#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; } var fs = require('fs'); var fs__default = _interopDefault(fs); var path = require('path'); var path__default = _interopDefault(path); var module$1 = _interopDefault(require('module')); var os = _interopDefault(require('os')); var rollup = require('../dist/rollup.js'); var index$1 = function (args, opts) { if (!opts) { opts = {}; } var flags = { bools : {}, strings : {}, unknownFn: null }; if (typeof opts['unknown'] === 'function') { flags.unknownFn = opts['unknown']; } if (typeof opts['boolean'] === 'boolean' && opts['boolean']) { flags.allBools = true; } else { [].concat(opts['boolean']).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (key) { flags.bools[key] = true; }); } var aliases = {}; Object.keys(opts.alias || {}).forEach(function (key) { aliases[key] = [].concat(opts.alias[key]); aliases[key].forEach(function (x) { aliases[x] = [key].concat(aliases[key].filter(function (y) { return x !== y; })); }); }); [].concat(opts.string).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (key) { flags.strings[key] = true; if (aliases[key]) { flags.strings[aliases[key]] = true; } }); var defaults = opts['default'] || {}; var argv = { _ : [] }; Object.keys(flags.bools).forEach(function (key) { setArg(key, defaults[key] === undefined ? false : defaults[key]); }); var notFlags = []; if (args.indexOf('--') !== -1) { notFlags = args.slice(args.indexOf('--')+1); args = args.slice(0, args.indexOf('--')); } function argDefined(key, arg) { return (flags.allBools && /^--[^=]+$/.test(arg)) || flags.strings[key] || flags.bools[key] || aliases[key]; } function setArg (key, val, arg) { if (arg && flags.unknownFn && !argDefined(key, arg)) { if (flags.unknownFn(arg) === false) { return; } } var value = !flags.strings[key] && isNumber(val) ? Number(val) : val; setKey(argv, key.split('.'), value); (aliases[key] || []).forEach(function (x) { setKey(argv, x.split('.'), value); }); } function setKey (obj, keys, value) { var o = obj; keys.slice(0,-1).forEach(function (key) { if (o[key] === undefined) { o[key] = {}; } o = o[key]; }); var key = keys[keys.length - 1]; if (o[key] === undefined || flags.bools[key] || typeof o[key] === 'boolean') { o[key] = value; } else if (Array.isArray(o[key])) { o[key].push(value); } else { o[key] = [ o[key], value ]; } } function aliasIsBoolean(key) { return aliases[key].some(function (x) { return flags.bools[x]; }); } for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var arg = args[i]; if (/^--.+=/.test(arg)) { // Using [\s\S] instead of . because js doesn't support the // 'dotall' regex modifier. See: // http://stackoverflow.com/a/1068308/13216 var m = arg.match(/^--([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)$/); var key = m[1]; var value = m[2]; if (flags.bools[key]) { value = value !== 'false'; } setArg(key, value, arg); } else if (/^--no-.+/.test(arg)) { var key = arg.match(/^--no-(.+)/)[1]; setArg(key, false, arg); } else if (/^--.+/.test(arg)) { var key = arg.match(/^--(.+)/)[1]; var next = args[i + 1]; if (next !== undefined && !/^-/.test(next) && !flags.bools[key] && !flags.allBools && (aliases[key] ? !aliasIsBoolean(key) : true)) { setArg(key, next, arg); i++; } else if (/^(true|false)$/.test(next)) { setArg(key, next === 'true', arg); i++; } else { setArg(key, flags.strings[key] ? '' : true, arg); } } else if (/^-[^-]+/.test(arg)) { var letters = arg.slice(1,-1).split(''); var broken = false; for (var j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) { var next = arg.slice(j+2); if (next === '-') { setArg(letters[j], next, arg); continue; } if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(letters[j]) && /=/.test(next)) { setArg(letters[j], next.split('=')[1], arg); broken = true; break; } if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(letters[j]) && /-?\d+(\.\d*)?(e-?\d+)?$/.test(next)) { setArg(letters[j], next, arg); broken = true; break; } if (letters[j+1] && letters[j+1].match(/\W/)) { setArg(letters[j], arg.slice(j+2), arg); broken = true; break; } else { setArg(letters[j], flags.strings[letters[j]] ? '' : true, arg); } } var key = arg.slice(-1)[0]; if (!broken && key !== '-') { if (args[i+1] && !/^(-|--)[^-]/.test(args[i+1]) && !flags.bools[key] && (aliases[key] ? !aliasIsBoolean(key) : true)) { setArg(key, args[i+1], arg); i++; } else if (args[i+1] && /true|false/.test(args[i+1])) { setArg(key, args[i+1] === 'true', arg); i++; } else { setArg(key, flags.strings[key] ? '' : true, arg); } } } else { if (!flags.unknownFn || flags.unknownFn(arg) !== false) { argv._.push( flags.strings['_'] || !isNumber(arg) ? arg : Number(arg) ); } if (opts.stopEarly) { argv._.push.apply(argv._, args.slice(i + 1)); break; } } } Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function (key) { if (!hasKey(argv, key.split('.'))) { setKey(argv, key.split('.'), defaults[key]); (aliases[key] || []).forEach(function (x) { setKey(argv, x.split('.'), defaults[key]); }); } }); if (opts['--']) { argv['--'] = new Array(); notFlags.forEach(function(key) { argv['--'].push(key); }); } else { notFlags.forEach(function(key) { argv._.push(key); }); } return argv; }; function hasKey (obj, keys) { var o = obj; keys.slice(0,-1).forEach(function (key) { o = (o[key] || {}); }); var key = keys[keys.length - 1]; return key in o; } function isNumber (x) { if (typeof x === 'number') { return true; } if (/^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(x)) { return true; } return /^[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[-+]?\d+)?$/.test(x); } var help = "rollup version __VERSION__\n=====================================\n\nUsage: rollup [options] \n\nBasic options:\n\n-v, --version Show version number\n-h, --help Show this help message\n-c, --config Use this config file (if argument is used but value\n is unspecified, defaults to rollup.config.js)\n-w, --watch Watch files in bundle and rebuild on changes\n-i, --input Input (alternative to )\n-o, --output Output (if absent, prints to stdout)\n-f, --format [es] Type of output (amd, cjs, es, iife, umd)\n-e, --external Comma-separate list of module IDs to exclude\n-g, --globals Comma-separate list of `module ID:Global` pairs\n Any module IDs defined here are added to external\n-n, --name Name for UMD export\n-u, --id ID for AMD module (default is anonymous)\n-m, --sourcemap Generate sourcemap (`-m inline` for inline map)\n--no-strict Don't emit a `\"use strict\";` in the generated modules.\n--no-indent Don't indent result\n--environment Settings passed to config file (see example)\n--no-conflict Generate a noConflict method for UMD globals\n--silent Don't print warnings\n--intro Content to insert at top of bundle (inside wrapper)\n--outro Content to insert at end of bundle (inside wrapper)\n--banner Content to insert at top of bundle (outside wrapper)\n--footer Content to insert at end of bundle (outside wrapper)\n--interop Include interop block (true by default)\n\nExamples:\n\n# use settings in config file\nrollup -c\n\n# in config file, process.env.INCLUDE_DEPS === 'true'\n# and process.env.BUILD === 'production'\nrollup -c --environment INCLUDE_DEPS,BUILD:production\n\n# create CommonJS bundle.js from src/main.js\nrollup --format=cjs --output=bundle.js -- src/main.js\n\n# create self-executing IIFE using `window.jQuery`\n# and `window._` as external globals\nrollup -f iife --globals jquery:jQuery,lodash:_ \\\n -i src/app.js -o build/app.js -m build/app.js.map\n\nNotes:\n\n* When piping to stdout, only inline sourcemaps are permitted\n\nFor more information visit https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki\n"; var version = "0.47.4"; var modules = {}; var getModule = function(dir) { var rootPath = dir ? path__default.resolve(dir) : process.cwd(); var rootName = path__default.join(rootPath, '@root'); var root = modules[rootName]; if (!root) { root = new module$1(rootName); root.filename = rootName; root.paths = module$1._nodeModulePaths(rootPath); modules[rootName] = root; } return root; }; var requireRelative = function(requested, relativeTo) { var root = getModule(relativeTo); return root.require(requested); }; requireRelative.resolve = function(requested, relativeTo) { var root = getModule(relativeTo); return module$1._resolveFilename(requested, root); }; var index$2 = requireRelative; var matchOperatorsRe = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g; var index$4 = function (str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Expected a string'); } return str.replace(matchOperatorsRe, '\\$&'); }; function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } var index$10 = { "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255], "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215], "aqua": [0, 255, 255], "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212], "azure": [240, 255, 255], "beige": [245, 245, 220], "bisque": [255, 228, 196], "black": [0, 0, 0], "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205], "blue": [0, 0, 255], "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226], "brown": [165, 42, 42], "burlywood": [222, 184, 135], "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160], "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0], "chocolate": [210, 105, 30], "coral": [255, 127, 80], "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237], "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220], "crimson": [220, 20, 60], "cyan": [0, 255, 255], "darkblue": [0, 0, 139], "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139], "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11], "darkgray": [169, 169, 169], "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0], "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169], "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107], "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139], "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47], "darkorange": [255, 140, 0], "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204], "darkred": [139, 0, 0], "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122], "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143], "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139], "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79], "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79], "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209], "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211], "deeppink": [255, 20, 147], "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255], "dimgray": [105, 105, 105], "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105], "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255], "firebrick": [178, 34, 34], "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240], "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34], "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255], "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220], "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255], "gold": [255, 215, 0], "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32], "gray": [128, 128, 128], "green": [0, 128, 0], "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47], "grey": [128, 128, 128], "honeydew": [240, 255, 240], "hotpink": [255, 105, 180], "indianred": [205, 92, 92], "indigo": [75, 0, 130], "ivory": [255, 255, 240], "khaki": [240, 230, 140], "lavender": [230, 230, 250], "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245], "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0], "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205], "lightblue": [173, 216, 230], "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128], "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255], "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210], "lightgray": [211, 211, 211], "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144], "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211], "lightpink": [255, 182, 193], "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122], "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170], "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250], "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153], "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153], "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222], "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224], "lime": [0, 255, 0], "limegreen": [50, 205, 50], "linen": [250, 240, 230], "magenta": [255, 0, 255], "maroon": [128, 0, 0], "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170], "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205], "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211], "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219], "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113], "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238], "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154], "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204], "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133], "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112], "mintcream": [245, 255, 250], "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225], "moccasin": [255, 228, 181], "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173], "navy": [0, 0, 128], "oldlace": [253, 245, 230], "olive": [128, 128, 0], "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35], "orange": [255, 165, 0], "orangered": [255, 69, 0], "orchid": [218, 112, 214], "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170], "palegreen": [152, 251, 152], "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238], "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147], "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213], "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185], "peru": [205, 133, 63], "pink": [255, 192, 203], "plum": [221, 160, 221], "powderblue": [176, 224, 230], "purple": [128, 0, 128], "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153], "red": [255, 0, 0], "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143], "royalblue": [65, 105, 225], "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19], "salmon": [250, 128, 114], "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96], "seagreen": [46, 139, 87], "seashell": [255, 245, 238], "sienna": [160, 82, 45], "silver": [192, 192, 192], "skyblue": [135, 206, 235], "slateblue": [106, 90, 205], "slategray": [112, 128, 144], "slategrey": [112, 128, 144], "snow": [255, 250, 250], "springgreen": [0, 255, 127], "steelblue": [70, 130, 180], "tan": [210, 180, 140], "teal": [0, 128, 128], "thistle": [216, 191, 216], "tomato": [255, 99, 71], "turquoise": [64, 224, 208], "violet": [238, 130, 238], "wheat": [245, 222, 179], "white": [255, 255, 255], "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245], "yellow": [255, 255, 0], "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50] }; var conversions = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /* MIT license */ // NOTE: conversions should only return primitive values (i.e. arrays, or // values that give correct `typeof` results). // do not use box values types (i.e. Number(), String(), etc.) var reverseKeywords = {}; for (var key in index$10) { if (index$10.hasOwnProperty(key)) { reverseKeywords[index$10[key]] = key; } } var convert = module.exports = { rgb: {channels: 3, labels: 'rgb'}, hsl: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsl'}, hsv: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsv'}, hwb: {channels: 3, labels: 'hwb'}, cmyk: {channels: 4, labels: 'cmyk'}, xyz: {channels: 3, labels: 'xyz'}, lab: {channels: 3, labels: 'lab'}, lch: {channels: 3, labels: 'lch'}, hex: {channels: 1, labels: ['hex']}, keyword: {channels: 1, labels: ['keyword']}, ansi16: {channels: 1, labels: ['ansi16']}, ansi256: {channels: 1, labels: ['ansi256']}, hcg: {channels: 3, labels: ['h', 'c', 'g']}, apple: {channels: 3, labels: ['r16', 'g16', 'b16']}, gray: {channels: 1, labels: ['gray']} }; // hide .channels and .labels properties for (var model in convert) { if (convert.hasOwnProperty(model)) { if (!('channels' in convert[model])) { throw new Error('missing channels property: ' + model); } if (!('labels' in convert[model])) { throw new Error('missing channel labels property: ' + model); } if (convert[model].labels.length !== convert[model].channels) { throw new Error('channel and label counts mismatch: ' + model); } var channels = convert[model].channels; var labels = convert[model].labels; delete convert[model].channels; delete convert[model].labels; Object.defineProperty(convert[model], 'channels', {value: channels}); Object.defineProperty(convert[model], 'labels', {value: labels}); } } convert.rgb.hsl = function (rgb) { var r = rgb[0] / 255; var g = rgb[1] / 255; var b = rgb[2] / 255; var min = Math.min(r, g, b); var max = Math.max(r, g, b); var delta = max - min; var h; var s; var l; if (max === min) { h = 0; } else if (r === max) { h = (g - b) / delta; } else if (g === max) { h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; } else if (b === max) { h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; } h = Math.min(h * 60, 360); if (h < 0) { h += 360; } l = (min + max) / 2; if (max === min) { s = 0; } else if (l <= 0.5) { s = delta / (max + min); } else { s = delta / (2 - max - min); } return [h, s * 100, l * 100]; }; convert.rgb.hsv = function (rgb) { var r = rgb[0]; var g = rgb[1]; var b = rgb[2]; var min = Math.min(r, g, b); var max = Math.max(r, g, b); var delta = max - min; var h; var s; var v; if (max === 0) { s = 0; } else { s = (delta / max * 1000) / 10; } if (max === min) { h = 0; } else if (r === max) { h = (g - b) / delta; } else if (g === max) { h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; } else if (b === max) { h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; } h = Math.min(h * 60, 360); if (h < 0) { h += 360; } v = ((max / 255) * 1000) / 10; return [h, s, v]; }; convert.rgb.hwb = function (rgb) { var r = rgb[0]; var g = rgb[1]; var b = rgb[2]; var h = convert.rgb.hsl(rgb)[0]; var w = 1 / 255 * Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b)); b = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b)); return [h, w * 100, b * 100]; }; convert.rgb.cmyk = function (rgb) { var r = rgb[0] / 255; var g = rgb[1] / 255; var b = rgb[2] / 255; var c; var m; var y; var k; k = Math.min(1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b); c = (1 - r - k) / (1 - k) || 0; m = (1 - g - k) / (1 - k) || 0; y = (1 - b - k) / (1 - k) || 0; return [c * 100, m * 100, y * 100, k * 100]; }; /** * See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance#Squared_Euclidean_distance * */ function comparativeDistance(x, y) { return ( Math.pow(x[0] - y[0], 2) + Math.pow(x[1] - y[1], 2) + Math.pow(x[2] - y[2], 2) ); } convert.rgb.keyword = function (rgb) { var reversed = reverseKeywords[rgb]; if (reversed) { return reversed; } var currentClosestDistance = Infinity; var currentClosestKeyword; for (var keyword in index$10) { if (index$10.hasOwnProperty(keyword)) { var value = index$10[keyword]; // Compute comparative distance var distance = comparativeDistance(rgb, value); // Check if its less, if so set as closest if (distance < currentClosestDistance) { currentClosestDistance = distance; currentClosestKeyword = keyword; } } } return currentClosestKeyword; }; convert.keyword.rgb = function (keyword) { return index$10[keyword]; }; convert.rgb.xyz = function (rgb) { var r = rgb[0] / 255; var g = rgb[1] / 255; var b = rgb[2] / 255; // assume sRGB r = r > 0.04045 ? Math.pow(((r + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : (r / 12.92); g = g > 0.04045 ? Math.pow(((g + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : (g / 12.92); b = b > 0.04045 ? Math.pow(((b + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : (b / 12.92); var x = (r * 0.4124) + (g * 0.3576) + (b * 0.1805); var y = (r * 0.2126) + (g * 0.7152) + (b * 0.0722); var z = (r * 0.0193) + (g * 0.1192) + (b * 0.9505); return [x * 100, y * 100, z * 100]; }; convert.rgb.lab = function (rgb) { var xyz = convert.rgb.xyz(rgb); var x = xyz[0]; var y = xyz[1]; var z = xyz[2]; var l; var a; var b; x /= 95.047; y /= 100; z /= 108.883; x = x > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(x, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * x) + (16 / 116); y = y > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(y, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * y) + (16 / 116); z = z > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(z, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * z) + (16 / 116); l = (116 * y) - 16; a = 500 * (x - y); b = 200 * (y - z); return [l, a, b]; }; convert.hsl.rgb = function (hsl) { var h = hsl[0] / 360; var s = hsl[1] / 100; var l = hsl[2] / 100; var t1; var t2; var t3; var rgb; var val; if (s === 0) { val = l * 255; return [val, val, val]; } if (l < 0.5) { t2 = l * (1 + s); } else { t2 = l + s - l * s; } t1 = 2 * l - t2; rgb = [0, 0, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { t3 = h + 1 / 3 * -(i - 1); if (t3 < 0) { t3++; } if (t3 > 1) { t3--; } if (6 * t3 < 1) { val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3; } else if (2 * t3 < 1) { val = t2; } else if (3 * t3 < 2) { val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * (2 / 3 - t3) * 6; } else { val = t1; } rgb[i] = val * 255; } return rgb; }; convert.hsl.hsv = function (hsl) { var h = hsl[0]; var s = hsl[1] / 100; var l = hsl[2] / 100; var smin = s; var lmin = Math.max(l, 0.01); var sv; var v; l *= 2; s *= (l <= 1) ? l : 2 - l; smin *= lmin <= 1 ? lmin : 2 - lmin; v = (l + s) / 2; sv = l === 0 ? (2 * smin) / (lmin + smin) : (2 * s) / (l + s); return [h, sv * 100, v * 100]; }; convert.hsv.rgb = function (hsv) { var h = hsv[0] / 60; var s = hsv[1] / 100; var v = hsv[2] / 100; var hi = Math.floor(h) % 6; var f = h - Math.floor(h); var p = 255 * v * (1 - s); var q = 255 * v * (1 - (s * f)); var t = 255 * v * (1 - (s * (1 - f))); v *= 255; switch (hi) { case 0: return [v, t, p]; case 1: return [q, v, p]; case 2: return [p, v, t]; case 3: return [p, q, v]; case 4: return [t, p, v]; case 5: return [v, p, q]; } }; convert.hsv.hsl = function (hsv) { var h = hsv[0]; var s = hsv[1] / 100; var v = hsv[2] / 100; var vmin = Math.max(v, 0.01); var lmin; var sl; var l; l = (2 - s) * v; lmin = (2 - s) * vmin; sl = s * vmin; sl /= (lmin <= 1) ? lmin : 2 - lmin; sl = sl || 0; l /= 2; return [h, sl * 100, l * 100]; }; // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-color/#hwb-to-rgb convert.hwb.rgb = function (hwb) { var h = hwb[0] / 360; var wh = hwb[1] / 100; var bl = hwb[2] / 100; var ratio = wh + bl; var i; var v; var f; var n; // wh + bl cant be > 1 if (ratio > 1) { wh /= ratio; bl /= ratio; } i = Math.floor(6 * h); v = 1 - bl; f = 6 * h - i; if ((i & 0x01) !== 0) { f = 1 - f; } n = wh + f * (v - wh); // linear interpolation var r; var g; var b; switch (i) { default: case 6: case 0: r = v; g = n; b = wh; break; case 1: r = n; g = v; b = wh; break; case 2: r = wh; g = v; b = n; break; case 3: r = wh; g = n; b = v; break; case 4: r = n; g = wh; b = v; break; case 5: r = v; g = wh; b = n; break; } return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]; }; convert.cmyk.rgb = function (cmyk) { var c = cmyk[0] / 100; var m = cmyk[1] / 100; var y = cmyk[2] / 100; var k = cmyk[3] / 100; var r; var g; var b; r = 1 - Math.min(1, c * (1 - k) + k); g = 1 - Math.min(1, m * (1 - k) + k); b = 1 - Math.min(1, y * (1 - k) + k); return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]; }; convert.xyz.rgb = function (xyz) { var x = xyz[0] / 100; var y = xyz[1] / 100; var z = xyz[2] / 100; var r; var g; var b; r = (x * 3.2406) + (y * -1.5372) + (z * -0.4986); g = (x * -0.9689) + (y * 1.8758) + (z * 0.0415); b = (x * 0.0557) + (y * -0.2040) + (z * 1.0570); // assume sRGB r = r > 0.0031308 ? ((1.055 * Math.pow(r, 1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055) : r * 12.92; g = g > 0.0031308 ? ((1.055 * Math.pow(g, 1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055) : g * 12.92; b = b > 0.0031308 ? ((1.055 * Math.pow(b, 1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055) : b * 12.92; r = Math.min(Math.max(0, r), 1); g = Math.min(Math.max(0, g), 1); b = Math.min(Math.max(0, b), 1); return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]; }; convert.xyz.lab = function (xyz) { var x = xyz[0]; var y = xyz[1]; var z = xyz[2]; var l; var a; var b; x /= 95.047; y /= 100; z /= 108.883; x = x > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(x, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * x) + (16 / 116); y = y > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(y, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * y) + (16 / 116); z = z > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(z, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * z) + (16 / 116); l = (116 * y) - 16; a = 500 * (x - y); b = 200 * (y - z); return [l, a, b]; }; convert.lab.xyz = function (lab) { var l = lab[0]; var a = lab[1]; var b = lab[2]; var x; var y; var z; y = (l + 16) / 116; x = a / 500 + y; z = y - b / 200; var y2 = Math.pow(y, 3); var x2 = Math.pow(x, 3); var z2 = Math.pow(z, 3); y = y2 > 0.008856 ? y2 : (y - 16 / 116) / 7.787; x = x2 > 0.008856 ? x2 : (x - 16 / 116) / 7.787; z = z2 > 0.008856 ? z2 : (z - 16 / 116) / 7.787; x *= 95.047; y *= 100; z *= 108.883; return [x, y, z]; }; convert.lab.lch = function (lab) { var l = lab[0]; var a = lab[1]; var b = lab[2]; var hr; var h; var c; hr = Math.atan2(b, a); h = hr * 360 / 2 / Math.PI; if (h < 0) { h += 360; } c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); return [l, c, h]; }; convert.lch.lab = function (lch) { var l = lch[0]; var c = lch[1]; var h = lch[2]; var a; var b; var hr; hr = h / 360 * 2 * Math.PI; a = c * Math.cos(hr); b = c * Math.sin(hr); return [l, a, b]; }; convert.rgb.ansi16 = function (args) { var r = args[0]; var g = args[1]; var b = args[2]; var value = 1 in arguments ? arguments[1] : convert.rgb.hsv(args)[2]; // hsv -> ansi16 optimization value = Math.round(value / 50); if (value === 0) { return 30; } var ansi = 30 + ((Math.round(b / 255) << 2) | (Math.round(g / 255) << 1) | Math.round(r / 255)); if (value === 2) { ansi += 60; } return ansi; }; convert.hsv.ansi16 = function (args) { // optimization here; we already know the value and don't need to get // it converted for us. return convert.rgb.ansi16(convert.hsv.rgb(args), args[2]); }; convert.rgb.ansi256 = function (args) { var r = args[0]; var g = args[1]; var b = args[2]; // we use the extended greyscale palette here, with the exception of // black and white. normal palette only has 4 greyscale shades. if (r === g && g === b) { if (r < 8) { return 16; } if (r > 248) { return 231; } return Math.round(((r - 8) / 247) * 24) + 232; } var ansi = 16 + (36 * Math.round(r / 255 * 5)) + (6 * Math.round(g / 255 * 5)) + Math.round(b / 255 * 5); return ansi; }; convert.ansi16.rgb = function (args) { var color = args % 10; // handle greyscale if (color === 0 || color === 7) { if (args > 50) { color += 3.5; } color = color / 10.5 * 255; return [color, color, color]; } var mult = (~~(args > 50) + 1) * 0.5; var r = ((color & 1) * mult) * 255; var g = (((color >> 1) & 1) * mult) * 255; var b = (((color >> 2) & 1) * mult) * 255; return [r, g, b]; }; convert.ansi256.rgb = function (args) { // handle greyscale if (args >= 232) { var c = (args - 232) * 10 + 8; return [c, c, c]; } args -= 16; var rem; var r = Math.floor(args / 36) / 5 * 255; var g = Math.floor((rem = args % 36) / 6) / 5 * 255; var b = (rem % 6) / 5 * 255; return [r, g, b]; }; convert.rgb.hex = function (args) { var integer = ((Math.round(args[0]) & 0xFF) << 16) + ((Math.round(args[1]) & 0xFF) << 8) + (Math.round(args[2]) & 0xFF); var string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase(); return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string; }; convert.hex.rgb = function (args) { var match = args.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i); if (!match) { return [0, 0, 0]; } var colorString = match[0]; if (match[0].length === 3) { colorString = colorString.split('').map(function (char) { return char + char; }).join(''); } var integer = parseInt(colorString, 16); var r = (integer >> 16) & 0xFF; var g = (integer >> 8) & 0xFF; var b = integer & 0xFF; return [r, g, b]; }; convert.rgb.hcg = function (rgb) { var r = rgb[0] / 255; var g = rgb[1] / 255; var b = rgb[2] / 255; var max = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b); var min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b); var chroma = (max - min); var grayscale; var hue; if (chroma < 1) { grayscale = min / (1 - chroma); } else { grayscale = 0; } if (chroma <= 0) { hue = 0; } else if (max === r) { hue = ((g - b) / chroma) % 6; } else if (max === g) { hue = 2 + (b - r) / chroma; } else { hue = 4 + (r - g) / chroma + 4; } hue /= 6; hue %= 1; return [hue * 360, chroma * 100, grayscale * 100]; }; convert.hsl.hcg = function (hsl) { var s = hsl[1] / 100; var l = hsl[2] / 100; var c = 1; var f = 0; if (l < 0.5) { c = 2.0 * s * l; } else { c = 2.0 * s * (1.0 - l); } if (c < 1.0) { f = (l - 0.5 * c) / (1.0 - c); } return [hsl[0], c * 100, f * 100]; }; convert.hsv.hcg = function (hsv) { var s = hsv[1] / 100; var v = hsv[2] / 100; var c = s * v; var f = 0; if (c < 1.0) { f = (v - c) / (1 - c); } return [hsv[0], c * 100, f * 100]; }; convert.hcg.rgb = function (hcg) { var h = hcg[0] / 360; var c = hcg[1] / 100; var g = hcg[2] / 100; if (c === 0.0) { return [g * 255, g * 255, g * 255]; } var pure = [0, 0, 0]; var hi = (h % 1) * 6; var v = hi % 1; var w = 1 - v; var mg = 0; switch (Math.floor(hi)) { case 0: pure[0] = 1; pure[1] = v; pure[2] = 0; break; case 1: pure[0] = w; pure[1] = 1; pure[2] = 0; break; case 2: pure[0] = 0; pure[1] = 1; pure[2] = v; break; case 3: pure[0] = 0; pure[1] = w; pure[2] = 1; break; case 4: pure[0] = v; pure[1] = 0; pure[2] = 1; break; default: pure[0] = 1; pure[1] = 0; pure[2] = w; } mg = (1.0 - c) * g; return [ (c * pure[0] + mg) * 255, (c * pure[1] + mg) * 255, (c * pure[2] + mg) * 255 ]; }; convert.hcg.hsv = function (hcg) { var c = hcg[1] / 100; var g = hcg[2] / 100; var v = c + g * (1.0 - c); var f = 0; if (v > 0.0) { f = c / v; } return [hcg[0], f * 100, v * 100]; }; convert.hcg.hsl = function (hcg) { var c = hcg[1] / 100; var g = hcg[2] / 100; var l = g * (1.0 - c) + 0.5 * c; var s = 0; if (l > 0.0 && l < 0.5) { s = c / (2 * l); } else if (l >= 0.5 && l < 1.0) { s = c / (2 * (1 - l)); } return [hcg[0], s * 100, l * 100]; }; convert.hcg.hwb = function (hcg) { var c = hcg[1] / 100; var g = hcg[2] / 100; var v = c + g * (1.0 - c); return [hcg[0], (v - c) * 100, (1 - v) * 100]; }; convert.hwb.hcg = function (hwb) { var w = hwb[1] / 100; var b = hwb[2] / 100; var v = 1 - b; var c = v - w; var g = 0; if (c < 1) { g = (v - c) / (1 - c); } return [hwb[0], c * 100, g * 100]; }; convert.apple.rgb = function (apple) { return [(apple[0] / 65535) * 255, (apple[1] / 65535) * 255, (apple[2] / 65535) * 255]; }; convert.rgb.apple = function (rgb) { return [(rgb[0] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[1] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[2] / 255) * 65535]; }; convert.gray.rgb = function (args) { return [args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255]; }; convert.gray.hsl = convert.gray.hsv = function (args) { return [0, 0, args[0]]; }; convert.gray.hwb = function (gray) { return [0, 100, gray[0]]; }; convert.gray.cmyk = function (gray) { return [0, 0, 0, gray[0]]; }; convert.gray.lab = function (gray) { return [gray[0], 0, 0]; }; convert.gray.hex = function (gray) { var val = Math.round(gray[0] / 100 * 255) & 0xFF; var integer = (val << 16) + (val << 8) + val; var string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase(); return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string; }; convert.rgb.gray = function (rgb) { var val = (rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3; return [val / 255 * 100]; }; }); /* this function routes a model to all other models. all functions that are routed have a property `.conversion` attached to the returned synthetic function. This property is an array of strings, each with the steps in between the 'from' and 'to' color models (inclusive). conversions that are not possible simply are not included. */ // https://jsperf.com/object-keys-vs-for-in-with-closure/3 var models$1 = Object.keys(conversions); function buildGraph() { var graph = {}; for (var len = models$1.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { graph[models$1[i]] = { // http://jsperf.com/1-vs-infinity // micro-opt, but this is simple. distance: -1, parent: null }; } return graph; } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search function deriveBFS(fromModel) { var graph = buildGraph(); var queue = [fromModel]; // unshift -> queue -> pop graph[fromModel].distance = 0; while (queue.length) { var current = queue.pop(); var adjacents = Object.keys(conversions[current]); for (var len = adjacents.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { var adjacent = adjacents[i]; var node = graph[adjacent]; if (node.distance === -1) { node.distance = graph[current].distance + 1; node.parent = current; queue.unshift(adjacent); } } } return graph; } function link(from, to) { return function (args) { return to(from(args)); }; } function wrapConversion(toModel, graph) { var path$$1 = [graph[toModel].parent, toModel]; var fn = conversions[graph[toModel].parent][toModel]; var cur = graph[toModel].parent; while (graph[cur].parent) { path$$1.unshift(graph[cur].parent); fn = link(conversions[graph[cur].parent][cur], fn); cur = graph[cur].parent; } fn.conversion = path$$1; return fn; } var route = function (fromModel) { var graph = deriveBFS(fromModel); var conversion = {}; var models = Object.keys(graph); for (var len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { var toModel = models[i]; var node = graph[toModel]; if (node.parent === null) { // no possible conversion, or this node is the source model. continue; } conversion[toModel] = wrapConversion(toModel, graph); } return conversion; }; var convert = {}; var models = Object.keys(conversions); function wrapRaw(fn) { var wrappedFn = function (args) { if (args === undefined || args === null) { return args; } if (arguments.length > 1) { args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); } return fn(args); }; // preserve .conversion property if there is one if ('conversion' in fn) { wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion; } return wrappedFn; } function wrapRounded(fn) { var wrappedFn = function (args) { if (args === undefined || args === null) { return args; } if (arguments.length > 1) { args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); } var result = fn(args); // we're assuming the result is an array here. // see notice in conversions.js; don't use box types // in conversion functions. if (typeof result === 'object') { for (var len = result.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { result[i] = Math.round(result[i]); } } return result; }; // preserve .conversion property if there is one if ('conversion' in fn) { wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion; } return wrappedFn; } models.forEach(function (fromModel) { convert[fromModel] = {}; Object.defineProperty(convert[fromModel], 'channels', {value: conversions[fromModel].channels}); Object.defineProperty(convert[fromModel], 'labels', {value: conversions[fromModel].labels}); var routes = route(fromModel); var routeModels = Object.keys(routes); routeModels.forEach(function (toModel) { var fn = routes[toModel]; convert[fromModel][toModel] = wrapRounded(fn); convert[fromModel][toModel].raw = wrapRaw(fn); }); }); var index$8 = convert; var index$6 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { 'use strict'; const wrapAnsi16 = (fn, offset) => function () { const code = fn.apply(index$8, arguments); return `\u001B[${code + offset}m`; }; const wrapAnsi256 = (fn, offset) => function () { const code = fn.apply(index$8, arguments); return `\u001B[${38 + offset};5;${code}m`; }; const wrapAnsi16m = (fn, offset) => function () { const rgb = fn.apply(index$8, arguments); return `\u001B[${38 + offset};2;${rgb[0]};${rgb[1]};${rgb[2]}m`; }; function assembleStyles() { const codes = new Map(); const styles = { modifier: { reset: [0, 0], // 21 isn't widely supported and 22 does the same thing bold: [1, 22], dim: [2, 22], italic: [3, 23], underline: [4, 24], inverse: [7, 27], hidden: [8, 28], strikethrough: [9, 29] }, color: { black: [30, 39], red: [31, 39], green: [32, 39], yellow: [33, 39], blue: [34, 39], magenta: [35, 39], cyan: [36, 39], white: [37, 39], gray: [90, 39], // Bright color redBright: [91, 39], greenBright: [92, 39], yellowBright: [93, 39], blueBright: [94, 39], magentaBright: [95, 39], cyanBright: [96, 39], whiteBright: [97, 39] }, bgColor: { bgBlack: [40, 49], bgRed: [41, 49], bgGreen: [42, 49], bgYellow: [43, 49], bgBlue: [44, 49], bgMagenta: [45, 49], bgCyan: [46, 49], bgWhite: [47, 49], // Bright color bgBlackBright: [100, 49], bgRedBright: [101, 49], bgGreenBright: [102, 49], bgYellowBright: [103, 49], bgBlueBright: [104, 49], bgMagentaBright: [105, 49], bgCyanBright: [106, 49], bgWhiteBright: [107, 49] } }; // Fix humans styles.color.grey = styles.color.gray; for (const groupName of Object.keys(styles)) { const group = styles[groupName]; for (const styleName of Object.keys(group)) { const style = group[styleName]; styles[styleName] = { open: `\u001B[${style[0]}m`, close: `\u001B[${style[1]}m` }; group[styleName] = styles[styleName]; codes.set(style[0], style[1]); } Object.defineProperty(styles, groupName, { value: group, enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(styles, 'codes', { value: codes, enumerable: false }); } const rgb2rgb = (r, g, b) => [r, g, b]; styles.color.close = '\u001B[39m'; styles.bgColor.close = '\u001B[49m'; styles.color.ansi = {}; styles.color.ansi256 = {}; styles.color.ansi16m = { rgb: wrapAnsi16m(rgb2rgb, 0) }; styles.bgColor.ansi = {}; styles.bgColor.ansi256 = {}; styles.bgColor.ansi16m = { rgb: wrapAnsi16m(rgb2rgb, 10) }; for (const key of Object.keys(index$8)) { if (typeof index$8[key] !== 'object') { continue; } const suite = index$8[key]; if ('ansi16' in suite) { styles.color.ansi[key] = wrapAnsi16(suite.ansi16, 0); styles.bgColor.ansi[key] = wrapAnsi16(suite.ansi16, 10); } if ('ansi256' in suite) { styles.color.ansi256[key] = wrapAnsi256(suite.ansi256, 0); styles.bgColor.ansi256[key] = wrapAnsi256(suite.ansi256, 10); } if ('rgb' in suite) { styles.color.ansi16m[key] = wrapAnsi16m(suite.rgb, 0); styles.bgColor.ansi16m[key] = wrapAnsi16m(suite.rgb, 10); } } return styles; } // Make the export immutable Object.defineProperty(module, 'exports', { enumerable: true, get: assembleStyles }); }); var index$14 = function (flag, argv) { argv = argv || process.argv; var terminatorPos = argv.indexOf('--'); var prefix = /^-{1,2}/.test(flag) ? '' : '--'; var pos = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag); return pos !== -1 && (terminatorPos === -1 ? true : pos < terminatorPos); }; var index$12 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { 'use strict'; const env = process.env; const support = level => { if (level === 0) { return false; } return { level, hasBasic: true, has256: level >= 2, has16m: level >= 3 }; }; let supportLevel = (() => { if (index$14('no-color') || index$14('no-colors') || index$14('color=false')) { return 0; } if (index$14('color=16m') || index$14('color=full') || index$14('color=truecolor')) { return 3; } if (index$14('color=256')) { return 2; } if (index$14('color') || index$14('colors') || index$14('color=true') || index$14('color=always')) { return 1; } if (process.stdout && !process.stdout.isTTY) { return 0; } if (process.platform === 'win32') { // Node.js 7.5.0 is the first version of Node.js to include a patch to // libuv that enables 256 color output on Windows. Anything earlier and it // won't work. However, here we target Node.js 8 at minimum as it is an LTS // release, and Node.js 7 is not. Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows // release that supports 256 colors. const osRelease = os.release().split('.'); if ( Number(process.versions.node.split('.')[0]) >= 8 && Number(osRelease[0]) >= 10 && Number(osRelease[2]) >= 10586 ) { return 2; } return 1; } if ('CI' in env) { if ('TRAVIS' in env || env.CI === 'Travis' || 'CIRCLECI' in env) { return 1; } return 0; } if ('TEAMCITY_VERSION' in env) { return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0; } if ('TERM_PROGRAM' in env) { const version = parseInt((env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10); switch (env.TERM_PROGRAM) { case 'iTerm.app': return version >= 3 ? 3 : 2; case 'Hyper': return 3; case 'Apple_Terminal': return 2; // No default } } if (/^(screen|xterm)-256(?:color)?/.test(env.TERM)) { return 2; } if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env.TERM)) { return 1; } if ('COLORTERM' in env) { return 1; } if (env.TERM === 'dumb') { return 0; } return 0; })(); if ('FORCE_COLOR' in env) { supportLevel = parseInt(env.FORCE_COLOR, 10) === 0 ? 0 : (supportLevel || 1); } module.exports = process && support(supportLevel); }); var templates = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { 'use strict'; const TEMPLATE_REGEX = /(?:\\(u[a-f0-9]{4}|x[a-f0-9]{2}|.))|(?:\{(~)?(\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?)*)(?:[ \t]|(?=\r?\n)))|(\})|((?:.|[\r\n\f])+?)/gi; const STYLE_REGEX = /(?:^|\.)(\w+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?/g; const STRING_REGEX = /^(['"])((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)\1$/; const ESCAPE_REGEX = /\\(u[0-9a-f]{4}|x[0-9a-f]{2}|.)|([^\\])/gi; const ESCAPES = { n: '\n', r: '\r', t: '\t', b: '\b', f: '\f', v: '\v', 0: '\0', '\\': '\\', e: '\u001b', a: '\u0007' }; function unescape(c) { if ((c[0] === 'u' && c.length === 5) || (c[0] === 'x' && c.length === 3)) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c.slice(1), 16)); } return ESCAPES[c] || c; } function parseArguments(name, args) { const results = []; const chunks = args.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g); let matches; for (const chunk of chunks) { if (!isNaN(chunk)) { results.push(Number(chunk)); } else if ((matches = chunk.match(STRING_REGEX))) { results.push(matches[2].replace(ESCAPE_REGEX, (m, escape, chr) => escape ? unescape(escape) : chr)); } else { throw new Error(`Invalid Chalk template style argument: ${chunk} (in style '${name}')`); } } return results; } function parseStyle(style) { STYLE_REGEX.lastIndex = 0; const results = []; let matches; while ((matches = STYLE_REGEX.exec(style)) !== null) { const name = matches[1]; if (matches[2]) { const args = parseArguments(name, matches[2]); results.push([name].concat(args)); } else { results.push([name]); } } return results; } function buildStyle(chalk, styles) { const enabled = {}; for (const layer of styles) { for (const style of layer.styles) { enabled[style[0]] = layer.inverse ? null : style.slice(1); } } let current = chalk; for (const styleName of Object.keys(enabled)) { if (Array.isArray(enabled[styleName])) { if (!(styleName in current)) { throw new Error(`Unknown Chalk style: ${styleName}`); } if (enabled[styleName].length > 0) { current = current[styleName].apply(current, enabled[styleName]); } else { current = current[styleName]; } } } return current; } module.exports = (chalk, tmp) => { const styles = []; const chunks = []; let chunk = []; // eslint-disable-next-line max-params tmp.replace(TEMPLATE_REGEX, (m, escapeChar, inverse, style, close, chr) => { if (escapeChar) { chunk.push(unescape(escapeChar)); } else if (style) { const str = chunk.join(''); chunk = []; chunks.push(styles.length === 0 ? str : buildStyle(chalk, styles)(str)); styles.push({inverse, styles: parseStyle(style)}); } else if (close) { if (styles.length === 0) { throw new Error('Found extraneous } in Chalk template literal'); } chunks.push(buildStyle(chalk, styles)(chunk.join(''))); chunk = []; styles.pop(); } else { chunk.push(chr); } }); chunks.push(chunk.join('')); if (styles.length > 0) { const errMsg = `Chalk template literal is missing ${styles.length} closing bracket${styles.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} (\`}\`)`; throw new Error(errMsg); } return chunks.join(''); }; }); const isSimpleWindowsTerm = process.platform === 'win32' && !(process.env.TERM || '').toLowerCase().startsWith('xterm'); // `supportsColor.level` → `ansiStyles.color[name]` mapping const levelMapping = ['ansi', 'ansi', 'ansi256', 'ansi16m']; // `color-convert` models to exclude from the Chalk API due to conflicts and such const skipModels = new Set(['gray']); const styles = Object.create(null); function applyOptions(obj, options) { options = options || {}; // Detect level if not set manually const scLevel = index$12 ? index$12.level : 0; obj.level = options.level === undefined ? scLevel : options.level; obj.enabled = 'enabled' in options ? options.enabled : obj.level > 0; } function Chalk(options) { // We check for this.template here since calling `chalk.constructor()` // by itself will have a `this` of a previously constructed chalk object if (!this || !(this instanceof Chalk) || this.template) { const chalk = {}; applyOptions(chalk, options); chalk.template = function () { const args = [].slice.call(arguments); return chalkTag.apply(null, [chalk.template].concat(args)); }; Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk, Chalk.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk.template, chalk); chalk.template.constructor = Chalk; return chalk.template; } applyOptions(this, options); } // Use bright blue on Windows as the normal blue color is illegible if (isSimpleWindowsTerm) { index$6.blue.open = '\u001B[94m'; } for (const key of Object.keys(index$6)) { index$6[key].closeRe = new RegExp(index$4(index$6[key].close), 'g'); styles[key] = { get() { const codes = index$6[key]; return build.call(this, this._styles ? this._styles.concat(codes) : [codes], key); } }; } index$6.color.closeRe = new RegExp(index$4(index$6.color.close), 'g'); for (const model of Object.keys(index$6.color.ansi)) { if (skipModels.has(model)) { continue; } styles[model] = { get() { const level = this.level; return function () { const open = index$6.color[levelMapping[level]][model].apply(null, arguments); const codes = { open, close: index$6.color.close, closeRe: index$6.color.closeRe }; return build.call(this, this._styles ? this._styles.concat(codes) : [codes], model); }; } }; } index$6.bgColor.closeRe = new RegExp(index$4(index$6.bgColor.close), 'g'); for (const model of Object.keys(index$6.bgColor.ansi)) { if (skipModels.has(model)) { continue; } const bgModel = 'bg' + model[0].toUpperCase() + model.slice(1); styles[bgModel] = { get() { const level = this.level; return function () { const open = index$6.bgColor[levelMapping[level]][model].apply(null, arguments); const codes = { open, close: index$6.bgColor.close, closeRe: index$6.bgColor.closeRe }; return build.call(this, this._styles ? this._styles.concat(codes) : [codes], model); }; } }; } const proto = Object.defineProperties(() => {}, styles); function build(_styles, key) { const builder = function () { return applyStyle.apply(builder, arguments); }; builder._styles = _styles; const self = this; Object.defineProperty(builder, 'level', { enumerable: true, get() { return self.level; }, set(level) { self.level = level; } }); Object.defineProperty(builder, 'enabled', { enumerable: true, get() { return self.enabled; }, set(enabled) { self.enabled = enabled; } }); // See below for fix regarding invisible grey/dim combination on Windows builder.hasGrey = this.hasGrey || key === 'gray' || key === 'grey'; // `__proto__` is used because we must return a function, but there is // no way to create a function with a different prototype builder.__proto__ = proto; // eslint-disable-line no-proto return builder; } function applyStyle() { // Support varags, but simply cast to string in case there's only one arg const args = arguments; const argsLen = args.length; let str = String(arguments[0]); if (argsLen === 0) { return ''; } if (argsLen > 1) { // Don't slice `arguments`, it prevents V8 optimizations for (let a = 1; a < argsLen; a++) { str += ' ' + args[a]; } } if (!this.enabled || this.level <= 0 || !str) { return str; } // Turns out that on Windows dimmed gray text becomes invisible in cmd.exe, // see https://github.com/chalk/chalk/issues/58 // If we're on Windows and we're dealing with a gray color, temporarily make 'dim' a noop. const originalDim = index$6.dim.open; if (isSimpleWindowsTerm && this.hasGrey) { index$6.dim.open = ''; } for (const code of this._styles.slice().reverse()) { // Replace any instances already present with a re-opening code // otherwise only the part of the string until said closing code // will be colored, and the rest will simply be 'plain'. str = code.open + str.replace(code.closeRe, code.open) + code.close; // Close the styling before a linebreak and reopen // after next line to fix a bleed issue on macOS // https://github.com/chalk/chalk/pull/92 str = str.replace(/\r?\n/g, `${code.close}$&${code.open}`); } // Reset the original `dim` if we changed it to work around the Windows dimmed gray issue index$6.dim.open = originalDim; return str; } function chalkTag(chalk, strings) { if (!Array.isArray(strings)) { // If chalk() was called by itself or with a string, // return the string itself as a string. return [].slice.call(arguments, 1).join(' '); } const args = [].slice.call(arguments, 2); const parts = [strings.raw[0]]; for (let i = 1; i < strings.length; i++) { parts.push(String(args[i - 1]).replace(/[{}\\]/g, '\\$&')); parts.push(String(strings.raw[i])); } return templates(chalk, parts.join('')); } Object.defineProperties(Chalk.prototype, styles); var index$3 = Chalk(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap var supportsColor_1 = index$12; index$3.supportsColor = supportsColor_1; const absolutePath = /^(?:\/|(?:[A-Za-z]:)?[\\|/])/; function isAbsolute ( path$$1 ) { return absolutePath.test( path$$1 ); } function relativeId ( id ) { if ( typeof process === 'undefined' || !isAbsolute( id ) ) { return id; } return path.relative( process.cwd(), id ); } if ( !process.stderr.isTTY ) { index$3.enabled = false; } // log to stderr to keep `rollup main.js > bundle.js` from breaking const stderr = console.error.bind( console ); // eslint-disable-line no-console function handleError ( err, recover ) { let description = err.message || err; if (err.name) { description = `${err.name}: ${description}`; } const message = (err.plugin ? `(${err.plugin} plugin) ${description}` : description) || err; stderr( index$3.bold.red( `[!] ${index$3.bold( message )}` ) ); // TODO should this be "err.url || (err.file && err.loc.file) || err.id"? if ( err.url ) { stderr( index$3.cyan( err.url ) ); } if ( err.loc ) { stderr( `${relativeId( err.loc.file || err.id )} (${err.loc.line}:${err.loc.column})` ); } else if ( err.id ) { stderr( relativeId( err.id ) ); } if ( err.frame ) { stderr( index$3.dim( err.frame ) ); } else if ( err.stack ) { stderr( index$3.dim( err.stack ) ); } stderr( '' ); if ( !recover ) { process.exit( 1 ); } } function batchWarnings () { let allWarnings = new Map(); let count = 0; return { get count() { return count; }, add: warning => { if ( typeof warning === 'string' ) { warning = { code: 'UNKNOWN', message: warning }; } if ( warning.code in immediateHandlers ) { immediateHandlers[ warning.code ]( warning ); return; } if ( !allWarnings.has( warning.code ) ) { allWarnings.set( warning.code, [] ); } allWarnings.get( warning.code ).push( warning ); count += 1; }, flush: () => { if ( count === 0 ) { return; } const codes = Array.from( allWarnings.keys() ) .sort( ( a, b ) => { if ( deferredHandlers[a] && deferredHandlers[b] ) { return deferredHandlers[a].priority - deferredHandlers[b].priority; } if ( deferredHandlers[a] ) { return -1; } if ( deferredHandlers[b] ) { return 1; } return allWarnings.get( b ).length - allWarnings.get( a ).length; }); codes.forEach( code => { const handler = deferredHandlers[ code ]; const warnings = allWarnings.get( code ); if ( handler ) { handler.fn( warnings ); } else { warnings.forEach( warning => { stderr( `${index$3.bold.yellow('(!)')} ${index$3.bold.yellow( warning.message )}` ); if ( warning.url ) { info( warning.url ); } const id = warning.loc && warning.loc.file || warning.id; if ( id ) { const loc = warning.loc ? `${relativeId( id )}: (${warning.loc.line}:${warning.loc.column})` : relativeId( id ); stderr( index$3.bold( relativeId( loc ) ) ); } if ( warning.frame ) { info( warning.frame ); } }); } }); allWarnings = new Map(); count = 0; } }; } const immediateHandlers = { MISSING_NODE_BUILTINS: warning => { title( `Missing shims for Node.js built-ins` ); const detail = warning.modules.length === 1 ? `'${warning.modules[0]}'` : `${warning.modules.slice( 0, -1 ).map( name => `'${name}'` ).join( ', ' )} and '${warning.modules.slice( -1 )}'`; stderr( `Creating a browser bundle that depends on ${detail}. You might need to include https://www.npmjs.com/package/rollup-plugin-node-builtins` ); }, MIXED_EXPORTS: () => { title( 'Mixing named and default exports' ); stderr( `Consumers of your bundle will have to use bundle['default'] to access the default export, which may not be what you want. Use \`exports: 'named'\` to disable this warning` ); }, EMPTY_BUNDLE: () => { title( `Generated an empty bundle` ); } }; // TODO select sensible priorities const deferredHandlers = { UNUSED_EXTERNAL_IMPORT: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( 'Unused external imports' ); warnings.forEach( warning => { stderr( `${warning.names} imported from external module '${warning.source}' but never used` ); }); } }, UNRESOLVED_IMPORT: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( 'Unresolved dependencies' ); info( 'https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Troubleshooting#treating-module-as-external-dependency' ); const dependencies = new Map(); warnings.forEach( warning => { if ( !dependencies.has( warning.source ) ) { dependencies.set( warning.source, [] ); } dependencies.get( warning.source ).push( warning.importer ); }); Array.from( dependencies.keys() ).forEach( dependency => { const importers = dependencies.get( dependency ); stderr( `${index$3.bold( dependency )} (imported by ${importers.join( ', ' )})` ); }); } }, MISSING_EXPORT: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( 'Missing exports' ); info( 'https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Troubleshooting#name-is-not-exported-by-module' ); warnings.forEach( warning => { stderr( index$3.bold( warning.importer ) ); stderr( `${warning.missing} is not exported by ${warning.exporter}` ); stderr( index$3.grey( warning.frame ) ); }); } }, THIS_IS_UNDEFINED: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( '`this` has been rewritten to `undefined`' ); info( 'https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Troubleshooting#this-is-undefined' ); showTruncatedWarnings(warnings); } }, EVAL: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( 'Use of eval is strongly discouraged' ); info( 'https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Troubleshooting#avoiding-eval' ); showTruncatedWarnings(warnings); } }, NON_EXISTENT_EXPORT: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( `Import of non-existent ${warnings.length > 1 ? 'exports' : 'export'}` ); showTruncatedWarnings(warnings); } }, NAMESPACE_CONFLICT: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( `Conflicting re-exports` ); warnings.forEach(warning => { stderr( `${index$3.bold(relativeId(warning.reexporter))} re-exports '${warning.name}' from both ${relativeId(warning.sources[0])} and ${relativeId(warning.sources[1])} (will be ignored)` ); }); } }, MISSING_GLOBAL_NAME: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( `Missing global variable ${warnings.length > 1 ? 'names' : 'name'}` ); stderr( `Use options.globals to specify browser global variable names corresponding to external modules` ); warnings.forEach(warning => { stderr(`${index$3.bold(warning.source)} (guessing '${warning.guess}')`); }); } }, SOURCEMAP_BROKEN: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { title( `Broken sourcemap` ); info( 'https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Troubleshooting#sourcemap-is-likely-to-be-incorrect' ); const plugins = Array.from( new Set( warnings.map( w => w.plugin ).filter( Boolean ) ) ); const detail = plugins.length === 0 ? '' : plugins.length > 1 ? ` (such as ${plugins.slice(0, -1).map(p => `'${p}'`).join(', ')} and '${plugins.slice(-1)}')` : ` (such as '${plugins[0]}')`; stderr( `Plugins that transform code${detail} should generate accompanying sourcemaps` ); } }, PLUGIN_WARNING: { priority: 1, fn: warnings => { const nestedByPlugin = nest(warnings, 'plugin'); nestedByPlugin.forEach((ref) => { var plugin = ref.key; var items = ref.items; const nestedByMessage = nest(items, 'message'); let lastUrl; nestedByMessage.forEach((ref) => { var message = ref.key; var items = ref.items; title( `${plugin} plugin: ${message}` ); items.forEach(warning => { if ( warning.url !== lastUrl ) { info( lastUrl = warning.url ); } const loc = warning.loc ? `${relativeId( warning.id )}: (${warning.loc.line}:${warning.loc.column})` : relativeId( warning.id ); stderr( index$3.bold( relativeId( loc ) ) ); if ( warning.frame ) { info( warning.frame ); } }); }); }); } } }; function title ( str ) { stderr( `${index$3.bold.yellow('(!)')} ${index$3.bold.yellow( str )}` ); } function info ( url ) { stderr( index$3.grey( url ) ); } function nest(array, prop) { const nested = []; const lookup = new Map(); array.forEach(item => { const key = item[prop]; if (!lookup.has(key)) { lookup.set(key, { key, items: [] }); nested.push(lookup.get(key)); } lookup.get(key).items.push(item); }); return nested; } function showTruncatedWarnings(warnings) { const nestedByModule = nest(warnings, 'id'); const sliced = nestedByModule.length > 5 ? nestedByModule.slice(0, 3) : nestedByModule; sliced.forEach((ref) => { var id = ref.key; var items = ref.items; stderr( index$3.bold( relativeId( id ) ) ); stderr( index$3.grey( items[0].frame ) ); if ( items.length > 1 ) { stderr( `...and ${items.length - 1} other ${items.length > 2 ? 'occurrences' : 'occurrence'}` ); } }); if ( nestedByModule.length > sliced.length ) { stderr( `\n...and ${nestedByModule.length - sliced.length} other files` ); } } const equivalents = { useStrict: 'useStrict', banner: 'banner', footer: 'footer', format: 'format', globals: 'globals', id: 'moduleId', indent: 'indent', interop: 'interop', input: 'entry', intro: 'intro', legacy: 'legacy', name: 'moduleName', output: 'dest', outro: 'outro', sourcemap: 'sourceMap', treeshake: 'treeshake' }; function mergeOptions ( config, command ) { const options = Object.assign( {}, config ); let external; const commandExternal = ( command.external || '' ).split( ',' ); const optionsExternal = options.external; if ( command.globals ) { const globals = Object.create( null ); command.globals.split( ',' ).forEach( str => { const names = str.split( ':' ); globals[ names[0] ] = names[1]; // Add missing Module IDs to external. if ( commandExternal.indexOf( names[0] ) === -1 ) { commandExternal.push( names[0] ); } }); command.globals = globals; } if ( typeof optionsExternal === 'function' ) { external = id => { return optionsExternal( id ) || ~commandExternal.indexOf( id ); }; } else { external = ( optionsExternal || [] ).concat( commandExternal ); } if (typeof command.extend !== 'undefined') { options.extend = command.extend; } if (command.silent) { options.onwarn = () => {}; } options.external = external; // Use any options passed through the CLI as overrides. Object.keys( equivalents ).forEach( cliOption => { if ( command.hasOwnProperty( cliOption ) ) { options[ equivalents[ cliOption ] ] = command[ cliOption ]; } }); const targets = options.dest ? [{ dest: options.dest, format: options.format }] : options.targets; options.targets = targets; delete options.dest; return options; } function loadConfigFile (configFile, silent) { const warnings = batchWarnings(); return rollup.rollup({ entry: configFile, external: id => { return (id[0] !== '.' && !path__default.isAbsolute(id)) || id.slice(-5,id.length) === '.json'; }, onwarn: warnings.add }) .then( bundle => { if ( !silent && warnings.count > 0 ) { stderr( index$3.bold( `loaded ${relativeId( configFile )} with warnings` ) ); warnings.flush(); } return bundle.generate({ format: 'cjs' }); }) .then( (ref) => { var code = ref.code; // temporarily override require const defaultLoader = require.extensions[ '.js' ]; require.extensions[ '.js' ] = ( m, filename ) => { if ( filename === configFile ) { m._compile( code, filename ); } else { defaultLoader( m, filename ); } }; delete require.cache[configFile]; const configs = require( configFile ); if ( Object.keys( configs ).length === 0 ) { handleError({ code: 'MISSING_CONFIG', message: 'Config file must export an options object, or an array of options objects', url: 'https://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Command-Line-Interface#using-a-config-file' }); } require.extensions[ '.js' ] = defaultLoader; return Array.isArray( configs ) ? configs : [configs]; }); } function sequence ( array, fn ) { const results = []; let promise = Promise.resolve(); function next ( member, i ) { return fn( member ).then( value => results[i] = value ); } for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1 ) { promise = promise.then( () => next( array[i], i ) ); } return promise.then( () => results ); } var index$17 = function (ms) { if (typeof ms !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Expected a number'); } var roundTowardZero = ms > 0 ? Math.floor : Math.ceil; return { days: roundTowardZero(ms / 86400000), hours: roundTowardZero(ms / 3600000) % 24, minutes: roundTowardZero(ms / 60000) % 60, seconds: roundTowardZero(ms / 1000) % 60, milliseconds: roundTowardZero(ms) % 1000 }; }; var addendum = "addenda"; var aircraft = "aircraft"; var alga = "algae"; var alumna = "alumnae"; var alumnus = "alumni"; var amoeba = "amoebae"; var analysis = "analyses"; var antenna = "antennae"; var antithesis = "antitheses"; var apex = "apices"; var appendix = "appendices"; var automaton = "automata"; var axis = "axes"; var bacillus = "bacilli"; var bacterium = "bacteria"; var barracks = "barracks"; var basis = "bases"; var beau = "beaux"; var bison = "bison"; var buffalo = "buffalo"; var bureau = "bureaus"; var cactus = "cacti"; var calf = "calves"; var carp = "carp"; var census = "censuses"; var chassis = "chassis"; var cherub = "cherubim"; var child = "children"; var cod = "cod"; var codex = "codices"; var concerto = "concerti"; var corpus = "corpora"; var crisis = "crises"; var criterion = "criteria"; var curriculum = "curricula"; var datum = "data"; var deer = "deer"; var diagnosis = "diagnoses"; var die = "dice"; var dwarf = "dwarfs"; var echo = "echoes"; var elf = "elves"; var elk = "elk"; var ellipsis = "ellipses"; var embargo = "embargoes"; var emphasis = "emphases"; var erratum = "errata"; var fez = "fezes"; var firmware = "firmware"; var fish = "fish"; var focus = "foci"; var foot = "feet"; var formula = "formulae"; var fungus = "fungi"; var gallows = "gallows"; var genus = "genera"; var goose = "geese"; var graffito = "graffiti"; var grouse = "grouse"; var half = "halves"; var hero = "heroes"; var hoof = "hooves"; var hovercraft = "hovercraft"; var hypothesis = "hypotheses"; var index$21 = "indices"; var kakapo = "kakapo"; var knife = "knives"; var larva = "larvae"; var leaf = "leaves"; var libretto = "libretti"; var life = "lives"; var loaf = "loaves"; var locus = "loci"; var louse = "lice"; var man = "men"; var matrix = "matrices"; var means = "means"; var medium = "media"; var memorandum = "memoranda"; var millennium = "millennia"; var minutia = "minutiae"; var moose = "moose"; var mouse = "mice"; var nebula = "nebulae"; var nemesis = "nemeses"; var neurosis = "neuroses"; var news = "news"; var nucleus = "nuclei"; var oasis = "oases"; var offspring = "offspring"; var opus = "opera"; var ovum = "ova"; var ox = "oxen"; var paralysis = "paralyses"; var parenthesis = "parentheses"; var person = "people"; var phenomenon = "phenomena"; var phylum = "phyla"; var pike = "pike"; var polyhedron = "polyhedra"; var potato = "potatoes"; var prognosis = "prognoses"; var quiz = "quizzes"; var radius = "radii"; var referendum = "referenda"; var salmon = "salmon"; var scarf = "scarves"; var self$1 = "selves"; var series = "series"; var sheep = "sheep"; var shelf = "shelves"; var shrimp = "shrimp"; var spacecraft = "spacecraft"; var species = "species"; var spectrum = "spectra"; var squid = "squid"; var stimulus = "stimuli"; var stratum = "strata"; var swine = "swine"; var syllabus = "syllabi"; var symposium = "symposia"; var synopsis = "synopses"; var synthesis = "syntheses"; var tableau = "tableaus"; var that = "those"; var thesis = "theses"; var thief = "thieves"; var tomato = "tomatoes"; var tooth = "teeth"; var trout = "trout"; var tuna = "tuna"; var vertebra = "vertebrae"; var vertex = "vertices"; var veto = "vetoes"; var vita = "vitae"; var vortex = "vortices"; var watercraft = "watercraft"; var wharf = "wharves"; var wife = "wives"; var wolf = "wolves"; var woman = "women"; var irregularPlurals = { addendum: addendum, aircraft: aircraft, alga: alga, alumna: alumna, alumnus: alumnus, amoeba: amoeba, analysis: analysis, antenna: antenna, antithesis: antithesis, apex: apex, appendix: appendix, automaton: automaton, axis: axis, bacillus: bacillus, bacterium: bacterium, barracks: barracks, basis: basis, beau: beau, bison: bison, buffalo: buffalo, bureau: bureau, cactus: cactus, calf: calf, carp: carp, census: census, chassis: chassis, cherub: cherub, child: child, cod: cod, codex: codex, concerto: concerto, corpus: corpus, crisis: crisis, criterion: criterion, curriculum: curriculum, datum: datum, deer: deer, diagnosis: diagnosis, die: die, dwarf: dwarf, echo: echo, elf: elf, elk: elk, ellipsis: ellipsis, embargo: embargo, emphasis: emphasis, erratum: erratum, fez: fez, firmware: firmware, fish: fish, focus: focus, foot: foot, formula: formula, fungus: fungus, gallows: gallows, genus: genus, goose: goose, graffito: graffito, grouse: grouse, half: half, hero: hero, hoof: hoof, hovercraft: hovercraft, hypothesis: hypothesis, index: index$21, kakapo: kakapo, knife: knife, larva: larva, leaf: leaf, libretto: libretto, life: life, loaf: loaf, locus: locus, louse: louse, man: man, matrix: matrix, means: means, medium: medium, memorandum: memorandum, millennium: millennium, minutia: minutia, moose: moose, mouse: mouse, nebula: nebula, nemesis: nemesis, neurosis: neurosis, news: news, nucleus: nucleus, oasis: oasis, offspring: offspring, opus: opus, ovum: ovum, ox: ox, paralysis: paralysis, parenthesis: parenthesis, person: person, phenomenon: phenomenon, phylum: phylum, pike: pike, polyhedron: polyhedron, potato: potato, prognosis: prognosis, quiz: quiz, radius: radius, referendum: referendum, salmon: salmon, scarf: scarf, self: self$1, series: series, sheep: sheep, shelf: shelf, shrimp: shrimp, spacecraft: spacecraft, species: species, spectrum: spectrum, squid: squid, stimulus: stimulus, stratum: stratum, swine: swine, syllabus: syllabus, symposium: symposium, synopsis: synopsis, synthesis: synthesis, tableau: tableau, that: that, thesis: thesis, thief: thief, tomato: tomato, tooth: tooth, trout: trout, tuna: tuna, vertebra: vertebra, vertex: vertex, veto: veto, vita: vita, vortex: vortex, watercraft: watercraft, wharf: wharf, wife: wife, wolf: wolf, woman: woman, "château": "châteaus", "faux pas": "faux pas" }; var irregularPlurals$1 = Object.freeze({ addendum: addendum, aircraft: aircraft, alga: alga, alumna: alumna, alumnus: alumnus, amoeba: amoeba, analysis: analysis, antenna: antenna, antithesis: antithesis, apex: apex, appendix: appendix, automaton: automaton, axis: axis, bacillus: bacillus, bacterium: bacterium, barracks: barracks, basis: basis, beau: beau, bison: bison, buffalo: buffalo, bureau: bureau, cactus: cactus, calf: calf, carp: carp, census: census, chassis: chassis, cherub: cherub, child: child, cod: cod, codex: codex, concerto: concerto, corpus: corpus, crisis: crisis, criterion: criterion, curriculum: curriculum, datum: datum, deer: deer, diagnosis: diagnosis, die: die, dwarf: dwarf, echo: echo, elf: elf, elk: elk, ellipsis: ellipsis, embargo: embargo, emphasis: emphasis, erratum: erratum, fez: fez, firmware: firmware, fish: fish, focus: focus, foot: foot, formula: formula, fungus: fungus, gallows: gallows, genus: genus, goose: goose, graffito: graffito, grouse: grouse, half: half, hero: hero, hoof: hoof, hovercraft: hovercraft, hypothesis: hypothesis, index: index$21, kakapo: kakapo, knife: knife, larva: larva, leaf: leaf, libretto: libretto, life: life, loaf: loaf, locus: locus, louse: louse, man: man, matrix: matrix, means: means, medium: medium, memorandum: memorandum, millennium: millennium, minutia: minutia, moose: moose, mouse: mouse, nebula: nebula, nemesis: nemesis, neurosis: neurosis, news: news, nucleus: nucleus, oasis: oasis, offspring: offspring, opus: opus, ovum: ovum, ox: ox, paralysis: paralysis, parenthesis: parenthesis, person: person, phenomenon: phenomenon, phylum: phylum, pike: pike, polyhedron: polyhedron, potato: potato, prognosis: prognosis, quiz: quiz, radius: radius, referendum: referendum, salmon: salmon, scarf: scarf, self: self$1, series: series, sheep: sheep, shelf: shelf, shrimp: shrimp, spacecraft: spacecraft, species: species, spectrum: spectrum, squid: squid, stimulus: stimulus, stratum: stratum, swine: swine, syllabus: syllabus, symposium: symposium, synopsis: synopsis, synthesis: synthesis, tableau: tableau, that: that, thesis: thesis, thief: thief, tomato: tomato, tooth: tooth, trout: trout, tuna: tuna, vertebra: vertebra, vertex: vertex, veto: veto, vita: vita, vortex: vortex, watercraft: watercraft, wharf: wharf, wife: wife, wolf: wolf, woman: woman, default: irregularPlurals }); var irregularPlurals$2 = ( irregularPlurals$1 && irregularPlurals ) || irregularPlurals$1; var index$19 = function (str, plural, count) { if (typeof plural === 'number') { count = plural; } if (str in irregularPlurals$2) { plural = irregularPlurals$2[str]; } else if (typeof plural !== 'string') { plural = (str.replace(/(?:s|x|z|ch|sh)$/i, '$&e').replace(/([^aeiou])y$/i, '$1ie') + 's') .replace(/i?e?s$/i, function (m) { var isTailLowerCase = str.slice(-1) === str.slice(-1).toLowerCase(); return isTailLowerCase ? m.toLowerCase() : m.toUpperCase(); }); } return count === 1 ? str : plural; }; var index$16 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { 'use strict'; module.exports = (ms, opts) => { if (!Number.isFinite(ms)) { throw new TypeError('Expected a finite number'); } opts = opts || {}; if (ms < 1000) { const msDecimalDigits = typeof opts.msDecimalDigits === 'number' ? opts.msDecimalDigits : 0; return (msDecimalDigits ? ms.toFixed(msDecimalDigits) : Math.ceil(ms)) + (opts.verbose ? ' ' + index$19('millisecond', Math.ceil(ms)) : 'ms'); } const ret = []; const add = (val, long, short, valStr) => { if (val === 0) { return; } const postfix = opts.verbose ? ' ' + index$19(long, val) : short; ret.push((valStr || val) + postfix); }; const parsed = index$17(ms); add(Math.trunc(parsed.days / 365), 'year', 'y'); add(parsed.days % 365, 'day', 'd'); add(parsed.hours, 'hour', 'h'); add(parsed.minutes, 'minute', 'm'); if (opts.compact) { add(parsed.seconds, 'second', 's'); return '~' + ret[0]; } const sec = ms / 1000 % 60; const secDecimalDigits = typeof opts.secDecimalDigits === 'number' ? opts.secDecimalDigits : 1; const secStr = sec.toFixed(secDecimalDigits).replace(/\.0$/, ''); add(sec, 'second', 's', secStr); return ret.join(' '); }; }); function mapSequence ( array, fn ) { const results = []; let promise = Promise.resolve(); function next ( member, i ) { return fn( member ).then( value => results[i] = value ); } for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1 ) { promise = promise.then( () => next( array[i], i ) ); } return promise.then( () => results ); } let SOURCEMAPPING_URL = 'sourceMa'; SOURCEMAPPING_URL += 'ppingURL'; var SOURCEMAPPING_URL$1 = SOURCEMAPPING_URL; function build$1 ( options, warnings, silent ) { const useStdout = !options.targets && !options.dest; const targets = options.targets ? options.targets : [{ dest: options.dest, format: options.format }]; const start = Date.now(); const dests = useStdout ? [ 'stdout' ] : targets.map( t => relativeId( t.dest ) ); if ( !silent ) { stderr( index$3.cyan( `\n${index$3.bold( options.entry )} → ${index$3.bold( dests.join( ', ' ) )}...` ) ); } return rollup.rollup( options ) .then( bundle => { if ( useStdout ) { if ( options.sourceMap && options.sourceMap !== 'inline' ) { handleError({ code: 'MISSING_OUTPUT_OPTION', message: 'You must specify an --output (-o) option when creating a file with a sourcemap' }); } return bundle.generate(options).then( (ref) => { var code = ref.code; var map = ref.map; if ( options.sourceMap === 'inline' ) { code += `\n//# ${SOURCEMAPPING_URL$1}=${map.toUrl()}\n`; } process.stdout.write( code ); }); } return mapSequence( targets, target => { return bundle.write( assign( clone( options ), target ) ); }); }) .then( () => { warnings.flush(); if ( !silent ) { stderr( index$3.green( `created ${index$3.bold( dests.join( ', ' ) )} in ${index$3.bold(index$16( Date.now() - start))}` ) ); } }) .catch( handleError ); } function clone ( object ) { return assign( {}, object ); } function assign ( target, source ) { Object.keys( source ).forEach( key => { target[ key ] = source[ key ]; }); return target; } function watch$1(configFile, configs, command, silent) { process.stderr.write('\x1b[?1049h'); // alternate screen buffer const warnings = batchWarnings(); configs = configs.map(options => { const merged = mergeOptions(options, command); const onwarn = merged.onwarn; if ( onwarn ) { merged.onwarn = warning => { onwarn( warning, warnings.add ); }; } else { merged.onwarn = warnings.add; } return merged; }); let watcher; let configWatcher; let closed = false; function start(configs) { stderr(`\x1B[2J\x1B[0f${index$3.underline( `rollup v${rollup.VERSION}` )}`); // clear, move to top-left watcher = rollup.watch(configs); watcher.on('event', event => { switch (event.code) { case 'FATAL': process.stderr.write('\x1b[?1049l'); // reset screen buffer handleError(event.error, true); process.exit(1); break; case 'ERROR': warnings.flush(); handleError(event.error, true); break; case 'START': stderr(`\x1B[2J\x1B[0f${index$3.underline( `rollup v${rollup.VERSION}` )}`); // clear, move to top-left break; case 'BUNDLE_START': if ( !silent ) { stderr( index$3.cyan( `\n${index$3.bold( event.input )} → ${index$3.bold( event.output.map( relativeId ).join( ', ' ) )}...` ) ); } break; case 'BUNDLE_END': warnings.flush(); if ( !silent ) { stderr( index$3.green( `created ${index$3.bold( event.output.map( relativeId ).join( ', ' ) )} in ${index$3.bold(index$16(event.duration))}` ) ); } break; case 'END': if ( !silent ) { stderr( `\nwaiting for changes...` ); } } }); } const close = () => { if (!closed) { process.stderr.write('\x1b[?1049l'); // reset screen buffer closed = true; watcher.close(); if (configWatcher) { configWatcher.close(); } } }; process.on('SIGINT', close); // ctrl-c process.on('SIGTERM', close); // killall node process.on('uncaughtException', close); // on error process.stdin.on('end', close); // in case we ever support stdin! start(configs); if (configFile && !configFile.startsWith('node:')) { let restarting = false; let aborted = false; let configFileData = fs__default.readFileSync(configFile, 'utf-8'); const restart = () => { const newConfigFileData = fs__default.readFileSync(configFile, 'utf-8'); if (newConfigFileData === configFileData) { return; } configFileData = newConfigFileData; if (restarting) { aborted = true; return; } restarting = true; loadConfigFile(configFile, silent) .then(configs => { restarting = false; if (aborted) { aborted = false; restart(); } else { watcher.close(); start(configs); } }) .catch(err => { handleError(err, true); }); }; configWatcher = fs__default.watch(configFile, event => { if (event === 'change') { restart(); } }); } } function runRollup ( command ) { if ( command._.length > 1 ) { handleError({ code: 'ONE_AT_A_TIME', message: 'rollup can only bundle one file at a time' }); } if ( command._.length === 1 ) { if ( command.input ) { handleError({ code: 'DUPLICATE_IMPORT_OPTIONS', message: 'use --input, or pass input path as argument' }); } command.input = command._[0]; } if ( command.environment ) { command.environment.split( ',' ).forEach( pair => { const index = pair.indexOf( ':' ); if ( ~index ) { process.env[ pair.slice( 0, index ) ] = pair.slice( index + 1 ); } else { process.env[ pair ] = true; } }); } let configFile = command.config === true ? 'rollup.config.js' : command.config; if ( configFile ) { if ( configFile.slice( 0, 5 ) === 'node:' ) { const pkgName = configFile.slice( 5 ); try { configFile = index$2.resolve( `rollup-config-${pkgName}`, process.cwd() ); } catch ( err ) { try { configFile = index$2.resolve( pkgName, process.cwd() ); } catch ( err ) { if ( err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ) { handleError({ code: 'MISSING_EXTERNAL_CONFIG', message: `Could not resolve config file ${configFile}` }); } throw err; } } } else { // find real path of config so it matches what Node provides to callbacks in require.extensions configFile = fs.realpathSync( configFile ); } loadConfigFile(configFile, command.silent) .then(normalized => execute( configFile, normalized, command )) .catch(handleError); } else { return execute( configFile, [{}], command ); } } function execute ( configFile, configs, command ) { if ( command.watch ) { process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH = 'true'; watch$1( configFile, configs, command, command.silent ); } else { return sequence( configs, config => { const options = mergeOptions( config, command ); const warnings = batchWarnings(); const onwarn = options.onwarn; if ( onwarn ) { options.onwarn = warning => { onwarn( warning, warnings.add ); }; } else { options.onwarn = warnings.add; } return build$1( options, warnings, command.silent ); }); } } const command = index$1( process.argv.slice( 2 ), { alias: { // Aliases strict: 'useStrict', // Short options c: 'config', d: 'indent', e: 'external', f: 'format', g: 'globals', h: 'help', i: 'input', l: 'legacy', m: 'sourcemap', n: 'name', o: 'output', u: 'id', v: 'version', w: 'watch' } }); if ( command.help || ( process.argv.length <= 2 && process.stdin.isTTY ) ) { console.log( `\n${help.replace('__VERSION__', version)}\n` ); // eslint-disable-line no-console } else if ( command.version ) { console.log( `rollup version ${version}` ); // eslint-disable-line no-console } else { runRollup( command ); }