import { Stats } from 'node:fs'; import { Matcher } from 'picomatch'; type Encoding = "utf8" | "buffer"; type Dir = string | Uint8Array; type RRDirOpts = { strict?: boolean; stats?: boolean; followSymlinks?: boolean; include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; insensitive?: boolean; }; type InternalOpts = { includeMatcher?: Matcher; excludeMatcher?: Matcher; encoding?: Encoding; }; type Entry = { /** The path to the entry, will be relative if `dir` is given relative. If `dir` is a `Uint8Array`, this will be too. Always present. */ path: Dir; /** Boolean indicating whether the entry is a directory. `undefined` on error. */ directory?: boolean; /** Boolean indicating whether the entry is a symbolic link. `undefined` on error. */ symlink?: boolean; /** A [`fs.stats`]( object, present when `options.stats` is set. `undefined` on error. */ stats?: Stats; /** Any error encountered while reading this entry. `undefined` on success. */ err?: Error; }; export declare function rrdir(dir: Dir, opts?: RRDirOpts, { includeMatcher, excludeMatcher, encoding }?: InternalOpts): AsyncGenerator; export declare function rrdirAsync(dir: Dir, opts?: RRDirOpts, { includeMatcher, excludeMatcher, encoding }?: InternalOpts): Promise; export declare function rrdirSync(dir: Dir, opts?: RRDirOpts, { includeMatcher, excludeMatcher, encoding }?: InternalOpts): Entry[]; export {};