import * as turfHelpers from '@turf/helpers'; import { TilePathParams, TilePathGroup, TileType } from './tiles'; import { existsSync, mkdirSync, open, createWriteStream, rmdirSync } from 'fs'; import { LevelUp } from 'levelup'; import { TileIndex } from './tile_index'; import { lonlatsToCoords } from './index'; import { SharedStreetsGeometry, SharedStreetsReference, RoadClass } from 'sharedstreets-types'; import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import length from '@turf/length'; import distance from '@turf/distance'; import envelope from '@turf/envelope'; import lineSliceAlong from '@turf/line-slice-along'; import along from '@turf/along'; import bearing from '@turf/bearing'; import nearestPointOnLine from '@turf/nearest-point-on-line'; const { exec } = require('child_process'); const OSRM = require("osrm"); const xml = require('xml'); const stream = require('stream'); const levelup = require('levelup'); const leveldown = require('leveldown'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); import * as fs from "fs"; import Match from './commands/match'; import { rmse, resolveHome } from './util'; import { LineString } from '@turf/buffer/node_modules/@turf/helpers'; const uuidHash = require('uuid-by-string'); const nodeModules = require('global-modules'); const yarnModules = require('yarn-global') const DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS = 10; const MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.5; const OPTIMIZE_GRAPH = true; const USE_LOCAL_CACHE = true; const SHST_GRAPH_CACHE_DIR = resolveHome('~/.shst/cache/graphs/'); function getOSRMDirectory() { if(fs.existsSync('node_modules/osrm/')) { return 'node_modules/osrm/'; } else if(fs.existsSync(path.join(nodeModules, 'osrm/'))) { return path.join(nodeModules, 'osrm/'); } else if(fs.existsSync(path.join(yarnModules.getDirectory(), 'osrm/'))) { return path.join(yarnModules.getDirectory(), 'osrm/'); } else { return null } } const OSRM_DIR = getOSRMDirectory(); export enum MatchType { DIRECT = 'direct', HMM = 'hmm' } export enum GraphMode { CAR_ALL = 'car_all', CAR_SURFACE_ONLY = 'car_surface_only', CAR_MOTORWAY_ONLY = 'car_motorway_only', BIKE = 'bike', PEDESTRIAN = 'ped' } // interface typecheck for SharedStreetsGeometry function geomInstance(object: any): object is SharedStreetsGeometry { return 'forwardReferenceId' in object; } function getReferenceLength(ref:SharedStreetsReference) { var length = 0; for(var lr of ref.locationReferences) { if(lr.distanceToNextRef) length += lr.distanceToNextRef; } return length / 100; } const DEFAULT_LENGTH_TOLERANCE = 0.1; const DEFUALT_CANDIDATES = 10; const DEFAULT_BEARING_TOLERANCE = 15; // 360 +/- tolerance const MAX_FEATURE_LENGTH = 15000; // 1km const MAX_SEARCH_RADIUS = 100; const MAX_LENGTH_TOLERANCE = 0.5; const MAX_CANDIDATES = 10; const MAX_BEARING_TOLERANCE = 180; // 360 +/- tolerance const REFERNECE_GEOMETRY_OFFSET = 2; const MAX_ROUTE_QUERIES = 16; // TODO need to pull this from PBF enum defintion // @property {number} Motorway=0 Motorway value // * @property {number} Trunk=1 Trunk value // * @property {number} Primary=2 Primary value // * @property {number} Secondary=3 Secondary value // * @property {number} Tertiary=4 Tertiary value // * @property {number} Residential=5 Residential value // * @property {number} Unclassified=6 Unclassified value // * @property {number} Service=7 Service value // * @property {number} Other=8 Other value function roadClassConverter(roadClass:string):number { if(roadClass === 'Motorway') return 0; else if(roadClass === 'Trunk') return 1; else if(roadClass === 'Primary') return 2; else if(roadClass === 'Secondary') return 3; else if(roadClass === 'Tertiary') return 4; else if(roadClass === 'Residential') return 5; else if(roadClass === 'Unclassified') return 6; else if(roadClass === 'Service') return 7; else return null; } function angleDelta(a1, a2) { var delta = 180 - Math.abs(Math.abs(a1 - a2) - 180); return delta; } function normalizeAngle(a) { if(a < 0) return a + 360; return a; } export enum ReferenceDirection { FORWARD = "forward", BACKWARD = "backward" } export enum ReferenceSideOfStreet { RIGHT = "right", LEFT = "left", UNKNOWN = "unknown" } interface SortableCanddate { score:number; calcScore():number; } export class PointCandidate implements SortableCanddate { score:number; searchPoint:turfHelpers.Feature; pointOnLine:turfHelpers.Feature; snappedPoint:turfHelpers.Feature; geometryId:string; referenceId:string; roadClass:RoadClass; direction:ReferenceDirection; streetname:string; referenceLength:number; location:number; bearing:number; interceptAngle:number; sideOfStreet:ReferenceSideOfStreet; oneway:boolean; calcScore():number { if(!this.score) { // score for snapped points are average of distance to point on line distance and distance to snapped ponit if(this.snappedPoint) this.score = ( + distance(this.searchPoint, this.snappedPoint, {units: 'meters'})) / 2; else this.score =; } return this.score; } toFeature():turfHelpers.Feature { this.calcScore(); var feature:turfHelpers.Feature = turfHelpers.feature(this.pointOnLine.geometry, { score: this.score, location: this.location, referenceLength: this.referenceLength, geometryId: this.geometryId, referenceId: this.referenceId, direction: this.direction, bearing: this.bearing, sideOfStreet: this.sideOfStreet, interceptAngle: this.interceptAngle }); return feature; } } class GraphNode { nodeId:number; shstIntersectionId:string; } class GraphEdge { edgeId:number; shstGeometryId:string; } class GraphNodeEdgeRelations { nodeId:number; edgeIds:number[]; } export class PathSegment { referenceId:string; geometryId:string; roadClass:RoadClass; streetname:string; fromIntersectionId:string; toIntersectionId:string; fromStreetnames:string[]; toStreetnames:string[]; referenceLength:number; point:number; section:number[]; direction:ReferenceDirection; geometry; } export class PathCandidate { matchType:MatchType; confidence:number; score:number; originalFeatureLength:number; pathLength:number; startPoint:PointCandidate; endPoint:PointCandidate; segments:PathSegment[]; originalFeature:turfHelpers.Feature; matchedPath:turfHelpers.Feature; sideOfStreet:ReferenceSideOfStreet; toDebugView():turfHelpers.FeatureCollection { var debugCollection = turfHelpers.featureCollection([this.originalFeature, this.matchedPath]); return debugCollection; } getOriginalFeatureLength() { if(!this.originalFeatureLength) this.originalFeatureLength = length(this.originalFeature, {"units":"meters"}); return this.originalFeatureLength; } getPathLength():number { if(!this.pathLength) { this.pathLength = 0; for(var segment of this.segments) { if(segment.section) this.pathLength = this.pathLength + (segment.section[1] - segment.section[0]); else this.pathLength = this.pathLength + segment.referenceLength; } } return this.pathLength; } getLengthDelta():number { return this.getPathLength() - this.getOriginalFeatureLength(); } isColinear(candidate:PathCandidate):boolean { if(this.segments.length > 0 && candidate.segments.length > 0 && this.segments.length == candidate.segments.length) { var path1GeometryIds:Set = new Set(); var path2GeometryIds:Set = new Set(); for(var segment of this.segments) { path1GeometryIds.add(segment.geometryId); } for(var segment of candidate.segments) { path2GeometryIds.add(segment.geometryId); if(!path1GeometryIds.has(segment.geometryId)) return false; } for(var segment of this.segments) { if(!path2GeometryIds.has(segment.geometryId)) return false; } } else return false; return true; } } export class LevelDB { db; constructor(directory) { this.db = levelup(leveldown(directory)); } async get(key:string):Promise { try { var data = await this.db.get(key); return data.toString(); } catch(error) { return null; } } async put(key:string, data:any) { return await this.db.put(key, data); } async has(key:string):Promise { try { await this.db.get(key); return true; } catch(error) { return null; } } } function streamPromise(stream) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.on('end', () => { resolve('end'); }); stream.on('error', (error) => { reject(error); }); }); } export class Graph { id:string; db:LevelDB; osrm; tilePathGroup:TilePathGroup; tileIndex:TileIndex; graphMode:GraphMode; // options searchRadius = DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS; snapIntersections = false; useHMM = true; useDirect = true; bearingTolerance:number = DEFAULT_BEARING_TOLERANCE; tileParams; constructor(extent:turfHelpers.Feature, tileParams:TilePathParams, graphMode:GraphMode=GraphMode.CAR_ALL, existingTileIndex:TileIndex=null, ) { this.tileParams = tileParams; this.tilePathGroup = TilePathGroup.fromPolygon(extent, 1000, tileParams); this.tilePathGroup.addType(TileType.GEOMETRY); this.tilePathGroup.addType(TileType.REFERENCE); this.graphMode = graphMode; var paths:string[] = []; for(var path of this.tilePathGroup) { paths.push(path.toPathString()); } if(existingTileIndex) { this.tileIndex = existingTileIndex; } else { this.tileIndex = new TileIndex(); } // create id from tile path hash = uuidHash(this.graphMode + ' node-pair.sv1 ' + paths.join(" ")); } async createGraphXml() { // build xml representation of graph + leveldb id map var graphPath = path.join(SHST_GRAPH_CACHE_DIR,; var nextNodeId:number = 1; var nextEdgeId:number = 1; var xmlPath = path.join(graphPath, '/graph.xml'); // create xml stream const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline); var xmlStreamWriter = createWriteStream(xmlPath); var osmRootElem = xml.element({ _attr: { version: '0.6', generator: 'shst cli v1.0'} }); var xmlStream = xml({ osm: osmRootElem }, { stream: true }); xmlStream.on('data', function (chunk) {xmlStreamWriter.write(chunk)}); const writeNode = async (lon:number, lat:number, shstIntersectionId:string=null):Promise => { var nodeId:number; // check if intersection node already written if(shstIntersectionId && await this.db.has(shstIntersectionId)) { var node:GraphNode = JSON.parse(await this.db.get(shstIntersectionId)); nodeId = node.nodeId; } else { nodeId = nextNodeId; var newNode:GraphNode = new GraphNode(); newNode.nodeId = nodeId; if(shstIntersectionId) { newNode.shstIntersectionId = shstIntersectionId; await this.db.put(shstIntersectionId, JSON.stringify(newNode)); } await this.db.put('node:' + nodeId, JSON.stringify(newNode)); // write node xml osmRootElem.push({ node: [{_attr:{id:nodeId, lat:lat, lon:lon}}] }); nextNodeId++; } return nodeId; }; const pushNodePair = async (nodePairId, refId) => { if(await this.db.has(nodePairId)) { var existingEdges = JSON.parse(await this.db.get(nodePairId)); existingEdges.push(refId) await this.db.put(nodePairId, JSON.stringify(existingEdges)); } else { await this.db.put(nodePairId, JSON.stringify([refId])); } } for(var obj of this.tileIndex.objectIndex.values()) { if(geomInstance(obj)) { if(obj.roadClass == 'Motorway') { if(this.graphMode != GraphMode.CAR_ALL && this.graphMode != GraphMode.CAR_MOTORWAY_ONLY) { continue; } } else { if(this.graphMode == GraphMode.CAR_MOTORWAY_ONLY) { continue; } } if(obj.roadClass == 'Other') { if(this.graphMode != GraphMode.BIKE && this.graphMode != GraphMode.PEDESTRIAN) { continue; } } // iterate through coordinates and build nodes var coords:number[][] = lonlatsToCoords(obj.lonlats); var nodeIds = []; for(var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { var shstIntersectionId = null; if(i === 0) shstIntersectionId = obj.fromIntersectionId; else if(i === coords.length - 1) shstIntersectionId = obj.toIntersectionId; var nodeId = await writeNode(coords[i][0], coords[i][1], shstIntersectionId); nodeIds.push(nodeId); } // var edge:GraphEdge = new GraphEdge(); // edge.shstGeometryId =; // edge.edgeId = nextEdgeId; // await this.db.put(, JSON.stringify(edge)); // await this.db.put('edge:' + edge.edgeId, JSON.stringify(edge)); var nodeIdElems:{}[] = []; var previousNode = null; for(nodeId of nodeIds) { //var nodeEdgeRelation:GraphNodeEdgeRelations; // if(await this.db.has('node-edges:' + nodeId)){ // // insert new edge into existing node-edge relation set for node id // nodeEdgeRelation = JSON.parse(await this.db.get('node-edges:' + nodeId)) // var edgeIds = new Set(nodeEdgeRelation.edgeIds); // edgeIds.add(edge.edgeId); // nodeEdgeRelation.edgeIds = [...edgeIds.values()]; // } // else { // // create node-edge relation set for node id // nodeEdgeRelation = new GraphNodeEdgeRelations(); // nodeEdgeRelation.nodeId = nodeId; // nodeEdgeRelation.edgeIds = [edge.edgeId]; // } // await this.db.put('node-edges:' + nodeId, JSON.stringify(nodeEdgeRelation)); nodeIdElems.push({nd:[{_attr:{ref:nodeId}}]}); if(previousNode) { pushNodePair('node-pair:' + nodeId + '-' + previousNode, obj.forwardReferenceId); if(obj.backReferenceId) pushNodePair('node-pair:' + previousNode + '-' + nodeId , obj.backReferenceId); } previousNode = nodeId; } var oneWay = obj.backReferenceId ? 'no' : 'yes'; var roadClass = obj.roadClass.toLocaleLowerCase(); if(roadClass == "other") roadClass = "path"; // TODO add bike/ped modal restrictions to paths osmRootElem.push({way:[{_attr:{id:nextEdgeId}},{tag:{_attr:{k:'highway', v:roadClass}}},{tag:{_attr:{k:'oneway', v:oneWay}}},...nodeIdElems]}); nextEdgeId++; } } const writeFinished = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { xmlStreamWriter.on('finish', () => { resolve(xmlPath); }); }); osmRootElem.close(); xmlStreamWriter.close(); //xmlStream.end(); return writeFinished; } async buildGraph() { // check if graph is already built; if(this.osrm) return; try { var graphPath = path.join(SHST_GRAPH_CACHE_DIR,; var dbPath = path.join(graphPath, '/db'); await this.tileIndex.indexTilesByPathGroup(this.tilePathGroup) if(USE_LOCAL_CACHE && existsSync(dbPath)) { var osrmPath = path.join(graphPath, '/graph.xml.osrm'); console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" loading pre-built " + this.graphMode + " graph from: " + osrmPath)); this.db = new LevelDB(dbPath); if(OPTIMIZE_GRAPH) this.osrm = new OSRM({path:osrmPath}); else this.osrm = new OSRM({path:osrmPath, algorithm:"MLD"}); } else { if(!OSRM_DIR) { console.log("unable to locate OSRM module.") throw "unable to locate OSRM module." } // TODO before building, check if this graph is a subset of an existing graph console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" building graph using OSRM from: " + OSRM_DIR)); mkdirSync(dbPath, {recursive:true}); this.db = new LevelDB(dbPath) console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" building " + this.graphMode + " graph xml...")); var xmlPath = await this.createGraphXml(); //extract console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" building " + this.graphMode + " graph from: " + xmlPath)); var profile; if(this.graphMode === GraphMode.CAR_ALL || this.graphMode === GraphMode.CAR_SURFACE_ONLY || this.graphMode === GraphMode.CAR_MOTORWAY_ONLY) profile = path.join(OSRM_DIR, 'profiles/car.lua'); else if(this.graphMode === GraphMode.BIKE) profile = path.join(OSRM_DIR, 'profiles/bicycle.lua'); else if(this.graphMode === GraphMode.PEDESTRIAN) profile = path.join(OSRM_DIR, 'profiles/foot.lua'); execSync(path.join(OSRM_DIR, 'lib/binding/osrm-extract') + ' ' + xmlPath + ' -p ' + profile); var osrmPath:any = xmlPath + '.osrm'; if(OPTIMIZE_GRAPH) { console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" optimizing graph...")); execSync(path.join(OSRM_DIR, 'lib/binding/osrm-contract') + ' ' + osrmPath); this.osrm = new OSRM({path:osrmPath}); } else { execSync(path.join(OSRM_DIR, 'lib/binding/osrm-partition') + ' ' + osrmPath); execSync(path.join(OSRM_DIR, 'lib/binding/osrm-customize') + ' ' + osrmPath); console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" skipping graph optimization...")); this.osrm = new OSRM({path:osrmPath, algorithm:"MLD"}); } } } catch(e) { console.log("Unable to build graph: " + e); console.log("Try deleting existing cached graph: " + graphPath); } } async matchTrace(feature:turfHelpers.Feature) { // fall back to hmm for probabilistic path discovery if(!this.osrm) throw "Graph not buit. call buildGraph() before running queries." var hmmOptions = { coordinates: feature.geometry.coordinates, annotations: true, geometries: 'geojson', radiuses: Array(feature.geometry.coordinates.length).fill(this.searchRadius) }; try { var matches = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.osrm.match(hmmOptions, function(err, response) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(response) }); }); var visitedEdges:Set = new Set(); var visitedEdgeList:string[] = []; if(matches['matchings'] && matches['matchings'].length > 0) { var match = matches['matchings'][0]; if(0 < match.confidence ) { // this is kind of convoluted due to the sparse info returned in the OSRM annotations... // write out sequence of nodes and edges as emitted from walking OSRM-returned nodes // finding the actual posistion and directionality of the OSRM-edge within the ShSt graph // edge means that we have to snap start/end points in the OSRM geom //console.log(JSON.stringify(match.geometry)); var edgeCandidates; var nodes:number[] = []; var visitedNodes:Set = new Set(); // ooof this is brutual -- need to unpack legs and reduce list... for(var leg of match['legs']) { //console.log(leg['annotation']['nodes']) for(var n of leg['annotation']['nodes']){ if(!visitedNodes.has(n) || nodes.length == 0) nodes.push(n); visitedNodes.add(n); } } // then group node pairs into unique edges... var previousNode = null; for(var nodeId of nodes) { if(await this.db.has('node:' + nodeId)) { if(previousNode) { if(await this.db.has('node-pair:' + nodeId + '-' + previousNode)) { var edges = JSON.parse(await this.db.get('node-pair:' + nodeId + '-' + previousNode)); for(var edge of edges) { if(!visitedEdges.has(edge)) visitedEdgeList.push(edge); visitedEdges.add(edge); } } } previousNode = nodeId; } } } } var pathCandidate = new PathCandidate(); pathCandidate.matchType = MatchType.HMM; pathCandidate.confidence = match.confidence; pathCandidate.originalFeature = feature; pathCandidate.segments = []; var segmentGeoms:turfHelpers.Feature = turfHelpers.multiLineString([]); for(var edgeReferenceId of visitedEdgeList) { var edgeRef = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(edgeReferenceId); var edgeGeom = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(edgeRef.geometryId); var pathSegment:PathSegment = new PathSegment(); pathSegment.geometryId =; pathSegment.referenceId = edgeReferenceId; // TODO calc directionality from graph edge trajectory possible... pathCandidate.segments.push(pathSegment); var segementGeom = >this.tileIndex.featureIndex.get(; segmentGeoms.geometry.coordinates.push(segementGeom.geometry.coordinates) } if(pathCandidate.segments.length > 0) pathCandidate.matchedPath = segmentGeoms; return pathCandidate; } catch(e) { return null; } } async matchGeom(feature:turfHelpers.Feature) { var pathCandidates:PathCandidate[] = []; // fall back to hmm for probabilistic path discovery if(!this.osrm) throw "Graph not buit. call buildGraph() before running queries." var hmmOptions = { coordinates: feature.geometry.coordinates, annotations: true, geometries: 'geojson', radiuses: Array(feature.geometry.coordinates.length).fill(this.searchRadius) }; try { var matches = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.osrm.match(hmmOptions, function(err, response) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(response) }); }); var visitedEdges:Set = new Set(); var visitedEdgeList:string[] = []; if(matches['matchings'] && matches['matchings'].length > 0) { var match = matches['matchings'][0]; if(0 < match.confidence ) { // this is kind of convoluted due to the sparse info returned in the OSRM annotations... // write out sequence of nodes and edges as emitted from walking OSRM-returned nodes // finding the actual posistion and directionality of the OSRM-edge within the ShSt graph // edge means that we have to snap start/end points in the OSRM geom //console.log(JSON.stringify(match.geometry)); var edgeCandidates; var nodes:number[] = []; var visitedNodes:Set = new Set(); // ooof this is brutual -- need to unpack legs and reduce list... for(var leg of match['legs']) { //console.log(leg['annotation']['nodes']) for(var n of leg['annotation']['nodes']){ if(!visitedNodes.has(n) || nodes.length == 0) nodes.push(n); visitedNodes.add(n); } } // then group node pairs into unique edges... var previousNode = null; for(var nodeId of nodes) { if(await this.db.has('node:' + nodeId)) { if(previousNode) { if(await this.db.has('node-pair:' + nodeId + '-' + previousNode)) { var edges = JSON.parse(await this.db.get('node-pair:' + nodeId + '-' + previousNode)); for(var edge of edges) { if(!visitedEdges.has(edge)) visitedEdgeList.push(edge); visitedEdges.add(edge); } } } previousNode = nodeId; } } } } if(visitedEdgeList.length > 0) { var startPoint = turfHelpers.point(feature.geometry.coordinates[0]); var endPoint = turfHelpers.point(feature.geometry.coordinates[feature.geometry.coordinates.length - 1]); var startCandidate:PointCandidate = await this.getPointCandidateFromRefId(startPoint, visitedEdgeList[0], null); var endCandidate:PointCandidate = await this.getPointCandidateFromRefId(endPoint, visitedEdgeList[visitedEdgeList.length - 1], null); var alreadyIncludedPaths:Set = new Set(); var pathCandidate = new PathCandidate(); var matchWorked:boolean = true; pathCandidate.matchType = MatchType.HMM; pathCandidate.score = match.confidence; pathCandidate.originalFeature = feature; pathCandidate.matchedPath = turfHelpers.feature(match.geometry); //console.log(JSON.stringify(pathCandidate.matchedPath)); pathCandidate.segments = []; var length = pathCandidate.getOriginalFeatureLength(); for(var k = 0; k < visitedEdgeList.length; k++) { var pathSegment:PathSegment = new PathSegment(); pathSegment.referenceId = visitedEdgeList[k]; var shstRef = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(visitedEdgeList[k]); pathSegment.referenceId = visitedEdgeList[k]; pathSegment.geometryId = shstRef.geometryId; pathCandidate.segments.push(pathSegment); pathCandidate.segments[k].referenceLength = getReferenceLength(shstRef); } if(pathCandidate.segments.length > 0) { pathCandidate.startPoint = startCandidate; // build directionality into edge sequences for(var k = 0; k < pathCandidate.segments.length; k++) { var edgeGeom = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(pathCandidate.segments[k].geometryId); pathCandidate.segments[k].roadClass = roadClassConverter(edgeGeom.roadClass); // if start and end are on the same graph edge make sure they're the same referenceId/direction if(startCandidate.referenceId == endCandidate.referenceId) { pathCandidate.endPoint = endCandidate; pathCandidate.segments[k].section = [startCandidate.location, endCandidate.location]; } else { if(k == pathCandidate.segments.length - 1) { pathCandidate.endPoint = endCandidate; pathCandidate.segments[k].section = [0, endCandidate.location]; } else if(k == 0) { pathCandidate.segments[k].section = [pathCandidate.startPoint.location, pathCandidate.segments[k].referenceLength]; } else { pathCandidate.segments[k].section = [0, pathCandidate.segments[k].referenceLength]; } } // put to/from on semgnet if(edgeGeom.forwardReferenceId == pathCandidate.segments[k].referenceId) { pathCandidate.segments[k].fromIntersectionId = edgeGeom.fromIntersectionId; pathCandidate.segments[k].toIntersectionId = edgeGeom.toIntersectionId; } else { // reverse to/from for back references pathCandidate.segments[k].fromIntersectionId = edgeGeom.toIntersectionId; pathCandidate.segments[k].toIntersectionId = edgeGeom.fromIntersectionId; } } if(pathCandidate.startPoint.sideOfStreet == pathCandidate.endPoint.sideOfStreet) pathCandidate.sideOfStreet = pathCandidate.startPoint.sideOfStreet; else pathCandidate.sideOfStreet = ReferenceSideOfStreet.UNKNOWN; var startDist = distance(startPoint, startCandidate.pointOnLine, {"units":"meters"}); var endDist = distance(endPoint, endCandidate.pointOnLine, {"units":"meters"}); pathCandidate.score = Math.round((rmse([startDist, endDist, pathCandidate.getLengthDelta()]) * 100)) / 100; pathCandidates.push(pathCandidate); // var refIdHash = uuidHash( => {return value.referenceId; }).join(' ')); // if(matchWorked && !alreadyIncludedPaths.has(refIdHash)) { // alreadyIncludedPaths.add(refIdHash); // bestPathCandidate = pathCandidate; // } } } } catch(e) { // no-op failed to match } if(pathCandidates.length > 0) { var bestPathCandidate = pathCandidates[0]; var cleanedPath = []; var segCoords = []; var totalPathLength = 0; for(var i = 0; i < bestPathCandidate.segments.length; i++) { totalPathLength += bestPathCandidate.segments[i].section[1] - bestPathCandidate.segments[i].section[0]; } for(var i = 0; i < bestPathCandidate.segments.length; i++) { var segment = bestPathCandidate.segments[i]; // adding fudge factor for decimal precision issues if(segment.section[0] < segment.section[1] + this.searchRadius && segment.section[1] <= segment.referenceLength + this.searchRadius && segment.section[0] + this.searchRadius >= 0) { if(this.snapIntersections && (totalPathLength > this.searchRadius)) { if(i == 0 && segment.referenceLength - segment.section[0] < this.searchRadius) continue; if(i == 0 && segment.section[0] < this.searchRadius) segment.section[0] = 0; if(i == bestPathCandidate.segments.length -1 && segment.section[1] < this.searchRadius) continue; if(i == bestPathCandidate.segments.length -1 && segment.referenceLength - segment.section[1] < this.searchRadius) segment.section[1] = segment.referenceLength; if( i > 0 && i < bestPathCandidate.segments.length -1) { segment.section[0] = 0; segment.section[1] = segment.referenceLength; } } if(segment.section[0] == segment.section[1]) continue; segment.geometry = await this.tileIndex.geom(segment.referenceId, segment.section[0], segment.section[1]); if(segment.geometry) { cleanedPath.push(segment); segCoords.push(segment.geometry.geometry.coordinates) } } } bestPathCandidate.segments = cleanedPath; if(cleanedPath.length == 0) return null; if(segCoords.length > 0) { var segmentGeoms:turfHelpers.Feature = turfHelpers.multiLineString([]); segmentGeoms.geometry.coordinates = [...segCoords]; bestPathCandidate.matchedPath = segmentGeoms; } } return bestPathCandidate; } directionForRefId(refId:string):ReferenceDirection { var ref = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(refId); if(ref) { var geom:SharedStreetsGeometry = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(ref['geometryId']); if(geom) { if(geom['forwardReferenceId'] === ref['id']) return ReferenceDirection.FORWARD else if(geom['backReferenceId'] === ref['id']) return ReferenceDirection.BACKWARD } } return null; } toIntersectionIdForRefId(refId:string):string { var ref:SharedStreetsReference = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(refId); return ref.locationReferences[ref.locationReferences.length - 1].intersectionId; } fromIntersectionIdForRefId(refId:string):string { var ref:SharedStreetsReference = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(refId); return ref.locationReferences[0].intersectionId; } async getPointCandidateFromRefId(searchPoint:turfHelpers.Feature, refId:string, searchBearing:number):Promise { var reference = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(refId); var geometry = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(reference.geometryId); var geometryFeature = >this.tileIndex.featureIndex.get(reference.geometryId); var direction = ReferenceDirection.FORWARD; if(geometry.backReferenceId && geometry.backReferenceId === refId) direction = ReferenceDirection.BACKWARD; var pointOnLine = nearestPointOnLine(geometryFeature, searchPoint, {units:'meters'}); if( < this.searchRadius) { var refLength = 0; for(var lr of reference.locationReferences) { if(lr.distanceToNextRef) refLength = refLength + (lr.distanceToNextRef / 100); } var interceptBearing = normalizeAngle(bearing(pointOnLine, searchPoint)); var i =; if(geometryFeature.geometry.coordinates.length <= i + 1) i = i - 1; var lineBearing = bearing(geometryFeature.geometry.coordinates[i], geometryFeature.geometry.coordinates[i + 1]); if(direction === ReferenceDirection.BACKWARD) lineBearing += 180; lineBearing = normalizeAngle(lineBearing); var pointCandidate:PointCandidate = new PointCandidate(); pointCandidate.searchPoint = searchPoint; pointCandidate.pointOnLine = pointOnLine; pointCandidate.geometryId =; pointCandidate.referenceId =; pointCandidate.roadClass = roadClassConverter(geometry.roadClass); // if(this.includeStreetnames) { // var metadata = await this.cache.metadataById(pointCandidate.geometryId); // pointCandidate.streetname =; // } pointCandidate.direction = direction; pointCandidate.referenceLength = refLength; if(direction === ReferenceDirection.FORWARD) pointCandidate.location =; else pointCandidate.location = refLength -; pointCandidate.bearing = normalizeAngle(lineBearing); pointCandidate.interceptAngle = normalizeAngle(interceptBearing - lineBearing); pointCandidate.sideOfStreet = ReferenceSideOfStreet.UNKNOWN; if(pointCandidate.interceptAngle < 180) { pointCandidate.sideOfStreet = ReferenceSideOfStreet.RIGHT; } if(pointCandidate.interceptAngle > 180) { pointCandidate.sideOfStreet = ReferenceSideOfStreet.LEFT; } if(geometry.backReferenceId) pointCandidate.oneway = false; else pointCandidate.oneway = true; // check bearing and add to candidate list if(!searchBearing || angleDelta(searchBearing, lineBearing) < this.bearingTolerance) return pointCandidate; } return null; } getPointCandidateFromGeom(searchPoint:turfHelpers.Feature, pointOnLine:turfHelpers.Feature, candidateGeom:SharedStreetsGeometry, candidateGeomFeature:turfHelpers.Feature, searchBearing:number, direction:ReferenceDirection):PointCandidate { if( < this.searchRadius) { var reference:SharedStreetsReference; if(direction === ReferenceDirection.FORWARD) { reference = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(candidateGeom.forwardReferenceId); } else { if(candidateGeom.backReferenceId) reference = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(candidateGeom.backReferenceId); else return null; // no back-reference } var refLength = 0; for(var lr of reference.locationReferences) { if(lr.distanceToNextRef) refLength = refLength + (lr.distanceToNextRef / 100); } var interceptBearing = normalizeAngle(bearing(pointOnLine, searchPoint)); var i =; if(candidateGeomFeature.geometry.coordinates.length <= i + 1) i = i - 1; var lineBearing = bearing(candidateGeomFeature.geometry.coordinates[i], candidateGeomFeature.geometry.coordinates[i + 1]); if(direction === ReferenceDirection.BACKWARD) lineBearing += 180; lineBearing = normalizeAngle(lineBearing); var pointCandidate:PointCandidate = new PointCandidate(); pointCandidate.searchPoint = searchPoint; pointCandidate.pointOnLine = pointOnLine; pointCandidate.geometryId =; pointCandidate.referenceId =; pointCandidate.roadClass = roadClassConverter(candidateGeom.roadClass); // if(this.includeStreetnames) { // var metadata = await this.cache.metadataById(pointCandidate.geometryId); // pointCandidate.streetname =; // } pointCandidate.direction = direction; pointCandidate.referenceLength = refLength; if(direction === ReferenceDirection.FORWARD) pointCandidate.location =; else pointCandidate.location = refLength -; pointCandidate.bearing = normalizeAngle(lineBearing); pointCandidate.interceptAngle = normalizeAngle(interceptBearing - lineBearing); pointCandidate.sideOfStreet = ReferenceSideOfStreet.UNKNOWN; if(pointCandidate.interceptAngle < 180) { pointCandidate.sideOfStreet = ReferenceSideOfStreet.RIGHT; } if(pointCandidate.interceptAngle > 180) { pointCandidate.sideOfStreet = ReferenceSideOfStreet.LEFT; } if(candidateGeom.backReferenceId) pointCandidate.oneway = false; else pointCandidate.oneway = true; // check bearing and add to candidate list if(!searchBearing || angleDelta(searchBearing, lineBearing) < this.bearingTolerance) return pointCandidate; } return null; } async matchPoint(searchPoint:turfHelpers.Feature, searchBearing:number, maxCandidates:number):Promise { this.tileIndex.addTileType(TileType.REFERENCE); var candidateFeatures = await this.tileIndex.nearby(searchPoint, TileType.GEOMETRY, this.searchRadius, this.tileParams); var candidates:PointCandidate[] = new Array(); if(candidateFeatures && candidateFeatures.features) { for(var candidateFeature of candidateFeatures.features) { var candidateGeom:SharedStreetsGeometry = this.tileIndex.objectIndex.get(; var candidateGeomFeature:turfHelpers.Feature = >this.tileIndex.featureIndex.get(; var pointOnLine = nearestPointOnLine(candidateGeomFeature, searchPoint, {units:'meters'}); var forwardCandidate = await this.getPointCandidateFromGeom(searchPoint, pointOnLine, candidateGeom, candidateGeomFeature, searchBearing, ReferenceDirection.FORWARD); var backwardCandidate = await this.getPointCandidateFromGeom(searchPoint, pointOnLine, candidateGeom, candidateGeomFeature, searchBearing, ReferenceDirection.BACKWARD); if(forwardCandidate != null) { var snapped = false; if(this.snapIntersections) { if(forwardCandidate.location < this.searchRadius) { var snappedForwardCandidate1 = Object.assign(new PointCandidate, forwardCandidate); snappedForwardCandidate1.location = 0; snappedForwardCandidate1.snappedPoint = along(candidateGeomFeature, 0, {"units":"meters"}); candidates.push(snappedForwardCandidate1); snapped = true; } if(forwardCandidate.referenceLength - forwardCandidate.location < this.searchRadius) { var snappedForwardCandidate2 = Object.assign(new PointCandidate, forwardCandidate); snappedForwardCandidate2.location = snappedForwardCandidate2.referenceLength; snappedForwardCandidate2.snappedPoint = along(candidateGeomFeature, snappedForwardCandidate2.referenceLength, {"units":"meters"}); candidates.push(snappedForwardCandidate2); snapped = true; } } if(!snapped) { candidates.push(forwardCandidate); } } if(backwardCandidate != null) { var snapped = false; if(this.snapIntersections) { if(backwardCandidate.location < this.searchRadius) { var snappedBackwardCandidate1:PointCandidate = Object.assign(new PointCandidate, backwardCandidate); snappedBackwardCandidate1.location = 0; // not reversing the geom so snap to end on backRefs snappedBackwardCandidate1.snappedPoint = along(candidateGeomFeature, snappedBackwardCandidate1.referenceLength, {"units":"meters"}); candidates.push(snappedBackwardCandidate1); snapped = true; } if(backwardCandidate.referenceLength - backwardCandidate.location < this.searchRadius) { var snappedBackwardCandidate2 = Object.assign(new PointCandidate, backwardCandidate); snappedBackwardCandidate2.location = snappedBackwardCandidate2.referenceLength; // not reversing the geom so snap to start on backRefs snappedBackwardCandidate2.snappedPoint = along(candidateGeomFeature, 0, {"units":"meters"}); candidates.push(snappedBackwardCandidate2); snapped = true; } } if(!snapped) { candidates.push(backwardCandidate); } } } } var sortedCandidates = candidates.sort((p1, p2) => { p1.calcScore(); p2.calcScore(); if(p1.score > p2.score) { return 1; } if(p1.score < p2.score) { return -1; } return 0; }); if(sortedCandidates.length > maxCandidates) { sortedCandidates = sortedCandidates.slice(0, maxCandidates); } return sortedCandidates; } }