/** * @file utility.ts * @author tngan * @desc Library for some common functions (e.g. de/inflation, en/decoding) */ import { pki, util, asn1 } from 'node-forge'; import { inflate, deflate } from 'pako'; const BASE64_STR = 'base64'; /** * @desc Mimic lodash.zipObject * @param arr1 {string[]} * @param arr2 {[]} */ export function zipObject(arr1: string[], arr2: any[], skipDuplicated = true) { return arr1.reduce((res, l, i) => { if (skipDuplicated) { res[l] = arr2[i]; return res; } // if key exists, aggregate with array in order to get rid of duplicate key if (res[l] !== undefined) { res[l] = Array.isArray(res[l]) ? res[l].concat(arr2[i]) : [res[l]].concat(arr2[i]); return res; } res[l] = arr2[i]; return res; }, {}); } /** * @desc Alternative to lodash.flattenDeep * @reference https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore#_flattendeep * @param input {[]} */ export function flattenDeep(input: any[]) { return Array.isArray(input) ? input.reduce( (a, b) => a.concat(flattenDeep(b)) , []) : [input]; } /** * @desc Alternative to lodash.last * @reference https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore#_last * @param input {[]} */ export function last(input: any[]) { return input.slice(-1)[0]; } /** * @desc Alternative to lodash.uniq * @reference https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore#_uniq * @param input {string[]} */ export function uniq(input: string[]) { const set = new Set(input); return [... set]; } /** * @desc Alternative to lodash.get * @reference https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore#_get * @param obj * @param path * @param defaultValue */ export function get(obj, path, defaultValue) { return path.split('.') .reduce((a, c) => (a && a[c] ? a[c] : (defaultValue || null)), obj); } /** * @desc Check if the input is string * @param {any} input */ export function isString(input: any) { return typeof input === 'string'; } /** * @desc Encode string with base64 format * @param {string} message plain-text message * @return {string} base64 encoded string */ function base64Encode(message: string | number[]) { return Buffer.from(message as string).toString(BASE64_STR); } /** * @desc Decode string from base64 format * @param {string} base64Message encoded string * @param {boolean} isBytes determine the return value type (True: bytes False: string) * @return {bytes/string} decoded bytes/string depends on isBytes, default is {string} */ export function base64Decode(base64Message: string, isBytes?: boolean): string | Buffer { const bytes = Buffer.from(base64Message, BASE64_STR); return Boolean(isBytes) ? bytes : bytes.toString(); } /** * @desc Compress the string * @param {string} message * @return {string} compressed string */ function deflateString(message: string): number[] { const input = Array.prototype.map.call(message, char => char.charCodeAt(0)); return Array.from(deflate(input, { raw: true })); } /** * @desc Decompress the compressed string * @param {string} compressedString * @return {string} decompressed string */ export function inflateString(compressedString: string): string { const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(compressedString, BASE64_STR); const input = Array.prototype.map.call(inputBuffer.toString('binary'), char => char.charCodeAt(0)); return Array.from(inflate(input, { raw: true })) .map(byte => String.fromCharCode(byte)) .join(''); } /** * @desc Abstract the normalizeCerString and normalizePemString * @param {buffer} File stream or string * @param {string} String for header and tail * @return {string} A formatted certificate string */ function _normalizeCerString(bin: string | Buffer, format: string) { return bin.toString().replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\r/g, '').replace(`-----BEGIN ${format}-----`, '').replace(`-----END ${format}-----`, '').replace(/ /g, ''); } /** * @desc Parse the .cer to string format without line break, header and footer * @param {string} certString declares the certificate contents * @return {string} certificiate in string format */ function normalizeCerString(certString: string | Buffer) { return _normalizeCerString(certString, 'CERTIFICATE'); } /** * @desc Normalize the string in .pem format without line break, header and footer * @param {string} pemString * @return {string} private key in string format */ function normalizePemString(pemString: string | Buffer) { return _normalizeCerString(pemString.toString(), 'RSA PRIVATE KEY'); } /** * @desc Return the complete URL * @param {object} req HTTP request * @return {string} URL */ function getFullURL(req) { return `${req.protocol}://${req.get('host')}${req.originalUrl}`; } /** * @desc Parse input string, return default value if it is undefined * @param {string/boolean} * @return {boolean} */ function parseString(str, defaultValue = '') { return str || defaultValue; } /** * @desc Override the object by another object (rtl) * @param {object} default object * @param {object} object applied to the default object * @return {object} result object */ function applyDefault(obj1, obj2) { return Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2); } /** * @desc Get public key in pem format from the certificate included in the metadata * @param {string} x509 certificate * @return {string} public key fetched from the certificate */ function getPublicKeyPemFromCertificate(x509Certificate: string) { const certDerBytes = util.decode64(x509Certificate); const obj = asn1.fromDer(certDerBytes); const cert = pki.certificateFromAsn1(obj); return pki.publicKeyToPem(cert.publicKey); } /** * @desc Read private key from pem-formatted string * @param {string | Buffer} keyString pem-formattted string * @param {string} protected passphrase of the key * @return {string} string in pem format * If passphrase is used to protect the .pem content (recommend) */ export function readPrivateKey(keyString: string | Buffer, passphrase: string | undefined, isOutputString?: boolean) { return isString(passphrase) ? this.convertToString(pki.privateKeyToPem(pki.decryptRsaPrivateKey(String(keyString), passphrase)), isOutputString) : keyString; } /** * @desc Inline syntax sugar */ function convertToString(input, isOutputString) { return Boolean(isOutputString) ? String(input) : input; } /** * @desc Check if the input is an array with non-zero size */ export function isNonEmptyArray(a) { return Array.isArray(a) && a.length > 0; } export function notEmpty(value: TValue | null | undefined): value is TValue { return value !== null && value !== undefined; } const utility = { isString, base64Encode, base64Decode, deflateString, inflateString, normalizeCerString, normalizePemString, getFullURL, parseString, applyDefault, getPublicKeyPemFromCertificate, readPrivateKey, convertToString, isNonEmptyArray, }; export default utility;