import { IterArgs } from './iterresult'; export declare type CacheKeys = 'before' | 'after' | 'between'; export declare class Cache { all: Date[] | Partial | false; before: IterArgs[]; after: IterArgs[]; between: IterArgs[]; /** * @param {String} what - all/before/after/between * @param {Array,Date} value - an array of dates, one date, or null * @param {Object?} args - _iter arguments */ _cacheAdd(what: CacheKeys | 'all', value: Date[] | Date | null, args?: Partial): void; /** * @return false - not in the cache * null - cached, but zero occurrences (before/after) * Date - cached (before/after) * [] - cached, but zero occurrences (all/between) * [Date1, DateN] - cached (all/between) */ _cacheGet(what: CacheKeys | 'all', args?: Partial): Date | Date[] | false | null; } //#