/** * This class contains unit tests for validating the behavior of Apex classes * and triggers. * * Unit tests are class methods that verify whether a particular piece * of code is working properly. Unit test methods take no arguments, * commit no data to the database, and are flagged with the testMethod * keyword in the method definition. * * All test methods in an org are executed whenever Apex code is deployed * to a production org to confirm correctness, ensure code * coverage, and prevent regressions. All Apex classes are * required to have at least 75% code coverage in order to be deployed * to a production org. In addition, all triggers must have some code coverage. * * The @isTest class annotation indicates this class only contains test * methods. Classes defined with the @isTest annotation do not count against * the org size limit for all Apex scripts. * * See the Apex Language Reference for more information about Testing and Code Coverage. */ @isTest private class <%= apiName %> { @isTest static void myUnitTest() { // TO DO: implement unit test } }