import { WeekdayStr } from './weekday'; export declare const isPresent: (value?: T) => value is T; export declare const isNumber: (value: unknown) => value is number; export declare const isWeekdayStr: (value: unknown) => value is WeekdayStr; export declare const isArray: (arg: any) => arg is any[]; /** * Simplified version of python's range() */ export declare const range: (start: number, end?: number) => number[]; export declare const clone: (array: T[]) => T[]; export declare const repeat: (value: T | T[], times: number) => (T | T[])[]; export declare const toArray: (item: T | T[]) => T[]; export declare function padStart(item: string | number, targetLength: number, padString?: string): string; /** * Python like split */ export declare const split: (str: string, sep: string, num: number) => string[]; /** * closure/goog/math/math.js:modulo * Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. * The % operator in JavaScript returns the remainder of a / b, but differs from * some other languages in that the result will have the same sign as the * dividend. For example, -1 % 8 == -1, whereas in some other languages * (such as Python) the result would be 7. This function emulates the more * correct modulo behavior, which is useful for certain applications such as * calculating an offset index in a circular list. * * @param {number} a The dividend. * @param {number} b The divisor. * @return {number} a % b where the result is between 0 and b (either 0 <= x < b * or b < x <= 0, depending on the sign of b). */ export declare const pymod: (a: number, b: number) => number; /** * @see: */ export declare const divmod: (a: number, b: number) => { div: number; mod: number; }; export declare const empty: (obj: T[]) => boolean; /** * Python-like boolean * * @return {Boolean} value of an object/primitive, taking into account * the fact that in Python an empty list's/tuple's * boolean value is False, whereas in JS it's true */ export declare const notEmpty: (obj: T[]) => obj is T[]; /** * Return true if a value is in an array */ export declare const includes: (arr: T[], val: T) => boolean; //#