = getIdForNode(options); const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName, isNodeInternalAlias(upperNode, typescript))) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it nameContResult = continuation(node.name, { lexicalEnvironment }); } const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, { lexicalEnvironment }); const initializerContResult = node.initializer == null ? undefined : continuation(node.initializer, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && typeContResult === node.type && initializerContResult === node.initializer; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateVariableDeclaration(node, nameContResult, node.exclamationToken, typeContResult, initializerContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given FunctionTypeNode. */ function deconflictFunctionTypeNode(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory } = options; let nameContResult; // The body, type, type parameters, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : factory.createNodeArray(node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions))); const parametersContResult = factory.createNodeArray(node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions))); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionTypeNode(node, typeParametersContResult, parametersContResult, typeContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ImportTypeNode. */ function deconflictImportTypeNode(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory } = options; const argumentContResult = continuation(node.argument, { lexicalEnvironment }); const typeArgumentsContResult = node.typeArguments == null ? undefined : node.typeArguments.map(typeArgument => continuation(typeArgument, { lexicalEnvironment })); const assertionContResult = node.assertions == null ? undefined : continuation(node.assertions, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = argumentContResult === node.argument && nodeArraysAreEqual(typeArgumentsContResult, node.typeArguments); if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateImportTypeNode(node, argumentContResult, assertionContResult, node.qualifier, typeArgumentsContResult, node.isTypeOf), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ConstructorDeclaration. */ function deconflictConstructorDeclaration(options) { var _a, _b; const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory } = options; // The body and parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const parametersContResult = (_b = (_a = node.parameters) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions))) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : []; const bodyContResult = node.body == null ? undefined : continuation(node.body, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && bodyContResult === node.body; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateConstructorDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, parametersContResult, bodyContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given CallSignature. */ function deconflictCallSignatureDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory } = options; // The type, type parameters, as well as the parameters share the same lexical environment const nextContinuationOptions = { lexicalEnvironment: cloneLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment) }; const typeParametersContResult = node.typeParameters == null ? undefined : factory.createNodeArray(node.typeParameters.map(typeParameter => continuation(typeParameter, nextContinuationOptions))); const parametersContResult = factory.createNodeArray(node.parameters.map(parameter => continuation(parameter, nextContinuationOptions))); const typeContResult = node.type == null ? undefined : continuation(node.type, nextContinuationOptions); const isIdentical = nodeArraysAreEqual(typeParametersContResult, node.typeParameters) && nodeArraysAreEqual(parametersContResult, node.parameters) && typeContResult === node.type; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateCallSignature(node, typeParametersContResult, parametersContResult, typeContResult), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given QualifiedName. */ function deconflictQualifiedName(options) { const { node, continuation, lexicalEnvironment, factory } = options; const leftContResult = continuation(node.left, { lexicalEnvironment }); const isIdentical = leftContResult === node.left; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateQualifiedName(node, leftContResult, node.right), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given ImportClause. */ function deconflictImportEqualsDeclaration(options) { const { node, lexicalEnvironment, sourceFile, typescript, factory, declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap } = options; let nameContResult; const originalSourceFile = getOriginalSourceFile(node, sourceFile, typescript); const id = getIdForNode({ ...options }); if (isIdentifierFree(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text, originalSourceFile.fileName, isNodeInternalAlias(node, typescript))) { nameContResult = node.name; if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, node.name.text); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, node.name.text); } else { // Otherwise, deconflict it const uniqueBinding = generateUniqueBinding(lexicalEnvironment, node.name.text); nameContResult = factory.createIdentifier(uniqueBinding); if (id != null) { declarationToDeconflictedBindingMap.set(id, uniqueBinding); } // The name creates a new local binding within the current LexicalEnvironment addBindingToLexicalEnvironment(lexicalEnvironment, originalSourceFile.fileName, uniqueBinding, node.name.text); } const isIdentical = nameContResult === node.name; if (isIdentical) { return node; } return preserveMeta(factory.updateImportEqualsDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, node.isTypeOnly, nameContResult, node.moduleReference), node, options); } /** * Deconflicts the given Node. Everything but LValues will be updated here */ function deconflictNode({ node, ...options }) { var _a, _b; if (options.typescript.isBindingElement(node)) { return deconflictBindingElement({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isQualifiedName(node)) { return deconflictQualifiedName({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictClassDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return deconflictClassExpression({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictEnumDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumMember(node)) { return deconflictEnumMember({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportSpecifier(node)) { return deconflictExportSpecifier({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictFunctionDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return deconflictFunctionExpression({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictConstructorDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionTypeNode(node)) { return deconflictFunctionTypeNode({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isGetAccessorDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictGetAccessorDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isIdentifier(node)) { return deconflictIdentifier({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportClause(node)) { return deconflictImportClause({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictImportEqualsDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportSpecifier(node)) { return deconflictImportSpecifier({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictInterfaceDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } // MappedTypeNodes may not be part of the current Typescript version, hence the optional call else if ((_b = (_a = options.typescript).isMappedTypeNode) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, node)) { return deconflictMappedTypeNode({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isMethodDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictMethodDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictIndexSignatureDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isMethodSignature(node)) { return deconflictMethodSignature({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isCallSignatureDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictCallSignatureDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictModuleDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isNamespaceImport(node)) { return deconflictNamespaceImport({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isParameter(node)) { return deconflictParameterDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isPropertyAssignment(node)) { return deconflictPropertyAssignment({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isPropertyDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictPropertyDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isPropertySignature(node)) { return deconflictPropertySignature({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isSetAccessorDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictSetAccessorDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictTypeAliasDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportTypeNode(node)) { return deconflictImportTypeNode({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeParameterDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictTypeParameterDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableDeclaration(node)) { return deconflictVariableDeclaration({ node, ...options }); } else return options.childContinuation(node, { lexicalEnvironment: options.lexicalEnvironment }); } /** * Deconflicts local bindings */ function deconflicter(options) { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer, lexicalEnvironment } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Deconflicting`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Deconflicting", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, childContinuation: (node, continuationOptions) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => deconflictNode({ ...visitorOptions, ...continuationOptions, node: nextNode }), context), continuation: (node, continuationOptions) => deconflictNode({ ...visitorOptions, ...continuationOptions, node }) }; const result = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode, { lexicalEnvironment }), context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; } function visitClassDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, typescript, factory } = options; if (hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = ensureHasDeclareModifier(getModifierLikes(node), factory, typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitClassExpression$2(options) { const { node, typescript, factory } = options; if (hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = ensureHasDeclareModifier(getModifierLikes(node), factory, typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateClassExpression(node, modifierLikes, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitFunctionDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const modifierLikes = ensureHasDeclareModifier(getModifierLikes(node), factory, typescript); return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.asteriskToken, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } function visitFunctionExpression$2(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionExpression(node, ensureHasDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, factory, typescript), node.asteriskToken, node.name, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } function visitEnumDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateEnumDeclaration(node, ensureHasDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, factory, typescript), node.name, node.members), node, options); } function visitVariableStatement$2(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateVariableStatement(node, ensureHasDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, factory, typescript), node.declarationList), node, options); } function visitInterfaceDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitModuleDeclaration$4(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateModuleDeclaration(node, ensureHasDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, factory, typescript), node.name, node.body), node, options); } function visitTypeAliasDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, factory, typescript } = options; if (!hasDeclareModifier(node, typescript)) return node; return preserveMeta(factory.updateTypeAliasDeclaration(node, removeDeclareModifier(node.modifiers, typescript), node.name, node.typeParameters, node.type), node, options); } function visitNode$5({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return visitClassDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return visitClassExpression$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return visitFunctionDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return visitFunctionExpression$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return visitEnumDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return visitInterfaceDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return visitTypeAliasDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$4({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableStatement(node)) { return visitVariableStatement$2({ ...options, node }); } else { // Only consider root-level statements here return node; } } function ensureDeclareModifierTransformer(options) { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Ensuring declare modifiers`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Ensuring declare modifiers", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => visitNode$5({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }), context), continuation: (node) => visitNode$5({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; const result = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; } function visitModuleDeclaration$3({ node, typescript }) { if (node.body == null) return undefined; if (typescript.isModuleBlock(node.body) && typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.name)) { return [...node.body.statements]; } return node; } function visitNode$4({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$3({ ...options, node }); } else { return options.childContinuation(node); } } function moduleBlockExtractor(options) { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Extracting module blocks`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Extracting module blocks", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => visitNode$4({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }), context), continuation: (node) => visitNode$4({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; const result = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; } function checkClassDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.heritageClauses != null) { for (const heritageClause of node.heritageClauses) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(heritageClause)); } } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } for (const member of node.members) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(member)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function isSymbolIdentifier(node, typescript) { return typescript.isIdentifier(node) && node.text.startsWith("[") && node.text.endsWith("]"); } function checkIdentifier({ node, typescript }) { return isSymbolIdentifier(node, typescript) ? [node.text.slice(1, -1)] : [node.text]; } function checkClassExpression({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.heritageClauses != null) { for (const heritageClause of node.heritageClauses) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(heritageClause)); } } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } for (const member of node.members) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(member)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkInterfaceDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.heritageClauses != null) { for (const heritageClause of node.heritageClauses) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(heritageClause)); } } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } for (const member of node.members) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(member)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkEnumDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; for (const member of node.members) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(member)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkTypeAliasDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkFunctionDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; for (const parameter of node.parameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(parameter)); } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } if (node.body != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.body)); } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkFunctionExpression({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; for (const parameter of node.parameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(parameter)); } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } if (node.body != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.body)); } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkVariableDeclaration({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.initializer != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.initializer)); } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkExportSpecifier({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.propertyName != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.propertyName)); } else if (node.propertyName == null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkArrayBindingPattern({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; for (const element of node.elements) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(element)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkObjectBindingPattern({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; for (const element of node.elements) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(element)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkBindingElement({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } if (node.initializer != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.initializer)); } if (node.propertyName != null && !typescript.isIdentifier(node.propertyName)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.propertyName)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkMethodDeclaration({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } for (const parameter of node.parameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(parameter)); } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } if (node.body != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.body)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkMethodSignature({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) || isSymbolIdentifier(node.name, typescript)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } for (const parameter of node.parameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(parameter)); } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkPropertyDeclaration({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } if (node.initializer != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.initializer)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkPropertySignature({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name) || isSymbolIdentifier(node.name, typescript)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkGetAccessorDeclaration({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } for (const parameter of node.parameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(parameter)); } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } if (node.body != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.body)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkSetAccessorDeclaration({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } for (const parameter of node.parameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(parameter)); } if (node.typeParameters != null) { for (const typeParameter of node.typeParameters) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeParameter)); } } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } if (node.body != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.body)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkParameterDeclaration({ node, continuation, typescript }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (!typescript.isIdentifier(node.name)) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.name)); } if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } if (node.initializer != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.initializer)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkVariableDeclarationList({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; for (const declaration of node.declarations) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(declaration)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkVariableStatement({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = continuation(node.declarationList); markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkExportDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.exportClause != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.exportClause)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkExportAssignment({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = continuation(node.expression); markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkModuleDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.body != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.body)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkIndexedAccessTypeNode({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.indexType)); referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.objectType)); return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkPropertyAccessExpression({ node, continuation }) { return continuation(node.expression); } function checkQualifiedName({ node, continuation }) { return continuation(node.left); } /** * Returns true if the given Node contains the given Child Node */ function nodeContainsChild(parent, potentialChild) { if (parent === potentialChild) return false; let candidate = potentialChild; while (candidate != null) { candidate = getParentNode(candidate); if (candidate === parent) return true; } return false; } function checkTemplateLiteralTypeNode({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.head != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.head)); } if (node.templateSpans != null) { for (const templateSpan of node.templateSpans) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(templateSpan)); } } return referencedIdentifiers; } /** * Returns true if the given Node is a TemplateLiteralTypeNode */ function isTemplateLiteralTypeNode(node, typescript) { return typescript.SyntaxKind.TemplateLiteralType != null && node.kind === typescript.SyntaxKind.TemplateLiteralType; } function checkTemplateLiteralTypeSpan({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.type != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.type)); } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkTypeReferenceNode({ node, continuation }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.typeName != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.typeName)); } if (node.typeArguments != null) { for (const typeArgument of node.typeArguments) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(typeArgument)); } } return referencedIdentifiers; } function checkImportEqualsDeclaration({ node, continuation, markIdentifiersAsReferenced }) { const referencedIdentifiers = []; if (node.moduleReference != null) { referencedIdentifiers.push(...continuation(node.moduleReference)); } markIdentifiersAsReferenced(node, ...referencedIdentifiers); return referencedIdentifiers; } /** * Visits the given node. Returns true if it references the node to check for references, and false otherwise */ function checkNode({ node, originalNode, ...options }) { var _a, _b; if (options.typescript.isArrayBindingPattern(node)) { return checkArrayBindingPattern({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isObjectBindingPattern(node)) { return checkObjectBindingPattern({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isParameter(node)) { return checkParameterDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isQualifiedName(node)) { return checkQualifiedName({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isBindingElement(node)) { return checkBindingElement({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isMethodDeclaration(node)) { return checkMethodDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isMethodSignature(node)) { return checkMethodSignature({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isGetAccessorDeclaration(node)) { return checkGetAccessorDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isSetAccessorDeclaration(node)) { return checkSetAccessorDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isPropertyAccessExpression(node)) { return checkPropertyAccessExpression({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isPropertyDeclaration(node)) { return checkPropertyDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isPropertySignature(node)) { return checkPropertySignature({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return checkClassDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return checkClassExpression({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return checkFunctionDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return checkFunctionExpression({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return checkInterfaceDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return checkEnumDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return checkTypeAliasDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isIndexedAccessTypeNode(node)) { return checkIndexedAccessTypeNode({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableStatement(node)) { return checkVariableStatement({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableDeclarationList(node)) { return checkVariableDeclarationList({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableDeclaration(node)) { return checkVariableDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return checkExportDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { return checkImportEqualsDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportAssignment(node)) { return checkExportAssignment({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportSpecifier(node)) { return checkExportSpecifier({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return checkModuleDeclaration({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isIdentifier(node)) { return checkIdentifier({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (isTemplateLiteralTypeNode(node, options.typescript)) { return checkTemplateLiteralTypeNode({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if ((_b = (_a = options.typescript).isTemplateLiteralTypeSpan) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, node)) { return checkTemplateLiteralTypeSpan({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeReferenceNode(node)) { return checkTypeReferenceNode({ node, originalNode, ...options }); } else { return options.childContinuation(node); } } /** * Visits the given node. Returns true if it references the node to check for references, and false otherwise */ function getReferencingNodes(originalNode, identifiers, cache) { // TODO: Can all of this be replaced by typescript.FindAllReferences.Core.isSymbolReferencedInFile(identifier, typeChecker, sourceFile); ? const referencingNodes = new Set(); for (const identifier of identifiers) { const nodesReferencingIdentifier = cache.get(identifier); if (nodesReferencingIdentifier != null) { for (const node of nodesReferencingIdentifier) { if (node === originalNode || nodeContainsChild(originalNode, node)) continue; referencingNodes.add(node); } } } return [...referencingNodes]; } /** * Returns true if the given Node is referenced within the given options */ function isReferenced({ seenNodes = new Set(), ...options }) { // Exports are always referenced and should never be removed, unless located within module declarations that themselves will be removed if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(options.node) || options.typescript.isExportSpecifier(options.node) || options.typescript.isExportAssignment(options.node) || hasExportModifier(options.node, options.typescript) || (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(options.node) && !isNodeInternalAlias(options.node, options.typescript))) { const parentNode = getParentNode(options.node); if (parentNode == null || !options.typescript.isModuleBlock(parentNode)) { return true; } else { return isReferenced({ ...options, seenNodes, node: getParentNode(parentNode) }); } } // If it has been computed previously, use the cached result if (options.referenceCache.has(options.node)) { return options.referenceCache.get(options.node); } // Assume that the node is referenced if we've seen it before if (seenNodes.has(options.node)) { return true; } else { // Otherwise, add the node to the Set of seen nodes seenNodes.add(options.node); } // Collect the identifier for the node const identifiers = traceIdentifiers(options); // If there are no identifiers for the node, include it since it cannot be referenced. if (identifiers.size === 0) { return true; } // Collect all nodes that references the given node const referencingNodes = collectReferences(options, identifiers); // Compute the result const result = referencingNodes.length > 0 && referencingNodes.some(referencingNode => isReferenced({ ...options, seenNodes, node: referencingNode, referencedNode: options.node })); // Cache the result options.referenceCache.set(options.node, result); return result; } function collectReferences(options, identifiers) { let nodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache = options.sourceFileToNodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache.get(options.sourceFile.fileName); // If it has been computed for the SourceFile previously, use it. if (nodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache == null) { // Otherwise, compute it nodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache = new Map(); options.sourceFileToNodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache.set(options.sourceFile.fileName, nodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache); const visitorOptions = { ...options, originalNode: options.node, markIdentifiersAsReferenced(fromNode, ...referencedIdentifiers) { for (const identifier of referencedIdentifiers) { let matchingSet = nodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache.get(identifier); if (matchingSet == null) { matchingSet = new Set(); nodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache.set(identifier, matchingSet); } matchingSet.add(fromNode); } }, childContinuation: (node) => { const referencedIdentifiers = []; options.typescript.forEachChild(node, nextNode => { referencedIdentifiers.push(...checkNode({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode })); }); return referencedIdentifiers; }, continuation: (node) => checkNode({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; options.typescript.forEachChild(options.sourceFile, node => { checkNode({ ...visitorOptions, node }); }); } return getReferencingNodes(options.node, identifiers, nodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache); } function visitClassDeclaration$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = node.name == null ? undefined : continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateClassDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, nameContinuationResult, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members); } function visitClassExpression$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = node.name == null ? undefined : continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateClassExpression(node, modifierLikes, nameContinuationResult, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members); } function visitFunctionDeclaration$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = node.name == null ? undefined : continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateFunctionDeclaration(node, getModifierLikes(node), node.asteriskToken, nameContinuationResult, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body); } function visitFunctionExpression$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = node.name == null ? undefined : continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateFunctionExpression(node, node.modifiers, node.asteriskToken, nameContinuationResult, node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body); } function visitEnumDeclaration$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateEnumDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContinuationResult, node.members); } function visitInterfaceDeclaration$1(options) { const { node, continuation, factory } = options; const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : preserveMeta(factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContinuationResult, node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } function visitTypeAliasDeclaration$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateTypeAliasDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContinuationResult, node.typeParameters, node.type); } function visitModuleDeclaration$2(options) { const { node, continuation, factory, typescript } = options; if (!isNodeInternalAlias(node, typescript)) { return node; } const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : preserveMeta(factory.updateModuleDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, nameContinuationResult, node.body), node, options); } function visitExportDeclaration$1({ node }) { return node; } function visitExportAssignment({ node }) { return node; } function visitVariableStatement$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { const variableDeclarationListContinuationResult = continuation(node.declarationList); if (variableDeclarationListContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return factory.updateVariableStatement(node, node.modifiers, variableDeclarationListContinuationResult); } function visitVariableDeclarationList({ node, continuation, factory }) { const filteredVariableDeclarations = []; for (const variableDeclaration of node.declarations) { const variableDeclarationContinuationResult = continuation(variableDeclaration); if (variableDeclarationContinuationResult != null) { filteredVariableDeclarations.push(variableDeclarationContinuationResult); } } if (filteredVariableDeclarations.length < 1) { return undefined; } return factory.updateVariableDeclarationList(node, filteredVariableDeclarations); } function visitVariableDeclaration({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateVariableDeclaration(node, nameContinuationResult, node.exclamationToken, node.type, node.initializer); } function visitImportDeclaration$1({ node, continuation, factory }) { if (node.importClause == null) return undefined; const importClauseContinuationResult = continuation(node.importClause); if (importClauseContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return importClauseContinuationResult === node.importClause ? node : factory.updateImportDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, importClauseContinuationResult, node.moduleSpecifier, node.assertClause); } function visitImportSpecifier({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateImportSpecifier(node, false, node.propertyName, nameContinuationResult); } function visitImportClause({ node, continuation, factory }) { const namedBindingsContinuationResult = node.namedBindings == null ? undefined : continuation(node.namedBindings); const nameContinuationResult = node.name == null ? undefined : continuation(node.name); const removeNamedBindings = namedBindingsContinuationResult == null; const removeName = nameContinuationResult == null; if (removeNamedBindings && removeName) { return undefined; } return factory.updateImportClause(node, node.isTypeOnly, removeName ? undefined : node.name, removeNamedBindings ? undefined : namedBindingsContinuationResult); } function visitNamedImports({ node, continuation, factory }) { const filteredSpecifiers = []; for (const importSpecifier of node.elements) { const importSpecifierContinuationResult = continuation(importSpecifier); if (importSpecifierContinuationResult != null) { filteredSpecifiers.push(importSpecifierContinuationResult); } } if (filteredSpecifiers.length < 1) { return undefined; } return factory.updateNamedImports(node, filteredSpecifiers); } function visitNamespaceImport({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateNamespaceImport(node, nameContinuationResult); } function visitImportEqualsDeclaration(options) { const { node, continuation, factory } = options; const nameContinuationResult = node.name == null ? undefined : continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : preserveMeta(factory.updateImportEqualsDeclaration(node, node.modifiers, node.isTypeOnly, nameContinuationResult, node.moduleReference), node, options); } function visitArrayBindingPattern({ node, continuation, factory }) { const filteredArrayBindingElements = []; for (const arrayBindingElement of node.elements) { const arrayBindingElementContinuationResult = continuation(arrayBindingElement); if (arrayBindingElementContinuationResult != null) { filteredArrayBindingElements.push(arrayBindingElementContinuationResult); } } if (filteredArrayBindingElements.length < 1) { return undefined; } return factory.updateArrayBindingPattern(node, filteredArrayBindingElements); } function visitObjectBindingPattern({ node, continuation, factory }) { const filteredObjectBindingElements = []; for (const objectBindingElement of node.elements) { const objectBindingElementContinuationResult = continuation(objectBindingElement); if (objectBindingElementContinuationResult != null) { filteredObjectBindingElements.push(objectBindingElementContinuationResult); } } if (filteredObjectBindingElements.length < 1) { return undefined; } return factory.updateObjectBindingPattern(node, filteredObjectBindingElements); } function visitBindingElement({ node, continuation, factory }) { const nameContinuationResult = continuation(node.name); if (nameContinuationResult == null) { return undefined; } return node.name === nameContinuationResult ? node : factory.updateBindingElement(node, node.dotDotDotToken, node.propertyName, nameContinuationResult, node.initializer); } function visitIdentifier$1({ node, isReferenced }) { if (node != null && isReferenced(node)) { return node; } return undefined; } function visitNode$3(options) { const { node, typescript } = options; if (hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; if (typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return visitClassDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return visitClassExpression$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return visitFunctionDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return visitFunctionExpression$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return visitEnumDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return visitInterfaceDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return visitTypeAliasDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$2({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return visitExportDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isExportAssignment(node)) { return visitExportAssignment({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isVariableStatement(node)) { return visitVariableStatement$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isVariableDeclarationList(node)) { return visitVariableDeclarationList({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isVariableDeclaration(node)) { return visitVariableDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isImportDeclaration(node)) { return visitImportDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isImportSpecifier(node)) { return visitImportSpecifier({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isImportClause(node)) { return visitImportClause({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isNamedImports(node)) { return visitNamedImports({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isNamespaceImport(node)) { return visitNamespaceImport({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { return visitImportEqualsDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isArrayBindingPattern(node)) { return visitArrayBindingPattern({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isObjectBindingPattern(node)) { return visitObjectBindingPattern({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isBindingElement(node)) { return visitBindingElement({ ...options, node }); } else if (typescript.isIdentifier(node)) { return visitIdentifier$1({ ...options, node }); } else { // Fall back to dropping the node return undefined; } } function treeShaker(options) { const { typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Tree-shaking`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Tree-shaking", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, treeshakenCommentRanges: [], isReferenced: (node) => isReferenced({ ...visitorOptions, node }), continuation: (node) => visitNode$3({ ...visitorOptions, node }) }; const updatedSourceFile = preserveMeta(typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, visitorOptions.continuation, context), sourceFile, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(updatedSourceFile); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return updatedSourceFile; } function visitClassDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, appendNodes, sourceFile } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const nameText = node.name == null ? generateIdentifierName(sourceFile.fileName, "class") : node.name.text; let returnNode; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: nameText, modifiers: getModifiers(node, typescript) }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); // Update the name if it changed if (node.name != null && nameText === node.name.text) { returnNode = node; } else { const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); returnNode = preserveMeta(factory.updateClassDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, factory.createIdentifier(nameText), node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, returnNode, options); return returnNode; } function visitClassExpression(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, appendNodes, sourceFile } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const nameText = node.name == null ? generateIdentifierName(sourceFile.fileName, "class") : node.name.text; let returnNode; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: nameText, modifiers: getModifiers(node, typescript) }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); // Update the name if it changed if (node.name != null && nameText === node.name.text) { returnNode = node; } else { const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); returnNode = preserveMeta(factory.updateClassExpression(node, modifierLikes, factory.createIdentifier(nameText), node.typeParameters, node.heritageClauses, node.members), node, options); } const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, returnNode, options); return returnNode; } function visitFunctionDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, sourceFile, appendNodes } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const nameText = node.name == null ? generateIdentifierName(sourceFile.fileName, "function") : node.name.text; let returnNode; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: nameText, modifiers: node.modifiers }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); // Update the name if it changed if (node.name != null && nameText === node.name.text) { returnNode = node; } else { const modifierLikes = getModifierLikes(node); returnNode = preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionDeclaration(node, modifierLikes, node.asteriskToken, factory.createIdentifier(nameText), node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, returnNode, options); return returnNode; } function visitFunctionExpression(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, sourceFile, appendNodes } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const nameText = node.name == null ? generateIdentifierName(sourceFile.fileName, "function") : node.name.text; let returnNode; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: nameText, modifiers: node.modifiers }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); // Update the name if it changed if (node.name != null && nameText === node.name.text) { returnNode = node; } else { returnNode = preserveMeta(factory.updateFunctionExpression(node, node.modifiers, node.asteriskToken, factory.createIdentifier(nameText), node.typeParameters, node.parameters, node.type, node.body), node, options); } const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, returnNode, options); return returnNode; } function visitEnumDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, appendNodes } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, node, options); return node; } function visitVariableStatement(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, appendNodes } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; for (const declaration of node.declarationList.declarations) { const identifiers = traceIdentifiers({ ...options, node: declaration }); for (const identifier of identifiers) { const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: identifier, modifiers: node.modifiers }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, declaration, options); } } return node; } function visitInterfaceDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, appendNodes } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, node, options); return node; } function visitModuleDeclaration$1(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, appendNodes } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, node, options); return node; } function visitTypeAliasDeclaration(options) { var _a; const { node, factory, typescript, appendNodes } = options; // If the node has no export modifier, leave it as it is if (!hasExportModifier(node, typescript)) return node; const { exportSpecifier } = createExportSpecifierFromNameAndModifiers({ ...options, name: node.name.text, modifiers: node.modifiers }); // Append an ExportDeclaration appendNodes(preserveParents(factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([exportSpecifier])), { typescript })); const propertyName = (_a = exportSpecifier.propertyName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : exportSpecifier.name; preserveSymbols(propertyName, node, options); return node; } function visitNode$2({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isClassDeclaration(node)) { return visitClassDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isClassExpression(node)) { return visitClassExpression({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return visitFunctionDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isFunctionExpression(node)) { return visitFunctionExpression({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isEnumDeclaration(node)) { return visitEnumDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return visitInterfaceDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return visitTypeAliasDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration$1({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isVariableStatement(node)) { return visitVariableStatement({ ...options, node }); } else { // Only consider root-level statements here return node; } } function toExportDeclarationTransformer(options) { const { factory, typescript, context, sourceFile, pluginOptions, printer } = options; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logMetrics(`Adding ExportDeclarations`, sourceFile.fileName) : undefined; const transformationLog = shouldDebugSourceFile(pluginOptions.debug, sourceFile) ? logTransformer("Adding ExportDeclarations", sourceFile, printer) : undefined; const nodePlacementQueue = getNodePlacementQueue({ typescript }); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, ...nodePlacementQueue, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.visitEachChild(node, nextNode => nodePlacementQueue.wrapVisitResult(visitNode$2({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode })), context), continuation: (node) => nodePlacementQueue.wrapVisitResult(visitNode$2({ ...visitorOptions, node })) }; let result = typescript.visitEachChild(sourceFile, nextNode => visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode), context); // There may be prepended or appended nodes that hasn't been added yet. Do so! const [missingPrependNodes, missingAppendNodes] = nodePlacementQueue.flush(); if (missingPrependNodes.length > 0 || missingAppendNodes.length > 0) { result = factory.updateSourceFile(result, [...missingPrependNodes, ...result.statements, ...missingAppendNodes], result.isDeclarationFile, result.referencedFiles, result.typeReferenceDirectives, result.hasNoDefaultLib, result.libReferenceDirectives); } result = preserveMeta(result, result, options); transformationLog === null || transformationLog === void 0 ? void 0 : transformationLog.finish(result); fullBenchmark === null || fullBenchmark === void 0 ? void 0 : fullBenchmark.finish(); return result; } function typeModuleReferenceIsAllowed({ host, moduleSpecifier }) { const compilerOptions = host.getCompilationSettings(); if (compilerOptions.types == null || compilerOptions.types.length < 1) return true; return compilerOptions.types.includes(moduleSpecifier); } function getTypeReferenceModuleFromFileName({ host, fileName }) { for (const typeRoot of host.getTypeRoots()) { const typeRootIndex = fileName.indexOf(typeRoot); if (typeRootIndex < 0) continue; const base = path.normalize(fileName.slice(typeRootIndex + typeRoot.length + 1)); const moduleSpecifier = base.includes("/") ? base.slice(0, base.indexOf("/")) : base; if (typeModuleReferenceIsAllowed({ host, moduleSpecifier })) { return { moduleSpecifier, fileName }; } } return undefined; } function getTypeReferenceModuleFromNode(options) { const aliasedDeclaration = getAliasedDeclaration(options); if (aliasedDeclaration == null) return; const declarationSourceFile = aliasedDeclaration.getSourceFile(); if (declarationSourceFile == null) return; const typeReference = getTypeReferenceModuleFromFileName({ ...options, fileName: declarationSourceFile.fileName }); if (typeReference == null) return undefined; // Otherwise, check if the particular binding is already directly imported somewhere, in which case the directive isn't needed for (const importDeclaration of options.importDeclarations) { // The module specifier must be identical to the name of the type reference if (!options.typescript.isStringLiteralLike(importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier)) continue; if (importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier.text !== typeReference.moduleSpecifier) continue; // Otherwise, we only need to verify that the identifier is included as a binding inside the ImportClause if (importDeclaration.importClause == null) continue; // If the identifier is imported as a default import, we don't need the directive if (importDeclaration.importClause.name != null && importDeclaration.importClause.name.text === options.node.text) { return undefined; } // If there are no named bindings, there's no way the ImportClause may refer to the module of the type reference if (importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings == null) continue; if (options.typescript.isNamespaceImport(importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings)) { // If the identifier is imported as a namespace import, we don't need the directive if (importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings.name.text === options.node.text) { return undefined; } } else { for (const importSpecifier of importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings.elements) { // If the name of the ImportSpecifier is identical to that of the identifier, we don't need the directive if (importSpecifier.name.text === options.node.text) { return undefined; } } } } // Otherwise, preserve it! return typeReference; } function visitIdentifier(options) { const { node, addTypeReference } = options; const typeReferenceModule = getTypeReferenceModuleFromNode({ ...options, node }); if (typeReferenceModule != null) { addTypeReference(typeReferenceModule); } } function visitNode$1({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isIdentifier(node)) { return visitIdentifier({ ...options, node }); } else { // Only consider root-level statements here return options.childContinuation(node); } } function typeReferenceCollector(options) { const { typescript } = options; const typeReferences = new Set(); options.sourceFileToTypeReferencesSet.set(options.sourceFile.fileName, typeReferences); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, importDeclarations: options.sourceFile.statements.filter(options.typescript.isImportDeclaration), addTypeReference(typeReference) { typeReferences.add(typeReference); }, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.forEachChild(node, nextNode => { visitNode$1({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }); }), continuation: (node) => { visitNode$1({ ...visitorOptions, node }); } }; typescript.forEachChild(options.sourceFile, nextNode => { visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode); }); return options.sourceFile; } /** * Bundles declarations */ function declarationBundler(options) { return { afterDeclarations: [ // Bundle all SourceFiles within the declaration bundle sourceFileBundler(options, // Merge modules inside the entry module(s), moduleBlockExtractor, moduleMerger( // Merge modules inside the entry module(s), moduleBlockExtractor, // Ensure that nodes that require it have the 'declare' modifier ensureDeclareModifierTransformer), // Generate ExportDeclarations where 'export' modifiers are otherwise being used toExportDeclarationTransformer, // Deconflicts bindings deconflicter, // Removes 'export' modifiers from Nodes ensureNoExportModifierTransformer, // Ensure that nodes that require it have the 'declare' modifier ensureDeclareModifierTransformer, // Tree-shake declarations treeShaker, // Merge related statements statementMerger({ markAsModuleIfNeeded: true }), // Collects type references typeReferenceCollector) ] }; } function bundleDeclarationsForChunk(options) { let code = ""; let map; const emitOutput = options.host.emit(undefined, true, declarationBundler(options)); for (const { name, text } of emitOutput.outputFiles) { if (name.endsWith(D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION)) { map = JSON.parse(text); map.file = options.declarationPaths.fileName; } else if (name.endsWith(D_TS_EXTENSION)) { code += text.replace(SOURCE_MAP_COMMENT_REGEXP, `${SOURCE_MAP_COMMENT}=${options.declarationMapPaths.fileName}`); } } return { code, ...(map == null ? {} : { map: JSON.stringify(map) }) }; } function preparePaths({ relativeOutDir, absoluteOutDir, fileName }) { const absolutePath = path.join(absoluteOutDir, fileName); const relativePath = path.join(relativeOutDir, fileName); return { fileName, absolute: absolutePath, relative: relativePath }; } function preNormalizeChunk(chunk, otherChunks) { const baseModules = new Set(Object.keys(chunk.modules).map(normalizeChunkFilename)); // Make sure to remove any base modules that are also entry modules in other chunks for (const baseModule of baseModules) { if (otherChunks.some(otherChunk => otherChunk.isEntry && otherChunk.facadeModuleId != null && normalizeChunkFilename(otherChunk.facadeModuleId) === normalizeChunkFilename(baseModule))) { baseModules.delete(baseModule); } } // Add the facadeModuleId to the base modules if it is an entry chunk and it wasn't already there. // Since Rollup v3.22.0, the facadeModuleId may no longer be included in the modules of the chunk if it only contains imports/exports, so we'll have to add it manually if (chunk.isEntry && chunk.facadeModuleId != null && !baseModules.has(chunk.facadeModuleId)) { baseModules.add(normalizeChunkFilename(chunk.facadeModuleId)); } return { modules: [...baseModules], fileName: path.normalize(chunk.fileName), isEntry: chunk.isEntry }; } function normalizeChunkFilename(filename) { return removeSearchPathFromFilename(path.normalize(filename)); } function normalizeChunk(chunk, { host, outputOptions, relativeOutDir, multiEntryModule, multiEntryFileNames }) { const cwd = host.getCwd(); let entryModules; let isMultiEntryChunk = false; for (let i = 0; i < chunk.modules.length; i++) { const module = chunk.modules[i]; if (multiEntryFileNames != null && (module === ROLLUP_PLUGIN_MULTI_ENTRY_LEGACY || (multiEntryModule != null && module === multiEntryModule))) { // Reassign the entry file names accordingly chunk.modules.splice(i, 1, ...[...multiEntryFileNames].filter(fileName => !chunk.modules.includes(fileName))); isMultiEntryChunk = true; } } // Ensure that there are no duplicates chunk.modules = [...new Set(chunk.modules)]; const visitableModules = chunk.modules.filter(module => host.isSupportedFileName(module, true)); // If no entry module is predetermined, it should be the module on the last position for an entry chunk, or // every visible module for a non-entry chunk if (entryModules == null) { entryModules = isMultiEntryChunk && multiEntryFileNames != null ? [...multiEntryFileNames] : chunk.isEntry ? [visitableModules.slice(-1)[0]] : [...visitableModules].reverse(); } return { isEntry: chunk.isEntry, paths: preparePaths({ fileName: path.normalize(chunk.fileName), relativeOutDir: getOutDir(cwd, outputOptions), absoluteOutDir: path.join(cwd, relativeOutDir) }), modules: new Set(chunk.modules), entryModules: new Set(entryModules) }; } function createCommonChunk(module, code, format, chunkFileNames = `[name]-[hash].js`) { const name = stripKnownExtension(path.basename(module)); const hash = generateRandomHash({ key: code }); let fileName; if (typeof chunkFileNames === "string") { fileName = chunkFileNames .replace(/\[format]/g, format) .replace(/\[hash]/g, hash) .replace(/\[name]/g, name); } else { fileName = chunkFileNames({ name: module, type: "chunk", isEntry: false, isImplicitEntry: false, isDynamicEntry: false, facadeModuleId: module, moduleIds: [module], exports: [] }); } return { fileName, modules: [module], isEntry: false }; } function ensureChunkForModule(module, code, chunks, moduleDependencyMap, format, chunkFileNames) { let chunk = getChunkForModule(module, chunks); const [firstChunk] = chunks; if (chunk == null) { if (chunks.length === 1) { firstChunk.modules.unshift(module); return firstChunk; } else { // Find all modules that refer to this module. const referencingModules = [...moduleDependencyMap.entries()] .map(([otherModule, dependencies]) => [otherModule, [...dependencies]]) .filter(([, dependencies]) => dependencies.find(resolveModule => pickResolvedModule(resolveModule, false) === module)) .map(([otherModule]) => otherModule); // Find all chunks for the referencing modules const [firstReferencingChunk, ...otherReferencingChunks] = new Set(referencingModules.map(referencingModule => getChunkForModule(referencingModule, chunks)).filter(chunkOrUndefined => chunkOrUndefined != null)); // If only 1 chunk is matched, use that one if (firstReferencingChunk != null && otherReferencingChunks.length === 0) { firstReferencingChunk.modules.unshift(module); return firstReferencingChunk; } // Otherwise, create a new chunk else { chunk = createCommonChunk(module, code, format, chunkFileNames); chunks.push(chunk); return chunk; } } } else { return chunk; } } function mergeChunksWithAmbientDependencies({ format = "esm", chunkFileNames, chunks, externalOption, host }) { const dependencyToModulesMap = new Map(); const sourceFileToDependenciesMap = host.getAllDependencies(); for (const [module, dependencies] of sourceFileToDependenciesMap.entries()) { for (const resolvedModule of dependencies) { const dependency = pickResolvedModule(resolvedModule, false); if (dependency == null || isExternal(resolvedModule.moduleSpecifier, module, externalOption)) continue; let modulesForDependency = dependencyToModulesMap.get(dependency); if (modulesForDependency == null) { modulesForDependency = new Set(); dependencyToModulesMap.set(dependency, modulesForDependency); } modulesForDependency.add(module); } } for (const [dependency, modulesForDependency] of dependencyToModulesMap.entries()) { const text = host.readFile(dependency); if (text == null) continue; const chunkWithDependency = ensureChunkForModule(dependency, text, chunks, sourceFileToDependenciesMap, format, chunkFileNames); const chunksForModulesForDependency = new Set([...modulesForDependency].map(moduleForDependency => ensureChunkForModule(moduleForDependency, text, chunks, sourceFileToDependenciesMap, format, chunkFileNames))); // If the modules that refer to the dependency are divided across multiple chunks, and one of those chunks contain the dependency, // move it into its own chunk if (chunksForModulesForDependency.size > 1) { const containingChunk = [...chunksForModulesForDependency].find(chunkForModuleDependency => chunkForModuleDependency === chunkWithDependency); if (containingChunk != null) { containingChunk.modules.splice(containingChunk.modules.indexOf(dependency), 1); chunks.push(createCommonChunk(dependency, text, format, chunkFileNames)); } } } } function logEmit(fileName, text) { console.log(`${getFormattedDateTimePrefix()}${color.blue(`emit: ${fileName}`)}`); console.log(color.white(text)); } function emitDeclarations(options) { var _a, _b; const fullBenchmark = shouldDebugMetrics(options.pluginOptions.debug) ? logMetrics(`Emit declarations`) : undefined; const typescript = options.host.getTypescript(); const cwd = options.host.getCwd(); const relativeOutDir = getOutDir(cwd, options.outputOptions); const baseOutputChunks = Object.values(options.bundle).filter(isOutputChunk); const chunks = baseOutputChunks.map(baseOutputChunk => preNormalizeChunk(baseOutputChunk, baseOutputChunks.filter(otherBaseOutputChunk => otherBaseOutputChunk !== baseOutputChunk))); // Merge ambient dependencies into the chunks mergeChunksWithAmbientDependencies({ chunks, host: options.host, externalOption: options.externalOption, chunkFileNames: options.outputOptions.chunkFileNames, format: options.outputOptions.format }); // Normalize the chunks const normalizedChunks = chunks.map(chunk => normalizeChunk(chunk, { ...options, relativeOutDir })); const relativeDeclarationOutDir = getDeclarationOutDir(cwd, options.originalCompilerOptions, options.outputOptions); const absoluteDeclarationOutDir = path.join(cwd, relativeDeclarationOutDir); const sourceFileToNodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache = new Map(); const referenceCache = new Map(); let virtualOutFile = preparePaths({ fileName: `index${getDeclarationOutExtension(options.outputOptions, options.host.getAllKnownTypescriptExtensions())}`, relativeOutDir: relativeDeclarationOutDir, absoluteOutDir: absoluteDeclarationOutDir }); // Rewrite the virtual out file if a hook is provided if (options.pluginOptions.hook.outputPath != null) { const result = options.pluginOptions.hook.outputPath(virtualOutFile.absolute, "declaration"); if (result != null) { virtualOutFile = preparePaths({ fileName: path.basename(result), relativeOutDir: path.relative(cwd, path.dirname(result)), absoluteOutDir: path.dirname(result) }); } } const filter = pluginutils.createFilter(undefined, [setExtension(virtualOutFile.relative, D_TS_EXTENSION), setExtension(virtualOutFile.relative, D_TS_MAP_EXTENSION)]); const host = options.host.clone({ ...options.host.getCompilationSettings(), declaration: Boolean(options.originalCompilerOptions.declaration), declarationMap: Boolean(options.originalCompilerOptions.declarationMap), declarationDir: options.originalCompilerOptions.declarationDir, outFile: setExtension(virtualOutFile.relative, JS_EXTENSION), module: typescript.ModuleKind.System, noEmit: false, emitDeclarationOnly: true, // This can cause TS2612 errors that wouldn't otherwise happen useDefineForClassFields: false, // Never allow these options for bundled declarations composite: false, incremental: false, tsBuildInfoFile: undefined }, filter, { allowTransformingDeclarations: true }); const typeChecker = host.getTypeChecker(); const sharedOptions = { ...options, chunks: normalizedChunks, host, typeChecker, typescript, referenceCache, sourceFileToNodeToReferencedIdentifiersCache, sourceFileToTypeReferencesSet: new Map(), sourceFileToExportedSymbolSet: new Map(), sourceFileToImportedSymbolSet: new Map(), sourceFileToDependenciesMap: new Map(), moduleSpecifierToSourceFileMap: new Map(), printer: host.getPrinter(), // Only prepare the record if a hook has been provided declarationStats: options.pluginOptions.hook.declarationStats != null ? {} : undefined }; for (const chunk of normalizedChunks) { let declarationPaths = preparePaths({ fileName: setExtension(chunk.paths.fileName, getDeclarationOutExtension(options.outputOptions, options.host.getAllKnownTypescriptExtensions(), chunk)), relativeOutDir: relativeDeclarationOutDir, absoluteOutDir: absoluteDeclarationOutDir }); let declarationMapPaths = preparePaths({ fileName: setExtension(chunk.paths.fileName, getDeclarationOutExtension(options.outputOptions, options.host.getAllKnownTypescriptExtensions(), chunk, true)), relativeOutDir: relativeDeclarationOutDir, absoluteOutDir: absoluteDeclarationOutDir }); // Rewrite the declaration paths if (options.pluginOptions.hook.outputPath != null) { const declarationResult = options.pluginOptions.hook.outputPath(declarationPaths.absolute, "declaration"); const declarationMapResult = options.pluginOptions.hook.outputPath(declarationMapPaths.absolute, "declarationMap"); if (declarationResult != null) { declarationPaths = preparePaths({ fileName: path.basename(declarationResult), relativeOutDir: path.relative(cwd, path.dirname(declarationResult)), absoluteOutDir: path.dirname(declarationResult) }); } if (declarationMapResult != null) { declarationMapPaths = { // Don't allow diverging from the declaration paths. // The two files must be placed together fileName: path.basename(declarationMapResult), relative: path.join(path.dirname(declarationPaths.relative), path.basename(declarationMapResult)), absolute: path.join(path.dirname(declarationPaths.absolute), path.basename(declarationMapResult)) }; } } const emitFileDeclarationFilename = path.relative(relativeOutDir, declarationPaths.relative); const emitFileDeclarationMapFilename = path.relative(relativeOutDir, declarationMapPaths.relative); // Rollup does not allow emitting files outside of the root of the whatever 'dist' directory that has been provided. // Under such circumstances, unfortunately, we'll have to default to using whatever FileSystem was provided to write the files to disk const declarationNeedsFileSystem = emitFileDeclarationFilename.startsWith("../") || emitFileDeclarationFilename.startsWith("..\\") || options.pluginContext.emitFile == null; const declarationMapNeedsFileSystem = emitFileDeclarationMapFilename.startsWith("../") || emitFileDeclarationMapFilename.startsWith("..\\") || options.pluginContext.emitFile == null; // Don't emit declarations when there is no compatible entry file if (chunk.entryModules.size < 1) continue; const bundleResult = bundleDeclarationsForChunk({ ...sharedOptions, chunk, declarationPaths, declarationMapPaths, wrappedTransformers: host.getCustomTransformers() }); if (shouldDebugEmit(options.pluginOptions.debug, declarationPaths.absolute, bundleResult.code, "declaration")) { logEmit(declarationPaths.absolute, bundleResult.code); } if (declarationNeedsFileSystem) { options.host.getFileSystem().writeFile(path.native.normalize(declarationPaths.absolute), bundleResult.code); } // Otherwise, we can use Rollup, which is absolutely preferable else { options.pluginContext.emitFile({ type: "asset", source: bundleResult.code, fileName: path.native.normalize(emitFileDeclarationFilename) }); } // If there is a SourceMap for the declarations, add that asset too if (bundleResult.map != null) { if (shouldDebugEmit(options.pluginOptions.debug, declarationMapPaths.absolute, bundleResult.map.toString(), "declarationMap")) { logEmit(declarationMapPaths.absolute, bundleResult.map.toString()); } if (declarationMapNeedsFileSystem) { options.host.getFileSystem().writeFile(path.native.normalize(declarationMapPaths.absolute), bundleResult.map.toString()); } // Otherwise, we can use Rollup, which is absolutely preferable else { options.pluginContext.emitFile({ type: "asset", source: bundleResult.map.toString(), fileName: path.native.normalize(emitFileDeclarationMapFilename) }); } } } if (sharedOptions.declarationStats != null) { (_b = (_a = options.pluginOptions.hook).declarationStats) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, sharedOptions.declarationStats); } if (fullBenchmark != null) fullBenchmark.finish(); } class ModuleResolutionHost { constructor(options, files = new Map()) { this.options = options; this.files = files; this.directoryExistsCache = new Map(); this.fileExistsCache = new Map(); } add(fileInput) { const file = { ...fileInput, transformedText: "transformedText" in fileInput && fileInput.transformedText != null ? fileInput.transformedText : fileInput.text }; this.files.set(file.fileName, file); this.clearCaches(file.fileName); return file; } clearCaches(fileName) { if (fileName != null) { this.fileExistsCache.delete(fileName); this.directoryExistsCache.delete(path.dirname(fileName)); this.currentFileNames = undefined; this.currentDirectories = undefined; } else { this.directoryExistsCache.clear(); this.fileExistsCache.clear(); } } delete(fileName) { this.clearCaches(fileName); return this.files.delete(fileName); } has(fileName) { return this.files.has(fileName); } get(fileName) { return this.files.get(fileName); } getFileNames() { if (this.currentFileNames == null) { this.currentFileNames = new Set(this.files.keys()); } return this.currentFileNames; } getFileNameDirectories() { if (this.currentDirectories == null) { this.currentDirectories = new Set([...this.getFileNames()].map(fileName => path.dirname(fileName))); } return this.currentDirectories; } getRollupFileNames() { return new Set([...this.getFileNames()].filter(fileName => this.get(fileName).fromRollup)); } getFileSystem() { return this.options.fileSystem; } getParsedCommandLine() { return this.options.parsedCommandLineResult.parsedCommandLine; } getCompilationSettings() { return this.getParsedCommandLine().options; } getSupportedExtensions() { return this.options.extensions; } getSupportedNonAmbientExtensions() { if (this.currentNonAmbientSupportedExtensions == null) { this.currentNonAmbientSupportedExtensions = new Set([...this.options.extensions].filter(extension => !AMBIENT_EXTENSIONS.has(extension))); } return this.currentNonAmbientSupportedExtensions; } getAllKnownTypescriptExtensions() { return getSupportedExtensions(true, true, this.getTypescript()); } getTypescript() { return this.options.typescript; } getCwd() { return this.options.cwd; } /** * Returns true if the given file exists */ fileExists(fileName) { if (this.fileExistsCache.has(fileName)) { return this.fileExistsCache.get(fileName); } const exists = this.files.has(fileName) || this.getFileSystem().fileExists(path.native.normalize(fileName)); this.fileExistsCache.set(fileName, exists); return exists; } /** * Reads the given file */ readFile(fileName, encoding) { // Check if the file exists within the cached files and return it if so const result = this.files.get(fileName); if (result != null) return result.text; // Otherwise, try to properly resolve the file return this.getFileSystem().readFile(path.native.normalize(fileName), encoding); } /** * Returns true if the given directory exists */ directoryExists(directoryName) { if (this.directoryExistsCache.has(directoryName)) { return this.directoryExistsCache.get(directoryName); } const absoluteDirectoryName = ensureAbsolute(this.getCwd(), directoryName); const fileNameDirectories = this.getFileNameDirectories(); const result = fileNameDirectories.has(directoryName) || fileNameDirectories.has(absoluteDirectoryName) || this.getFileSystem().directoryExists(path.native.normalize(directoryName)) || this.getFileSystem().directoryExists(path.native.normalize(absoluteDirectoryName)); this.directoryExistsCache.set(directoryName, result); return result; } /** * Gets the real path for the given path. Meant to resolve symlinks */ realpath(p) { const normalized = path.native.normalize(p); const fs = this.getFileSystem(); if (fs.realpath == null) return normalized; return path.normalize(fs.realpath(normalized)); } /** * Gets the current directory */ getCurrentDirectory() { return path.normalize(this.getCwd()); } /** * Gets all directories within the given directory path */ getDirectories(directoryName) { return this.getFileSystem().getDirectories(path.native.normalize(directoryName)).map(path.normalize); } } /** * Gets the NewLineCharacter to use for a NewLineKind */ function getNewLineCharacter(newLine, typescript) { switch (newLine) { case typescript.NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed: return "\r\n"; case typescript.NewLineKind.LineFeed: return "\n"; } } /** * Resolves an id from the given parent */ function resolveId({ resolveCache, ...options }) { // Don't proceed if there is no parent (in which case this is an entry module) if (options.parent == null) return null; return resolveCache.get(options); } /** * Gets a ScriptKind from the given path */ function getScriptKindFromPath(path, typescript) { if (path.endsWith(JS_EXTENSION)) { return typescript.ScriptKind.JS; } else if (path.endsWith(TS_EXTENSION)) { return typescript.ScriptKind.TS; } else if (path.endsWith(TSX_EXTENSION)) { return typescript.ScriptKind.TSX; } else if (path.endsWith(JSX_EXTENSION)) { return typescript.ScriptKind.JSX; } else if (path.endsWith(JSON_EXTENSION)) { return typescript.ScriptKind.JSON; } else { return typescript.ScriptKind.Unknown; } } function ensureModuleTransformer({ typescript, factory, sourceFile, extensions }) { // Only consider import declarations from modules with supported filenames const importDeclarationCount = sourceFile.statements .filter(typescript.isImportDeclaration) .filter(importDeclaration => nodeHasSupportedExtension(importDeclaration, typescript, extensions)).length; // Only consider import declarations from modules with supported filenames const exportDeclarationCount = sourceFile.statements .filter(typescript.isExportDeclaration) .filter(exportDeclaration => nodeHasSupportedExtension(exportDeclaration, typescript, extensions)).length; // Only consider import declarations from modules with supported filenames const exportAssignmentCount = sourceFile.statements.filter(typescript.isExportAssignment).length; // If there's nothing to mark the file as a module, add an empty ExportDeclaration to mark it as such if (importDeclarationCount < 1 && exportDeclarationCount < 1 && exportAssignmentCount < 1) { return factory.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, [...sourceFile.statements, factory.createExportDeclaration(undefined, false, factory.createNamedExports([]))], sourceFile.isDeclarationFile, sourceFile.referencedFiles, sourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives, sourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib, sourceFile.libReferenceDirectives); } return sourceFile; } function visitImportDeclaration({ node, typescript, host, sourceFile, addDependency }) { if (!typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) return; const resolvedModule = host.resolve(node.moduleSpecifier.text, sourceFile.fileName); if (resolvedModule != null) { addDependency({ ...resolvedModule, moduleSpecifier: node.moduleSpecifier.text }); } } function visitImportTypeNode({ node, typescript, host, sourceFile, addDependency, continuation }) { if (!typescript.isLiteralTypeNode(node.argument) || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.argument.literal)) return; const moduleSpecifier = node.argument.literal.text; const resolvedModule = host.resolve(moduleSpecifier, sourceFile.fileName); if (resolvedModule != null) { addDependency({ ...resolvedModule, moduleSpecifier }); } if (node.qualifier != null) { continuation(node.qualifier); } if (node.typeArguments != null) { for (const typeArgument of node.typeArguments) { continuation(typeArgument); } } } function visitModuleDeclaration({ node, ...options }) { if (node.body == null) return; return options.childContinuation(node.body); } function visitExportDeclaration({ node, typescript, host, sourceFile, addDependency }) { if (node.moduleSpecifier == null || !typescript.isStringLiteralLike(node.moduleSpecifier)) return; const resolvedModule = host.resolve(node.moduleSpecifier.text, sourceFile.fileName); if (resolvedModule != null) { addDependency({ ...resolvedModule, moduleSpecifier: node.moduleSpecifier.text }); } } function visitNode({ node, ...options }) { if (options.typescript.isImportDeclaration(node)) { return visitImportDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isImportTypeNode(node)) { return visitImportTypeNode({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isExportDeclaration(node)) { return visitExportDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.typescript.isModuleDeclaration(node)) { return visitModuleDeclaration({ ...options, node }); } else if (options.shouldDeepTraverse) { return options.childContinuation(node); } } function trackDependenciesTransformer(options) { const typescript = options.host.getTypescript(); const dependencies = new Set(); // Prepare some VisitorOptions const visitorOptions = { ...options, typescript, // Optimization: We only need to traverse nested nodes inside of the SourceFile if it contains at least one ImportTypeNode (or at least what appears to be one) shouldDeepTraverse: options.sourceFile.text.includes("import("), addDependency(resolvedModule) { dependencies.add(resolvedModule); }, childContinuation: (node) => typescript.forEachChild(node, nextNode => { visitNode({ ...visitorOptions, node: nextNode }); }), continuation: (node) => { visitNode({ ...visitorOptions, node }); } }; typescript.forEachChild(options.sourceFile, nextNode => { visitorOptions.continuation(nextNode); }); return dependencies; } function getModuleDependencies(options) { // Skip .d.ts files if (getExtension(options.module) === D_TS_EXTENSION) return undefined; const cachedDependencies = options.compilerHost.getDependenciesForFile(options.module); if (cachedDependencies != null) { return cachedDependencies; } const sourceFile = options.compilerHost.getSourceFile(options.module); if (sourceFile == null) { return; } return trackDependenciesTransformer({ host: options.compilerHost, sourceFile }); } class CompilerHost extends ModuleResolutionHost { constructor(options, printer = options.typescript.createPrinter({ newLine: options.parsedCommandLineResult.parsedCommandLine.options.newLine }), sourceFiles = new Map(), transformerDiagnostics = new Map(), fileToVersionMap = new Map(), sourceFileToDependenciesMap = new Map(), files) { super(options, files); this.options = options; this.printer = printer; this.sourceFiles = sourceFiles; this.transformerDiagnostics = transformerDiagnostics; this.fileToVersionMap = fileToVersionMap; this.sourceFileToDependenciesMap = sourceFileToDependenciesMap; this.creatingProgram = false; this.invalidateProgram = false; this.externalFiles = new Set(); this.addDefaultFileNames(); } allowTransformingDeclarations() { return this.options.allowTransformingDeclarations === true; } isSupportedFileName(fileName, ignoreFilter = false) { return (ignoreFilter || this.options.filter(fileName)) && this.getSupportedExtensions().has(getExtension(fileName)); } getDiagnostics(fileName) { var _a; const program = this.getProgram(); const sourceFile = fileName == null ? undefined : this.getSourceFile(fileName); const baseDiagnostics = [ ...this.getParsedCommandLine().errors, ...program.getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics(), ...program.getOptionsDiagnostics(), ...program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile), ...program.getGlobalDiagnostics(), ...program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile) ]; if (sourceFile != null) { return [...baseDiagnostics, ...((_a = this.transformerDiagnostics.get(sourceFile.fileName)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [])]; } else { const extraDiagnostics = []; for (const transformerDiagnostics of this.transformerDiagnostics.values()) { extraDiagnostics.push(...transformerDiagnostics); } return [...baseDiagnostics, ...extraDiagnostics]; } } emitBuildInfo() { var _a; this.popEmitOutput(); const programWithEmitBuildInfo = this.getProgramInstance(); // A non-exposed internal method, emitBuildInfo, is used, if available (which it is from TypeScript v3.4 and up) // If not, we would have to emit the entire Program (or pending affected files) which can be avoided for maximum performance (_a = programWithEmitBuildInfo.emitBuildInfo) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(programWithEmitBuildInfo, this.writeFile.bind(this)); return this.popEmitOutput(); } emit(fileName, onlyDts = false, transformers) { this.popEmitOutput(); const sourceFile = fileName == null ? undefined : this.getSourceFile(fileName); const customTransformers = this.getCustomTransformers(transformers); let hasEmitted = false; const runEmit = (program) => { // There is an extra, private, argument that can be given to emit internally in TypeScript // which forces emit of declarations. Set this to true for dts emit. program.emit(sourceFile, (file, data, writeByteOrderMark) => { hasEmitted = true; this.writeFile(file, data, writeByteOrderMark); }, undefined, onlyDts, customTransformers, onlyDts == null || !onlyDts ? undefined : true); }; runEmit(this.getProgram()); // TypeScript will not emit if a builder-program haven't changed. In that case, use the underlying program instance and emit with that one. if (!hasEmitted) { runEmit(this.getProgramInstance()); } return this.popEmitOutput(); } writeFile(name, text, writeByteOrderMark) { const emitOutput = this.ensureEmitOutput(); emitOutput.outputFiles.push({ name, text, writeByteOrderMark }); } getScriptTarget() { var _a; return (_a = this.getCompilationSettings().target) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.getTypescript().ScriptTarget.ES5; } createProgram() { const typescript = this.getTypescript(); const rootNames = [...this.getFileNames()]; const options = this.getCompilationSettings(); // The --incremental option is part of TypeScript 3.4 and up only if ("createIncrementalProgram" in typescript) { return typescript.createIncrementalProgram({ rootNames, options, host: this }); } else { return typescript.createEmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(rootNames, options, this, this.previousProgram); } } getProgram() { // If there is no current program, or if the list of root names is out of sync with the actual list of files, construct a new Program if (this.currentProgram == null) { // Construct a new program. this.creatingProgram = true; try { this.currentProgram = this.createProgram(); } finally { this.creatingProgram = false; } // If the program was invalidated before it was ever finished being created, // Try again to ensure all SourceFiles will be part of it if (this.invalidateProgram) { this.invalidateProgram = false; this.currentProgram = this.createProgram(); } } return this.currentProgram; } getPrinter() { return this.printer; } getProgramInstance() { if (this.currentProgramInstance == null) { this.currentProgramInstance = this.getProgram().getProgram(); } return this.currentProgramInstance; } getTypeChecker() { if (this.currentTypeChecker == null) { this.currentTypeChecker = this.getProgramInstance().getTypeChecker(); } return this.currentTypeChecker; } getFilter() { return this.options.filter; } getTransformers() { return this.options.transformers; } getDependenciesForFileDeep(fileName, dependencies = new Set(), seenModules = new Set()) { if (seenModules.has(fileName)) return dependencies; seenModules.add(fileName); const localDependencies = this.sourceFileToDependenciesMap.get(fileName); const dependenciesArr = [...dependencies]; if (localDependencies != null) { for (const dependency of localDependencies) { if (!dependenciesArr.some(({ resolvedFileName, resolvedAmbientFileName }) => resolvedFileName === dependency.resolvedFileName && resolvedAmbientFileName === dependency.resolvedAmbientFileName)) { dependencies.add(dependency); if (dependency.resolvedFileName != null) this.getDependenciesForFileDeep(dependency.resolvedFileName, dependencies, seenModules); if (dependency.resolvedAmbientFileName != null) { this.getDependenciesForFileDeep(dependency.resolvedAmbientFileName, dependencies, seenModules); } } } } return dependencies; } getDependenciesForFile(fileName, deep = false) { if (deep) { return this.getDependenciesForFileDeep(fileName); } return this.sourceFileToDependenciesMap.get(fileName); } getAllDependencies() { return this.sourceFileToDependenciesMap; } add(fileInput, traceDependencies = true) { const existing = this.get(fileInput.fileName); if (existing != null && existing.text === fileInput.text) { return existing; } this.delete(fileInput.fileName); if (fileInput.fromRollup) { const sourceFile = this.constructSourceFile(fileInput.fileName, fileInput.text); const typescript = this.getTypescript(); const factory = compatfactory.ensureNodeFactory(typescript); const transformedSourceFile = ensureModuleTransformer({ typescript, factory, sourceFile, extensions: this.getAllKnownTypescriptExtensions() }); if (transformedSourceFile !== sourceFile) { fileInput.transformedText = this.printer.printFile(transformedSourceFile); } } const addedFile = super.add(fileInput); if (traceDependencies) { this.refreshDependenciesForFileName(fileInput.fileName); } return addedFile; } refreshDependenciesForFileName(fileName, seenModules = new Set()) { if (seenModules.has(fileName) || this.externalFiles.has(fileName)) return; seenModules.add(fileName); const dependencies = getModuleDependencies({ compilerHost: this, module: fileName }); if (dependencies == null) return; this.sourceFileToDependenciesMap.set(fileName, dependencies); for (const resolveResult of dependencies) { // Don't perform a recursive descent into the files that are external if (isExternal(resolveResult.moduleSpecifier, fileName, this.options.externalOption)) { // Mark the module as external this.externalFiles.add(pickResolvedModule(resolveResult, true)); continue; } for (const module of [resolveResult.resolvedFileName, resolveResult.resolvedAmbientFileName]) { if (module == null) continue; this.refreshDependenciesForFileName(module, seenModules); } } } constructSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion = this.getScriptTarget()) { return this.getTypescript().createSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion, true, getScriptKindFromPath(fileName, this.getTypescript())); } clearProgram() { if (this.creatingProgram) { this.invalidateProgram = true; } this.previousProgram = this.currentProgram; this.currentProgram = undefined; this.currentProgramInstance = undefined; this.currentTypeChecker = undefined; } ensureEmitOutput() { if (this.emitOutput == null) { this.emitOutput = { outputFiles: [], emitSkipped: false }; } return this.emitOutput; } popEmitOutput() { const emitOutput = this.ensureEmitOutput(); this.emitOutput = undefined; return emitOutput; } delete(fileName) { const superDelete = super.delete(fileName); const sourceFilesDelete = this.sourceFiles.delete(fileName); const transformerDiagnosticsDelete = this.transformerDiagnostics.delete(fileName); const sourceFileToDependenciesMapDelete = this.sourceFileToDependenciesMap.delete(fileName); const success = superDelete || sourceFilesDelete || transformerDiagnosticsDelete || sourceFileToDependenciesMapDelete; this.clearProgram(); return success; } clone(compilerOptions, fileNameFilter = () => true, overrides = {}) { return new CompilerHost({ ...this.options, ...overrides, parsedCommandLineResult: { ...this.options.parsedCommandLineResult, parsedCommandLine: { ...this.getParsedCommandLine(), fileNames: this.getParsedCommandLine().fileNames.filter(fileNameFilter), options: { ...this.getCompilationSettings(), ...compilerOptions } } } }, this.printer, new Map([...this.sourceFiles.entries()].filter(([p]) => fileNameFilter(p))), new Map([...this.transformerDiagnostics.entries()].filter(([p]) => fileNameFilter(p))), new Map([...this.fileToVersionMap.entries()].filter(([p]) => fileNameFilter(p))), new Map([...this.sourceFileToDependenciesMap.entries()].filter(([p]) => fileNameFilter(p))), new Map([...this.files.entries()].filter(([p]) => fileNameFilter(p)))); } getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersionOrOptions = this.getScriptTarget(), onError) { var _a; try { const languageVersion = isRecord(languageVersionOrOptions) ? languageVersionOrOptions.languageVersion : languageVersionOrOptions; const absoluteFileName = path.includeDriveLetter(isTypeScriptLib(fileName) ? path.join(this.getDefaultLibLocation(), fileName) : ensureAbsolute(this.getCwd(), fileName)); if (this.sourceFiles.has(absoluteFileName)) { return this.sourceFiles.get(absoluteFileName); } if (!this.isSupportedFileName(absoluteFileName, true)) return undefined; let file = this.get(absoluteFileName); if (file == null) { const text = this.readFile(absoluteFileName); if (text == null) return undefined; file = this.add({ fileName: absoluteFileName, text, fromRollup: false }, false); } const sourceFile = this.constructSourceFile(absoluteFileName, file.transformedText, languageVersion); this.sourceFiles.set(absoluteFileName, sourceFile); const oldVersion = (_a = this.fileToVersionMap.get(absoluteFileName)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; const newVersion = oldVersion + 1; this.fileToVersionMap.set(absoluteFileName, newVersion); // SourceFiles in builder programs needs a version sourceFile.version = newVersion; return sourceFile; } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof Error) { onError === null || onError === void 0 ? void 0 : onError(ex.message); } else { onError === null || onError === void 0 ? void 0 : onError(`An unknown error occured while getting a SourceFile for filename: ${fileName}`); } // Re-throw the exception throw ex; } } getTypeRoots() { if (this.currentTypeRoots == null) { this.currentTypeRoots = new Set(this.getTypescript().getEffectiveTypeRoots(this.getCompilationSettings(), this)); } return this.currentTypeRoots; } getDefaultLibLocation() { return path.dirname(this.getTypescript().getDefaultLibFilePath(this.getCompilationSettings())); } /** * Gets the Custom Transformers to use, depending on the current emit mode */ getCustomTransformers(transformers = this.getTransformers()) { const mergedTransformers = mergeTransformers(transformers); const upgradedTransformers = mergedTransformers({ program: this.getProgramInstance(), typescript: this.getTypescript(), printer: this.printer, /** * This hook can add diagnostics from within CustomTransformers. These will be emitted alongside Typescript diagnostics seamlessly */ addDiagnostics: (...diagnostics) => { diagnostics.forEach(diagnostic => { // Skip diagnostics that doesn't point to a specific file if (diagnostic.file == null) return; let transformerDiagnostics = this.transformerDiagnostics.get(diagnostic.file.fileName); // If no file matches the one of the diagnostic, skip it if (transformerDiagnostics == null) { transformerDiagnostics = []; this.transformerDiagnostics.set(diagnostic.file.fileName, transformerDiagnostics); } // Add the diagnostic transformerDiagnostics.push(diagnostic); }); } }); // Ensure that declarations are never transformed if not allowed if (!this.allowTransformingDeclarations()) { return { ...upgradedTransformers, afterDeclarations: undefined }; } return upgradedTransformers; } /** * Gets the default lib file name based on the given CompilerOptions */ getDefaultLibFileName(compilerOptions) { return this.getTypescript().getDefaultLibFileName(compilerOptions); } /** * Gets the canonical filename for the given file */ getCanonicalFileName(fileName) { return this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase(); } /** * Returns true if file names should be treated as case-sensitive */ useCaseSensitiveFileNames() { return this.getFileSystem().useCaseSensitiveFileNames; } /** * Gets the newline to use */ getNewLine() { const compilationSettings = this.getCompilationSettings(); return compilationSettings.newLine != null ? getNewLineCharacter(compilationSettings.newLine, this.getTypescript()) : this.getFileSystem().newLine; } /** * Reads the given directory */ readDirectory(p, extensions, exclude, include, depth) { return this.getFileSystem().readDirectory(path.native.normalize(p), extensions, exclude, include, depth).map(path.normalize); } resolve(moduleName, containingFile) { return resolveId({ moduleResolutionHost: this, parent: containingFile, id: moduleName, resolveCache: this.options.resolveCache }); } resolveModuleNames(moduleNames, containingFile) { const resolvedModules = []; for (const moduleName of moduleNames) { const result = this.resolve(moduleName, containingFile); if (result != null && result.resolvedAmbientFileName != null) { resolvedModules.push({ ...result, resolvedFileName: result.resolvedAmbientFileName }); } else if (result != null && result.resolvedFileName != null) { resolvedModules.push({ ...result, resolvedFileName: result.resolvedFileName }); } else { resolvedModules.push(undefined); } } return resolvedModules; } resolveTypeReferenceDirectives(typeReferenceDirectiveNames, containingFile) { const resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives = []; for (const typeReferenceDirectiveName of typeReferenceDirectiveNames) { // try to use standard resolution const result = resolveId({ moduleResolutionHost: this, parent: containingFile, id: isRecord(typeReferenceDirectiveName) ? typeReferenceDirectiveName.fileName : typeReferenceDirectiveName, resolveCache: this.options.resolveCache }); if (result != null && result.resolvedAmbientFileName != null) { resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives.push({ ...result, primary: true, resolvedFileName: result.resolvedAmbientFileName }); } else if (result != null && result.resolvedFileName != null) { resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives.push({ ...result, primary: true, resolvedFileName: result.resolvedFileName }); } else { resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives.push(undefined); } } return resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives; } /** * Adds all default declaration files to the LanguageService */ addDefaultFileNames() { this.getParsedCommandLine().fileNames.forEach(file => { const fileName = ensureAbsolute(this.getCwd(), file); if (!this.getFilter()(path.normalize(fileName))) return; const text = this.readFile(fileName); if (text != null) { this.add({ fileName, text, fromRollup: false }); } }); } } /** * Returns true if the given OutputFile represents .tsbuildinfo */ function isBuildInfoOutputFile({ name }) { return getExtension(name) === TSBUILDINFO_EXTENSION; } function emitBuildInfo(options) { const compilationSettings = options.host.getCompilationSettings(); if (compilationSettings.tsBuildInfoFile == null) return; const emitResult = options.host.emitBuildInfo(); const buildInfo = emitResult.outputFiles.find(isBuildInfoOutputFile); if (buildInfo == null) return; const cwd = options.host.getCwd(); const relativeOutDir = getOutDir(cwd, options.outputOptions); let outputPathCandidate = compilationSettings.tsBuildInfoFile; // Rewrite the path if (options.pluginOptions.hook.outputPath != null) { const result = options.pluginOptions.hook.outputPath(outputPathCandidate, "buildInfo"); if (result != null) { outputPathCandidate = result; } } if (shouldDebugEmit(options.pluginOptions.debug, outputPathCandidate, buildInfo.text, "buildInfo")) { logEmit(outputPathCandidate, buildInfo.text); } const emitFile = path.join(path.relative(relativeOutDir, outputPathCandidate)); // Rollup does not allow emitting files outside of the root of the whatever 'dist' directory that has been provided. // Under such circumstances, unfortunately, we'll have to default to using whatever FileSystem was provided to write the file to disk const needsFileSystem = emitFile.startsWith("../") || emitFile.startsWith("..\\") || options.pluginContext.emitFile == null; if (needsFileSystem) { options.host.getFileSystem().writeFile(path.native.normalize(outputPathCandidate), buildInfo.text); } // Otherwise, we can use Rollup, which is absolutely preferable else { options.pluginContext.emitFile({ type: "asset", source: buildInfo.text, fileName: path.native.normalize(emitFile) }); } } /** * Checks if the given piece of code is JSON-like */ function isJsonLike(code) { try { return JSON.parse(code) != null; } catch { return false; } } /** * Formats the given iterable of strings in a list format (in the English locale) */ function listFormat(elements, andOrOr = "and", mapper = element => element) { const arr = [...elements]; if (arr.length === 0) return ""; else if (arr.length === 1) return mapper(arr[0]); else if (arr.length === 2) { const [first, last] = arr; return `${mapper(first)} ${andOrOr} ${mapper(last)}`; } else { const head = arr.slice(0, arr.length - 1).map(mapper); const last = mapper(arr.slice(-1)[0]); return `${head.join(", ")}, ${andOrOr} ${last}`; } } /** * The babel module is optionally imported on-demand as needed */ let babelModule; /** * The swc module is optionally imported on-demand as needed */ let swcModule; async function loadBabel(assertHasPresetTypescript = false) { return (babelModule !== null && babelModule !== void 0 ? babelModule : (babelModule = await loadModules("babel", "@babel/core", [ "@babel/runtime", "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", "@babel/preset-env", ...(assertHasPresetTypescript ? [`@babel/preset-typescript`] : []) ]))); } async function loadSwc() { return (swcModule !== null && swcModule !== void 0 ? swcModule : (swcModule = await loadModules("swc", "@swc/core", ["@swc/helpers"]))); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any async function loadModules(context, coreModule, subModules) { const moduleNames = [coreModule, ...(subModules !== null && subModules !== void 0 ? subModules : [])]; // We could be using Promise.allSettled here, but since we still allow Node v10 we'll have to shim it here. // Once we move up to Node v12.9 or newer, we can replace this with simply Promise.allSettled const results = await Promise.all(moduleNames .map(async (moduleName) => Promise.resolve().then(() => /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(require(moduleName)))) .map(async (promise) => promise .then(value => ({ status: "fulfilled", value })) .catch(reason => ({ status: "rejected", reason })))); const [core] = results; const rejectedModuleNames = moduleNames.filter((moduleName, index) => { const result = results[index]; if (result.status === "fulfilled") return false; if (!(result.reason instanceof Error)) return true; return ("code" in result.reason && "message" in result.reason && result.reason.code === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND" && result.reason.message.includes(moduleName)); }); if (rejectedModuleNames.length > 0) { const formattedRejectedModuleNames = listFormat(rejectedModuleNames, "and", rejectedModuleName => `"${rejectedModuleName}"`); throw new ReferenceError(`The following ${context} ${rejectedModuleNames.length === 1 ? "dependency" : "dependencies"} could not be found within your node_modules folder: ${formattedRejectedModuleNames}. Make sure to install ${rejectedModuleNames.length === 1 ? "it" : "them"} if you want to use ${context} for transpilation`); } else if (core.status === "rejected") { if (core.reason instanceof Error) throw core.reason; else throw new Error(core.reason); } // At this point, the core module will always be defined return core.value; } /** * Retrieves the Babel config options that will be forced */ function getForcedBabelOptions({ cwd }) { return { // Always use the cwd provided to the plugin cwd, // Always produce sourcemaps. Rollup will be the decider of what to do with them. sourceMaps: true, // Never let Babel be the decider of which files to ignore. Rather let Rollup decide that ignore: undefined, // Never let Babel be the decider of which files to include. Rather let Rollup decide that only: undefined, // Always parse things as modules. Rollup will then decide what to do based on the output format sourceType: "module", plugins: [ // Needed to make babel understand dynamic imports // TODO: Add @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import as an optional peer for next major resolveModule("@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import", resolveModule("@babel/preset-env")) ] }; } /** * Retrieves the Babel config options that will be used by default. If the user provides the same keys/presets/plugins, *they* * will take precedence */ function getDefaultBabelOptions({ browserslist, transpilerOptions }) { const includePresetEnv = browserslist != null; const includePresetTypescript = transpilerOptions.typescriptSyntax === "babel"; return { presets: [ // Use @babel/preset-env when a Browserslist has been given ...(!includePresetEnv ? [] : [ [ resolveModule("@babel/preset-env"), { ...FORCED_BABEL_PRESET_ENV_OPTIONS, // Loose breaks things such as spreading an iterable that isn't an array loose: false, spec: false, debug: false, ignoreBrowserslistConfig: false, shippedProposals: true, targets: { browsers: browserslist } } ] ]), // Use @babel/preset-typescript when Babel is responsible for transforming TypeScript specific syntax ...(!includePresetTypescript ? [] : [ [ resolveModule("@babel/preset-typescript"), { // There are no default options here } ] ]) ], plugins: [ // Force the use of helpers (e.g. the runtime). But *don't* apply polyfills. [ resolveModule("@babel/plugin-transform-runtime"), { ...FORCED_BABEL_PLUGIN_TRANSFORM_RUNTIME_OPTIONS, corejs: false } ] ] }; } /** * Gets a Babel Config based on the given options */ function getBabelConfig({ babel, babelConfig, cwd, forcedOptions = {}, defaultOptions = {}, browserslist, phase, hook }) { return async (filename, inTypescriptStep = false) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q; // Load a partial Babel config based on the input options const partialConfig = await babel.loadPartialConfigAsync( // If babel options are provided directly isBabelConfig(babelConfig) && Object.keys(babelConfig).length > 0 ? // If the given babelConfig is an object of input options, use that as the basis for the full config { cwd, root: cwd, ...babelConfig } : // Load the path to a babel config provided to the plugin if any, otherwise try to resolve it { cwd, root: cwd, filename: removeSearchPathFromFilename(filename), ...(babelConfig == null || typeof babelConfig !== "string" ? {} : { configFile: babelConfig }) }); if (partialConfig == null) { return { config: undefined }; } const { options } = partialConfig; const { presets: forcedPresets, plugins: forcedPlugins, ...otherForcedOptions } = forcedOptions; const { presets: defaultPresets, plugins: defaultPlugins, ...otherDefaultOptions } = defaultOptions; const configFileOption = { configFile: false, babelrc: false }; // If users have provided presets of their own, ensure that they are using respecting the forced options if (options.presets != null) { options.presets = options.presets.map(preset => { if (preset.file == null) return preset; // Apply the forced @babel/preset-env options here if (isBabelPresetEnv(preset.file.resolved)) { return babel.createConfigItem([ preset.file.request, { ...(preset.options == null ? {} : preset.options), ...FORCED_BABEL_PRESET_ENV_OPTIONS, // If targets have already been provided by the user options, accept them. // Otherwise, apply the browserslist as the preset-env target ...(preset.options != null && preset.options.targets != null ? {} : { targets: { browsers: browserslist } }) } ], { type: "preset", dirname: cwd }); } // Apply the forced @babel/preset-es[2015|2016|2017...] options here else if (isYearlyBabelPreset(preset.file.resolved)) { return babel.createConfigItem([ preset.file.request, { ...(preset.options == null ? {} : preset.options), ...FORCED_BABEL_YEARLY_PRESET_OPTIONS } ], { type: "preset", dirname: cwd }); } return preset; }); } // If users have provided plugins of their own, ensure that they are using respecting the forced options if (options.plugins != null) { options.plugins = options.plugins.map((plugin) => { if (plugin.file == null) return plugin; if (isBabelPluginTransformRuntime(plugin.file.resolved)) { return babel.createConfigItem([ plugin.file.request, { ...(plugin.options == null ? {} : plugin.options), ...FORCED_BABEL_PLUGIN_TRANSFORM_RUNTIME_OPTIONS } ], { type: "plugin", dirname: cwd }); } return plugin; }); } // Combine the partial config with the default and forced options const combined = { ...otherDefaultOptions, ...options, ...otherForcedOptions, presets: combineConfigItems(((_a = options.presets) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []), defaultPresets == null ? undefined : (_c = (_b = babel.loadPartialConfig({ presets: defaultPresets, ...configFileOption })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.options.presets) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : undefined, forcedPresets == null ? undefined : (_e = (_d = babel.loadPartialConfig({ presets: forcedPresets, ...configFileOption })) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.options.presets) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : undefined, phase === "chunk", inTypescriptStep), plugins: combineConfigItems(((_f = options.plugins) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : []), defaultPlugins == null ? undefined : (_h = (_g = babel.loadPartialConfig({ plugins: defaultPlugins, ...configFileOption })) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.options.plugins) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : undefined, forcedPlugins == null ? undefined : (_k = (_j = babel.loadPartialConfig({ plugins: forcedPlugins, ...configFileOption })) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.options.plugins) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : undefined, phase === "chunk", inTypescriptStep) }; // sourceMap is an alias for 'sourceMaps'. If the user provided it, make sure it is undefined. Otherwise, Babel will fail during validation if ("sourceMap" in combined) { delete combined.sourceMap; } const combinedOptionsAfterHook = hook != null ? hook(combined, (_m = (_l = partialConfig.config) !== null && _l !== void 0 ? _l : partialConfig.babelrc) !== null && _m !== void 0 ? _m : undefined, phase) : combined; const loadedOptions = (_o = babel.loadOptions({ ...combinedOptionsAfterHook, filename, ...configFileOption })) !== null && _o !== void 0 ? _o : undefined; // Only return a config in the chunk phase if it includes at least one plugin or preset that is relevant to it if (phase === "chunk") { const hasRelevantConfigItems = loadedOptions != null && [ ...((_p = combined.plugins) !== null && _p !== void 0 ? _p : []).filter(configItemIsRelevantForChunkPhase), ...((_q = combined.presets) !== null && _q !== void 0 ? _q : []).filter(configItemIsRelevantForChunkPhase) ].length > 0; return { config: hasRelevantConfigItems ? loadedOptions : undefined }; } else { return { config: loadedOptions }; } }; } function isBabelConfig(babelConfig) { return babelConfig != null && typeof babelConfig !== "string"; } /** * Combines the given two sets of presets */ function combineConfigItems(userItems, defaultItems = [], forcedItems = [], inChunkPhase, inTypescriptStep) { const namesInUserItems = new Set(userItems.map(item => { var _a; return (_a = item.file) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.resolved; }).filter(isDefined)); const namesInForcedItems = new Set(forcedItems.map(item => { var _a; return (_a = item.file) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.resolved; }).filter(isDefined)); const userItemsHasYearlyPreset = [...namesInUserItems].some(isYearlyBabelPreset); return ([ // Only use those default items that doesn't appear within the forced items or the user-provided items. // If the options contains a yearly preset such as "preset-es2015", filter out preset-env from the default items if it is given ...defaultItems.filter(item => item.file == null || (!somePathsAreRelated(namesInUserItems, item.file.resolved) && !somePathsAreRelated(namesInForcedItems, item.file.resolved) && (!userItemsHasYearlyPreset || !isBabelPresetEnv(item.file.resolved)))), // Only use those user items that doesn't appear within the forced items ...userItems.filter(item => item.file == null || !namesInForcedItems.has(item.file.resolved)), // Apply the forced items at all times ...forcedItems ] // Filter out those options that do not apply depending on whether or not to apply minification .filter(configItem => (inChunkPhase ? configItemIsAllowedDuringChunkPhase(configItem) : configItemIsAllowedDuringFilePhase(configItem))) // Only allow @babel/preset-typescript if we're actually in the initial TypeScript phase .filter(configItem => { var _a, _b; return ((_a = configItem.file) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.resolved) == null || !isBabelPresetTypescript((_b = configItem.file) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.resolved) || inTypescriptStep; })); } /** * Returns true if the given configItem is related to minification */ function configItemIsRelevantForChunkPhase(configItem) { return (BABEL_MINIFY_PRESET_NAMES.some(preset => { var _a; return (_a = configItem.file) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.resolved.includes(preset); }) || BABEL_MINIFY_PLUGIN_NAMES.some(plugin => { var _a; return (_a = configItem.file) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.resolved.includes(plugin); })); } /** * Returns true if the given configItem is allowed per chunk transformation */ function configItemIsAllowedDuringChunkPhase(configItem) { return (BABEL_MINIFICATION_BLACKLIST_PRESET_NAMES.every(preset => configItem.file == null || !configItem.file.resolved.includes(preset)) && BABEL_MINIFICATION_BLACKLIST_PLUGIN_NAMES.every(plugin => configItem.file == null || !configItem.file.resolved.includes(plugin))); } /** * Returns true if the given configItem is allowed per file transformations */ function configItemIsAllowedDuringFilePhase(configItem) { return (BABEL_MINIFY_PRESET_NAMES.every(preset => configItem.file == null || !configItem.file.resolved.includes(preset)) && BABEL_MINIFY_PLUGIN_NAMES.every(plugin => configItem.file == null || !configItem.file.resolved.includes(plugin))); } function replaceBabelHelpers(code, filename, target) { const matches = target === "cjs" ? [...stringutil.matchAll(code, BABEL_REQUIRE_RUNTIME_HELPER_ESM_REGEXP_1), ...stringutil.matchAll(code, BABEL_REQUIRE_RUNTIME_HELPER_ESM_REGEXP_2)] : [ ...stringutil.matchAll(code, BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_1), ...stringutil.matchAll(code, BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_2), ...stringutil.matchAll(code, BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_3), ...stringutil.matchAll(code, BABEL_IMPORT_RUNTIME_HELPER_CJS_REGEXP_4) ]; if (matches.length < 1) return undefined; const magicString = new MagicString(code, { filename, indentExclusionRanges: [] }); for (const match of matches) { const start = match.index + match[1].length; const end = match.index + match[1].length + match[2].length; if (target === "cjs") { magicString.overwrite(start, end, match[2].replace(`/esm/`, `/`)); } else { magicString.overwrite(start, end, match[2].replace(/\/helpers\/(?!esm)/g, `/helpers/esm/`)); } } return { code: magicString.toString(), map: magicString.generateMap({ hires: true, source: filename, includeContent: true }) }; } function readConfig(config, cwd, fileSystem) { if (config == null) { const absoluteConfig = path.normalize(path.join(cwd, `.swcrc`)); if (!fileSystem.fileExists(absoluteConfig)) { return {}; } return JSON.parse(fileSystem.readFile(absoluteConfig)); } else if (typeof config === "string") { const absoluteConfig = path.normalize(path.isAbsolute(config) ? config : path.join(cwd, config)); if (!fileSystem.fileExists(absoluteConfig)) { throw new ReferenceError(`Could not find swc config at path: ${config}`); } return JSON.parse(fileSystem.readFile(absoluteConfig)); } else { return config; } } /** * SWC currently doesn't support "es2023", so for now it will be mapped to "es2022" */ function mapEcmaVersionForSwc(version) { switch (version) { case "es2023": return "es2022"; default: return version; } } /** * Gets a Swc Config based on the given options */ function getSwcConfigFactory({ fileSystem, swcConfig, cwd, browserslist, ecmaVersion, phase, typescript, hook, pluginOptions }) { const inputConfigs = ensureArray(readConfig(swcConfig, cwd, fileSystem)); // Sanitize the 'test' properties of each individual input config for (const inputConfig of inputConfigs) { if (inputConfig.test != null) { inputConfig.test = ensureArray(inputConfig.test).map(item => (item instanceof RegExp ? item : new RegExp(inputConfig.test))); } } return (filename, initial = false) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; // Select the best input config based on which one matches the test Regex(es) in the order they are declared in const inputConfig = (_a = inputConfigs.find(config => config.test == null || config.test.some((regex) => regex.test(filename)))) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : inputConfigs[0]; // Never allow minifying outside of the 'chunk' phase const minify = phase === "file" ? false : Boolean(inputConfig.minify); // There's really no point to running jsc in the chunk phase if no minification should be applied if (phase === "chunk" && !minify) { return undefined; } const syntax = (_d = (_c = (_b = inputConfig.jsc) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parser) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.syntax) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : (initial ? "typescript" : "ecmascript"); // If something else than swc handles syntax lowering, ensure that the Ecma version is set to ESNext to avoid anything else but TypeScript transformations if (getTranspilerOptions(pluginOptions.transpiler).otherSyntax !== "swc") { ecmaVersion = typescript.ScriptTarget.ESNext; browserslist = undefined; } const config = { ...inputConfig, module: { ...inputConfig.module, ...FORCED_SWC_MODULE_OPTIONS }, jsc: { // Loose breaks things such as spreading an iterable that isn't an array loose: false, ...inputConfig.jsc, parser: { syntax, ...(syntax === "typescript" ? {} : { jsx: false }), ...(_e = inputConfig.jsc) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.parser }, ...(browserslist == null && ecmaVersion != null && (inputConfig.env == null || Object.keys(inputConfig.env).length < 1) ? { target: mapEcmaVersionForSwc(getEcmaVersionForScriptTarget(ecmaVersion, typescript)) } : {}), ...FORCED_SWC_JSC_OPTIONS }, ...(browserslist == null && inputConfig.env == null ? {} : { env: { // Use swc's env option that behaves like @babel/preset-env when a Browserslist has been given ...(browserslist == null ? inputConfig.env : { // Loose breaks things such as spreading an iterable that isn't an array loose: false, shippedProposals: true, targets: browserslist, ...inputConfig.env }) } }), cwd, filename: removeSearchPathFromFilename(filename), minify, swcrc: false, configFile: false, root: cwd, // Always produce sourcemaps. Rollup will be the decider of what to do with them. sourceMaps: true, // Always use the cwd provided to the plugin // Never let swc be the decider of which files to ignore. Rather let Rollup decide that exclude: undefined, // Never let swc be the decider of which files to include. Rather let Rollup decide that test: undefined, // Always parse things as modules. Rollup will then decide what to do based on the output format isModule: true }; return (_f = hook === null || hook === void 0 ? void 0 : hook(config, filename, phase)) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : config; }; } const ignoredKeys = new Set(["cache"]); /** * Treat the options as equal if their properties are somewhat equal, not taking their cache into account */ function inputOptionsAreEqual(a, b) { return inputValuesAreEqual(a, b).equal; } function inputValuesAreEqual(a, b, path = []) { if (a === b || (a == null && b == null)) return { equal: true }; else if (typeof a !== typeof b) return { equal: false, path }; else if (Array.isArray(a)) { if (!Array.isArray(b)) return { equal: false, path }; else if (a.length !== b.length) return { equal: false, path }; else if (a.some((element, index) => !inputValuesAreEqual(element, b[index], [...path, String(index)]).equal)) { return { equal: false, path }; } else { return { equal: true }; } } else if (typeof a === "object" && a != null) { if (typeof b !== "object" || b == null) return { equal: false, path }; const aKeys = Object.keys(a).filter(key => !ignoredKeys.has(key)); const bKeys = Object.keys(b).filter(key => !ignoredKeys.has(key)); if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) return { equal: false, path }; else if (aKeys.some(key => !inputValuesAreEqual(a[key], b[key], [...path, key]).equal)) { return { equal: false, path }; } else { return { equal: true }; } } else if (typeof a === "function") { if (typeof b !== "function") return { equal: false, path }; else if (a.toString() !== b.toString()) return { equal: false, path }; else { return { equal: true }; } } else { return { equal: true }; } } /** * The name of the Rollup plugin */ const PLUGIN_NAME = "Typescript"; /** * A Rollup plugin that transpiles the given input with Typescript */ function typescriptRollupPlugin(pluginInputOptions = {}) { const pluginOptions = getPluginOptions(pluginInputOptions); const { include, exclude, tsconfig, cwd, browserslist, typescript, fileSystem, transpileOnly } = pluginOptions; const transformers = pluginOptions.transformers == null ? [] : ensureArray(pluginOptions.transformers); const transpilerOptions = getTranspilerOptions(pluginOptions.transpiler); // Make sure to normalize the received Browserslist const normalizedBrowserslist = getBrowserslist({ browserslist, cwd, fileSystem }); /** * The ParsedCommandLine to use with Typescript */ let parsedCommandLineResult; /** * The config to use with Babel for each file, if Babel should transpile source code */ let babelConfigFileFactory; /** * The config to use with Babel for each chunk, if Babel should transpile source code */ let babelConfigChunkFactory; /** * The config to use with swc for each file, if swc should transpile source code */ let swcConfigFileFactory; /** * The config to use with swc for each chunk, if swc should transpile source code */ let swcConfigChunkFactory; /** * The CompilerHost to use */ let host; /** * The ResolveCache to use */ const resolveCache = new ResolveCache({ fileSystem }); /** * The filter function to use */ const internalFilter = pluginutils.createFilter(include, exclude); const filter = (id) => !isSwcHelper(id) && (internalFilter(id) || internalFilter(path.normalize(id)) || internalFilter(path.native.normalize(id))); /** * All supported extensions */ let SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS; /** * The InputOptions provided to Rollup */ let rollupInputOptions; /** * The previously emitted Rollup cache used as input, if any */ let inputCache; /** * A Set of the entry filenames for when using rollup-plugin-multi-entry (we need to track this for generating valid declarations) */ let MULTI_ENTRY_FILE_NAMES; /** * The virtual module name generated when using @rollup/plugin-multi-entry in combination with this plugin */ let MULTI_ENTRY_MODULE; const addFile = (fileName, text, dependencyCb) => { // Add the file to the CompilerHost host.add({ fileName, text, fromRollup: true }); if (dependencyCb != null) { // Add all dependencies of the file to the File Watcher if missing const dependencies = host.getDependenciesForFile(fileName, true); if (dependencies != null) { for (const dependency of dependencies) { const pickedDependency = pickResolvedModule(dependency, false); if (pickedDependency == null) continue; dependencyCb(pickedDependency); } } } }; const emitFile = (fileName) => { // Get some EmitOutput, optionally from the cache if the file contents are unchanged const emitOutput = host.emit(path.normalize(fileName), false); // Return the emit output results to Rollup return getSourceDescriptionFromEmitOutput(emitOutput); }; const transpileWithBabel = async (fileName, input, initial = false) => { var _a; // Conditionally initialize babel at this point. // Only require @babel/preset-typescript if relevant for the initial emit that may include TypeScript specific syntax const babel = await loadBabel(initial); const babelConfigResult = await babelConfigFileFactory(fileName, initial); const transpilationResult = await babel.transformAsync(input.code, { ...babelConfigResult.config, filenameRelative: ensureRelative(cwd, path.normalize(fileName)), inputSourceMap: typeof input.map === "string" ? JSON.parse(input.map) : input.map }); return (transpilationResult === null || transpilationResult === void 0 ? void 0 : transpilationResult.code) == null ? undefined : { code: transpilationResult.code, map: (_a = transpilationResult.map) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined }; }; const transpileWithSwc = async (fileName, input, initial = false) => { var _a; // Conditionally initialize swc at this point const swc = await loadSwc(); const swcConfigResult = swcConfigFileFactory(fileName, initial); const transpilationResult = await swc.transform(input.code, { ...swcConfigResult, inputSourceMap: typeof input.map === "string" ? input.map : JSON.stringify(input.map) }); return (transpilationResult === null || transpilationResult === void 0 ? void 0 : transpilationResult.code) == null ? undefined : { code: transpilationResult.code, map: (_a = transpilationResult.map) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined }; }; /** * This little helper is used in very rare cases, when something other than the TypeScript Compiler APIs has removed TypeScript specific features, and TypeScript should now strictly * be used for applying additional syntax lowering. This will happen when something like babel or swc is used for TypeScript syntax, but typescript/tsc is used for other syntax. * This is likely a very rare, odd scenario, and one that bypasses the Compiler host entirely. It is, however, completely OK, and the closest tsc provides to a simple transformation, * akin to what babel and swc provides. */ const transpileWithTypescript = (fileName, input) => { const transpilationResult = typescript.transpileModule(input.code, { compilerOptions: host.getCompilationSettings(), fileName: path.normalize(fileName), transformers: host.getCustomTransformers(), // We've moved on from the TypeScript specific parts at this point, so do not report any diagnostics here. This is purely a syntax transformation! reportDiagnostics: false }); return { code: transpilationResult.outputText, map: transpilationResult.sourceMapText }; }; const isFileRelevant = (code, file) => { const normalizedFile = path.normalize(file); // Skip the file if it doesn't match the filter or if the helper cannot be transformed if (!filter(normalizedFile)) { return { relevant: false, isSupportedByCompilerHost: false }; } const hasJsonExtension = getExtension(normalizedFile) === JSON_EXTENSION; // Files with a .json extension may not necessarily be JSON, for example // if a JSON plugin came before rollup-plugin-ts, in which case it shouldn't be treated // as JSON. const isJsInDisguise = hasJsonExtension && !isJsonLike(code); return { relevant: true, isSupportedByCompilerHost: host.isSupportedFileName(normalizedFile) && !isJsInDisguise }; }; async function flattenPlugins(plugins) { const flattened = []; const awaitedPlugins = ensureArray(isPromise(plugins) ? await plugins : plugins).filter(isDefined); for (const awaitedPlugin of awaitedPlugins) { if (awaitedPlugin == null || awaitedPlugin === false) continue; if (Array.isArray(awaitedPlugin) || isPromise(awaitedPlugin)) { flattened.push(...(await flattenPlugins(awaitedPlugin))); } else { flattened.push(awaitedPlugin); } } return flattened; } return { name: PLUGIN_NAME, /** * Invoked when Input options has been received by Rollup */ async options(options) { // Always update the input cache inputCache = typeof options.cache === "boolean" ? undefined : options.cache; // Don't proceed if the options are identical to the previous ones if (rollupInputOptions != null && inputOptionsAreEqual(rollupInputOptions, options)) return; // Re-assign the full input options rollupInputOptions = options; const plugins = await flattenPlugins(options.plugins); const multiEntryPlugin = plugins === null || plugins === void 0 ? void 0 : plugins.find(plugin => plugin != null && typeof plugin !== "boolean" && plugin.name === "multi-entry"); // If the multi-entry plugin is being used, we can extract the name of the entry module // based on it if (multiEntryPlugin != null) { if (typeof options.input === "string") { MULTI_ENTRY_MODULE = `${ROLLUP_PLUGIN_VIRTUAL_PREFIX}${options.input}`; } } // Make sure we have a proper ParsedCommandLine to work with parsedCommandLineResult = getParsedCommandLine({ tsconfig, cwd, fileSystem, typescript, pluginOptions, filter, forcedCompilerOptions: getForcedCompilerOptions({ pluginOptions, rollupInputOptions, browserslist: normalizedBrowserslist }) }); if (isUsingTranspiler("babel", transpilerOptions)) { // Prepare a Babel config if Babel should be the transpiler for some or all emit // A browserslist may already be provided, but if that is not the case, one can be computed based on the "target" from the tsconfig const computedBrowserslist = takeBrowserslistOrComputeBasedOnCompilerOptions(normalizedBrowserslist, parsedCommandLineResult.originalCompilerOptions, typescript); const sharedBabelConfigFactoryOptions = { babel: await loadBabel(), cwd, hook: pluginOptions.hook.babelConfig, babelConfig: pluginOptions.babelConfig, forcedOptions: getForcedBabelOptions({ cwd }), defaultOptions: getDefaultBabelOptions({ browserslist: computedBrowserslist, transpilerOptions }), browserslist: computedBrowserslist, rollupInputOptions }; babelConfigFileFactory = getBabelConfig({ ...sharedBabelConfigFactoryOptions, phase: "file" }); babelConfigChunkFactory = getBabelConfig({ ...sharedBabelConfigFactoryOptions, phase: "chunk" }); } if (isUsingTranspiler("swc", transpilerOptions)) { // Prepare a swc config file factory if swc should be the transpiler for some or all emit const sharedSwcConfigFactoryOptions = { cwd, fileSystem, typescript, pluginOptions, hook: pluginOptions.hook.swcConfig, swcConfig: pluginOptions.swcConfig, browserslist: normalizedBrowserslist === false ? undefined : normalizedBrowserslist, ecmaVersion: parsedCommandLineResult.originalCompilerOptions.target }; swcConfigFileFactory = getSwcConfigFactory({ ...sharedSwcConfigFactoryOptions, phase: "file" }); swcConfigChunkFactory = getSwcConfigFactory({ ...sharedSwcConfigFactoryOptions, phase: "chunk" }); } SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = getSupportedExtensions(Boolean(parsedCommandLineResult.parsedCommandLine.options.allowJs), Boolean(parsedCommandLineResult.parsedCommandLine.options.resolveJsonModule), typescript); // Hook up a CompilerHost host = new CompilerHost({ filter, cwd, resolveCache, fileSystem, typescript, extensions: SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS, externalOption: rollupInputOptions.external, parsedCommandLineResult, transformers: mergeTransformers(...transformers) }); return undefined; }, /** * Renders the given chunk. Will emit declaration files if the Typescript config says so. * Will also apply any minification via Babel if a minification plugin or preset has been provided, * and if Babel is the chosen transpiler. Otherwise, it will simply do nothing */ async renderChunk(code, chunk, outputOptions) { var _a, _b, _c; let updatedSourceDescription; if (transpilerOptions.otherSyntax === "babel") { const { config } = await babelConfigChunkFactory(chunk.fileName); const babel = await loadBabel(); // When targeting CommonJS and using babel as a transpiler, we may need to rewrite forced ESM paths for preserved external helpers to paths that are compatible with CommonJS. updatedSourceDescription = replaceBabelHelpers(code, chunk.fileName, outputOptions.format === "cjs" || outputOptions.format === "commonjs" ? "cjs" : "esm"); // Don't proceed if there is no minification config if (config == null) { return updatedSourceDescription !== null && updatedSourceDescription !== void 0 ? updatedSourceDescription : null; } const updatedCode = updatedSourceDescription != null ? updatedSourceDescription.code : code; const updatedMap = updatedSourceDescription != null ? updatedSourceDescription.map : undefined; const transpilationResult = await babel.transformAsync(updatedCode, { ...config, filenameRelative: ensureRelative(cwd, chunk.fileName), ...(updatedMap == null ? {} : { inputSourceMap: { ...updatedMap, file: (_a = updatedMap.file) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "" } }) }); if (transpilationResult == null || transpilationResult.code == null) { return updatedSourceDescription == null ? null : updatedSourceDescription; } // Return the results return { code: transpilationResult.code, map: (_b = transpilationResult.map) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : undefined }; } else if (transpilerOptions.otherSyntax === "swc") { const config = swcConfigChunkFactory(chunk.fileName); const swc = await loadSwc(); // Don't proceed if there is no minification config if (config == null) { return updatedSourceDescription !== null && updatedSourceDescription !== void 0 ? updatedSourceDescription : null; } const updatedCode = updatedSourceDescription != null ? updatedSourceDescription.code : code; const updatedMap = updatedSourceDescription != null ? updatedSourceDescription.map : undefined; const transpilationResult = await swc.transform(updatedCode, { ...config, ...(updatedMap == null ? {} : { inputSourceMap: JSON.stringify(updatedMap) }) }); if (transpilationResult == null || transpilationResult.code == null) { return updatedSourceDescription == null ? null : updatedSourceDescription; } // Return the results return { code: transpilationResult.code, map: (_c = transpilationResult.map) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : undefined }; } else { return updatedSourceDescription !== null && updatedSourceDescription !== void 0 ? updatedSourceDescription : null; } }, /** * When a file changes, make sure to clear it from any caches to avoid stale caches */ watchChange(id) { host.delete(id); resolveCache.delete(id); host.clearCaches(); }, /** * Transforms the given code and file */ async transform(code, file) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; const normalizedFile = path.normalize(file); // If this file represents ROLLUP_PLUGIN_MULTI_ENTRY, we need to parse its' contents to understand which files it aliases. // Following that, there's nothing more to do if (isMultiEntryModule(normalizedFile, MULTI_ENTRY_MODULE)) { MULTI_ENTRY_FILE_NAMES = new Set(stringutil.matchAll(code, /(import|export)\s*(\*\s*from\s*)?["'`]([^"'`]*)["'`]/).map(([, , , p]) => path.normalize(p.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\")))); return undefined; } const { relevant, isSupportedByCompilerHost } = isFileRelevant(code, file); if (!relevant) return undefined; let sourceDescription = { code, map: undefined }; // Some @babel/runtime helpers may depend on other helpers, but sometimes these are imported from the incorrect paths. // For example, some @babel/runtime/helpers/esm files depend on CJS helpers where they actually should depend on esm helpers instead. // In these cases, we'll have to transform the imports immediately since it will otherwise break for users who don't use something like the commonjs plugin, // even though this is technically not a problem directly caused by or related to rollup-plugin-ts if (isUsingTranspiler("babel", transpilerOptions) && isBabelHelper(normalizedFile)) { sourceDescription = (_a = replaceBabelHelpers(code, normalizedFile, "esm")) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : sourceDescription; } // Only add the file to the Typescript CompilerHost if its extension is supported. if (isSupportedByCompilerHost) { addFile(normalizedFile, sourceDescription.code, dependency => this.addWatchFile(dependency)); } switch (transpilerOptions.typescriptSyntax) { case "typescript": { if (isSupportedByCompilerHost) { sourceDescription = (_b = emitFile(file)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : sourceDescription; } break; } case "babel": { sourceDescription = (_c = (await transpileWithBabel(file, sourceDescription, true))) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : sourceDescription; break; } case "swc": { sourceDescription = (_d = (await transpileWithSwc(file, sourceDescription, true))) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : sourceDescription; break; } } // If the same transpiler is used for both TypeScript- and other syntax, // return the generated source description at this point. if (transpilerOptions.otherSyntax === transpilerOptions.typescriptSyntax) { return sourceDescription; } else { switch (transpilerOptions.otherSyntax) { case "typescript": { return (_e = transpileWithTypescript(file, sourceDescription)) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : sourceDescription; } case "babel": { return (_f = (await transpileWithBabel(file, sourceDescription))) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : sourceDescription; } case "swc": { return (_g = (await transpileWithSwc(file, sourceDescription))) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : sourceDescription; } } } }, /** * Attempts to resolve the given id via the LanguageServiceHost */ resolveId(id, parent) { // Don't proceed if there is no parent (in which case this is an entry module) if (parent == null) return null; if (id === "regenerator-runtime") { return REGENERATOR_RUNTIME_VIRTUAL_SRC; } const resolveResult = host.resolve(id, parent); const pickedResolveResult = resolveResult == null ? undefined : pickResolvedModule(resolveResult, false); return pickedResolveResult == null ? null : path.native.normalize(pickedResolveResult); }, /** * Optionally loads the given id. Is used to swap out the regenerator-runtime implementation used by babel * to use one that is using ESM by default to play nice with Rollup even when rollup-plugin-commonjs isn't * being used */ load(id) { // Return the alternative source for the regenerator runtime if that file is attempted to be loaded if (isRegeneratorRuntime(path.normalize(id))) { return REGENERATOR_SOURCE; } return null; }, /** * Invoked when a full bundle is generated. Will take all modules for all chunks and make sure to remove all removed files * from the LanguageService */ generateBundle(outputOptions, bundle) { // If a cache was provided to Rollup, // some or all files may not have been added to the CompilerHost // and therefore it will not be possible to compile correct diagnostics, // declarations, and/or .buildinfo. To work around this, we'll have to make sure // all files that are part of the compilation unit is in fact added to the CompilerHost if (inputCache != null) { for (const module of inputCache.modules) { const normalizedFile = path.normalize(module.id); // Don't proceed if we already know about that file if (host.has(normalizedFile) || !isFileRelevant(module.originalCode, normalizedFile).isSupportedByCompilerHost) continue; // Add to the CompilerHost addFile(normalizedFile, module.originalCode); } } // If debugging is active, log the outputted files for (const file of Object.values(bundle)) { if (!("fileName" in file)) continue; const normalizedFileName = path.normalize(file.fileName); const text = "code" in file ? file.code : file.source.toString(); if (shouldDebugEmit(pluginOptions.debug, normalizedFileName, text, "javascript")) { logEmit(normalizedFileName, text); } } // Only emit diagnostics if the plugin options allow it if (!Boolean(transpileOnly)) { // Emit all reported diagnostics emitDiagnostics({ host, pluginOptions, context: this }); } // Emit tsbuildinfo files if required if (Boolean(parsedCommandLineResult.parsedCommandLine.options.incremental) || Boolean(parsedCommandLineResult.parsedCommandLine.options.composite)) { emitBuildInfo({ host, outputOptions, pluginOptions, pluginContext: this }); } // Emit declaration files if required if (Boolean(parsedCommandLineResult.originalCompilerOptions.declaration)) { emitDeclarations({ host, bundle, externalOption: rollupInputOptions.external, outputOptions, pluginOptions, pluginContext: this, multiEntryFileNames: MULTI_ENTRY_FILE_NAMES, multiEntryModule: MULTI_ENTRY_MODULE, originalCompilerOptions: parsedCommandLineResult.originalCompilerOptions }); } const bundledFilenames = takeBundledFilesNames(bundle); // Walk through all of the files of the LanguageService and make sure to remove them if they are not part of the bundle for (const fileName of host.getRollupFileNames()) { if (!bundledFilenames.has(fileName)) { host.delete(fileName); } } } }; } module.exports = typescriptRollupPlugin; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map