import * as ESTree from 'estree'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; export const VERSION: string; export interface IdMap { [key: string]: string; } export interface RollupError { message: string; code?: string; name?: string; url?: string; id?: string; loc?: { file?: string; line: number; column: number; }; stack?: string; frame?: string; pos?: number; plugin?: string; pluginCode?: string; } export interface RawSourceMap { version: string; sources: string[]; names: string[]; sourceRoot?: string; sourcesContent?: string[]; mappings: string; file: string; } export interface SourceMap { version: string; file: string; sources: string[]; sourcesContent: string[]; names: string[]; mappings: string; toString(): string; toUrl(): string; } export interface SourceDescription { code: string; map?: RawSourceMap; ast?: ESTree.Program; } export interface ModuleJSON { id: string; dependencies: string[]; transformDependencies: string[]; code: string; originalCode: string; originalSourcemap: RawSourceMap | void; ast: ESTree.Program; sourcemapChain: RawSourceMap[]; resolvedIds: IdMap; } export interface PluginContext { watcher: Watcher; resolveId: ResolveIdHook; isExternal: IsExternal; parse: (input: string, options: any) => ESTree.Program; emitAsset: (name: string, source?: string | Buffer) => string; setAssetSource: (assetId: string, source: string | Buffer) => void; getAssetFileName: (assetId: string) => string; warn(warning: RollupWarning, pos?: { line: number; column: number }): void; error(err: RollupError, pos?: { line: number; column: number }): void; } export type ResolveIdHook = ( this: PluginContext, id: string, parent: string ) => Promise | string | boolean | void; export type MissingExportHook = ( this: PluginContext, exportName: string, importingModule: string, importedModule: string, importerStart?: number ) => void; export type IsExternal = ( id: string, parentId: string, isResolved: boolean ) => Promise | boolean | void; export type LoadHook = ( this: PluginContext, id: string ) => Promise | SourceDescription | string | void; export type TransformHook = ( this: PluginContext, code: string, id: string ) => Promise | SourceDescription | string | void; export type TransformChunkHook = ( code: string, options: OutputOptions, chunk: OutputChunk ) => | Promise<{ code: string; map: RawSourceMap } | void> | { code: string; map: RawSourceMap } | void; export type TransformChunkHookBound = ( this: PluginContext, code: string, options: OutputOptions, chunk: OutputChunk ) => | Promise<{ code: string; map: RawSourceMap } | void> | { code: string; map: RawSourceMap } | void; export type ResolveDynamicImportHook = ( this: PluginContext, specifier: string | ESTree.Node, parentId: string ) => Promise | string | void; export type AddonHook = string | ((this: PluginContext) => string | Promise); export interface Plugin { name: string; options?: (options: InputOptions) => InputOptions | void; load?: LoadHook; resolveId?: ResolveIdHook; missingExport?: MissingExportHook; transform?: TransformHook; // TODO: deprecate transformBundle?: TransformChunkHook; transformChunk?: TransformChunkHook; buildStart?: (this: PluginContext, options: InputOptions) => Promise | void; buildEnd?: (this: PluginContext, err?: any) => Promise | void; // TODO: deprecate ongenerate?: ( this: PluginContext, options: OutputOptions, chunk: OutputChunk ) => void | Promise; // TODO: deprecate onwrite?: ( this: PluginContext, options: OutputOptions, chunk: OutputChunk ) => void | Promise; generateBundle?: ( this: PluginContext, options: OutputOptions, bundle: OutputBundle, isWrite: boolean ) => void | Promise; resolveDynamicImport?: ResolveDynamicImportHook; banner?: AddonHook; footer?: AddonHook; intro?: AddonHook; outro?: AddonHook; } export interface TreeshakingOptions { propertyReadSideEffects: boolean; pureExternalModules: boolean; } export type ExternalOption = string[] | IsExternal; export type GlobalsOption = { [name: string]: string } | ((name: string) => string); export type InputOption = string | string[] | { [entryAlias: string]: string }; export interface InputOptions { input: InputOption; manualChunks?: { [chunkAlias: string]: string[] }; external?: ExternalOption; plugins?: Plugin[]; onwarn?: WarningHandler; cache?: { modules: ModuleJSON[]; }; acorn?: {}; acornInjectPlugins?: Function[]; treeshake?: boolean | TreeshakingOptions; context?: string; moduleContext?: string | ((id: string) => string) | { [id: string]: string }; watch?: WatcherOptions; inlineDynamicImports?: boolean; experimentalCodeSplitting?: boolean; preserveSymlinks?: boolean; experimentalPreserveModules?: boolean; optimizeChunks?: boolean; chunkGroupingSize?: number; // undocumented? pureExternalModules?: boolean; preferConst?: boolean; perf?: boolean; /** @deprecated */ entry?: string; transform?: TransformHook; load?: LoadHook; resolveId?: ResolveIdHook; resolveExternal?: any; } export type ModuleFormat = 'amd' | 'cjs' | 'system' | 'es' | 'es6' | 'iife' | 'umd'; export type OptionsPaths = Record | ((id: string) => string); export interface OutputOptions { // only required for bundle.write file?: string; // only required for bundles.write dir?: string; // this is optional at the base-level of RollupWatchOptions, // which extends from this interface through config merge format?: ModuleFormat; name?: string; globals?: GlobalsOption; chunkFileNames?: string; entryFileNames?: string; assetFileNames?: string; paths?: OptionsPaths; banner?: string | (() => string | Promise); footer?: string | (() => string | Promise); intro?: string | (() => string | Promise); outro?: string | (() => string | Promise); sourcemap?: boolean | 'inline'; sourcemapFile?: string; interop?: boolean; extend?: boolean; exports?: 'default' | 'named' | 'none' | 'auto'; amd?: { id?: string; define?: string; }; indent?: boolean; strict?: boolean; freeze?: boolean; esModule?: boolean; namespaceToStringTag?: boolean; compact?: boolean; // undocumented? noConflict?: boolean; // deprecated dest?: string; moduleId?: string; } export interface OutputOptionsFile extends OutputOptions { file?: string; } export interface OutputOptionsDir extends OutputOptions { // only required for bundles.write dir?: string; } export interface RollupWarning { message?: string; code?: string; loc?: { file: string; line: number; column: number; }; deprecations?: { old: string; new: string }[]; modules?: string[]; names?: string[]; source?: string; importer?: string; frame?: any; missing?: string; exporter?: string; name?: string; sources?: string[]; reexporter?: string; guess?: string; url?: string; id?: string; plugin?: string; pos?: number; pluginCode?: string; } export type WarningHandler = (warning: string | RollupWarning) => void; export interface SerializedTimings { [label: string]: number; } export type OutputFile = string | Buffer | OutputChunk; export interface RenderedModule { renderedExports: string[]; removedExports: string[]; renderedLength: number; originalLength: number; } export interface OutputChunk { imports: string[]; exports: string[]; modules: { [id: string]: RenderedModule; }; code: string; map?: SourceMap; } export interface RollupCache { modules: ModuleJSON[]; } export interface RollupSingleFileBuild { // TODO: consider deprecating to match code splitting imports: string[]; exports: { name: string; originalName: string; moduleId: string }[]; modules: ModuleJSON[]; cache: RollupCache; generate: (outputOptions: OutputOptions) => Promise; write: (options: OutputOptions) => Promise; getTimings?: () => SerializedTimings; } export interface OutputBundle { [fileName: string]: OutputChunk | OutputFile; } export interface RollupBuild { cache: RollupCache; generate: (outputOptions: OutputOptions) => Promise<{ output: OutputBundle }>; write: (options: OutputOptions) => Promise<{ output: OutputBundle }>; getTimings?: () => SerializedTimings; } export interface RollupFileOptions extends InputOptions { cache?: RollupCache; input: string; output?: OutputOptionsFile; } export interface RollupDirOptions extends InputOptions { cache?: RollupCache; input: string[] | { [entryName: string]: string }; output?: OutputOptionsDir; } export function rollup(options: RollupFileOptions): Promise; export function rollup(options: RollupDirOptions): Promise; export interface Watcher extends EventEmitter {} // chokidar watch options export interface WatchOptions { persistent?: boolean; ignored?: any; ignoreInitial?: boolean; followSymlinks?: boolean; cwd?: string; disableGlobbing?: boolean; usePolling?: boolean; useFsEvents?: boolean; alwaysStat?: boolean; depth?: number; interval?: number; binaryInterval?: number; ignorePermissionErrors?: boolean; atomic?: boolean | number; awaitWriteFinish?: | { stabilityThreshold?: number; pollInterval?: number; } | boolean; } export interface WatcherOptions { chokidar?: boolean | WatchOptions; include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; clearScreen?: boolean; } export interface RollupWatchOptions extends InputOptions { output?: OutputOptions | OutputOptions[]; watch?: WatcherOptions; } export function watch(configs: RollupWatchOptions[]): Watcher;