import { Subject } from '../Subject'; import { Observable } from '../Observable'; import { Subscription } from '../Subscription'; /** * @class ConnectableObservable * @deprecated Will be removed in v8. Use {@link connectable} to create a connectable observable. * If you are using the `refCount` method of `ConnectableObservable`, use the {@link share} operator * instead. * Details: */ export declare class ConnectableObservable extends Observable { source: Observable; protected subjectFactory: () => Subject; protected _subject: Subject | null; protected _refCount: number; protected _connection: Subscription | null; /** * @param source The source observable * @param subjectFactory The factory that creates the subject used internally. * @deprecated Will be removed in v8. Use {@link connectable} to create a connectable observable. * `new ConnectableObservable(source, factory)` is equivalent to * `connectable(source, { connector: factory })`. * When the `refCount()` method is needed, the {@link share} operator should be used instead: * `new ConnectableObservable(source, factory).refCount()` is equivalent to * `source.pipe(share({ connector: factory }))`. * Details: */ constructor(source: Observable, subjectFactory: () => Subject); protected getSubject(): Subject; protected _teardown(): void; /** * @deprecated {@link ConnectableObservable} will be removed in v8. Use {@link connectable} instead. * Details: */ connect(): Subscription; /** * @deprecated {@link ConnectableObservable} will be removed in v8. Use the {@link share} operator instead. * Details: */ refCount(): Observable; } //#