import { IContext } from "./context"; import { Graph, alg } from "graphlib"; import { sha1 } from "object-hash"; import { RollingCache } from "./rollingcache"; import { ICache } from "./icache"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import { tsModule } from "./tsproxy"; import * as tsTypes from "typescript"; import { blue, yellow, green } from "colors/safe"; import { emptyDirSync, pathExistsSync } from "fs-extra"; import { formatHost } from "./diagnostics-format-host"; import { NoCache } from "./nocache"; export interface ICode { code?: string; map?: string; dts?: tsTypes.OutputFile; dtsmap?: tsTypes.OutputFile; } export interface IRollupCode { code: string | undefined; map: { mappings: string }; } interface INodeLabel { dirty: boolean; } export interface IDiagnostics { flatMessage: string; formatted: string; fileLine?: string; category: tsTypes.DiagnosticCategory; code: number; type: string; } interface ITypeSnapshot { id: string; snapshot: tsTypes.IScriptSnapshot | undefined; } export function convertEmitOutput(output: tsTypes.EmitOutput): ICode { const out: ICode = { }; output.outputFiles.forEach((e) => { if (_.endsWith(, ".d.ts")) out.dts = e; else if (_.endsWith(, "")) out.dtsmap = e; else if (_.endsWith(, ".map")) = e.text; else out.code = e.text; }); return out; } export function convertDiagnostic(type: string, data: tsTypes.Diagnostic[]): IDiagnostics[] { return, (diagnostic) => { const entry: IDiagnostics = { flatMessage: tsModule.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n"), formatted: tsModule.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(data, formatHost), category: diagnostic.category, code: diagnostic.code, type, }; if (diagnostic.file && diagnostic.start !== undefined) { const { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start); entry.fileLine = `${diagnostic.file.fileName}(${line + 1},${character + 1})`; } return entry; }); } export class TsCache { private cacheVersion = "7"; private dependencyTree: Graph; private ambientTypes: ITypeSnapshot[]; private ambientTypesDirty = false; private cacheDir: string; private codeCache!: ICache; private typesCache!: ICache; private semanticDiagnosticsCache!: ICache; private syntacticDiagnosticsCache!: ICache; constructor(private noCache: boolean, private host: tsTypes.LanguageServiceHost, cache: string, private options: tsTypes.CompilerOptions, private rollupConfig: any, rootFilenames: string[], private context: IContext) { this.cacheDir = `${cache}/${sha1({ version: this.cacheVersion, rootFilenames, options: this.options, rollupConfig: this.rollupConfig, tsVersion: tsModule.version, })}`; this.dependencyTree = new Graph({ directed: true }); this.dependencyTree.setDefaultNodeLabel((_node: string) => ({ dirty: false })); const automaticTypes =, tsModule.sys), (entry) => tsModule.resolveTypeReferenceDirective(entry, undefined, options, tsModule.sys)) .filter((entry) => entry.resolvedTypeReferenceDirective && entry.resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName) .map((entry) => entry.resolvedTypeReferenceDirective!.resolvedFileName!); this.ambientTypes = _.filter(rootFilenames, (file) => _.endsWith(file, ".d.ts")) .concat(automaticTypes) .map((id) => ({ id, snapshot: })); this.init(); this.checkAmbientTypes(); } public clean() { if (pathExistsSync(this.cacheDir)) {`cleaning cache: ${this.cacheDir}`)); emptyDirSync(this.cacheDir); } this.init(); } public setDependency(importee: string, importer: string): void { // importee -> importer this.context.debug(`${blue("dependency")} '${importee}'`); this.context.debug(` imported by '${importer}'`); this.dependencyTree.setEdge(importer, importee); } public walkTree(cb: (id: string) => void | false): void { const acyclic = alg.isAcyclic(this.dependencyTree); if (acyclic) { _.each(alg.topsort(this.dependencyTree), (id: string) => cb(id)); return; }"import tree has cycles")); _.each(this.dependencyTree.nodes(), (id: string) => cb(id)); } public done() {"rolling caches")); this.codeCache.roll(); this.semanticDiagnosticsCache.roll(); this.syntacticDiagnosticsCache.roll(); this.typesCache.roll(); } public getCompiled(id: string, snapshot: tsTypes.IScriptSnapshot, transform: () => ICode | undefined): ICode | undefined { const name = this.makeName(id, snapshot);`${blue("transpiling")} '${id}'`); this.context.debug(` cache: '${this.codeCache.path(name)}'`); if (this.codeCache.exists(name) && !this.isDirty(id, false)) { this.context.debug(green(" cache hit")); const data =; if (data) { this.codeCache.write(name, data); return data; } else this.context.warn(yellow(" cache broken, discarding")); } this.context.debug(yellow(" cache miss")); const transformedData = transform(); this.codeCache.write(name, transformedData); this.markAsDirty(id); return transformedData; } public getSyntacticDiagnostics(id: string, snapshot: tsTypes.IScriptSnapshot, check: () => tsTypes.Diagnostic[]): IDiagnostics[] { return this.getDiagnostics("syntax", this.syntacticDiagnosticsCache, id, snapshot, check); } public getSemanticDiagnostics(id: string, snapshot: tsTypes.IScriptSnapshot, check: () => tsTypes.Diagnostic[]): IDiagnostics[] { return this.getDiagnostics("semantic", this.semanticDiagnosticsCache, id, snapshot, check); } private checkAmbientTypes(): void { this.context.debug(blue("Ambient types:")); const typeNames = _.filter(this.ambientTypes, (snapshot) => snapshot.snapshot !== undefined) .map((snapshot) => { this.context.debug(` ${}`); return this.makeName(, snapshot.snapshot!); }); // types dirty if any d.ts changed, added or removed this.ambientTypesDirty = !this.typesCache.match(typeNames); if (this.ambientTypesDirty)"ambient types changed, redoing all semantic diagnostics")); _.each(typeNames, (name) => this.typesCache.touch(name)); } private getDiagnostics(type: string, cache: ICache, id: string, snapshot: tsTypes.IScriptSnapshot, check: () => tsTypes.Diagnostic[]): IDiagnostics[] { const name = this.makeName(id, snapshot); this.context.debug(` cache: '${cache.path(name)}'`); if (cache.exists(name) && !this.isDirty(id, true)) { this.context.debug(green(" cache hit")); const data =; if (data) { cache.write(name, data); return data; } else this.context.warn(yellow(" cache broken, discarding")); } this.context.debug(yellow(" cache miss")); const convertedData = convertDiagnostic(type, check()); cache.write(name, convertedData); this.markAsDirty(id); return convertedData; } private init() { if (this.noCache) { this.codeCache = new NoCache(); this.typesCache = new NoCache(); this.syntacticDiagnosticsCache = new NoCache(); this.semanticDiagnosticsCache = new NoCache(); } else { this.codeCache = new RollingCache(`${this.cacheDir}/code`, true); this.typesCache = new RollingCache(`${this.cacheDir}/types`, true); this.syntacticDiagnosticsCache = new RollingCache(`${this.cacheDir}/syntacticDiagnostics`, true); this.semanticDiagnosticsCache = new RollingCache(`${this.cacheDir}/semanticDiagnostics`, true); } } private markAsDirty(id: string): void { this.dependencyTree.setNode(id, { dirty: true }); } // returns true if node or any of its imports or any of global types changed private isDirty(id: string, checkImports: boolean): boolean { const label = this.dependencyTree.node(id) as INodeLabel; if (!label) return false; if (!checkImports || label.dirty) return label.dirty; if (this.ambientTypesDirty) return true; const dependencies = alg.dijkstra(this.dependencyTree, id); return _.some(dependencies, (dependency, node) => { if (!node || dependency.distance === Infinity) return false; const l = this.dependencyTree.node(node) as INodeLabel | undefined; const dirty = l === undefined ? true : l.dirty; if (dirty) this.context.debug(` import changed: ${node}`); return dirty; }); } private makeName(id: string, snapshot: tsTypes.IScriptSnapshot) { const data = snapshot.getText(0, snapshot.getLength()); return sha1({ data, id }); } }