import { RollupContext } from "./rollupcontext"; import { ConsoleContext, IRollupContext, VerbosityLevel } from "./context"; import { LanguageServiceHost } from "./host"; import { TsCache, convertDiagnostic, IRollupCode, convertEmitOutput } from "./tscache"; import { tsModule, setTypescriptModule } from "./tsproxy"; import * as tsTypes from "typescript"; import * as resolve from "resolve"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import { IRollupOptions } from "./irollup-options"; import { IOptions } from "./ioptions"; import { Partial } from "./partial"; import { parseTsConfig } from "./parse-tsconfig"; import { printDiagnostics } from "./print-diagnostics"; import { TSLIB, tslibSource, tslibVersion } from "./tslib"; import { blue, red, yellow } from "colors/safe"; import { dirname, isAbsolute, join, relative } from "path"; import { normalize } from "./normalize"; export default function typescript(options?: Partial) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires const createFilter = require("rollup-pluginutils").createFilter; // tslint:enable-next-line:no-var-requires let watchMode = false; let generateRound = 0; let rollupOptions: IRollupOptions; let context: ConsoleContext; let filter: any; let parsedConfig: tsTypes.ParsedCommandLine; let servicesHost: LanguageServiceHost; let service: tsTypes.LanguageService; let noErrors = true; const declarations: { [name: string]: { type: tsTypes.OutputFile; map?: tsTypes.OutputFile } } = {}; let _cache: TsCache; const cache = (): TsCache => { if (!_cache) _cache = new TsCache(pluginOptions.clean, servicesHost, pluginOptions.cacheRoot, parsedConfig.options, rollupOptions, parsedConfig.fileNames, context); return _cache; }; const pluginOptions = { ...options } as IOptions; _.defaults(pluginOptions, { check: true, verbosity: VerbosityLevel.Warning, clean: false, cacheRoot: `${process.cwd()}/.rpt2_cache`, include: ["*.ts+(|x)", "**/*.ts+(|x)"], exclude: ["*.d.ts", "**/*.d.ts"], abortOnError: true, rollupCommonJSResolveHack: false, typescript: require("typescript"), tsconfig: undefined, useTsconfigDeclarationDir: false, tsconfigOverride: {}, transformers: [], tsconfigDefaults: {}, }); setTypescriptModule(pluginOptions.typescript); return { name: "rpt2", options(config: IRollupOptions) { rollupOptions = {... config}; context = new ConsoleContext(pluginOptions.verbosity, "rpt2: ");`typescript version: ${tsModule.version}`);`tslib version: ${tslibVersion}`);`rollup-plugin-typescript2 version: $RPT2_VERSION`); context.debug(() => `plugin options:\n${JSON.stringify(pluginOptions, (key, value) => key === "typescript" ? `version ${(value as typeof tsModule).version}` : value, 4)}`); context.debug(() => `rollup config:\n${JSON.stringify(rollupOptions, undefined, 4)}`); watchMode = process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH === "true"; if (watchMode)`running in watch mode`); parsedConfig = parseTsConfig(context, pluginOptions); if (parsedConfig.options.rootDirs) { const included = _ .chain(parsedConfig.options.rootDirs) .flatMap((root) => { if (pluginOptions.include instanceof Array) return => join(root, include)); else return join(root, pluginOptions.include); }) .uniq() .value(); const excluded = _ .chain(parsedConfig.options.rootDirs) .flatMap((root) => { if (pluginOptions.exclude instanceof Array) return => join(root, exclude)); else return join(root, pluginOptions.exclude); }) .uniq() .value(); filter = createFilter(included, excluded); context.debug(() => `included:\n${JSON.stringify(included, undefined, 4)}`); context.debug(() => `excluded:\n${JSON.stringify(excluded, undefined, 4)}`); } else { filter = createFilter(pluginOptions.include, pluginOptions.exclude); context.debug(() => `included:\n'${JSON.stringify(pluginOptions.include, undefined, 4)}'`); context.debug(() => `excluded:\n'${JSON.stringify(pluginOptions.exclude, undefined, 4)}'`); } servicesHost = new LanguageServiceHost(parsedConfig, pluginOptions.transformers); service = tsModule.createLanguageService(servicesHost, tsModule.createDocumentRegistry()); servicesHost.setLanguageService(service); // printing compiler option errors if (pluginOptions.check) printDiagnostics(context, convertDiagnostic("options", service.getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics()), parsedConfig.options.pretty === true); if (pluginOptions.clean) cache().clean(); }, resolveId(importee: string, importer: string) { if (importee === TSLIB) return "\0" + TSLIB; if (!importer) return null; importer = importer.split("\\").join("/"); // TODO: use module resolution cache const result = tsModule.nodeModuleNameResolver(importee, importer, parsedConfig.options, tsModule.sys); if (result.resolvedModule && result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName) { if (filter(result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName)) cache().setDependency(result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName, importer); if (_.endsWith(result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName, ".d.ts")) return null; const resolved = pluginOptions.rollupCommonJSResolveHack ? resolve.sync(result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName) : result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName; context.debug(() => `${blue("resolving")} '${importee}'`); context.debug(() => ` to '${resolved}'`); return resolved; } return null; }, load(id: string): string | undefined { if (id === "\0" + TSLIB) return tslibSource; return undefined; }, transform(this: IRollupContext, code: string, id: string): IRollupCode | undefined { generateRound = 0; // in watch mode transform call resets generate count (used to avoid printing too many copies of the same error messages) if (!filter(id)) return undefined; const contextWrapper = new RollupContext(pluginOptions.verbosity, pluginOptions.abortOnError, this, "rpt2: "); const snapshot = servicesHost.setSnapshot(id, code); // getting compiled file from cache or from ts const result = cache().getCompiled(id, snapshot, () => { const output = service.getEmitOutput(id); if (output.emitSkipped) { noErrors = false; // always checking on fatal errors, even if options.check is set to false const diagnostics = _.concat( cache().getSyntacticDiagnostics(id, snapshot, () => { return service.getSyntacticDiagnostics(id); }), cache().getSemanticDiagnostics(id, snapshot, () => { return service.getSemanticDiagnostics(id); }), ); printDiagnostics(contextWrapper, diagnostics, parsedConfig.options.pretty === true); // since no output was generated, aborting compilation cache().done(); if (_.isFunction(this.error)) this.error(red(`failed to transpile '${id}'`)); } return convertEmitOutput(output); }); if (pluginOptions.check) { const diagnostics = _.concat( cache().getSyntacticDiagnostics(id, snapshot, () => { return service.getSyntacticDiagnostics(id); }), cache().getSemanticDiagnostics(id, snapshot, () => { return service.getSemanticDiagnostics(id); }), ); if (diagnostics.length > 0) noErrors = false; printDiagnostics(contextWrapper, diagnostics, parsedConfig.options.pretty === true); } if (result) { if (result.dts) { const key = normalize(id); declarations[key] = { type: result.dts, map: result.dtsmap }; context.debug(() => `${blue("generated declarations")} for '${key}'`); } const transformResult = { code: result.code, map: { mappings: "" } }; if ( { if (pluginOptions.sourceMapCallback) pluginOptions.sourceMapCallback(id,; = JSON.parse(; } return transformResult; } return undefined; }, ongenerate(): void { context.debug(() => `generating target ${generateRound + 1}`); if (pluginOptions.check && watchMode && generateRound === 0) { cache().walkTree((id) => { if (!filter(id)) return; const diagnostics = _.concat( convertDiagnostic("syntax", service.getSyntacticDiagnostics(id)), convertDiagnostic("semantic", service.getSemanticDiagnostics(id)), ); printDiagnostics(context, diagnostics, parsedConfig.options.pretty === true); }); } if (!watchMode && !noErrors)"there were errors or warnings.")); cache().done(); generateRound++; }, onwrite({ dest, file }: IRollupOptions) { if (parsedConfig.options.declaration) { _.each(parsedConfig.fileNames, (name) => { const key = normalize(name); if (_.has(declarations, key) || !filter(key)) return; context.debug(() => `generating missed declarations for '${key}'`); const output = service.getEmitOutput(key, true); const out = convertEmitOutput(output); if (out.dts) declarations[key] = { type: out.dts, map: out.dtsmap }; }); const bundleFile = file ? file : dest; // rollup 0.48+ has 'file' const writeDeclaration = (key: string, extension: string, entry?: tsTypes.OutputFile) => { if (!entry) return; let fileName =; if (fileName.includes("?")) // HACK for rollup-plugin-vue, it creates virtual modules in form 'file.vue?rollup-plugin-vue=script.ts' fileName = fileName.split("?", 1) + extension; let writeToPath: string; // If for some reason no 'dest' property exists or if 'useTsconfigDeclarationDir' is given in the plugin options, // use the path provided by Typescript's LanguageService. if (!bundleFile || pluginOptions.useTsconfigDeclarationDir) writeToPath = fileName; else { // Otherwise, take the directory name from the path and make sure it is absolute. const destDirname = dirname(bundleFile); const destDirectory = isAbsolute(destDirname) ? destDirname : join(process.cwd(), destDirname); writeToPath = join(destDirectory, relative(process.cwd(), fileName)); } context.debug(() => `${blue("writing declarations")} for '${key}' to '${writeToPath}'`); // Write the declaration file to disk. tsModule.sys.writeFile(writeToPath, entry.text, entry.writeByteOrderMark); }; _.each(declarations, ({ type, map }, key) => { writeDeclaration(key, ".d.ts", type); writeDeclaration(key, "", map); }); } }, }; }