var inquirer = require('inquirer'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var _ = require('lodash'); var Domo = require('ryuu-client-beta'); var Login = require('../util/login'); var log = require('../util/log'); var sidUtil = require('../util/sid'); var multichoice = require('../util/multichoice'); module.exports = function(program) { program .command('token') .description('create, add, or remove a developer token') .arguments('') .option('-i, --instance ', 'Domo instance') .option('-t, --token ', 'dev token value used with token add') .option('-d, --days ', 'days until token expires used with token create') .action(function(cmd, options) { var login = Login.getMostRecentLogin(); var previousLogins = Login.getPreviousLogins(); var prompts = []; switch (cmd) { case "create": if (previousLogins.length < 1){'domo token create requires a succesful initial login', 'Please login first using `domo login` or `domo token add`'); } if (options.days && (options.days < 1 || options.days > 3650)) {'days until expiration cannot be longer than 10 years (3650 days) nor shorter than 1 day'); } if (!options.instance) { prompts.push(multichoice({ type: "list", choices: function(){ return, 'instance'); }, message: "Domo instance on which to create a token " + chalk.grey("e.g. "), name: 'instance', default: login.instance })); } if (!options.days) { prompts.push(multichoice({ type: "list", name: "days", choices: [{name: "30 days", value: 30}, {name: "60 days", value: 60}, {name: "90 days", value: 90},{name: "180 days", value: 180},{name: "1 year", value: 365}, {name: "5 years", value: 1825}, {name: "10 years", value: 3650}], message: "Expires after", default: 4 })); } inquirer.prompt(prompts, function(answers){ answers.instance = options.instance || answers.instance; answers.days = options.days || answers.days; var selectedLogin = Login.getLogin(answers.instance); var domo = new Domo(selectedLogin.instance, selectedLogin.refreshToken, selectedLogin.devtoken); var userId = sidUtil.parse(login.sid).userId; domo.createDevToken(userId, answers.days) .then(function(res){ delete login.sid; login.devtoken = res.token; login.user = res.ownerEmail; Login.writeLogin(login); log.ok(`Token created and set for ${login.instance}`, 'Future CLI commands to this instance will not require username/password. \nUse the "domo token remove" command to undo this action.'); }) .catch(function(e){ switch (e.reason){ case "tokenexists":`${answers.instance} already has a token associated with it.`, 'To create a new one please run `domo token remove`, then `domo login` with username/password, then `domo token create`.'); break; case "nosid":'Not authenticated with username/password', 'This command requires an initial `domo login` with username/password. Alternatively you can create a token in the Admin section of Domo and use `domo token add`.'); break; default: log.notAuthenticated(login); } }) }) break; case "remove": if (!options.instance) { prompts.push(multichoice({ type: "list", choices: function(){ return, 'instance'); }, message: "Domo instance on which to remove the token " + chalk.grey("e.g. "), name: 'instance', default: login.instance })); } inquirer.prompt(prompts, function(answers){ answers.instance = options.instance || answers.instance; if (answers.instance){ var selectedLogin = Login.getLogin(answers.instance); delete selectedLogin.devtoken; Login.writeLogin(selectedLogin); log.ok(`Token removed for ${answers.instance}`, 'Future CLI commands to this instance will require username/password. \nUse the "domo token create" or "domo token add" commands to use another token.') } }) break; case "add": if (!options.instance) { prompts.push(multichoice({ type: "list", choices: function(){ var options =, 'instance'); options.push('new instance'); return options; }, message: "Domo instance on which to set the token " + chalk.grey("e.g. "), name: 'instance', default: login.instance }), { type: "input", message: "Domo instance " + chalk.grey("e.g. "), name: "instance", when: function(answers){ // only ask if the instance selector wasn't used or new one was selected return !answers.instance || answers.instance === 'new instance'; } }); } if (!options.token) { prompts.push({ name: 'devtoken', type: 'input', message: 'Token (can be found in the Admin section of Domo and pasted here)' }); } inquirer.prompt(prompts, function(answers){ answers.instance = options.instance || answers.instance; answers.devtoken = options.token || answers.devtoken; Login.writeLogin(answers); log.ok(`Token set for ${answers.instance}`, 'Future CLI commands to this instance will not require username/password. \nUse the "domo token remove" command to undo this action.') }) break; default:'Invalid option "' + cmd + '"\nValid options are "create", "remove", and "add"'); } }); }