b0VIM 7.4&(X=1jbeard4Jacobs-MacBook-Pro.local~jbeard4/workspace/scion/scion/bin/repl.js 3210#"! UtpLad^L]\J!  pnmZ?=<* Y , k a Z =   n U O N #  s r q @ ? > ! ^'}); }) repl.start('#',process.stdin,processEvent); //start } callback(null,conf); var conf = interpreter.getConfiguration(); interpreter.gen({name : cmd}); cmd = cmd.trim(); function processEvent(cmd,dontKnow,alsoDontKnow,callback){ console.log(interpreter.getConfiguration()); interpreter.start(); interpreter.registerListener(listeners); var interpreter = new scxml.scion.Statechart(fnModel, interpOpts); //Use the statechart object model to instantiate an instance of the statechart interpreter. Optionally, we can pass to the construct an object to be used as the context object (the 'this' object) in script evaluation. Lots of other parameters are available. } process.exit(1); console.error(err); if (err) { model.prepare(function(err, fnModel) { } process.exit(1); console.error(err); if(err){scxml.pathToModel(pathToScxml,function(err,model){//1 - 2. get the xml file and convert it to jsonml}; } console.log('ERROR:' + JSON.stringify(err)); onError: function(err) { }, } console.log('executing target-less transition in ' + sourceStateId); } else { console.log('transitioning from ' + sourceStateId + ' to ' + targetIds.join(',')); if (targetIds && targetIds.length) { onTransition: function(sourceStateId, targetIds) { onExit: function(stateId) { console.log('exiting state ' + stateId); }, onEntry: function(stateId) { console.log('entering state ' + stateId); },var listeners = {} customSend: customSendvar interpOpts = {} JSON.stringify(options)); ', options: ' + JSON.stringify(event) + console.log('SEND: ' +function customSend(event, options) {} process.exit(1); console.log('Usage: scxml foo.scxml');if(!pathToScxml){var pathToScxml = process.argv[2]; repl = require('repl');var scxml = require('..'),//A simple scxml interactive simulation environment#!/usr/bin/env node