import { lineString } from "@turf/helpers"; import length from "@turf/length"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as glob from "glob"; import * as path from "path"; import * as sharedstreetsPbf from "sharedstreets-pbf"; import * as sharedstreets from "./src/index"; import * as turfHelpers from '@turf/helpers'; import { TileIndex } from './src/index'; import { TilePathGroup, TileType, TilePathParams, TilePath } from './src/index'; import { getTileIdsForPolygon, getTileIdsForPoint, getTile } from "./src/tiles" import { CleanedPoints, CleanedLines } from "./src/geom"; const test = require('tape'); const pt1 = [110, 45]; const pt2 = [-74.003388, 40.634538]; const pt3 = [-74.004107, 40.63406]; // core library tests test("sharedstreets -- intersection", (t:any) => { t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionId(pt1), "afd3db07d9baa6deef7acfcaac240607", "intersectionId => pt1"); t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionId(pt2), "f22b51a95400e250bff8d889a738c0b0", "intersectionId => pt2"); t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionId(pt3), "eed5479e5315e5a2e71760cc70a4ac76", "intersectionId => pt3"); t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionMessage(pt1), "Intersection 110.00000 45.00000", "intersectionMessage => pt1"); t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionMessage(pt2), "Intersection -74.00339 40.63454", "intersectionMessage => pt2"); t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionMessage(pt3), "Intersection -74.00411 40.63406", "intersectionMessage => pt3"); // Extras t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionId([-74.00962750000001, 40.740100500000004]), "68ea64a9f5be2b3a219898387b3da3e8", "intersectionId => extra1"); t.equal(sharedstreets.intersectionMessage([-74.00962750000001, 40.740100500000004]), "Intersection -74.00963 40.74010", "intersectionMessage => extra1"); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- referenceId", (t:any) => { const locationReferenceOutbound = sharedstreets.locationReference([-74.0048213, 40.7416415], {outboundBearing: 208, distanceToNextRef: 9279}); const locationReferenceInbound = sharedstreets.locationReference([-74.0051265, 40.7408505], {inboundBearing: 188}); const formOfWay = 2; // => "MultipleCarriageway" t.equal(locationReferenceOutbound.intersectionId, "6d9fe428bc29b591ca1830d44e73099d", "locationReferenceOutbound => intersectionId"); t.equal(locationReferenceInbound.intersectionId, "5a44762edbad541f0fb808c44c018105", "locationReferenceInbound => intersectionId"); var refHash = sharedstreets.generateHash("Reference 2 -74.00482 40.74164 208 93 -74.00513 40.74085"); t.equal(sharedstreets.referenceMessage([locationReferenceOutbound, locationReferenceInbound], formOfWay), "Reference 2 -74.00482 40.74164 208 93 -74.00513 40.74085", "referenceId => pt1"); t.equal(sharedstreets.referenceId([locationReferenceOutbound, locationReferenceInbound], formOfWay), refHash, "referenceId => pt1"); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- locationReference", (t:any) => { const options = { distanceToNextRef: 9279, outboundBearing: 208, }; const locRef = sharedstreets.locationReference([-74.0048213, 40.7416415], options); var intersectionHash = sharedstreets.generateHash("Intersection -74.00482 40.74164"); t.equal(locRef.intersectionId, intersectionHash, "locRef => intersectionId"); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets-pbf -- intersection", (t:any) => { var count = 1; for(var filepath of glob.sync(path.join('./', "test", "pbf", `*.intersection.6.pbf`))) { const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filepath); const intersections = sharedstreetsPbf.intersection(buffer); for(var intersection of intersections) { count++; if(count > 10) break; const {lon, lat, id, nodeId} = intersection; const expectedId = sharedstreets.intersectionId([lon, lat], nodeId); const message = sharedstreets.intersectionMessage([lon, lat], nodeId); t.equal(expectedId, id, `[${message}] => ${id}`); } } t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets-pbf -- geometry", (t:any) => { var count = 1; for(var filepath of glob.sync(path.join('./', "test", "pbf", `*.geometry.6.pbf`))) { const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filepath); const geometries = sharedstreetsPbf.geometry(buffer); for(var geometry of geometries) { count++; if(count > 10) break; const {lonlats, id} = geometry; const coords = sharedstreets.lonlatsToCoords(lonlats); const expectedId = sharedstreets.geometryId(coords); const message = sharedstreets.geometryMessage(coords); t.equal(expectedId, id, `[${message}] => ${id}`); } } t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets-pbf -- reference", (t:any) => { var count = 1; for(var filepath of glob.sync(path.join('./', "test", "pbf", `*.reference.6.pbf`))) { const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filepath); const references = sharedstreetsPbf.reference(buffer); for(var reference of references) { count++; if(count > 10) break; const {locationReferences, id, formOfWay} = reference; const expectedId = sharedstreets.referenceId(locationReferences, formOfWay); const message = sharedstreets.referenceMessage(locationReferences, formOfWay); t.equal(expectedId, id, `["${message}": ${expectedId}] => ${id}`); } } t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- coordsToLonlats", (t:any) => { const lonlats = sharedstreets.coordsToLonlats([[110, 45], [120, 55]]); t.deepEqual(lonlats, [110, 45, 120, 55]); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- geometry", (t:any) => { const line = lineString([[110, 45], [115, 50], [120, 55]]); const geom = sharedstreets.geometry(line); var geomHash = sharedstreets.generateHash("Geometry 110.00000 45.00000 115.00000 50.00000 120.00000 55.00000") t.equal(, geomHash); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- intersection", (t:any) => { const intersect = sharedstreets.intersection([110, 45]); t.deepEqual(intersect, { id: "afd3db07d9baa6deef7acfcaac240607", lat: 45, lon: 110, inboundReferenceIds: [], outboundReferenceIds: [], }); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- reference", (t:any) => { const line = lineString([[110, 45], [115, 50], [120, 55]]); const geom = sharedstreets.geometry(line); const locationReferences = [ sharedstreets.locationReference([-74.0048213, 40.7416415], {outboundBearing: 208, distanceToNextRef: 9279}), sharedstreets.locationReference([-74.0051265, 40.7408505], {inboundBearing: 188}), ]; const formOfWay = 0; // => "Other" const ref = sharedstreets.reference(geom, locationReferences, formOfWay); const refHash = sharedstreets.generateHash("Reference 0 -74.00482 40.74164 208 93 -74.00513 40.74085"); t.equal(, refHash); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- metadata", (t:any) => { const line = lineString([[110, 45], [115, 50], [120, 55]]); const gisMetadata = [{source: "sharedstreets", sections: [{sectionId: "foo", sectionProperties: "bar"}]}]; const geom = sharedstreets.geometry(line); const metadata = sharedstreets.metadata(geom, {}, gisMetadata); t.deepEqual(metadata, { geometryId: "723cda09fa38e07e0957ae939eb2684f", osmMetadata: {}, gisMetadata: [ { source: "sharedstreets", sections: [{sectionId: "foo", sectionProperties: "bar"}]}, ], }); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- getFormOfWay", (t:any) => { const lineA = lineString([[110, 45], [115, 50], [120, 55]], {formOfWay: 3}); const lineB = lineString([[110, 45], [115, 50], [120, 55]]); const lineC = lineString([[110, 45], [115, 50], [120, 55]], {formOfWay: "Motorway"}); t.equal(sharedstreets.getFormOfWay(lineA), 3); t.equal(sharedstreets.getFormOfWay(lineB), 0); t.equal(sharedstreets.getFormOfWay(lineC), 1); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- forwardReference", (t:any) => { const line = lineString([[110, 45], [115, 50], [120, 55]]); const forwardReference = sharedstreets.forwardReference(line).id; const backReference = sharedstreets.backReference(line).id; t.equal(forwardReference, "035dc67e1230f1f6c6ec63997f86ba27"); t.equal(backReference, "21993e8f0cdb8fa629418b78552a4503"); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- bearing & distance", (t:any) => { const line = lineString([[-74.006449, 40.739405000000005], [-74.00790070000001, 40.7393884], [-74.00805100000001, 40.7393804]]); const lineLength = length(line); const inboundBearing = sharedstreets.inboundBearing(line, lineLength, lineLength); const outboundBearing = sharedstreets.outboundBearing(line, lineLength, 0); const distanceToNextRef = sharedstreets.distanceToNextRef(line); t.equal(outboundBearing, 269); // => 269 Java Implementation t.equal(inboundBearing, 269); // => 267 Java Implementation t.equal(distanceToNextRef, 13502); // => 13502 Java Implementation t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- round", (t:any) => { t.equal(Number(sharedstreets.round(10.123456789)), 10.12346); t.end(); }); test("sharedstreets -- closed loops - Issue #8", (t:any) => { // const line = lineString([ [-79.549159053, 43.615639543], [-79.548687537, 43.615687142], [-79.547733353, 43.615744613], [-79.548036429, 43.614913292], [-79.549024608, 43.615542992], [-79.549159053, 43.615639543], ]); t.assert(sharedstreets.forwardReference(line)); t.assert(sharedstreets.backReference(line)); t.end(); }); // cache module tests test("tiles -- generate tile ids ", (t:any) => { // test polygon (dc area) var poloygon:turfHelpers.Feature = { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [[-77.0511531829834,38.88588861057251], [-77.00746536254883, 38.88588861057251], [-77.00746536254883, 38.91407701203291], [-77.0511531829834, 38.91407701203291], [-77.0511531829834,38.88588861057251]] ] } }; // test tiles for polygon var tiles1 = getTileIdsForPolygon(poloygon); t.deepEqual(tiles1, ["12-1171-1566","12-1171-1567"]); // test buffering var tiles2 = getTileIdsForPolygon(poloygon, 10000); t.deepEqual(tiles2, ["12-1170-1566","12-1170-1567","12-1171-1566","12-1171-1567","12-1172-1566","12-1172-1567"]); // test polygon (dc area) var point = turfHelpers.point([ -77.0511531829834, 38.88588861057251]); // test tiles for point var tiles3 = getTileIdsForPoint(point, 10); t.deepEqual(tiles3, ["12-1171-1567"]); // test buffering var tiles4 = getTileIdsForPoint(point, 10000); t.deepEqual(tiles4, ["12-1170-1566","12-1170-1567","12-1170-1568","12-1171-1566","12-1171-1567","12-1171-1568","12-1172-1566","12-1172-1567","12-1172-1568"]); t.end(); }); test("tiles -- build tile paths ", (t:any) => { var pathString = 'osm/planet-180430/12-1171-1566.geometry.6.pbf'; // test path parsing var tilePath = new TilePath(pathString); t.deepEqual(tilePath, {"tileId":"12-1171-1566","tileType":"geometry","source":"osm/planet-180430","tileHierarchy":6}); // test path string builder var pathString2 = tilePath.toPathString(); t.equal(pathString, pathString2); // test path group var pathGroup = new TilePathGroup([tilePath]); t.deepEqual(pathGroup, { source: 'osm/planet-180430', tileHierarchy: 6, tileTypes: ['geometry'], tileIds: ['12-1171-1566']}); // test path gruop eumeration t.deepEqual([...pathGroup], [{ source: 'osm/planet-180430', tileHierarchy: 6, tileType: 'geometry', tileId: '12-1171-1566' }]); t.end(); }); test("tiles -- fetch/parse protobuf filese", async (t:any) => { // get data var tilePath = new TilePath('osm/planet-180430/12-1171-1566.geometry.6.pbf'); var data = await getTile(tilePath); t.equal(data.length, 7352); t.end(); }); test("cache -- load data", async (t:any) => { // test polygon (dc area) var polygon:turfHelpers.Feature = { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [[-77.0511531829834,38.88588861057251], [-77.00746536254883, 38.88588861057251], [-77.00746536254883, 38.91407701203291], [-77.0511531829834, 38.91407701203291], [-77.0511531829834,38.88588861057251]] ] } }; var tilesIds = getTileIdsForPolygon(polygon); var params = new TilePathParams(); params.source = 'osm/planet-180430'; params.tileHierarchy = 6; var tilePathGroup:TilePathGroup = TilePathGroup.fromPolygon(polygon, 0, params); tilePathGroup.addType(TileType.GEOMETRY); var tileIndex = new TileIndex(); await tileIndex.indexTilesByPathGroup(tilePathGroup); t.equal(tileIndex.tiles.size, 2); tilePathGroup.addType(TileType.INTERSECTION); await tileIndex.indexTilesByPathGroup(tilePathGroup); t.equal(tileIndex.tiles.size, 4); var data = await tileIndex.intersects(polygon, TileType.GEOMETRY, 0, params); t.equal(data.features.length, 2102); var data = await tileIndex.intersects(polygon, TileType.INTERSECTION, 0, params); t.equal(data.features.length,1162); t.end(); }); test("tileIndex -- point data", async (t:any) => { // test polygon (dc area) const content = fs.readFileSync('test/geojson/'); var points:turfHelpers.FeatureCollection = JSON.parse(content.toLocaleString()); var params = new TilePathParams(); params.source = 'osm/planet-180430'; params.tileHierarchy = 6; // test nearby var tileIndex = new TileIndex(); var featureCount = 0; for(var point of points.features) { var foundFeatures = await tileIndex.nearby(point, TileType.GEOMETRY, 10, params); featureCount += foundFeatures.features.length; } t.equal(featureCount,3); t.end(); });